blob: 11c1bde55b85f9be73769dde7e4e4704cfe42e04 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
* This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
* the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
* was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
* obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
* Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
* PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
#include <array>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
#include <memory>
#include <numeric>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "av1/ratectrl_qmode.h"
#include "av1/reference_manager.h"
#include "test/mock_ratectrl_qmode.h"
#include "test/video_source.h"
#include "third_party/googletest/src/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace {
constexpr int kRefFrameTableSize = 7;
// Reads a whitespace-delimited string from stream, and parses it as a double.
// Returns an empty string if the entire string was successfully parsed as a
// double, or an error messaage if not.
std::string ReadDouble(std::istream &stream, double *value) {
std::string word;
stream >> word;
if (word.empty()) {
return "Unexpectedly reached end of input";
char *end;
*value = std::strtod(word.c_str(), &end);
if (*end != '\0') {
return "Unexpected characters found: " + word;
return "";
void ReadFirstpassInfo(const std::string &filename,
aom::FirstpassInfo *firstpass_info) {
// These golden files are generated by the following command line:
// ./aomenc --width=352 --height=288 --fps=30/1 --limit=250 --codec=av1
// --cpu-used=3 --end-usage=q --cq-level=36 --threads=0 --profile=0
// --lag-in-frames=35 --min-q=0 --max-q=63 --auto-alt-ref=1 --passes=2
// --kf-max-dist=160 --kf-min-dist=0 --drop-frame=0
// --static-thresh=0 --minsection-pct=0 --maxsection-pct=2000
// --arnr-maxframes=7
// --arnr-strength=5 --sharpness=0 --undershoot-pct=100 --overshoot-pct=100
// --frame-parallel=0
// --tile-columns=0 -o output.webm hantro_collage_w352h288.yuv
// First pass stats are written out in av1_get_second_pass_params right after
// calculate_gf_length.
std::string path = libaom_test::GetDataPath() + "/" + filename;
std::ifstream firstpass_stats_file(path);
<< "Error opening " << path << ": " << std::strerror(errno);
firstpass_info->num_mbs_16x16 = (352 / 16 + 1) * (288 / 16 + 1);
std::string newline;
while (std::getline(firstpass_stats_file, newline)) {
std::istringstream iss(newline);
FIRSTPASS_STATS firstpass_stats_input = {};
ASSERT_EQ(ReadDouble(iss, &firstpass_stats_input.frame), "");
ASSERT_EQ(ReadDouble(iss, &firstpass_stats_input.weight), "");
ASSERT_EQ(ReadDouble(iss, &firstpass_stats_input.intra_error), "");
ASSERT_EQ(ReadDouble(iss, &firstpass_stats_input.frame_avg_wavelet_energy),
ASSERT_EQ(ReadDouble(iss, &firstpass_stats_input.coded_error), "");
ASSERT_EQ(ReadDouble(iss, &firstpass_stats_input.sr_coded_error), "");
ASSERT_EQ(ReadDouble(iss, &firstpass_stats_input.pcnt_inter), "");
ASSERT_EQ(ReadDouble(iss, &firstpass_stats_input.pcnt_motion), "");
ASSERT_EQ(ReadDouble(iss, &firstpass_stats_input.pcnt_second_ref), "");
ASSERT_EQ(ReadDouble(iss, &firstpass_stats_input.pcnt_neutral), "");
ASSERT_EQ(ReadDouble(iss, &firstpass_stats_input.intra_skip_pct), "");
ASSERT_EQ(ReadDouble(iss, &firstpass_stats_input.inactive_zone_rows), "");
ASSERT_EQ(ReadDouble(iss, &firstpass_stats_input.inactive_zone_cols), "");
ASSERT_EQ(ReadDouble(iss, &firstpass_stats_input.MVr), "");
