blob: 0b59fb2feaab1f3845340bf31e22090f5ae0c9ae [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// -*- mode: C++ -*-
// Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Red Hat, Inc.
/// @file
#include "config.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "abg-internal.h"
// <headers defining libabigail's API go under here>
#include "abg-corpus.h"
#include "abg-ir.h"
#include "abg-reader.h"
#include "abg-sptr-utils.h"
#include "abg-symtab-reader.h"
#include "abg-tools-utils.h"
#include "abg-writer.h"
#include "abg-libzip-utils.h"
// </headers defining libabigail's API>
#include "abg-corpus-priv.h"
#include "abg-ir-priv.h"
namespace abigail
namespace ir
using std::ostringstream;
using std::unordered_map;
using std::list;
using std::vector;
using zip_utils::zip_sptr;
using zip_utils::zip_file_sptr;
using zip_utils::open_archive;
using zip_utils::open_file_in_archive;
using regex::regex_t_sptr;
/// Constructor of @ref corpus::exported_decls_builder.
/// @param fns a reference to the vector of exported functions.
/// @param vars a reference to the vector of exported variables.
/// @param fns_suppress_regexps the regular expressions that designate
/// the functions to suppress from the exported functions set.
/// @param vars_suppress_regexps the regular expressions that designate
/// the variables to suppress from the exported variables set.
/// @param fns_keep_regexps the regular expressions that designate the
/// functions to keep in the exported functions set.
/// @param fns_keep_regexps the regular expressions that designate the
/// functions to keep in the exported functions set.
/// @param vars_keep_regexps the regular expressions that designate
/// the variables to keep in the exported variables set.
/// @param sym_id_of_fns_to_keep the IDs of the functions to keep in
/// the exported functions set.
/// @param sym_id_of_vars_to_keep the IDs of the variables to keep in
/// the exported variables set.
::exported_decls_builder(functions& fns,
variables& vars,
strings_type& fns_suppress_regexps,
strings_type& vars_suppress_regexps,
strings_type& fns_keep_regexps,
strings_type& vars_keep_regexps,
strings_type& sym_id_of_fns_to_keep,
strings_type& sym_id_of_vars_to_keep)
: priv_(new priv(fns, vars,
/// Getter for the reference to the vector of exported functions.
/// This vector is shared with with the @ref corpus. It's where the
/// set of exported function is ultimately stored.
/// @return a reference to the vector of exported functions.
const corpus::functions&
corpus::exported_decls_builder::exported_functions() const
{return priv_->fns_;}
/// Getter for the reference to the vector of exported functions.
/// This vector is shared with with the @ref corpus. It's where the
/// set of exported function is ultimately stored.
/// @return a reference to the vector of exported functions.
{return priv_->fns_;}
/// Getter for the reference to the vector of exported variables.
/// This vector is shared with with the @ref corpus. It's where the
/// set of exported variable is ultimately stored.
/// @return a reference to the vector of exported variables.
const corpus::variables&
corpus::exported_decls_builder::exported_variables() const
{return priv_->vars_;}
/// Getter for the reference to the vector of exported variables.
/// This vector is shared with with the @ref corpus. It's where the
/// set of exported variable is ultimately stored.
/// @return a reference to the vector of exported variables.
{return priv_->vars_;}
/// Consider at all the tunables that control wether a function should
/// be added to the set of exported function and if it fits in, add
/// the function to that set.
/// @param fn the function to add the set of exported functions.
corpus::exported_decls_builder::maybe_add_fn_to_exported_fns(function_decl* fn)
if (!fn->get_is_in_public_symbol_table())
const string& fn_id = priv_->get_id(*fn);
if (priv_->fn_is_in_id_fns_map(fn))
if (priv_->keep_wrt_id_of_fns_to_keep(fn)
&& priv_->keep_wrt_regex_of_fns_to_suppress(fn)
&& priv_->keep_wrt_regex_of_fns_to_keep(fn))
/// Consider at all the tunables that control wether a variable should
/// be added to the set of exported variable and if it fits in, add
/// the variable to that set.
/// @param fn the variable to add the set of exported variables.
corpus::exported_decls_builder::maybe_add_var_to_exported_vars(var_decl* var)
if (!var->get_is_in_public_symbol_table())
const string& var_id = priv_->get_id(*var);
if (priv_->var_id_is_in_id_var_map(var_id))
if (priv_->keep_wrt_id_of_vars_to_keep(var)
&& priv_->keep_wrt_regex_of_vars_to_suppress(var)
&& priv_->keep_wrt_regex_of_vars_to_keep(var))
// </corpus::exported_decls_builder>
/// Convenience typedef for a hash map of pointer to function_decl and
/// boolean.
typedef unordered_map<const function_decl*,
function_decl::ptr_equal> fn_ptr_map_type;
/// Convenience typedef for a hash map of string and pointer to
/// function_decl.
typedef unordered_map<string, const function_decl*> str_fn_ptr_map_type;
/// Convenience typedef for a hash map of pointer to var_decl and boolean.
typedef unordered_map<const var_decl*,
var_decl::ptr_equal> var_ptr_map_type;
/// This is a comparison functor for comparing pointers to @ref
/// function_decl.
struct func_comp
/// The comparisong operator for pointers to @ref function_decl. It
/// performs a string comparison of the mangled names of the
/// functions. If the functions don't have mangled names, it
/// compares their names instead.
/// @param first the first function to consider in the comparison.
/// @param second the second function to consider in the comparison.
/// @return true if the (mangled) name of the first function is less
/// than the (mangled)name of the second one, false otherwise.
operator()(const function_decl* first,
const function_decl* second) const
ABG_ASSERT(first != 0 && second != 0);
string first_name, second_name;
first_name = first->get_linkage_name();
if (first_name.empty())
first_name = first->get_name();
second_name = second->get_linkage_name();
if (second_name.empty())
second_name = second->get_name();
return first_name < second_name;
/// This is a comparison functor for comparing pointers to @ref
/// var_decl.
struct var_comp
/// The comparison operator for pointers to @ref var_decl.
