[automerger skipped] Mark Android R (rvc-dev-plus-aosp-without-vendor@6692709) as merged am: ab13058e48 -s ours am: f815b33913 -s ours am: 7518289b75 -s ours

am skip reason: Change-Id I4de645b429492f2b3c7764ab34cb8e8c7b2010ba with SHA-1 ab4c5bf8a2 is in history

Original change: https://googleplex-android-review.googlesource.com/c/platform/external/libbrillo/+/12469912

Change-Id: I038f07271240cfd92dc29b196cfc4c841dd7e3cc
tree: 4cf42caf1c41c75a1e31408870cb7bb9bb58f0ca
  1. brillo/
  2. install_attributes/
  3. policy/
  4. Android.bp
  5. BUILD.gn
  6. libpolicy.ver
  10. OWNERS
  11. PRESUBMIT.cfg
  12. README.md
  13. testrunner.cc
  14. testrunner_android.cc

libbrillo: platform utility library

libbrillo is a shared library meant to hold common utility code that we deem useful for platform projects. It supplements the functionality provided by libbase/libchrome since that project, by design, only holds functionality that Chromium (the browser) needs. As a result, this tends to be more OS-centric code.

AOSP Usage

This project is also used by Update Engine which is maintained in AOSP. However, AOSP doesn't use this codebase directly, it maintains its own libbrillo fork.

To help keep the projects in sync, we have a gsubtree set up on our GoB: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/platform2/libbrillo/

This allows AOSP to cherry pick or merge changes directly back into their fork.