ASSERT_EQ(ReadDouble(iss, &firstpass_stats_input.mvr_abs), "");
ASSERT_EQ(ReadDouble(iss, &firstpass_stats_input.MVc), "");
ASSERT_EQ(ReadDouble(iss, &firstpass_stats_input.mvc_abs), "");
ASSERT_EQ(ReadDouble(iss, &firstpass_stats_input.MVrv), "");
ASSERT_EQ(ReadDouble(iss, &firstpass_stats_input.MVcv), "");
ASSERT_EQ(ReadDouble(iss, &firstpass_stats_input.mv_in_out_count), "");
ASSERT_EQ(ReadDouble(iss, &firstpass_stats_input.new_mv_count), "");
ASSERT_EQ(ReadDouble(iss, &firstpass_stats_input.duration), "");
ASSERT_EQ(ReadDouble(iss, &firstpass_stats_input.count), "");
ASSERT_EQ(ReadDouble(iss, &firstpass_stats_input.raw_error_stdev), "");
iss >> firstpass_stats_input.is_flash;
ASSERT_EQ(ReadDouble(iss, &firstpass_stats_input.noise_var), "");
ASSERT_EQ(ReadDouble(iss, &firstpass_stats_input.cor_coeff), "");
ASSERT_TRUE(iss.eof()) << "Too many fields on line "
<< firstpass_info->stats_list.size() + 1 << "\n"
<< newline;
} // namespace
namespace aom {
using ::testing::ElementsAre;
using ::testing::Field;
using ::testing::Return;
constexpr double kErrorEpsilon = 0.000001;
void TestGopDisplayOrder(const GopStruct &gop_struct) {
// Test whether show frames' order indices are sequential
int expected_order_idx = 0;
int expected_show_frame_count = 0;
for (const auto &gop_frame : gop_struct.gop_frame_list) {
if (gop_frame.is_show_frame) {
EXPECT_EQ(gop_frame.order_idx, expected_order_idx);
EXPECT_EQ(gop_struct.show_frame_count, expected_show_frame_count);
void TestGopGlobalOrderIdx(const GopStruct &gop_struct,
int global_order_idx_offset) {
// Test whether show frames' global order indices are sequential
EXPECT_EQ(gop_struct.global_order_idx_offset, global_order_idx_offset);
int expected_global_order_idx = global_order_idx_offset;
for (const auto &gop_frame : gop_struct.gop_frame_list) {
if (gop_frame.is_show_frame) {
EXPECT_EQ(gop_frame.global_order_idx, expected_global_order_idx);
void TestGopGlobalCodingIdx(const GopStruct &gop_struct,
int global_coding_idx_offset) {
EXPECT_EQ(gop_struct.global_coding_idx_offset, global_coding_idx_offset);
for (const auto &gop_frame : gop_struct.gop_frame_list) {
global_coding_idx_offset + gop_frame.coding_idx);
void TestColocatedShowFrame(const GopStruct &gop_struct) {
// Test whether each non show frame has a colocated show frame
int gop_size = static_cast<int>(gop_struct.gop_frame_list.size());
for (int gop_idx = 0; gop_idx < gop_size; ++gop_idx) {
auto &gop_frame = gop_struct.gop_frame_list[gop_idx];
if (gop_frame.is_show_frame == 0) {
bool found_colocated_ref_frame = false;
for (int i = gop_idx + 1; i < gop_size; ++i) {
auto &next_gop_frame = gop_struct.gop_frame_list[i];
if (gop_frame.order_idx == next_gop_frame.order_idx) {
found_colocated_ref_frame = true;
EXPECT_EQ(gop_frame.update_ref_idx, next_gop_frame.colocated_ref_idx);
if (gop_frame.update_ref_idx == next_gop_frame.update_ref_idx) {
void TestLayerDepth(const GopStruct &gop_struct, int max_layer_depth) {
int gop_size = static_cast<int>(gop_struct.gop_frame_list.size());
for (int gop_idx = 0; gop_idx < gop_size; ++gop_idx) {
const auto &gop_frame = gop_struct.gop_frame_list[gop_idx];
if (gop_frame.is_key_frame) {
EXPECT_EQ(gop_frame.layer_depth, 0);
if (gop_frame.is_arf_frame) {
EXPECT_LT(gop_frame.layer_depth, max_layer_depth);
if (!gop_frame.is_key_frame && !gop_frame.is_arf_frame) {
EXPECT_EQ(gop_frame.layer_depth, max_layer_depth);
void TestArfInterval(const GopStruct &gop_struct) {
std::vector<int> arf_order_idx_list;