/// It perform a string comparison on the names of the variables.
/// @param first the first variable to consider for the comparison.
/// @param second the second variable to consider for the comparison.
/// @return true if first is less than second, false otherwise.
operator()(const var_decl* first,
const var_decl* second) const
ABG_ASSERT(first != 0 && second != 0);
string first_name, second_name;
first_name = first->get_linkage_name();
if (first_name.empty())
first_name = first->get_pretty_representation();
second_name = second->get_pretty_representation();
if (second_name.empty())
second_name = second->get_linkage_name();
if (second_name.empty())
second_name = second->get_pretty_representation();
first_name = first->get_pretty_representation();
return first_name < second_name;
/// A comparison functor to compare elf_symbols for the purpose of
/// sorting.
struct comp_elf_symbols_functor
operator()(const elf_symbol& l,
const elf_symbol& r) const
{return l.get_id_string() < r.get_id_string();}
operator()(const elf_symbol_sptr l,
const elf_symbol_sptr r) const
{return operator()(*l, *r);}
}; // end struct comp_elf_symbols_functor
// <corpus stuff>
/// Get the maps that associate a name to a certain kind of type.
{return types_;}
/// Get the maps that associate a name to a certain kind of type.
const type_maps&
corpus::priv::get_types() const
{return types_;}
/// Return a sorted vector of function symbols for this corpus.
/// Note that the first time this function is called, the symbols are
/// sorted and cached. Subsequent invocations of this function return
/// the cached vector that was built previously.
/// @return the sorted list of function symbols.
const elf_symbols&
corpus::priv::get_sorted_fun_symbols() const
if (!sorted_fun_symbols)
const symtab_reader::symtab_filter filter =
sorted_fun_symbols = elf_symbols(symtab_->begin(filter), symtab_->end());
return *sorted_fun_symbols;
const string_elf_symbols_map_type&
corpus::priv::get_fun_symbol_map() const
if (!fun_symbol_map)
fun_symbol_map = string_elf_symbols_map_type();
for (const auto& symbol : get_sorted_fun_symbols())
return *fun_symbol_map;
/// Getter for a sorted vector of the function symbols undefined in
/// this corpus.
/// @return a vector of the function symbols undefined in this corpus,
/// sorted by name and then version.
const elf_symbols&
corpus::priv::get_sorted_undefined_fun_symbols() const
if (!sorted_undefined_fun_symbols)
const symtab_reader::symtab_filter filter = symtab_->make_filter()
sorted_undefined_fun_symbols =
elf_symbols(symtab_->begin(filter), symtab_->end());
return *sorted_undefined_fun_symbols;
const string_elf_symbols_map_type&
corpus::priv::get_undefined_fun_symbol_map() const
if (!undefined_fun_symbol_map)
undefined_fun_symbol_map = string_elf_symbols_map_type();
for (const auto& symbol : get_sorted_undefined_fun_symbols())
return *undefined_fun_symbol_map;
/// Return a list of symbols that are not referenced by any function of
/// corpus::get_functions().
/// Note that this function considers the list of function symbols to keep,
/// that is provided by corpus::get_sym_ids_of_fns_to_keep(). If a given
/// unreferenced function symbol is not in the list of functions to keep, then
/// that symbol is dropped and will not be part of the resulting table of
/// unreferenced symbol that is built.
const elf_symbols&
corpus::priv::get_unreferenced_function_symbols() const
if (!unrefed_fun_symbols)
unrefed_fun_symbols = elf_symbols();
if (symtab_)
unordered_map<string, bool> refed_funs;
for (const auto& function : fns)
if (elf_symbol_sptr sym = function->get_symbol())
refed_funs[sym->get_id_string()] = true;
for (elf_symbol_sptr a = sym->get_next_alias();
a && !a->is_main_symbol(); a = a->get_next_alias())
refed_funs[a->get_id_string()] = true;
const symtab_reader::symtab_filter filter =
for (const auto& symbol :
symtab_reader::filtered_symtab(*symtab_, filter))
const std::string sym_id = symbol->get_id_string();
if (refed_funs.find(sym_id) == refed_funs.end())
bool keep = sym_id_fns_to_keep.empty();
for (const auto& id : sym_id_fns_to_keep)
if (id == sym_id)
keep = true;
if (keep)
return *unrefed_fun_symbols;
/// Getter for the sorted vector of variable symbols for this corpus.
/// Note that the first time this function is called, it computes the
/// sorted vector, caches the result and returns it. Subsequent
/// invocations of this function just return the cached vector.
/// @return the sorted vector of variable symbols for this corpus.
const elf_symbols&
corpus::priv::get_sorted_var_symbols() const
if (!sorted_var_symbols)
const symtab_reader::symtab_filter filter =
sorted_var_symbols = elf_symbols(symtab_->begin(filter), symtab_->end());
return *sorted_var_symbols;
const string_elf_symbols_map_type&
corpus::priv::get_var_symbol_map() const
if (!var_symbol_map)
var_symbol_map = string_elf_symbols_map_type();
for (const auto& symbol : get_sorted_var_symbols())
return *var_symbol_map;
/// Getter for a sorted vector of the variable symbols undefined in
/// this corpus.
/// @return a vector of the variable symbols undefined in this corpus,
/// sorted by name and then version.
const elf_symbols&
corpus::priv::get_sorted_undefined_var_symbols() const
if (!sorted_undefined_var_symbols)
const symtab_reader::symtab_filter filter = symtab_->make_filter()
sorted_undefined_var_symbols =
elf_symbols(symtab_->begin(filter), symtab_->end());
return *sorted_undefined_var_symbols;
const string_elf_symbols_map_type&
corpus::priv::get_undefined_var_symbol_map() const
if (!undefined_var_symbol_map)
undefined_var_symbol_map = string_elf_symbols_map_type();
for (const auto& symbol : get_sorted_undefined_var_symbols())
return *undefined_var_symbol_map;
/// Return a list of symbols that are not referenced by any variable of
/// corpus::get_variables().
