blob: 1f4a9d60d049a96efbb7e51d315671e1d6f99abf [file] [log] [blame]
package cap
import (
// Launcher holds a configuration for executing an optional callback
// function and/or launching a child process with capability state
// different from the parent.
// Note, go1.10 is the earliest version of the Go toolchain that can
// support this abstraction.
type Launcher struct {
// Note, path and args must be set, or callbackFn. They cannot
// both be empty. In such cases .Launch() will error out.
path string
args []string
env []string
callbackFn func(pa *syscall.ProcAttr, data interface{}) error
// The following are only honored when path is non empty.
changeUIDs bool
uid int
changeGIDs bool
gid int
groups []int
changeMode bool
mode Mode
iab *IAB
chroot string
// NewLauncher returns a new launcher for the specified program path
// and args with the specified environment.
func NewLauncher(path string, args []string, env []string) *Launcher {
return &Launcher{
path: path,
args: args,
env: env,
// FuncLauncher returns a new launcher whose purpose is to only
// execute fn in a disposable security context. This is a more bare
// bones variant of the more elaborate program launcher returned by
// cap.NewLauncher().
// Note, this launcher will fully ignore any overrides provided by the
// (*Launcher).SetUID() etc. methods. Should your fn() code want to
// run with a different capability state or other privilege, it should
// use the cap.*() functions to set them directly. The cap package
// will ensure that their effects are limited to the runtime of this
// individual function invocation. Warning: executing non-cap.*()
// syscall functions may corrupt the state of the program runtime and
// lead to unpredictable results.
// The properties of fn are similar to those supplied via
// (*Launcher).Callback(fn) method. However, this launcher is bare
// bones because, when launching, all privilege management performed
// by the fn() is fully discarded when the fn() completes
// exection. That is, it does not end by exec()ing some program.
func FuncLauncher(fn func(interface{}) error) *Launcher {
return &Launcher{
callbackFn: func(ignored *syscall.ProcAttr, data interface{}) error {
return fn(data)
// Callback changes the callback function for Launch() to call before
// changing privilege. The only thing that is assumed is that the OS
// thread in use to call this callback function at launch time will be
// the one that ultimately calls fork to complete the launch of a path
// specified executable. Any returned error value of said function
// will terminate the launch process.
// A nil fn causes there to be no callback function invoked during a
// Launch() sequence - it will remove any pre-existing callback.
// If the non-nil fn requires any effective capabilities in order to
// run, they can be raised prior to calling .Launch() or inside the
// callback function itself.
// If the specified callback fn should call any "cap" package
// functions that change privilege state, these calls will only affect
// the launch goroutine itself. While the launch is in progress, other
// (non-launch) goroutines will block if they attempt to change
// privilege state. These routines will unblock once there are no
// in-flight launches.
// Note, the first argument provided to the callback function is the
// *syscall.ProcAttr value to be used when a process launch is taking
// place. A non-nil structure pointer can be modified by the callback
// to enhance the launch. For example, the .Files field can be
// overriden to affect how the launched process' stdin/out/err are
// handled.
// Further, the 2nd argument to the callback function is provided at
// Launch() invocation and can communicate contextual info to and from
// the callback and the main process.
func (attr *Launcher) Callback(fn func(*syscall.ProcAttr, interface{}) error) {
attr.callbackFn = fn
// SetUID specifies the UID to be used by the launched command.
func (attr *Launcher) SetUID(uid int) {
attr.changeUIDs = true
attr.uid = uid
// SetGroups specifies the GID and supplementary groups for the
// launched command.
func (attr *Launcher) SetGroups(gid int, groups []int) {
attr.changeGIDs = true
attr.gid = gid
attr.groups = groups
// SetMode specifies the libcap Mode to be used by the launched command.
func (attr *Launcher) SetMode(mode Mode) {
attr.changeMode = true
attr.mode = mode
// SetIAB specifies the AIB capability vectors to be inherited by the
// launched command. A nil value means the prevailing vectors of the
// parent will be inherited.
func (attr *Launcher) SetIAB(iab *IAB) {
attr.iab = iab
// SetChroot specifies the chroot value to be used by the launched
// command. An empty value means no-change from the prevailing value.
func (attr *Launcher) SetChroot(root string) {
attr.chroot = root
// lResult is used to get the result from the doomed launcher thread.
type lResult struct {
// tid holds the tid of the locked launching thread which dies
// as the launch completes.
tid int
// pid is the pid of the launched program (path, args). In
// the case of a FuncLaunch() this value is zero on success.