for (const auto &gop_frame : gop_struct.gop_frame_list) {
if (gop_frame.is_arf_frame) {
std::sort(arf_order_idx_list.begin(), arf_order_idx_list.end());
int arf_count = static_cast<int>(arf_order_idx_list.size());
for (int i = 1; i < arf_count; ++i) {
int arf_interval = arf_order_idx_list[i] - arf_order_idx_list[i - 1];
EXPECT_GE(arf_interval, kMinArfInterval);
TEST(RateControlQModeTest, ConstructGopARF) {
int show_frame_count = 16;
const bool has_key_frame = false;
const int global_coding_idx_offset = 5;
const int global_order_idx_offset = 20;
RefFrameManager ref_frame_manager(kRefFrameTableSize);
GopStruct gop_struct =
ConstructGop(&ref_frame_manager, show_frame_count, has_key_frame,
global_coding_idx_offset, global_order_idx_offset);
EXPECT_EQ(gop_struct.show_frame_count, show_frame_count);
TestGopGlobalOrderIdx(gop_struct, global_order_idx_offset);
TestGopGlobalCodingIdx(gop_struct, global_coding_idx_offset);
const int max_layer_depth =
ref_frame_manager.ForwardMaxSize() + kLayerDepthOffset;
TestLayerDepth(gop_struct, max_layer_depth);
TEST(RateControlQModeTest, ConstructGopKey) {
const int show_frame_count = 16;
const int has_key_frame = 1;
const int global_coding_idx_offset = 10;
const int global_order_idx_offset = 8;
RefFrameManager ref_frame_manager(kRefFrameTableSize);
GopStruct gop_struct =
ConstructGop(&ref_frame_manager, show_frame_count, has_key_frame,
global_coding_idx_offset, global_order_idx_offset);
EXPECT_EQ(gop_struct.show_frame_count, show_frame_count);
TestGopGlobalOrderIdx(gop_struct, global_order_idx_offset);
TestGopGlobalCodingIdx(gop_struct, global_coding_idx_offset);
const int max_layer_depth =
ref_frame_manager.ForwardMaxSize() + kLayerDepthOffset;
TestLayerDepth(gop_struct, max_layer_depth);
static TplBlockStats CreateToyTplBlockStats(int h, int w, int r, int c,
int intra_cost, int inter_cost) {
TplBlockStats tpl_block_stats = {};
tpl_block_stats.height = h;
tpl_block_stats.width = w;
tpl_block_stats.row = r;
tpl_block_stats.col = c;
tpl_block_stats.intra_cost = intra_cost;
tpl_block_stats.inter_cost = inter_cost;
tpl_block_stats.ref_frame_index = { -1, -1 };
return tpl_block_stats;
static TplFrameStats CreateToyTplFrameStatsWithDiffSizes(int min_block_size,
int max_block_size) {
TplFrameStats frame_stats;
const int max_h = max_block_size;
const int max_w = max_h;
const int count = max_block_size / min_block_size;
frame_stats.min_block_size = min_block_size;
frame_stats.frame_height = max_h * count;
frame_stats.frame_width = max_w * count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < count; ++j) {
int h = max_h >> i;
int w = max_w >> j;
for (int u = 0; u * h < max_h; ++u) {
for (int v = 0; v * w < max_w; ++v) {
int r = max_h * i + h * u;
int c = max_w * j + w * v;
int intra_cost = std::rand() % 16;
TplBlockStats block_stats =
CreateToyTplBlockStats(h, w, r, c, intra_cost, 0);
return frame_stats;
static void AugmentTplFrameStatsWithRefFrames(
TplFrameStats *tpl_frame_stats,
const std::array<int, kBlockRefCount> &ref_frame_index) {
for (auto &block_stats : tpl_frame_stats->block_stats_list) {
block_stats.ref_frame_index = ref_frame_index;
static void AugmentTplFrameStatsWithMotionVector(
TplFrameStats *tpl_frame_stats,
const std::array<MotionVector, kBlockRefCount> &mv) {
for (auto &block_stats : tpl_frame_stats->block_stats_list) { = mv;
static RefFrameTable CreateToyRefFrameTable(int frame_count) {
RefFrameTable ref_frame_table(kRefFrameTableSize);
EXPECT_LE(frame_count, kRefFrameTableSize);