/// Note that this function considers the list of variable symbols to keep,
/// that is provided by corpus::get_sym_ids_of_vars_to_keep(). If a given
/// unreferenced variable symbol is not in the list of variable to keep, then
/// that symbol is dropped and will not be part of the resulting table of
/// unreferenced symbol that is built.
const elf_symbols&
corpus::priv::get_unreferenced_variable_symbols() const
if (!unrefed_var_symbols)
unrefed_var_symbols = elf_symbols();
if (symtab_)
unordered_map<string, bool> refed_vars;
for (const auto& variable : vars)
if (elf_symbol_sptr sym = variable->get_symbol())
refed_vars[sym->get_id_string()] = true;
for (elf_symbol_sptr a = sym->get_next_alias();
a && !a->is_main_symbol(); a = a->get_next_alias())
refed_vars[a->get_id_string()] = true;
const symtab_reader::symtab_filter filter =
for (const auto& symbol :
symtab_reader::filtered_symtab(*symtab_, filter))
const std::string sym_id = symbol->get_id_string();
if (refed_vars.find(sym_id) == refed_vars.end())
bool keep = sym_id_vars_to_keep.empty();
for (const auto& id : sym_id_vars_to_keep)
if (id == sym_id)
keep = true;
if (keep)
return *unrefed_var_symbols;
/// Getter of the set of pretty representation of types that are
/// reachable from public interfaces (global functions and variables).
/// @return the set of pretty representation of types that are
/// reachable from public interfaces (global functions and variables).
unordered_set<interned_string, hash_interned_string>*
if (group)
return group->get_public_types_pretty_representations();
if (pub_type_pretty_reprs_ == 0)
pub_type_pretty_reprs_ =
new unordered_set<interned_string, hash_interned_string>;
return pub_type_pretty_reprs_;
/// Destructor of the @ref corpus::priv type.
delete pub_type_pretty_reprs_;
/// Constructor of the @ref corpus type.
/// @param env the environment of the corpus.
/// @param path the path to the file containing the ABI corpus.
corpus::corpus(ir::environment* env, const string& path)
{priv_.reset(new priv(path, env));}
/// Getter of the enviroment of the corpus.
/// @return the environment of this corpus.
const environment*
corpus::get_environment() const
{return priv_->env;}
/// Getter of the enviroment of the corpus.
/// @return the environment of this corpus.
{return priv_->env;}
/// Setter of the environment of this corpus.
/// @param e the new environment.
corpus::set_environment(environment* e) const
{priv_->env = e;}
/// Add a translation unit to the current ABI Corpus. Next time
/// corpus::save is called, all the translation unit that got added to
/// the corpus are going to be serialized on disk in the file
/// associated to the current corpus.
/// Note that two translation units with the same path (as returned by
/// translation_unit::get_path) cannot be added to the same @ref
/// corpus. If that happens, the library aborts.
/// @param tu the new translation unit to add.
corpus::add(const translation_unit_sptr tu)
if (!tu->get_environment())
ABG_ASSERT(tu->get_environment() == get_environment());
if (!tu->get_absolute_path().empty())
// Update the path -> translation_unit map.
string_tu_map_type::const_iterator i =
ABG_ASSERT(i == priv_->path_tu_map.end());
priv_->path_tu_map[tu->get_absolute_path()] = tu;
/// Return the list of translation units of the current corpus.
/// @return the list of translation units of the current corpus.
const translation_units&
corpus::get_translation_units() const
{return priv_->members;}
/// Find the translation unit that has a given path.
/// @param path the path of the translation unit to look for.
/// @return the translation unit found, if any. Otherwise, return
/// nil.
const translation_unit_sptr
corpus::find_translation_unit(const string &path) const
string_tu_map_type::const_iterator i =
if (i == priv_->path_tu_map.end())
return translation_unit_sptr();
return i->second;
/// Erase the translation units contained in this in-memory object.
/// Note that the on-disk archive file that contains the serialized
/// representation of this object is not modified.
/// Get the maps that associate a name to a certain kind of type.
/// @return the maps that associate a name to a certain kind of type.
{return priv_->types_;}
/// Get the maps that associate a name to a certain kind of type.
/// @return the maps that associate a name to a certain kind of
/// type.
const type_maps&
corpus::get_types() const
{return priv_->types_;}
/// Get the maps that associate a location string to a certain kind of
/// type.
/// The location string is the result of the invocation to the
/// function abigail::ir::location::expand(). It has the form
/// "file.c:4:1", with 'file.c' being the file name, '4' being the
/// line number and '1' being the column number.
/// @return the maps.
const type_maps&
corpus::get_type_per_loc_map() const
{return priv_->type_per_loc_map_;}
/// Test if the recording of reachable types (and thus, indirectly,
/// the recording of non-reachable types) is activated for the
/// current @ref corpus.
/// @return true iff the recording of reachable types is activated for
/// the current @ref corpus.
return (priv_->get_public_types_pretty_representations()
&& !priv_->get_public_types_pretty_representations()->empty());
/// Record a type as being reachable from public interfaces (global
/// functions and variables).
/// @param t the type to record as reachable.
corpus::record_type_as_reachable_from_public_interfaces(const type_base& t)
string repr = get_pretty_representation(&t, /*internal=*/true);
interned_string s = t.get_environment()->intern(repr);
/// Test if a type is reachable from public interfaces (global
/// functions and variables).
/// For a type to be considered reachable from public interfaces, it
/// must have been previously marked as such by calling
/// corpus::record_type_as_reachable_from_public_interfaces.
/// @param t the type to test for.
/// @return true iff @p t is reachable from public interfaces.
corpus::type_is_reachable_from_public_interfaces(const type_base& t) const
string repr = get_pretty_representation(&t, /*internal=*/true);
interned_string s = t.get_environment()->intern(repr);
return (priv_->get_public_types_pretty_representations()->find(s)
!= priv_->get_public_types_pretty_representations()->end());
/// Getter of a sorted vector of the types that are *NOT* reachable
/// from public interfaces.