// pid holds -1 in the case of error.
pid int
// err is nil on success, but otherwise holds the reason the
// launch failed.
err error
// ErrLaunchFailed is returned if a launch was aborted with no more
// specific error.
var ErrLaunchFailed = errors.New("launch failed")
// ErrNoLaunch indicates the go runtime available to this binary does
// not reliably support launching. See cap.LaunchSupported.
var ErrNoLaunch = errors.New("launch not supported")
// ErrAmbiguousChroot indicates that the Launcher is being used in
// addition to a callback supplied Chroot. The former should be used
// exclusively for this.
var ErrAmbiguousChroot = errors.New("use Launcher for chroot")
// ErrAmbiguousIDs indicates that the Launcher is being used in
// addition to a callback supplied Credentials. The former should be
// used exclusively for this.
var ErrAmbiguousIDs = errors.New("use Launcher for uids and gids")
// ErrAmbiguousAmbient indicates that the Launcher is being used in
// addition to a callback supplied ambient set and the former should
// be used exclusively in a Launch call.
var ErrAmbiguousAmbient = errors.New("use Launcher for ambient caps")
// lName is the name we temporarily give to the launcher thread. Note,
// this will likely stick around in the process tree if the Go runtime
// is not cleaning up locked launcher OS threads.
var lName = []byte("cap-launcher\000")
// <uapi/linux/prctl.h>
const prSetName = 15
func launch(result chan<- lResult, attr *Launcher, data interface{}, quit chan<- struct{}) {
if quit != nil {
defer close(quit)
pid := syscall.Getpid()
// This code waits until we are not scheduled on the parent
// thread. We will exit this thread once the child has
// launched.
tid := syscall.Gettid()
if tid == pid {
// Force the go runtime to find a new thread to run
// on. (It is really awkward to have a process'
// PID=TID thread in effectively a zomebie state. The
// Go runtime has support for it, but pstree gives
// ugly output since the prSetName value sticks around
// after launch completion...
// (Optimize for time to debug by reducing ugly spam
// like this.)
quit := make(chan struct{})
go launch(result, attr, data, quit)
// Wait for that go routine to complete.
// By never releasing the LockOSThread here, we guarantee that
// the runtime will terminate the current OS thread once this
// function returns.
scwSetState(launchIdle, launchActive, tid)
// Name the launcher thread - transient, but helps to debug if
// the callbackFn or something else hangs up.
singlesc.prctlrcall(prSetName, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&lName[0])), 0)
// Provide a way to serialize the caller on the thread
// completing.
defer close(result)
var pa *syscall.ProcAttr
var err error
var needChroot bool
// Only prepare a non-nil pa value if a path is provided.
if attr.path != "" {
// By default the following file descriptors are preserved for
// the child. The user should modify them in the callback for
// stdin/out/err redirection.
pa = &syscall.ProcAttr{
Files: []uintptr{0, 1, 2},
if len(attr.env) != 0 {
pa.Env = attr.env
} else {
pa.Env = os.Environ()
if attr.callbackFn != nil {
if err = attr.callbackFn(pa, data); err != nil {
goto abort
if attr.path == "" {
pid = 0
goto abort
if needChroot, err = validatePA(pa, attr.chroot); err != nil {
goto abort
if attr.changeUIDs {
if err = singlesc.setUID(attr.uid); err != nil {
goto abort
if attr.changeGIDs {
if err = singlesc.setGroups(attr.gid, attr.groups); err != nil {
goto abort
if attr.changeMode {
if err = singlesc.setMode(attr.mode); err != nil {
goto abort
if attr.iab != nil {
if err = singlesc.iabSetProc(attr.iab); err != nil {
goto abort
if needChroot {
c := GetProc()
if err = c.SetFlag(Effective, true, SYS_CHROOT); err != nil {
goto abort
if err = singlesc.setProc(c); err != nil {
goto abort
pid, err = syscall.ForkExec(attr.path, attr.args, pa)
if err != nil {
pid = -1
result <- lResult{
tid: tid,
pid: pid,
err: err,
// Launch performs a callback function and/or new program launch with
// a disposable security state. The data object, when not nil, can be
// used to communicate with the callback. It can also be used to
// return details from the callback functions execution.
// If the attr was created with NewLauncher(), this present function
// will return the pid of the launched process, or -1 and a non-nil
// error.
// If the attr was created with FuncLauncher(), this present function
// will return 0, nil if the callback function exits without
// error. Otherwise it will return -1 and the non-nil error of the
// callback return value.
// Note, while the disposable security state thread makes some
// oprerations seem more isolated - they are *not securely
// isolated*. Launching is inherently violating the POSIX semantics
// maintained by the rest of the "libcap/cap" package, so think of
// launching as a convenience wrapper around fork()ing.
// Advanced user note: if the caller of this function thinks they know
// what they are doing by using runtime.LockOSThread() before invoking
// this function, they should understand that the OS Thread invoking
// (*Launcher).Launch() is *not guaranteed* to be the one used for the
// disposable security state to perform the launch. If said caller
// needs to run something on the disposable security state thread,
// they should do it via the launch callback function mechanism. (The
// Go runtime is complicated and this is why this Launch mechanism
// provides the optional callback function.)
func (attr *Launcher) Launch(data interface{}) (int, error) {
if !LaunchSupported {
return -1, ErrNoLaunch
if attr.callbackFn == nil && (attr.path == "" || len(attr.args) == 0) {
return -1, ErrLaunchFailed
result := make(chan lResult)
go launch(result, attr, data, nil)
for {
select {
case v, ok := <-result:
if !ok {
return -1, ErrLaunchFailed
if v.tid != -1 {
defer scwSetState(launchActive, launchIdle, v.tid)
return, v.err