for (int i = 0; i < frame_count; ++i) {
ref_frame_table[i] =
GopFrameBasic(0, 0, i, i, 0, GopFrameType::kRegularLeaf);
for (int i = frame_count; i < kRefFrameTableSize; ++i) {
ref_frame_table[i] = GopFrameInvalid();
return ref_frame_table;
static MotionVector CreateFullpelMv(int row, int col) {
return { row, col, 0 };
double TplFrameStatsAccumulateIntraCost(const TplFrameStats &frame_stats) {
double sum = 0;
for (auto &block_stats : frame_stats.block_stats_list) {
sum += block_stats.intra_cost;
return sum;
TEST(RateControlQModeTest, CreateTplFrameDepStats) {
TplFrameStats frame_stats = CreateToyTplFrameStatsWithDiffSizes(8, 16);
TplFrameDepStats frame_dep_stats =
EXPECT_EQ(frame_stats.min_block_size, frame_dep_stats.unit_size);
const int unit_rows = static_cast<int>(frame_dep_stats.unit_stats.size());
const int unit_cols = static_cast<int>(frame_dep_stats.unit_stats[0].size());
EXPECT_EQ(frame_stats.frame_height, unit_rows * frame_dep_stats.unit_size);
EXPECT_EQ(frame_stats.frame_width, unit_cols * frame_dep_stats.unit_size);
const double intra_cost_sum =
const double expected_intra_cost_sum =
EXPECT_NEAR(intra_cost_sum, expected_intra_cost_sum, kErrorEpsilon);
TEST(RateControlQModeTest, GetBlockOverlapArea) {
const int size = 8;
const int r0 = 8;
const int c0 = 9;
std::vector<int> r1 = { 8, 10, 16, 10, 8, 100 };
std::vector<int> c1 = { 9, 12, 17, 5, 100, 9 };
std::vector<int> ref_overlap = { 64, 30, 0, 24, 0, 0 };
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(r1.size()); ++i) {
const int overlap0 = GetBlockOverlapArea(r0, c0, r1[i], c1[i], size);
const int overlap1 = GetBlockOverlapArea(r1[i], c1[i], r0, c0, size);
EXPECT_EQ(overlap0, ref_overlap[i]);
EXPECT_EQ(overlap1, ref_overlap[i]);
TEST(RateControlQModeTest, TplBlockStatsToDepStats) {
const int intra_cost = 100;
const int inter_cost = 120;
const int unit_count = 2;
TplBlockStats block_stats =
CreateToyTplBlockStats(8, 4, 0, 0, intra_cost, inter_cost);
TplUnitDepStats unit_stats = TplBlockStatsToDepStats(block_stats, unit_count);
double expected_intra_cost = intra_cost * 1.0 / unit_count;
EXPECT_NEAR(unit_stats.intra_cost, expected_intra_cost, kErrorEpsilon);
// When inter_cost >= intra_cost in block_stats, in unit_stats,
// the inter_cost will be modified so that it's upper-bounded by intra_cost.
EXPECT_LE(unit_stats.inter_cost, unit_stats.intra_cost);
TEST(RateControlQModeTest, TplFrameDepStatsPropagateSingleZeroMotion) {
// cur frame with coding_idx 1 use ref frame with coding_idx 0
const std::array<int, kBlockRefCount> ref_frame_index = { 0, -1 };
TplFrameStats frame_stats = CreateToyTplFrameStatsWithDiffSizes(8, 16);
AugmentTplFrameStatsWithRefFrames(&frame_stats, ref_frame_index);
TplGopDepStats gop_dep_stats;
const int frame_count = 2;
// ref frame with coding_idx 0
TplFrameDepStats frame_dep_stats0 =
CreateTplFrameDepStats(frame_stats.frame_height, frame_stats.frame_width,
// cur frame with coding_idx 1
const TplFrameDepStats frame_dep_stats1 =
const RefFrameTable ref_frame_table = CreateToyRefFrameTable(frame_count);
TplFrameDepStatsPropagate(/*coding_idx=*/1, ref_frame_table, &gop_dep_stats);
// cur frame with coding_idx 1
const double expected_propagation_sum =
// ref frame with coding_idx 0
const double propagation_sum =
// The propagation_sum between coding_idx 0 and coding_idx 1 should be equal
// because every block in cur frame has zero motion, use ref frame with
// coding_idx 0 for prediction, and ref frame itself is empty.