/// Note that for this to be non-empty, the libabigail reader that
/// analyzed the input (be it a binary or an abixml file) must have be
/// configured to load types that are not reachable from public
/// interfaces.
/// @return a reference to a vector of sorted types NON reachable from
/// public interfaces.
const vector<type_base_wptr>&
corpus::get_types_not_reachable_from_public_interfaces() const
if (priv_->types_not_reachable_from_pub_ifaces_.empty())
const type_maps& types = get_types();
for (vector<type_base_wptr>::const_iterator it =
it != types.get_types_sorted_by_name().end();
type_base_sptr t(*it);
if (!type_is_reachable_from_public_interfaces(*t))
return priv_->types_not_reachable_from_pub_ifaces_;
/// Get the maps that associate a location string to a certain kind of
/// type.
/// The location string is the result of the invocation to the
/// function abigail::ir::location::expand(). It has the form
/// "file.c:4:1", with 'file.c' being the file name, '4' being the
/// line number and '1' being the column number.
/// @return the maps.
{return priv_->type_per_loc_map_;}
/// Getter of the group this corpus is a member of.
/// @return the group this corpus is a member of, or nil if it's not
/// part of any @ref corpus_group.
const corpus_group*
corpus::get_group() const
{return priv_->group;}
/// Getter of the group this corpus belongs to.
/// @return the group this corpus belong to, or nil if it's not part
/// of any @ref corpus_group.
{return priv_->group;}
/// Setter of the group this corpus belongs to.
/// @param g the new group.
corpus::set_group(corpus_group* g)
{priv_->group = g;}
/// Getter for the origin of the corpus.
/// @return the origin of the corpus.
corpus::get_origin() const
{return priv_->origin_;}
/// Setter for the origin of the corpus.
/// @param o the new origin for the corpus.
corpus::set_origin(origin o)
{priv_->origin_ = o;}
/// Get the file path associated to the corpus file.
/// A subsequent call to corpus::read will deserialize the content of
/// the abi file expected at this path; likewise, a call to
/// corpus::write will serialize the translation units contained in
/// the corpus object into the on-disk file at this path.
/// @return the file path associated to the current corpus.
corpus::get_path() const
{return priv_->path;}
/// Set the file path associated to the corpus file.
/// A subsequent call to corpus::read will deserialize the content of
/// the abi file expected at this path; likewise, a call to
/// corpus::write will serialize the translation units contained in
/// the corpus object into the on-disk file at this path.
/// @param path the new file path to assciate to the current corpus.
corpus::set_path(const string& path)
{priv_->path = path;}
/// Getter of the needed property of the corpus.
/// This property is meaningful for, e.g, corpora built from ELF
/// shared library files. In that case, this is a vector of names of
/// dependencies of the ELF shared library file.
/// @return the vector of dependencies needed by this corpus.
const vector<string>&
corpus::get_needed() const
{return priv_->needed;}
/// Setter of the needed property of the corpus.
/// This property is meaningful for, e.g, corpora built from ELF
/// shared library files. In that case, this is a vector of names of
/// dependencies of the ELF shared library file.
/// @param needed the new vector of dependencies needed by this
/// corpus.
corpus::set_needed(const vector<string>& needed)
{priv_->needed = needed;}
/// Getter for the soname property of the corpus.
/// This property is meaningful for, e.g, corpora built from ELF
/// shared library files. In that case, this is the shared object
/// name exported by the shared library.
/// @return the soname property of the corpus.
const string&
{return priv_->soname;}
/// Setter for the soname property of the corpus.
/// This property is meaningful for, e.g, corpora built from ELF
/// shared library files. In that case, this is the shared object
/// name exported by the shared library.
/// @param soname the new soname property of the corpus.
corpus::set_soname(const string& soname)
{priv_->soname = soname;}
/// Getter for the architecture name of the corpus.
/// This property is meaningful for e.g, corpora built from ELF shared
/// library files. In that case, this is a string representation of
/// the Elf{32,64}_Ehdr::e_machine field.
/// @return the architecture name string.
const string&
corpus::get_architecture_name() const
{return priv_->architecture_name;}
/// Setter for the architecture name of the corpus.
/// This property is meaningful for e.g, corpora built from ELF shared
/// library files. In that case, this is a string representation of
/// the Elf{32,64}_Ehdr::e_machine field.
/// @param arch the architecture name string.
corpus::set_architecture_name(const string& arch)
{priv_->architecture_name = arch;}
/// Tests if the corpus is empty from an ABI surface perspective. I.e. if all
/// of these criteria are true:
/// - all translation units (members) are empty
/// - the maps function and variable symbols are not having entries
/// - for shared libraries:
/// - the soname is empty
/// - there are no DT_NEEDED entries
/// @return true if the corpus contains no translation unit.
corpus::is_empty() const
bool members_empty = true;
for (translation_units::const_iterator i = priv_->members.begin(),
e = priv_->members.end();
i != e; ++i)
if (!(*i)->is_empty())
members_empty = false;
return (members_empty
&& !get_symtab()->has_symbols()
&& priv_->soname.empty()
&& priv_->needed.empty());
/// Compare the current @ref corpus against another one.
/// @param other the other corpus to compare against.
/// @return true if the two corpus are equal, false otherwise.
corpus::operator==(const corpus& other) const
translation_units::const_iterator i, j;
for (i = get_translation_units().begin(),
j = other.get_translation_units().begin();
(i != get_translation_units().end()
&& j != other.get_translation_units().end());
++i, ++j)
if ((**i) != (**j))
return false;
return (i == get_translation_units().end()
&& j == other.get_translation_units().end());
corpus::set_symtab(symtab_reader::symtab_sptr symtab)
{priv_->symtab_ = symtab;}
const symtab_reader::symtab_sptr&
corpus::get_symtab() const
{ return priv_->symtab_; }
/// Getter for the function symbols map.
/// @return a reference to the function symbols map.
const string_elf_symbols_map_type&
corpus::get_fun_symbol_map() const
{return priv_->get_fun_symbol_map();}
/// Getter for the map of function symbols that are undefined in this
/// corpus.
