blob: 61b03335ba9f2774b2e31c7b13ffcfc69b476b96 [file] [log] [blame]
================ changes of ''===============
Functions changes summary: 0 Removed, 1 Changed (100 filtered out), 3 Added functions
Variables changes summary: 1 Removed, 2 Changed (12 filtered out), 0 Added variables
3 Added functions:
[A] 'function int _IceTransIsListening(const char*)' {_IceTransIsListening}
[A] 'function int _IceTransListen(const char*)' {_IceTransListen}
[A] 'function int _IceTransReceived(const char*)' {_IceTransReceived}
1 function with some indirect sub-type change:
[C] 'function IceConn IceAcceptConnection(IceListenObj, IceAcceptStatus*)' at accept.c:38:1 has some indirect sub-type changes:
return type changed:
underlying type '_IceConn*' changed:
in pointed to type 'struct _IceConn' at ICEconn.h:131:1:
type size hasn't changed
2 data member changes (3 filtered):
type of 'IceListenObj _IceConn::listen_obj' changed:
underlying type '_IceListenObj*' changed:
in pointed to type 'struct _IceListenObj' at ICElibint.h:120:1:
type size hasn't changed
1 data member change:
type of '_XtransConnInfo* _IceListenObj::trans_conn' changed:
in pointed to type 'struct _XtransConnInfo' at Xtransint.h:136:1:
type size changed from 640 to 768 (in bits)
2 data member insertions:
'_XtransConnFd* _XtransConnInfo::recv_fds', at offset 640 (in bits) at Xtransint.h:148:1
'_XtransConnFd* _XtransConnInfo::send_fds', at offset 704 (in bits) at Xtransint.h:149:1
1 data member change:
type of '_Xtransport* _XtransConnInfo::transptr' changed:
in pointed to type 'struct _Xtransport' at Xtransint.h:158:1:
type size hasn't changed
3 data member changes (16 filtered):
type of 'typedef XtransConnInfo (_Xtransport*, char*, char*, char*)* _Xtransport::OpenCOTSClient' changed:
in pointed to type 'function type typedef XtransConnInfo (_Xtransport*, char*, char*, char*)':
parameter 2 of type 'char*' changed:
in pointed to type 'char':
entity changed from 'char' to 'const char'
type size hasn't changed
parameter 3 of type 'char*' changed:
in pointed to type 'char':
entity changed from 'char' to 'const char'
type size hasn't changed
parameter 4 of type 'char*' changed:
in pointed to type 'char':
entity changed from 'char' to 'const char'
type size hasn't changed
type of 'typedef XtransConnInfo (_Xtransport*, char*, char*, char*)* _Xtransport::OpenCOTSServer' changed:
in pointed to type 'function type typedef XtransConnInfo (_Xtransport*, char*, char*, char*)':
parameter 2 of type 'char*' changed:
in pointed to type 'char':
entity changed from 'char' to 'const char'
type size hasn't changed
parameter 3 of type 'char*' changed:
in pointed to type 'char':
entity changed from 'char' to 'const char'
type size hasn't changed
parameter 4 of type 'char*' changed:
in pointed to type 'char':
entity changed from 'char' to 'const char'
type size hasn't changed
type of 'typedef XtransConnInfo (_Xtransport*, char*, char*, char*)* _Xtransport::OpenCLTSServer' changed:
in pointed to type 'function type typedef XtransConnInfo (_Xtransport*, char*, char*, char*)':
parameter 2 of type 'char*' changed:
in pointed to type 'char':
entity changed from 'char' to 'const char'
type size hasn't changed
parameter 3 of type 'char*' changed:
in pointed to type 'char':
entity changed from 'char' to 'const char'
type size hasn't changed
parameter 4 of type 'char*' changed:
in pointed to type 'char':
entity changed from 'char' to 'const char'
type size hasn't changed
type of '_IcePingWait* _IceConn::ping_waits' changed:
in pointed to type 'struct _IcePingWait' at ICEconn.h:48:1:
entity changed from 'struct _IcePingWait' to compatible type 'typedef _IcePingWait' at ICEconn.h:48:1
1 Removed variable:
[D] 'const in6_addr in6addr_any' {in6addr_any}
2 Changed variables:
[C] 'char* _IceAuthNames[1]' was changed to 'const char* _IceAuthNames[1]' at globals.h:37:1:
type of variable changed:
array element type 'char*' changed:
in pointed to type 'char':
entity changed from 'char' to 'const char'
type size hasn't changed
type name changed from 'char*[1]' to 'const char*[1]'
type size hasn't changed
[C] '_IceWatchProc* _IceWatchProcs' was changed at globals.h:39:1:
type of variable changed:
in pointed to type 'struct _IceWatchProc' at ICElibint.h:322:1:
entity changed from 'struct _IceWatchProc' to compatible type 'typedef _IceWatchProc' at ICElibint.h:322:1
type size hasn't changed
1 data member changes (2 filtered):
type of '_IceWatchedConnection* _IceWatchProc::watched_connections' changed:
in pointed to type 'struct _IceWatchedConnection' at ICElibint.h:315:1:
entity changed from 'struct _IceWatchedConnection' to compatible type 'typedef _IceWatchedConnection' at ICElibint.h:315:1
================ end of changes of ''===============