blob: f4352081e9b7e650ccdfb81a785d1a3458072282 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// -*- Mode: C++ -*-
// Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Red Hat, Inc.
// Author: Dodji Seketeli
/// @file
/// This file implements the worker threads (or thread pool) design
/// pattern. It aims at performing a set of tasks in parallel, using
/// the multi-threading capabilities of the underlying processor(s).
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include "abg-fwd.h"
#include "abg-internal.h"
// <headers defining libabigail's API go under here>
#include "abg-workers.h"
// </headers defining libabigail's API>
namespace abigail
namespace workers
/// @defgroup thread_pool Worker Threads
/// @{
/// \brief Libabigail's implementation of Thread Pools.
/// The main interface of this pattern is a @ref queue of @ref tasks
/// to be performed. Associated to that queue are a set of worker
/// threads (these are native posix threads) that sits there, idle,
/// until at least one @ref task is added to the queue.
/// When a @ref task is added to the @ref queue, one thread is woken
/// up, picks the @ref task, removes it from the @ref queue, and
/// executes the instructions it carries. We say the worker thread
/// performs the @ref task.
/// When the worker thread is done performing the @ref task, the
/// performed @ref task is added to another queue, named as the "done
/// queue". Then the thread looks at the @ref queue of tasks to be
/// performed again, and if there is at least one task in that queue,
/// the same process as above is done. Otherwise, the thread blocks,
/// waiting for a new task to be added to the queue.
/// By default, the number of worker threads is equal to the number of
/// execution threads advertised by the underlying processor.
/// Note that the user of the queue can either wait for all the tasks
/// to be performed by the pool of threads,and them stop them, get the
/// vector of done tasks and proceed to whatever computation she may
/// need next.
/// Or she can choose to be asynchronously notified whenever a task is
/// performed and added to the "done queue".
/// @return The number of hardware threads of executions advertised by
/// the underlying processor.
{return sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);}
/// The abstraction of a worker thread.
/// This is an implementation detail of the @ref queue public
/// interface type of this worker thread design pattern.
struct worker
pthread_t tid;
: tid()
static queue::priv*
}; // end struct worker
// </worker declarations>
// <queue stuff>
/// The private data structure of the task queue.
struct queue::priv
// A boolean to say if the user wants to shutdown the worker
// threads. guarded by tasks_todo_mutex.
// TODO: once we have std::atomic<bool>, use it and reconsider the
// synchronization around its reads and writes
bool bring_workers_down;
// The number of worker threads.
size_t num_workers;
// A mutex that protects the todo tasks queue from being accessed in
// read/write by two threads at the same time.
pthread_mutex_t tasks_todo_mutex;
// The queue condition variable. This condition is used to make the
// worker threads sleep until a new task is added to the queue of
// todo tasks. Whenever a new task is added to that queue, a signal
// is sent to all a thread sleeping on this condition variable.
pthread_cond_t tasks_todo_cond;
// A mutex that protects the done tasks queue from being accessed in
// read/write by two threads at the same time.
pthread_mutex_t tasks_done_mutex;
// A condition to be signalled whenever there is a task done. That is being
// used to wait for tasks completed when bringing the workers down.
pthread_cond_t tasks_done_cond;
// The todo task queue itself.
std::queue<task_sptr> tasks_todo;
// The done task queue itself.
std::vector<task_sptr> tasks_done;
// This functor is invoked to notify the user of this queue that a
// task has been completed and has been added to the done tasks
// vector. We call it a notifier. This notifier is the default
// notifier of the work queue; the one that is used when the user
// has specified no notifier. It basically does nothing.
static task_done_notify default_notify;
// This is a reference to the the notifier that is actually used in
// the queue. It's either the one specified by the user or the
// default one.
task_done_notify& notify;
// A vector of the worker threads.
std::vector<worker> workers;
/// A constructor of @ref queue::priv.
/// @param nb_workers the number of worker threads to have in the
/// thread pool.
/// @param task_done_notify a functor object that is invoked by the
/// worker thread which has performed the task, right after it's
/// added that task to the vector of the done tasks.
priv(size_t nb_workers = get_number_of_threads(),
task_done_notify& n = default_notify)
: bring_workers_down(),
/// Create the worker threads pool and have all threads sit idle,
/// waiting for a task to be added to the todo queue.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_workers; ++i)
worker w;
this) == 0);
/// Submit a task to the queue of tasks to be performed.
/// This wakes up one thread from the pool which immediatly starts
/// performing the task. When it's done with the task, it goes back
/// to be suspended, waiting for a new task to be scheduled.
/// @param t the task to schedule. Note that a nil task won't be
/// scheduled. If the queue is empty, the task @p t won't be
/// scheduled either.
/// @return true iff the task @p t was successfully scheduled.
schedule_task(const task_sptr& t)
if (workers.empty() || !t)
return false;
return true;
/// Submit a vector of task to the queue of tasks to be performed.
/// This wakes up threads of the pool which immediatly start
/// performing the tasks. When they are done with the task, they go
/// back to be suspended, waiting for new tasks to be scheduled.
/// @param tasks the tasks to schedule.
schedule_tasks(const tasks_type& tasks)
bool is_ok= true;
for (tasks_type::const_iterator t = tasks.begin(); t != tasks.end(); ++t)
is_ok &= schedule_task(*t);
return is_ok;
/// Signal all the threads (of the pool) which are suspended and
/// waiting to perform a task, so that they wake up and end up their
/// execution. If there is no task to perform, they just end their
/// execution. If there are tasks to perform, they finish them and
/// then end their execution.