/// @return the map of function symbols not defined in this corpus.
/// The key of the map is the name of the function symbol. The value
/// is a vector of all the function symbols that have the same name.
const string_elf_symbols_map_type&
corpus::get_undefined_fun_symbol_map() const
{return priv_->get_undefined_fun_symbol_map();}
const elf_symbols&
corpus::get_sorted_fun_symbols() const
{ return priv_->get_sorted_fun_symbols(); }
const elf_symbols&
corpus::get_sorted_undefined_fun_symbols() const
{ return priv_->get_sorted_undefined_fun_symbols(); }
const elf_symbols&
corpus::get_sorted_var_symbols() const
{ return priv_->get_sorted_var_symbols(); }
const elf_symbols&
corpus::get_sorted_undefined_var_symbols() const
{ return priv_->get_sorted_undefined_var_symbols(); }
/// Getter for the variable symbols map.
/// @return a reference to the variabl symbols map.
const string_elf_symbols_map_type&
corpus::get_var_symbol_map() const
{return priv_->get_var_symbol_map();}
/// Getter for the map of variable symbols that are undefined in this
/// corpus.
/// @return the map of variable symbols not defined in this corpus.
/// The key of the map is the name of the variable symbol. The value
/// is a vector of all the variable symbols that have the same name.
const string_elf_symbols_map_type&
corpus::get_undefined_var_symbol_map() const
{return priv_->get_undefined_var_symbol_map();}
/// Look in the function symbols map for a symbol with a given name.
/// @param n the name of the symbol to look for.
/// return the first symbol with the name @p n.
const elf_symbol_sptr
corpus::lookup_function_symbol(const string& n) const
if (get_fun_symbol_map().empty())
return elf_symbol_sptr();
string_elf_symbols_map_type::const_iterator it =
if ( it == get_fun_symbol_map().end())
return elf_symbol_sptr();
return it->second[0];
/// Look into a set of symbols and look for a symbol that has a given
/// version.
/// This is a sub-routine for corpus::lookup_function_symbol() and
/// corpus::lookup_variable_symbol().
/// @param version the version of the symbol to look for.
/// @param symbols the set of symbols to consider.
/// @return the symbol found, or nil if none was found.
static const elf_symbol_sptr
find_symbol_by_version(const elf_symbol::version& version,
const vector<elf_symbol_sptr>& symbols)
if (version.is_empty())
// We are looing for a symbol with no version.
// So first look for possible aliases with no version
for (elf_symbols::const_iterator s = symbols.begin();
s != symbols.end();
if ((*s)->get_version().is_empty())
return *s;
// Or, look for a version that is a default one!
for (elf_symbols::const_iterator s = symbols.begin();
s != symbols.end();
if ((*s)->get_version().is_default())
return *s;
// We are looking for a symbol with a particular defined version.
for (elf_symbols::const_iterator s = symbols.begin();
s != symbols.end();
if ((*s)->get_version().str() == version.str())
return *s;
return elf_symbol_sptr();
/// Look in the function symbols map for a symbol with a given name.
/// @param symbol_name the name of the symbol to look for.
/// @param version the version of the symbol to look for.
/// return the symbol with name @p symbol_name and with version @p
/// version, or nil if no symbol has been found with that name and
/// version.
const elf_symbol_sptr
corpus::lookup_function_symbol(const string& symbol_name,
const elf_symbol::version& version) const
if (get_fun_symbol_map().empty())
return elf_symbol_sptr();
string_elf_symbols_map_type::const_iterator it =
if ( it == get_fun_symbol_map().end())
return elf_symbol_sptr();
return find_symbol_by_version(version, it->second);
/// Look in the function symbols map for a symbol with the same name
/// and version as a given symbol.
/// @param symbol the symbol to look for.
/// return the symbol with the same name and version as @p symbol.
const elf_symbol_sptr
corpus::lookup_function_symbol(const elf_symbol& symbol) const
{return lookup_function_symbol(symbol.get_name(), symbol.get_version());}
/// Look in the variable symbols map for a symbol with a given name.
/// @param n the name of the symbol to look for.
/// return the first symbol with the name @p n.
const elf_symbol_sptr
corpus::lookup_variable_symbol(const string& n) const
if (get_var_symbol_map().empty())
return elf_symbol_sptr();
string_elf_symbols_map_type::const_iterator it =
if ( it == get_var_symbol_map().end())
return elf_symbol_sptr();
return it->second[0];
/// Look in the variable symbols map for a symbol with a given name.
/// @param symbol_name the name of the symbol to look for.
/// @param symbol_version the version of the symbol to look for.
/// return the first symbol with the name @p symbol_name and with
/// version @p version.
const elf_symbol_sptr
corpus::lookup_variable_symbol(const string& symbol_name,
const elf_symbol::version& version) const
if (get_var_symbol_map().empty())
return elf_symbol_sptr();
string_elf_symbols_map_type::const_iterator it =
if ( it == get_var_symbol_map().end())
return elf_symbol_sptr();
return find_symbol_by_version(version, it->second);
/// Look in the variable symbols map for a symbol with the same name
/// and version as a given symbol.
/// @param symbol the symbol to look for.
/// return the symbol with the same name and version as @p symbol.
const elf_symbol_sptr
corpus::lookup_variable_symbol(const elf_symbol& symbol) const
{return lookup_variable_symbol(symbol.get_name(), symbol.get_version());}
/// Return the functions public decl table of the current corpus.
/// The function public decl tables is a vector of all the functions
/// and member functions found in the current corpus.
/// Note that the caller can suppress some functions from the vector
/// supplying regular expressions describing the set of functions she
/// want to see removed from the public decl table by populating the
/// vector of regular expressions returned by
/// corpus::get_regex_patterns_of_fns_to_suppress().
/// @return the vector of functions of the public decl table. The
/// functions are sorted using their mangled name or name if they
/// don't have mangle names.
const corpus::functions&
corpus::get_functions() const
{return priv_->fns;}
/// Lookup the function which has a given function ID.