EXPECT_NEAR(propagation_sum, expected_propagation_sum, kErrorEpsilon);
TEST(RateControlQModeTest, TplFrameDepStatsPropagateCompoundZeroMotion) {
// cur frame with coding_idx 2 use two ref frames with coding_idx 0 and 1
const std::array<int, kBlockRefCount> ref_frame_index = { 0, 1 };
TplFrameStats frame_stats = CreateToyTplFrameStatsWithDiffSizes(8, 16);
AugmentTplFrameStatsWithRefFrames(&frame_stats, ref_frame_index);
TplGopDepStats gop_dep_stats;
const int frame_count = 3;
// ref frame with coding_idx 0
const TplFrameDepStats frame_dep_stats0 =
CreateTplFrameDepStats(frame_stats.frame_height, frame_stats.frame_width,
// ref frame with coding_idx 1
const TplFrameDepStats frame_dep_stats1 =
CreateTplFrameDepStats(frame_stats.frame_height, frame_stats.frame_width,
// cur frame with coding_idx 2
const TplFrameDepStats frame_dep_stats2 =
const RefFrameTable ref_frame_table = CreateToyRefFrameTable(frame_count);
TplFrameDepStatsPropagate(/*coding_idx=*/2, ref_frame_table, &gop_dep_stats);
// cur frame with coding_idx 1
const double expected_ref_sum = TplFrameStatsAccumulateIntraCost(frame_stats);
// ref frame with coding_idx 0
const double cost_sum0 =
EXPECT_NEAR(cost_sum0, expected_ref_sum * 0.5, kErrorEpsilon);
// ref frame with coding_idx 1
const double cost_sum1 =
EXPECT_NEAR(cost_sum1, expected_ref_sum * 0.5, kErrorEpsilon);
TEST(RateControlQModeTest, TplFrameDepStatsPropagateSingleWithMotion) {
// cur frame with coding_idx 1 use ref frame with coding_idx 0
const std::array<int, kBlockRefCount> ref_frame_index = { 0, -1 };
const int min_block_size = 8;
TplFrameStats frame_stats =
CreateToyTplFrameStatsWithDiffSizes(min_block_size, min_block_size * 2);
AugmentTplFrameStatsWithRefFrames(&frame_stats, ref_frame_index);
const int mv_row = min_block_size / 2;
const int mv_col = min_block_size / 4;
const double r_ratio = 1.0 / 2;
const double c_ratio = 1.0 / 4;
std::array<MotionVector, kBlockRefCount> mv;
mv[0] = CreateFullpelMv(mv_row, mv_col);
mv[1] = CreateFullpelMv(0, 0);
AugmentTplFrameStatsWithMotionVector(&frame_stats, mv);
TplGopDepStats gop_dep_stats;
const int frame_count = 2;
// ref frame with coding_idx 0
CreateTplFrameDepStats(frame_stats.frame_height, frame_stats.frame_width,
// cur frame with coding_idx 1
const RefFrameTable ref_frame_table = CreateToyRefFrameTable(frame_count);
TplFrameDepStatsPropagate(/*coding_idx=*/1, ref_frame_table, &gop_dep_stats);
const auto &dep_stats0 = gop_dep_stats.frame_dep_stats_list[0];
const auto &dep_stats1 = gop_dep_stats.frame_dep_stats_list[1];
const int unit_rows = static_cast<int>(dep_stats0.unit_stats.size());
const int unit_cols = static_cast<int>(dep_stats0.unit_stats[0].size());
for (int r = 0; r < unit_rows; ++r) {
for (int c = 0; c < unit_cols; ++c) {
double ref_value = 0;
ref_value += (1 - r_ratio) * (1 - c_ratio) *
if (r - 1 >= 0) {
ref_value += r_ratio * (1 - c_ratio) *
dep_stats1.unit_stats[r - 1][c].intra_cost;
if (c - 1 >= 0) {
ref_value += (1 - r_ratio) * c_ratio *
dep_stats1.unit_stats[r][c - 1].intra_cost;
if (r - 1 >= 0 && c - 1 >= 0) {
ref_value +=
r_ratio * c_ratio * dep_stats1.unit_stats[r - 1][c - 1].intra_cost;
EXPECT_NEAR(dep_stats0.unit_stats[r][c].propagation_cost, ref_value,
TEST(RateControlQModeTest, ComputeTplGopDepStats) {
TplGopStats tpl_gop_stats;
std::vector<RefFrameTable> ref_frame_table_list;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
// Use the previous frame as reference
const std::array<int, kBlockRefCount> ref_frame_index = { i - 1, -1 };
int min_block_size = 8;
TplFrameStats frame_stats =
CreateToyTplFrameStatsWithDiffSizes(min_block_size, min_block_size * 2);
AugmentTplFrameStatsWithRefFrames(&frame_stats, ref_frame_index);