/// This function then joins all the tasks of the pool, waiting for
/// them to finish, and then it returns. In other words, this
/// function suspends the thread of the caller, waiting for the
/// worker threads to finish their tasks, and end their execution.
/// If the user code wants to work with the thread pool again,
/// she'll need to create them again, using the member function
/// create_workers().
if (workers.empty())
// Wait for the todo list to be empty to make sure all tasks got picked up
while (!tasks_todo.empty())
pthread_cond_wait(&tasks_done_cond, &tasks_todo_mutex);
bring_workers_down = true;
// Now that the task queue is empty, drain the workers by waking them up,
// letting them finish their final task before termination.
ABG_ASSERT(pthread_cond_broadcast(&tasks_todo_cond) == 0);
for (std::vector<worker>::const_iterator i = workers.begin();
i != workers.end();
ABG_ASSERT(pthread_join(i->tid, /*thread_return=*/0) == 0);
/// Destructors of @ref queue::priv type.
}; //end struct queue::priv
// default initialize the default notifier.
queue::task_done_notify queue::priv::default_notify;
/// Default constructor of the @ref queue type.
/// By default the queue is created with a number of worker threaders
/// which is equals to the number of simultaneous execution threads
/// supported by the underlying processor.
: p_(new priv())
/// Constructor of the @ref queue type.
/// @param number_of_workers the number of worker threads to have in
/// the pool.
queue::queue(unsigned number_of_workers)
: p_(new priv(number_of_workers))
/// Constructor of the @ref queue type.
/// @param number_of_workers the number of worker threads to have in
/// the pool.
/// @param the notifier to invoke when a task is done doing its job.
/// Users should create a type that inherit this @ref task_done_notify
/// class and overload its virtual task_done_notify::operator()
/// operator function. Note that the code of that
/// task_done_notify::operator() is assured to run in *sequence*, with
/// respect to the code of other task_done_notify::operator() from
/// other tasks.
queue::queue(unsigned number_of_workers,
task_done_notify& notifier)
: p_(new priv(number_of_workers, notifier))
/// Getter of the size of the queue. This gives the number of task
/// still present in the queue.
/// @return the number of task still present in the queue.
queue::get_size() const
{return p_->tasks_todo.size();}
/// Submit a task to the queue of tasks to be performed.
/// This wakes up one thread from the pool which immediatly starts
/// performing the task. When it's done with the task, it goes back
/// to be suspended, waiting for a new task to be scheduled.
/// @param t the task to schedule. Note that if the queue is empty or
/// if the task is nil, the task is not scheduled.
/// @return true iff the task was successfully scheduled.
queue::schedule_task(const task_sptr& t)
{return p_->schedule_task(t);}
/// Submit a vector of tasks to the queue of tasks to be performed.
/// This wakes up one or more threads from the pool which immediatly
/// start performing the tasks. When the threads are done with the
/// tasks, they goes back to be suspended, waiting for a new task to
/// be scheduled.
/// @param tasks the tasks to schedule.
queue::schedule_tasks(const tasks_type& tasks)
{return p_->schedule_tasks(tasks);}
/// Suspends the current thread until all worker threads finish
/// performing the tasks they are executing.
/// If the worker threads were suspended waiting for a new task to
/// perform, they are woken up and their execution ends.
/// The execution of the current thread is resumed when all the
/// threads of the pool have finished their execution and are
/// terminated.
/// Getter of the vector of tasks that got performed.
/// @return the vector of tasks that got performed.
queue::get_completed_tasks() const
{return p_->tasks_done;}
/// Destructor for the @ref queue type.
/// The default function invocation operator of the @ref queue type.
/// This does nothing.
queue::task_done_notify::operator()(const task_sptr&/*task_done*/)
// </queue stuff>
// <worker definitions>
/// Wait to be woken up by a thread condition signal, then look if
/// there is a task to be executed. If there is, then pick one (in a
/// FIFO manner), execute it, and put the executed task into the set
/// of done tasks.
/// @param t the private data of the "task queue" type to consider.
/// @param return the same private data of the task queue type we got
/// in argument.
worker::wait_to_execute_a_task(queue::priv* p)
while (true)
// If there is no more tasks to perform and the queue is not to
// be brought down then wait (sleep) for new tasks to come up.
while (p->tasks_todo.empty() && !p->bring_workers_down)
pthread_cond_wait(&p->tasks_todo_cond, &p->tasks_todo_mutex);
// We were woken up. So maybe there are tasks to perform? If
// so, get a task from the queue ...
task_sptr t;
if (!p->tasks_todo.empty())
t = p->tasks_todo.front();
// If we've got a task to perform then perform it and when it's
// done then add to the set of tasks that are done.
if (t)
// Add the task to the vector of tasks that are done and
// notify listeners about the fact that the task is done.
// Note that this (including the notification) is not
// happening in parallel. So the code performed by the
// notifier during the notification is running sequentially,
// not in parallel with any other task that was just done
// and that is notifying its listeners.
// ensure we access bring_workers_down always guarded
bool drop_out = false;
drop_out = p->bring_workers_down;
if (drop_out)
return p;
// </worker definitions>
} //end namespace workers
} //end namespace abigail