/// Note that there can have been several functions with the same ID.
/// This is because debug info can declare the same function in
/// several different translation units. Normally, all these function
/// should be equal. But still, this function returns all these
/// functions.
/// @param id the ID of the function to lookup. This ID must be
/// either the result of invoking function::get_id() of
/// elf_symbol::get_id_string().
/// @return the vector functions which ID is @p id, or nil if no
/// function with that ID was found.
const vector<function_decl*>*
corpus::lookup_functions(const string& id) const
exported_decls_builder_sptr b = get_exported_decls_builder();
str_fn_ptrs_map_type::const_iterator i =
if (i == b->priv_->id_fns_map_.end())
return 0;
return &i->second;
/// Sort the set of functions exported by this corpus.
/// Normally, you shouldn't be calling this as the code that creates
/// the corpus for you should do it for you too.
func_comp fc;
std::sort(priv_->fns.begin(), priv_->fns.end(), fc);
/// Return the public decl table of the global variables of the
/// current corpus.
/// The variable public decls table is a vector of all the public
/// global variables and static member variables found in the current
/// corpus.
/// Note that the caller can suppress some variables from the vector
/// supplying regular expressions describing the set of variables she
/// wants to see removed from the public decl table by populating the
/// vector of regular expressions returned by
/// corpus::get_regex_patterns_of_fns_to_suppress().
/// @return the vector of variables of the public decl table. The
/// variables are sorted using their name.
const corpus::variables&
corpus::get_variables() const
{return priv_->vars;}
/// Sort the set of variables exported by this corpus.
/// Normally, you shouldn't be calling this as the code that creates
/// the corpus for you should do it for you too.
var_comp vc;
std::sort(priv_->vars.begin(), priv_->vars.end(), vc);
/// Getter of the set of function symbols that are not referenced by
/// any function exported by the current corpus.
/// When the corpus has been created from an ELF library or program,
/// this function returns the set of function symbols not referenced
/// by any debug information.
/// @return the vector of function symbols not referenced by any
/// function exported by the current corpus.
const elf_symbols&
corpus::get_unreferenced_function_symbols() const
{ return priv_->get_unreferenced_function_symbols(); }
/// Getter of the set of variable symbols that are not referenced by
/// any variable exported by the current corpus.
/// When the corpus has been created from an ELF library or program,
/// this function returns the set of variable symbols not referenced
/// by any debug information.
/// @return the vector of variable symbols not referenced by any
/// variable exported by the current corpus.
const elf_symbols&
corpus::get_unreferenced_variable_symbols() const
{ return priv_->get_unreferenced_variable_symbols(); }
/// Accessor for the regex patterns describing the functions to drop
/// from the public decl table.
/// @return the regex patterns describing the functions to drop from
/// the public decl table.
{return priv_->regex_patterns_fns_to_suppress;}
/// Accessor for the regex patterns describing the functions to drop
/// from the public decl table.
/// @return the regex patterns describing the functions to drop from
/// the public decl table.
const vector<string>&
corpus::get_regex_patterns_of_fns_to_suppress() const
{return priv_->regex_patterns_fns_to_suppress;}
/// Accessor for the regex patterns describing the variables to drop
/// from the public decl table.
/// @return the regex patterns describing the variables to drop from
/// the public decl table.
{return priv_->regex_patterns_vars_to_suppress;}
/// Accessor for the regex patterns describing the variables to drop
/// from the public decl table.
/// @return the regex patterns describing the variables to drop from
/// the public decl table.
const vector<string>&
corpus::get_regex_patterns_of_vars_to_suppress() const
{return priv_->regex_patterns_vars_to_suppress;}
/// Accessor for the regex patterns describing the functions to keep
/// into the public decl table. The other functions not matches by these
/// regexes are dropped from the public decl table.
/// @return the regex patterns describing the functions to keep into
/// the public decl table.
{return priv_->regex_patterns_fns_to_keep;}
/// Accessor for the regex patterns describing the functions to keep
/// into the public decl table. The other functions not matches by these
/// regexes are dropped from the public decl table.
/// @return the regex patterns describing the functions to keep into
/// the public decl table.
const vector<string>&
corpus::get_regex_patterns_of_fns_to_keep() const
{return priv_->regex_patterns_fns_to_keep;}
/// Getter for the vector of function symbol IDs to keep.
/// A symbol ID is a string made of the name of the symbol and its
/// version, separated by one or two '@'.
/// @return a vector of IDs of function symbols to keep.
{return priv_->sym_id_fns_to_keep;}
/// Getter for the vector of function symbol IDs to keep.
/// A symbol ID is a string made of the name of the symbol and its
/// version, separated by one or two '@'.
/// @return a vector of IDs of function symbols to keep.
const vector<string>&
corpus::get_sym_ids_of_fns_to_keep() const
{return priv_->sym_id_fns_to_keep;}
/// Accessor for the regex patterns describing the variables to keep
/// into the public decl table. The other variables not matches by these
/// regexes are dropped from the public decl table.
/// @return the regex patterns describing the variables to keep into
/// the public decl table.
{return priv_->regex_patterns_vars_to_keep;}
/// Accessor for the regex patterns describing the variables to keep
/// into the public decl table. The other variables not matches by these
/// regexes are dropped from the public decl table.
/// @return the regex patterns describing the variables to keep into
/// the public decl table.
const vector<string>&
corpus::get_regex_patterns_of_vars_to_keep() const
{return priv_->regex_patterns_vars_to_keep;}
/// Getter for the vector of variable symbol IDs to keep.
/// A symbol ID is a string made of the name of the symbol and its
/// version, separated by one or two '@'.
/// @return a vector of IDs of variable symbols to keep.
{return priv_->sym_id_vars_to_keep;}
/// Getter for the vector of variable symbol IDs to keep.
/// A symbol ID is a string made of the name of the symbol and its
/// version, separated by one or two '@'.
