blob: 78d4fb4d25594a3aca58dd4ff810f315b8a7b936 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <base/callback_helpers.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <brillo/brillo_export.h>
namespace brillo {
// SecureAllocator is a stateless derivation of std::allocator that clears
// the contents of the object on deallocation. Additionally, to prevent the
// memory from being leaked, we use the following defensive mechanisms:
// 1. Use page-aligned memory so that it can be locked (therefore, use mmap()
// instead of malloc()). Note that mlock()s are not inherited over fork(),
// 2. Always allocate memory in multiples of pages: this adds a memory overhead
// of ~1 page for each object. Moreover, the extra memory is not available
// for the allocated object to expand into: the container expects that the
// memory allocated to it matches the size set in reserve().
// TODO(sarthakkukreti): Figure out if it is possible to propagate the real
// capacity to the container without an intrusive change to the STL.
// [Example: allow __recommend() override in allocators for containers.]
// 3. Mark the memory segments as undumpable, unmergeable.
// this results in a new anonymous vma instead of copying over the contents
// of the secure object after a fork(). By default [MADV_DOFORK], the vma is
// marked as copy-on-write, and the first process which writes to the secure
// object after fork get a new copy. This may break the security guarantees
// setup above. Another alternative is to use MADV_DONTFORK which results in
// the memory mapping not getting copied over to child process at all: this
// may result in cases where if the child process gets segmentation faults
// on attempts to access virtual addresses in the secure object's address
// range,
// With MADV_WIPEONFORK, the child processes can access the secure object
// memory safely, but the contents of the secure object appear as zero to
// the child process. Note that threads share the virtual address space and
// secure objects would be transparent across threads.
// TODO(sarthakkukreti): Figure out patterns to pass secure data over fork().
template <typename T>
class BRILLO_PRIVATE SecureAllocator : public std::allocator<T> {
using typename std::allocator<T>::pointer;
using typename std::allocator<T>::size_type;
using typename std::allocator<T>::value_type;
// Constructors that wrap over std::allocator.
// Make sure that the allocator's static members are only allocated once.
SecureAllocator() noexcept : std::allocator<T>() {}
SecureAllocator(const SecureAllocator& other) noexcept
: std::allocator<T>(other) {}
template <class U>
SecureAllocator(const SecureAllocator<U>& other) noexcept
: std::allocator<T>(other) {}
template <typename U> struct rebind {
typedef SecureAllocator<U> other;
// Return cached max_size. Deprecated in C++17, removed in C++20.
size_type max_size() const { return max_size_; }
// Allocation: allocate ceil(size/pagesize) for holding the data.
pointer allocate(size_type n, pointer hint = nullptr) {
pointer buffer = nullptr;
// Check if n can be theoretically allocated.
CHECK_LT(n, max_size());
// std::allocator is expected to throw a std::bad_alloc on failing to
// allocate the memory correctly. Instead of returning a nullptr, which
// confuses the standard template library, use CHECK(false) to crash on
// the failure path.
base::ScopedClosureRunner fail_on_allocation_error(base::Bind([]() {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to allocate secure memory";
// Check if n = 0: there's nothing to allocate;
if (n == 0)
return nullptr;
// Calculate the page-aligned buffer size.
size_type buffer_size = CalculatePageAlignedBufferSize(n);
// Memory locking granularity is per-page: mmap ceil(size/page size) pages.
buffer = reinterpret_cast<pointer>(
mmap(nullptr, buffer_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
if (buffer == MAP_FAILED)
return nullptr;
// Lock buffer into physical memory.
if (mlock(buffer, buffer_size))
return nullptr;
// Mark memory as non dumpable in a core dump.
if (madvise(buffer, buffer_size, MADV_DONTDUMP))
return nullptr;
// Mark memory as non mergeable with another page, even if the contents
// are the same.
if (madvise(buffer, buffer_size, MADV_UNMERGEABLE)) {
// MADV_UNMERGEABLE is only available if the kernel has been configured
// with CONFIG_KSM set. If the CONFIG_KSM flag has not been set, then
// pages are not mergeable so this madvise option is not necessary.
// In the case where CONFIG_KSM is not set, EINVAL is the error set.
// Since this error value is expected in some cases, we don't return a
// nullptr.
if (errno != EINVAL)
return nullptr;
// Make this mapping available to child processes but don't copy data from
// the secure object's pages during fork. With MADV_DONTFORK, the
// vma is not mapped in the child process which leads to segmentation
// faults if the child process tries to access this address. For example,
// if the parent process creates a SecureObject, forks() and the child
// process tries to call the destructor at the virtual address.
if (madvise(buffer, buffer_size, MADV_WIPEONFORK))
return nullptr;
// Allocation was successful.
return buffer;
// Destroy object before deallocation. Deprecated in C++17, removed in C++20.
// After destroying the object, clear the contents of where the object was
// stored.
template <class U>
void destroy(U* p) {
// Return if the pointer is invalid.
if (!p)
clear_contents(p, sizeof(U));
virtual void deallocate(pointer p, size_type n) {
// Check if n can be theoretically deallocated.
CHECK_LT(n, max_size());
// Check if n = 0 or p is a nullptr: there's nothing to deallocate;
if (n == 0 || !p)
// Calculate the page-aligned buffer size.
size_type buffer_size = CalculatePageAlignedBufferSize(n);
clear_contents(p, buffer_size);
munlock(p, buffer_size);
munmap(p, buffer_size);
// Force memset to not be optimized out.
// Original source commit: 31b02653c2560f8331934e879263beda44c6cc76
// Repo:
#if defined(__clang__)
#define __attribute_no_opt __attribute__((optnone))
#define __attribute_no_opt __attribute__((__optimize__(0)))
// Zero-out all bytes in the allocated buffer.
virtual void __attribute_no_opt clear_contents(pointer v, size_type n) {
if (!v)
memset(v, 0, n);
#undef __attribute_no_opt
// Calculate the page-aligned buffer size.
size_t CalculatePageAlignedBufferSize(size_type n) {
size_type real_size = n * sizeof(value_type);
size_type page_aligned_remainder = real_size % page_size_;
size_type padding =
page_aligned_remainder != 0 ? page_size_ - page_aligned_remainder : 0;
return real_size + padding;
static size_t CalculatePageSize() {
long ret = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); // NOLINT [runtime/int]
// Initialize page size.
CHECK_GT(ret, 0L);
return ret;
// Since the allocator reuses page size and max size consistently,
// cache these values initially and reuse.
static size_t GetMaxSizeForType(size_t page_size) {
// Initialize max size that can be theoretically allocated.
// Calculate the max size that is page-aligned.
size_t max_theoretical_size = std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max();
size_t max_page_aligned_size =
max_theoretical_size - (max_theoretical_size % page_size);
return max_page_aligned_size / sizeof(value_type);
// Page size on system.
static const size_type page_size_;
// Max theoretical count for type on system.
static const size_type max_size_;
// Inline definitions are only allowed for static const members with integral
// constexpr initializers, define static members of SecureAllocator types here.
template <typename T>
const typename SecureAllocator<T>::size_type SecureAllocator<T>::page_size_ =
template <typename T>
const typename SecureAllocator<T>::size_type SecureAllocator<T>::max_size_ =
} // namespace brillo