const TplGopDepStats &gop_dep_stats =
ComputeTplGopDepStats(tpl_gop_stats, ref_frame_table_list);
double expected_sum = 0;
for (int i = 2; i >= 0; i--) {
// Due to the linear propagation with zero motion, we can accumulate the
// frame_stats intra_cost and use it as expected sum for dependency stats
expected_sum +=
const double sum =
EXPECT_NEAR(sum, expected_sum, kErrorEpsilon);
TEST(RefFrameManagerTest, GetRefFrameCount) {
const std::vector<int> order_idx_list = { 0, 4, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
const std::vector<GopFrameType> type_list = {
GopFrameType::kRegularKey, GopFrameType::kRegularArf,
GopFrameType::kIntermediateArf, GopFrameType::kRegularLeaf,
GopFrameType::kShowExisting, GopFrameType::kRegularLeaf,
RefFrameManager ref_manager(kRefFrameTableSize);
int coding_idx = 0;
const int first_leaf_idx = 3;
EXPECT_EQ(type_list[first_leaf_idx], GopFrameType::kRegularLeaf);
// update reference frame until we see the first kRegularLeaf frame
for (; coding_idx <= first_leaf_idx; ++coding_idx) {
GopFrame gop_frame = GopFrameBasic(
0, 0, coding_idx, order_idx_list[coding_idx], 0, type_list[coding_idx]);
EXPECT_EQ(ref_manager.GetRefFrameCount(), 4);
EXPECT_EQ(ref_manager.GetRefFrameCountByType(RefUpdateType::kForward), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(ref_manager.GetRefFrameCountByType(RefUpdateType::kBackward), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(ref_manager.GetRefFrameCountByType(RefUpdateType::kLast), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(ref_manager.CurGlobalOrderIdx(), 1);
// update reference frame until we see the first kShowExisting frame
const int first_show_existing_idx = 4;
EXPECT_EQ(type_list[first_show_existing_idx], GopFrameType::kShowExisting);
for (; coding_idx <= first_show_existing_idx; ++coding_idx) {
GopFrame gop_frame = GopFrameBasic(
0, 0, coding_idx, order_idx_list[coding_idx], 0, type_list[coding_idx]);
EXPECT_EQ(ref_manager.GetRefFrameCount(), 4);
EXPECT_EQ(ref_manager.CurGlobalOrderIdx(), 2);
// After the first kShowExisting, the kIntermediateArf should be moved from
// kForward to kLast due to the cur_global_order_idx_ update
EXPECT_EQ(ref_manager.GetRefFrameCountByType(RefUpdateType::kForward), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(ref_manager.GetRefFrameCountByType(RefUpdateType::kBackward), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(ref_manager.GetRefFrameCountByType(RefUpdateType::kLast), 2);
const int second_leaf_idx = 5;
EXPECT_EQ(type_list[second_leaf_idx], GopFrameType::kRegularLeaf);
for (; coding_idx <= second_leaf_idx; ++coding_idx) {
GopFrame gop_frame = GopFrameBasic(
0, 0, coding_idx, order_idx_list[coding_idx], 0, type_list[coding_idx]);
EXPECT_EQ(ref_manager.GetRefFrameCount(), 5);
EXPECT_EQ(ref_manager.CurGlobalOrderIdx(), 3);
// An additional kRegularLeaf frame is added into kLast
EXPECT_EQ(ref_manager.GetRefFrameCountByType(RefUpdateType::kForward), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(ref_manager.GetRefFrameCountByType(RefUpdateType::kBackward), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(ref_manager.GetRefFrameCountByType(RefUpdateType::kLast), 3);
const int first_overlay_idx = 6;
EXPECT_EQ(type_list[first_overlay_idx], GopFrameType::kOverlay);
for (; coding_idx <= first_overlay_idx; ++coding_idx) {
GopFrame gop_frame = GopFrameBasic(
0, 0, coding_idx, order_idx_list[coding_idx], 0, type_list[coding_idx]);
EXPECT_EQ(ref_manager.GetRefFrameCount(), 5);
EXPECT_EQ(ref_manager.CurGlobalOrderIdx(), 4);
// After the kOverlay, the kRegularArf should be moved from
// kForward to kBackward due to the cur_global_order_idx_ update