/// @return a vector of IDs of variable symbols to keep.
const vector<string>&
corpus::get_sym_ids_of_vars_to_keep() const
{return priv_->sym_id_vars_to_keep;}
/// After the set of exported functions and variables have been built,
/// consider all the tunables that control that set and see if some
/// functions need to be removed from that set; if so, remove them.
string sym_name, sym_version;
vector<function_decl*> fns_to_keep;
exported_decls_builder* b = get_exported_decls_builder().get();
for (vector<function_decl*>::iterator f = priv_->fns.begin();
f != priv_->fns.end();
if (b->priv_->keep_wrt_id_of_fns_to_keep(*f)
&& b->priv_->keep_wrt_regex_of_fns_to_suppress(*f)
&& b->priv_->keep_wrt_regex_of_fns_to_keep(*f))
priv_->fns = fns_to_keep;
vector<var_decl*> vars_to_keep;
for (vector<var_decl*>::iterator v = priv_->vars.begin();
v != priv_->vars.end();
if (b->priv_->keep_wrt_id_of_vars_to_keep(*v)
&& b->priv_->keep_wrt_regex_of_vars_to_suppress(*v)
&& b->priv_->keep_wrt_regex_of_vars_to_keep(*v))
priv_->vars = vars_to_keep;
/// Getter for the object that is responsible for determining what
/// decls ought to be in the set of exported decls.
/// The object does have methods to add the decls to the set of
/// exported decls, right at the place where the corpus expects it,
/// so that there is no unnecessary copying involved.
/// @return a (smart) pointer to the instance of @ref
/// corpus::exported_decls_builder that is responsible for determine
/// what decls ought to be in the set of exported decls.
corpus::get_exported_decls_builder() const
if (!priv_->exported_decls_builder)
(new exported_decls_builder(priv_->fns,
return priv_->exported_decls_builder;
// </corpus stuff>
// <corpus_group stuff>
/// Type of the private data of @ref corpus_group
struct corpus_group::priv
corpora_type corpora;
istring_function_decl_ptr_map_type fns_map;
vector<function_decl*> fns;
istring_var_decl_ptr_map_type vars_map;
vector<var_decl*> vars;
string_elf_symbols_map_type var_symbol_map;
string_elf_symbols_map_type fun_symbol_map;
elf_symbols sorted_var_symbols;
elf_symbols sorted_fun_symbols;
unordered_map<string, elf_symbol_sptr> unrefed_fun_symbol_map;
elf_symbols unrefed_fun_symbols;
bool unrefed_fun_symbols_built;
unordered_map<string, elf_symbol_sptr> unrefed_var_symbol_map;
elf_symbols unrefed_var_symbols;
bool unrefed_var_symbols_built;
unordered_set<interned_string, hash_interned_string> pub_type_pretty_reprs_;
: unrefed_fun_symbols_built(),
/// Add symbols to the set of corpus group function symbols that are
/// *NOT* referenced by debug info.
/// @param syms the set the symbols to add.
add_unref_fun_symbols(const elf_symbols& syms)
for (elf_symbols::const_iterator e =
syms.begin(); e != syms.end(); ++e)
string sym_id = (*e)->get_id_string();
unordered_map<string, elf_symbol_sptr>::const_iterator j =
if (j != unrefed_fun_symbol_map.end())
unrefed_fun_symbol_map[sym_id] = *e;
unrefed_fun_symbols_built = true;
/// Add symbols to the set of corpus group variable symbols that are
/// *NOT* referenced by debug info.
/// @param syms the set the symbols to add.
add_unref_var_symbols(const elf_symbols& syms)
for (elf_symbols::const_iterator e =
syms.begin(); e != syms.end(); ++e)
string sym_id = (*e)->get_id_string();
unordered_map<string, elf_symbol_sptr>::const_iterator j =
if (j != unrefed_var_symbol_map.end())
unrefed_var_symbol_map[sym_id] = *e;
unrefed_var_symbols_built = true;
}; // end corpus_group::priv
/// Default constructor of the @ref corpus_group type.
corpus_group::corpus_group(environment* env, const string& path = "")
: corpus(env, path), priv_(new priv)
/// Desctructor of the @ref corpus_group type.
/// Add a new corpus to the current instance of @ref corpus_group.
/// @param corp the new corpus to add.
corpus_group::add_corpus(const corpus_sptr& corp)
if (!corp)
// Ensure the new environment patches the current one.
if (const environment* cur_env = get_environment())
if (environment* corp_env = corp->get_environment())
ABG_ASSERT(cur_env == corp_env);
// Ensure the new architecture name matches the current one.
string cur_arch = get_architecture_name(),
corp_arch = corp->get_architecture_name();
if (cur_arch.empty())
else if (cur_arch != corp_arch)
std::cerr << "corpus '" << corp->get_path() << "'"
<< " has architecture '" << corp_arch << "'"
<< " but expected '" << cur_arch << "'\n";
/// Add the unreferenced function and variable symbols of this
/// corpus to the unreferenced symbols of the current corpus group.
/// Getter of the vector of corpora held by the current @ref
/// corpus_group.
/// @return the vector corpora.
const corpus_group::corpora_type&
corpus_group::get_corpora() const
{return priv_->corpora;}
/// Getter of the first corpus added to this Group.
/// @return the first corpus added to this Group.
const corpus_sptr
corpus_group::get_main_corpus() const
{return const_cast<corpus_group*>(this)->get_main_corpus();}
/// Getter of the first corpus added to this Group.
/// @return the first corpus added to this Group.
if (!get_corpora().empty())
return get_corpora().front();
return corpus_sptr();
/// Test if the current corpus group is empty.
/// @return true iff the current corpus group is empty.
corpus_group::is_empty() const
{return get_corpora().empty();}
/// Get the functions exported by the corpora of the current corpus
/// group.
/// Upon its first invocation, this function walks the corpora
/// contained in the corpus group and caches the functions they exported.
/// Subsequent invocations just return the cached functions.
