blob: ef9256082475f3e71e691e1cefae66e8bede923a [file] [log] [blame]
// -*- Mode: C++ -*-
// Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Red Hat, Inc.
// This file is part of the GNU Application Binary Interface Generic
// Analysis and Instrumentation Library (libabigail). This library is
// free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
// terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any
// later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Lesser Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this program; see the file COPYING-LGPLV3. If
// not, see <>.
// Author: Dodji Seketeli
#include <libgen.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "abg-comparison-priv.h"
#include "abg-reporter-priv.h"
namespace abigail
namespace comparison
/// Convert a number in bits into a number in bytes.
/// @param bits the number in bits to convert.
/// @return the number @p bits converted into bytes.
convert_bits_to_bytes(size_t bits)
{return bits / 8;}
/// Emit a numerical value to an output stream.
/// Depending on the current @ref diff_context, the number is going to
/// be emitted either in decimal or hexadecimal base.
/// @param value the value to emit.
/// @param ctxt the current diff context.
/// @param out the output stream to emit the numerical value to.
emit_num_value(uint64_t value, const diff_context& ctxt, ostream& out)
if (ctxt.show_hex_values())
out << std::hex << std::showbase ;
out << std::dec;
out << value;
out << std::dec << std::noshowbase;
/// Convert a bits value into a byte value if the current diff context
/// instructs us to do so.
/// @param bits the bits value to convert.
/// @param ctxt the current diff context to consider.
/// @return the resulting bits or bytes value, depending on what the
/// diff context instructs us to do.
maybe_convert_bits_to_bytes(uint64_t bits, const diff_context& ctxt)
if (ctxt.show_offsets_sizes_in_bits())
return bits;
return convert_bits_to_bytes(bits);
/// Emit a message showing the numerical change between two values, to
/// a given output stream.
/// The function emits a message like
/// "XXX changes from old_bits to new_bits (in bits)"
/// or
/// "XXX changes from old_bits to new_bits (in bytes)"
/// Depending on if the current diff context instructs us to emit the
/// change in bits or bytes. XXX is the string content of the @p what
/// parameter.
/// @param what the string that tells us what the change represents.
/// This is the "XXX" we refer to in the explanation above.
/// @param old_bits the initial value (which changed) in bits.
/// @param new_bits the final value (resulting from the change or @p
/// old_bits) in bits.
/// @param ctxt the current diff context to consider.
/// @param out the output stream to send the change message to.
/// @param show_bits_or_byte if this is true, then the message is
/// going to precise if the changed value is in bits or bytes.
/// Otherwise, no mention of that is made.
show_numerical_change(const string& what,
uint64_t old_bits,
uint64_t new_bits,
const diff_context& ctxt,
ostream& out,
bool show_bits_or_byte)
bool can_convert_bits_to_bytes = (old_bits % 8 == 0 && new_bits % 8 == 0);
uint64_t o = can_convert_bits_to_bytes
? maybe_convert_bits_to_bytes(old_bits, ctxt)
: old_bits;
uint64_t n = can_convert_bits_to_bytes
? maybe_convert_bits_to_bytes(new_bits, ctxt)
: new_bits;
string bits_or_bytes =
(!can_convert_bits_to_bytes || ctxt.show_offsets_sizes_in_bits ())
? "bits"
: "bytes";
out << what << " changed from ";
emit_num_value(o, ctxt, out);
out << " to ";
emit_num_value(n, ctxt, out);
if (show_bits_or_byte)
out << " (in ";
out << bits_or_bytes;
out << ")";
/// Emit a message showing the value of a numerical value representing
/// a size or an offset, preceded by a string. The message is ended
/// by a part which says if the value is in bits or bytes.
/// @param what the string prefix of the message to emit.
/// @param value the numerical value to emit.
/// @param ctxt the diff context to take into account.
/// @param out the output stream to emit the message to.
show_offset_or_size(const string& what,
uint64_t value,
const diff_context& ctxt,
ostream& out)
uint64_t v = value;
bool can_convert_bits_to_bytes = (value % 8 == 0);
if (can_convert_bits_to_bytes)
v = maybe_convert_bits_to_bytes(v, ctxt);
string bits_or_bytes =
(!can_convert_bits_to_bytes || ctxt.show_offsets_sizes_in_bits())
? "bits"
: "bytes";
if (!what.empty())
out << what << " ";
emit_num_value(v, ctxt, out);
out << " (in " << bits_or_bytes << ")";
/// Emit a message showing the value of a numerical value representing
/// a size or an offset. The message is ended by a part which says if
/// the value is in bits or bytes.
/// @param value the numerical value to emit.
/// @param ctxt the diff context to take into account.
/// @param out the output stream to emit the message to.
show_offset_or_size(uint64_t value,
const diff_context& ctxt,
ostream& out)
{show_offset_or_size("", value, ctxt, out);}
/// Stream a string representation for a member function.
/// @param ctxt the current diff context.