EXPECT_EQ(ref_manager.GetRefFrameCountByType(RefUpdateType::kForward), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(ref_manager.GetRefFrameCountByType(RefUpdateType::kBackward), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(ref_manager.GetRefFrameCountByType(RefUpdateType::kLast), 3);
void TestRefFrameManagerPriority(const RefFrameManager &ref_manager,
RefUpdateType type) {
int ref_count = ref_manager.GetRefFrameCountByType(type);
int prev_global_order_idx = ref_manager.CurGlobalOrderIdx();
// The lower the priority is, the closer the gop_frame.global_order_idx should
// be with cur_global_order_idx_
for (int priority = 0; priority < ref_count; ++priority) {
GopFrame gop_frame = ref_manager.GetRefFrameByPriority(type, priority);
EXPECT_EQ(gop_frame.is_valid, true);
if (type == RefUpdateType::kForward) {
EXPECT_GE(gop_frame.global_order_idx, prev_global_order_idx);
} else {
EXPECT_LE(gop_frame.global_order_idx, prev_global_order_idx);
prev_global_order_idx = gop_frame.global_order_idx;
GopFrame gop_frame =
ref_manager.GetRefFrameByPriority(RefUpdateType::kForward, ref_count);
EXPECT_EQ(gop_frame.is_valid, false);
TEST(RefFrameManagerTest, GetRefFrameByPriority) {
const std::vector<int> order_idx_list = { 0, 4, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
const std::vector<GopFrameType> type_list = {
GopFrameType::kRegularKey, GopFrameType::kRegularArf,
GopFrameType::kIntermediateArf, GopFrameType::kRegularLeaf,
GopFrameType::kShowExisting, GopFrameType::kRegularLeaf,
RefFrameManager ref_manager(kRefFrameTableSize);
int coding_idx = 0;
const int first_leaf_idx = 3;
EXPECT_EQ(type_list[first_leaf_idx], GopFrameType::kRegularLeaf);
// update reference frame until we see the first kRegularLeaf frame
for (; coding_idx <= first_leaf_idx; ++coding_idx) {
GopFrame gop_frame = GopFrameBasic(
0, 0, coding_idx, order_idx_list[coding_idx], 0, type_list[coding_idx]);
EXPECT_EQ(ref_manager.GetRefFrameCountByType(RefUpdateType::kForward), 2);
TestRefFrameManagerPriority(ref_manager, RefUpdateType::kForward);
const int first_overlay_idx = 6;
EXPECT_EQ(type_list[first_overlay_idx], GopFrameType::kOverlay);
for (; coding_idx <= first_overlay_idx; ++coding_idx) {
GopFrame gop_frame = GopFrameBasic(
0, 0, coding_idx, order_idx_list[coding_idx], 0, type_list[coding_idx]);
EXPECT_EQ(ref_manager.GetRefFrameCountByType(RefUpdateType::kBackward), 2);
TestRefFrameManagerPriority(ref_manager, RefUpdateType::kBackward);
EXPECT_EQ(ref_manager.GetRefFrameCountByType(RefUpdateType::kLast), 3);
TestRefFrameManagerPriority(ref_manager, RefUpdateType::kLast);
TEST(RefFrameManagerTest, GetRefFrameListByPriority) {
const std::vector<int> order_idx_list = { 0, 4, 2, 1 };
const int frame_count = static_cast<int>(order_idx_list.size());
const std::vector<GopFrameType> type_list = { GopFrameType::kRegularKey,
GopFrameType::kRegularLeaf };
RefFrameManager ref_manager(kRefFrameTableSize);
for (int coding_idx = 0; coding_idx < frame_count; ++coding_idx) {
GopFrame gop_frame = GopFrameBasic(
0, 0, coding_idx, order_idx_list[coding_idx], 0, type_list[coding_idx]);
EXPECT_EQ(ref_manager.GetRefFrameCount(), frame_count);
EXPECT_EQ(ref_manager.GetRefFrameCountByType(RefUpdateType::kForward), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(ref_manager.GetRefFrameCountByType(RefUpdateType::kBackward), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(ref_manager.GetRefFrameCountByType(RefUpdateType::kLast), 1);
std::vector<ReferenceFrame> ref_frame_list =
EXPECT_EQ(ref_frame_list.size(), order_idx_list.size());
std::vector<int> expected_global_order_idx = { 2, 0, 1, 4 };
std::vector<ReferenceName> expected_names = { ReferenceName::kBwdrefFrame,