/// @return the exported functions.
const corpus::functions&
corpus_group::get_functions() const
if (priv_->fns.empty())
for (corpora_type::const_iterator i = get_corpora().begin();
i != get_corpora().end();
corpus_sptr c = *i;
for (corpus::functions::const_iterator f = c->get_functions().begin();
f != c->get_functions().end();
interned_string fid = (*f)->get_id();
istring_function_decl_ptr_map_type::const_iterator j =
if (j != priv_->fns_map.end())
// Don't cache the same function twice ...
priv_->fns_map[fid] = *f;
// really cache the function now.
return priv_->fns;
/// Get the global variables exported by the corpora of the current
/// corpus group.
/// Upon its first invocation, this function walks the corpora
/// contained in the corpus group and caches the variables they
/// export.
/// @return the exported variables.
const corpus::variables&
corpus_group::get_variables() const
if (priv_->vars.empty())
for (corpora_type::const_iterator i = get_corpora().begin();
i != get_corpora().end();
corpus_sptr c = *i;
for (corpus::variables::const_iterator v = c->get_variables().begin();
v != c->get_variables().end();
interned_string vid = (*v)->get_id();
istring_var_decl_ptr_map_type::const_iterator j =
if (j != priv_->vars_map.end())
// Don't cache the same variable twice ...
priv_->vars_map[vid] = *v;
// Really cache the variable now.
return priv_->vars;
/// Get the symbols of the global variables exported by the corpora of
/// the current @ref corpus_group.
/// @return the symbols of the global variables exported by the corpora
const string_elf_symbols_map_type&
corpus_group::get_var_symbol_map() const
if (priv_->var_symbol_map.empty())
for (corpora_type::const_iterator i = get_corpora().begin();
i != get_corpora().end();
return priv_->var_symbol_map;
/// Get the symbols of the global functions exported by the corpora of
/// the current @ref corpus_group.
/// @return the symbols of the global functions exported by the corpora
const string_elf_symbols_map_type&
corpus_group::get_fun_symbol_map() const
if (priv_->fun_symbol_map.empty())
for (corpora_type::const_iterator i = get_corpora().begin();
i != get_corpora().end();
return priv_->fun_symbol_map;
/// Get a sorted vector of the symbols of the functions exported by
/// the corpora of the current group.
/// @return the sorted vectors of the exported function symbols.
const elf_symbols&
corpus_group::get_sorted_fun_symbols() const
if (priv_->sorted_fun_symbols.empty()
&& !get_fun_symbol_map().empty())
for (corpora_type::const_iterator i = get_corpora().begin();
i != get_corpora().end();
corpus_sptr c = *i;
for (string_elf_symbols_map_type::const_iterator j =
j != c->get_fun_symbol_map().begin();
comp_elf_symbols_functor comp;
return priv_->sorted_fun_symbols;
/// Get a sorted vector of the symbols of the variables exported by
/// the corpora of the current group.
/// @return the sorted vectors of the exported variable symbols.
const elf_symbols&
corpus_group::get_sorted_var_symbols() const
if (priv_->sorted_var_symbols.empty()
&& !get_var_symbol_map().empty())
for (corpora_type::const_iterator i = get_corpora().begin();
i != get_corpora().end();
corpus_sptr c = *i;
for (string_elf_symbols_map_type::const_iterator j =
j != c->get_var_symbol_map().begin();
comp_elf_symbols_functor comp;
return priv_->sorted_var_symbols;
/// Get the set of function symbols not referenced by any debug info,
/// from all the corpora of the current corpus group.
/// Upon its first invocation, this function possibly walks all the
/// copora of this corpus group and caches the unreferenced symbols
/// they export. The function then returns the cache.
/// Upon subsequent invocations, this functions just returns the
/// cached symbols.
/// @return the unreferenced symbols.
const elf_symbols&
corpus_group::get_unreferenced_function_symbols() const
if (!priv_->unrefed_fun_symbols_built)
if (priv_->unrefed_fun_symbols.empty())
for (corpora_type::const_iterator i = get_corpora().begin();
i != get_corpora().end();
corpus_sptr c = *i;
for (elf_symbols::const_iterator e =
e != c->get_unreferenced_function_symbols().end();
string sym_id = (*e)->get_id_string();
unordered_map<string, elf_symbol_sptr>::const_iterator j =
if (j != priv_->unrefed_fun_symbol_map.end())
priv_->unrefed_fun_symbol_map[sym_id] = *e;
priv_->unrefed_fun_symbols_built = true;
return priv_->unrefed_fun_symbols;
/// Get the set of variable symbols not referenced by any debug info,
/// from all the corpora of the current corpus group.
/// Upon its first invocation, this function possibly walks all the
/// copora of this corpus group and caches the unreferenced symbols
/// they export. The function then returns the cache.
/// Upon subsequent invocations, this functions just returns the
/// cached symbols.
/// @return the unreferenced symbols.
const elf_symbols&
corpus_group::get_unreferenced_variable_symbols() const
if (!priv_->unrefed_var_symbols_built)
if (priv_->unrefed_var_symbols.empty())
for (corpora_type::const_iterator i = get_corpora().begin();
i != get_corpora().end();
corpus_sptr c = *i;
for (elf_symbols::const_iterator e =
e != c->get_unreferenced_variable_symbols().end();
string sym_id = (*e)->get_id_string();
unordered_map<string, elf_symbol_sptr>::const_iterator j =
if (j != priv_->unrefed_var_symbol_map.end())
priv_->unrefed_var_symbol_map[sym_id] = *e;
priv_->unrefed_var_symbols_built = true;
return priv_->unrefed_var_symbols;
/// Getter of a pointer to the set of types reachable from public
/// interfaces of a given corpus group.
unordered_set<interned_string, hash_interned_string>*
{return &priv_->pub_type_pretty_reprs_;}
/// Test if the recording of reachable types (and thus, indirectly,
/// the recording of non-reachable types) is activated for the
/// current @ref corpus_group.
/// @return true iff the recording of reachable types is activated for
/// the current @ref corpus_group.
{return !get_public_types_pretty_representations()->empty();}
// </corpus_group stuff>
}// end namespace ir
}// end namespace abigail