ReferenceName::kAltref2Frame };
for (size_t i = 0; i < ref_frame_list.size(); ++i) {
ReferenceFrame &ref_frame = ref_frame_list[i];
GopFrame gop_frame = ref_manager.GetRefFrameByIndex(ref_frame.index);
EXPECT_EQ(gop_frame.global_order_idx, expected_global_order_idx[i]);
EXPECT_EQ(, expected_names[i]);
TEST(RefFrameManagerTest, GetPrimaryRefFrame) {
const std::vector<int> order_idx_list = { 0, 4, 2, 1 };
const int frame_count = static_cast<int>(order_idx_list.size());
const std::vector<GopFrameType> type_list = { GopFrameType::kRegularKey,
GopFrameType::kRegularLeaf };
const std::vector<int> layer_depth_list = { 0, 2, 4, 6 };
RefFrameManager ref_manager(kRefFrameTableSize);
for (int coding_idx = 0; coding_idx < frame_count; ++coding_idx) {
GopFrame gop_frame =
GopFrameBasic(0, 0, coding_idx, order_idx_list[coding_idx],
layer_depth_list[coding_idx], type_list[coding_idx]);
for (int i = 0; i < frame_count; ++i) {
// Test frame that share the same layer depth with a reference frame
int layer_depth = layer_depth_list[i];
// Set different frame type
GopFrameType type = type_list[(i + 1) % frame_count];
GopFrame gop_frame = GopFrameBasic(0, 0, 0, 0, layer_depth, type);
ReferenceFrame ref_frame = ref_manager.GetPrimaryRefFrame(gop_frame);
GopFrame primary_ref_frame =
// The GetPrimaryRefFrame should find the ref_frame with matched layer depth
// because it's our first priority
EXPECT_EQ(primary_ref_frame.layer_depth, gop_frame.layer_depth);
const std::vector<int> mid_layer_depth_list = { 1, 3, 5 };
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
// Test frame that share the same frame type with a reference frame
GopFrameType type = type_list[i];
// Let the frame layer_depth sit in the middle of two reference frames
int layer_depth = mid_layer_depth_list[i];
GopFrame gop_frame = GopFrameBasic(0, 0, 0, 0, layer_depth, type);
ReferenceFrame ref_frame = ref_manager.GetPrimaryRefFrame(gop_frame);
GopFrame primary_ref_frame =
// The GetPrimaryRefFrame should find the ref_frame with matched frame type
// Here we use coding_idx to confirm that.
EXPECT_EQ(primary_ref_frame.coding_idx, i);
TEST(RateControlQModeTest, TestKeyframeDetection) {
FirstpassInfo firstpass_info;
const std::string kFirstpassStatsFile = "firstpass_stats";
ReadFirstpassInfo(kFirstpassStatsFile, &firstpass_info));
ElementsAre(0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240));
TEST(RateControlQModeTest, TestGopIntervals) {
FirstpassInfo firstpass_info;
ReadFirstpassInfo("firstpass_stats", &firstpass_info));
AV1RateControlQMode rc;
RateControlParam rc_param;
rc_param.frame_height = 288;
rc_param.frame_width = 352;
rc_param.max_gop_show_frame_count = 32;
rc_param.min_gop_show_frame_count = 4;
rc_param.ref_frame_table_size = 7;
GopStructList gop_list = rc.DetermineGopInfo(firstpass_info);
std::vector<int> gop_interval_list;
std::transform(gop_list.begin(), gop_list.end(),
[](GopStruct const &x) { return x.show_frame_count; });
ElementsAre(21, 9, 30, 30, 30, 21, 9, 30, 12, 16, 2, 30));
// MockRateControlQMode is provided for the use of clients of libaom, but it's
// not expected that it will be used in any real libaom tests.
// This simple "toy" test exists solely to verify the integration of gmock into
// the aom build.
TEST(RateControlQModeTest, TestMock) {
MockRateControlQMode mock_rc;
DetermineGopInfo(Field(&FirstpassInfo::num_mbs_16x16, 1000)))
.WillOnce(Return(GopStructList{ { 6, 0, 0, {} }, { 4, 0, 0, {} } }));
FirstpassInfo firstpass_info = {};
firstpass_info.num_mbs_16x16 = 1000;
ElementsAre(Field(&GopStruct::show_frame_count, 6),
Field(&GopStruct::show_frame_count, 4)));
} // namespace aom
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();