/// @param mem_fn the member function to stream
/// @param out the output stream to send the representation to
represent(const diff_context& ctxt,
method_decl_sptr mem_fn,
ostream& out)
if (!mem_fn || !is_member_function(mem_fn))
method_decl_sptr meth =
out << "'" << mem_fn->get_pretty_representation() << "'";
report_loc_info(meth, ctxt, out);
if (get_member_function_is_virtual(mem_fn))
ssize_t voffset = get_member_function_vtable_offset(mem_fn);
ssize_t biggest_voffset =
if (voffset > -1)
out << ", virtual at voffset ";
ctxt, out);
out << "/";
emit_num_value(biggest_voffset, ctxt, out);
if (ctxt.show_linkage_names()
&& (mem_fn->get_symbol()))
out << " {"
<< mem_fn->get_symbol()->get_id_string()
<< "}";
out << "\n";
/// Stream a string representation for a data member.
/// @param d the data member to stream
/// @param ctxt the current diff context.
/// @param out the output stream to send the representation to
/// @param indent the indentation string to use for the change report.
represent_data_member(var_decl_sptr d,
const diff_context_sptr& ctxt,
ostream& out,
const string& indent)
if (!is_data_member(d)
|| (!get_member_is_static(d) && !get_data_member_is_laid_out(d)))
out << indent << "'" << d->get_pretty_representation() << "'";
if (!get_member_is_static(d))
// Do not emit offset information for data member of a union
// type because all data members of a union are supposed to be
// at offset 0.
if (!is_union_type(d->get_scope()))
show_offset_or_size(", at offset",
*ctxt, out);
report_loc_info(d, *ctxt, out);
out << "\n";
/// If a given @ref var_diff node carries a data member change in
/// which the offset of the data member actually changed, then emit a
/// string (to an output stream) that represents that offset change.
/// For instance, if the offset of the data member increased by 32
/// bits then the string emitted is going to be "by +32 bits".
/// If, on the other hand, the offset of the data member decreased by
/// 64 bits then the string emitted is going to be "by -64 bits".
/// This function is a sub-routine used by the reporting system.
/// @param diff the diff node that potentially carries the data member
/// change.
/// @param ctxt the context in which the diff is being reported.
/// @param out the output stream to emit the string to.
maybe_show_relative_offset_change(const var_diff_sptr &diff,
diff_context& ctxt,
ostream& out)
if (!ctxt.show_relative_offset_changes())
var_decl_sptr o = diff->first_var();
var_decl_sptr n = diff->second_var();
uint64_t first_offset = get_data_member_offset(o),
second_offset = get_data_member_offset(n);
string sign;
uint64_t change = 0;
if (first_offset < second_offset)
sign = "+";
change = second_offset - first_offset;
else if (first_offset > second_offset)
sign = "-";
change = first_offset - second_offset;
if (!ctxt.show_offsets_sizes_in_bits())
change = convert_bits_to_bytes(change);
string bits_or_bytes = ctxt.show_offsets_sizes_in_bits()
? "bits"
: "bytes";
out << " (by " << sign;
emit_num_value(change, ctxt, out);
out << " " << bits_or_bytes << ")";
/// If a given @ref var_diff node carries a hange in which the size of
/// the variable actually changed, then emit a string (to an output
/// stream) that represents that size change.
/// For instance, if the size of the variable increased by 32 bits
/// then the string emitted is going to be "by +32 bits".
/// If, on the other hand, the size of the variable decreased by 64
/// bits then the string emitted is going to be "by -64 bits".
/// This function is a sub-routine used by the reporting system.
/// @param diff the diff node that potentially carries the variable
/// change.
/// @param ctxt the context in which the diff is being reported.
/// @param out the output stream to emit the string to.
maybe_show_relative_size_change(const var_diff_sptr &diff,
diff_context& ctxt,
ostream& out)
if (!ctxt.show_relative_offset_changes())
var_decl_sptr o = diff->first_var();
var_decl_sptr n = diff->second_var();
uint64_t first_size = get_var_size_in_bits(o),
second_size = get_var_size_in_bits(n);
string sign;
uint64_t change = 0;
if (first_size < second_size)
sign = "+";
change = second_size - first_size;
else if (first_size > second_size)
sign = "-";
change = first_size - second_size;
if (!ctxt.show_offsets_sizes_in_bits())
change = convert_bits_to_bytes(change);
string bits_or_bytes = ctxt.show_offsets_sizes_in_bits()
? "bits"
: "bytes";
out << " (by " << sign;
emit_num_value(change, ctxt, out);
out << " " << bits_or_bytes << ")";
/// Represent the changes carried by an instance of @ref var_diff that
/// represent a difference between two class data members.
/// @param diff diff the diff node to represent.
/// @param ctxt the diff context to use.
/// @param local_only if true, only display local changes.
/// @param out the output stream to send the representation to.
/// @param indent the indentation string to use for the change report.
represent(const var_diff_sptr &diff,
diff_context_sptr ctxt,
ostream& out,
const string& indent,
bool local_only)
if (!ctxt->get_reporter()->diff_to_be_reported(diff.get()))
const var_decl_sptr o = diff->first_var();
const var_decl_sptr n = diff->second_var();
const bool o_anon = !!is_anonymous_data_member(o);
const bool n_anon = !!is_anonymous_data_member(n);
const bool is_strict_anonymous_data_member_change = o_anon && n_anon;
const string o_name = o->get_qualified_name();
const string n_name = n->get_qualified_name();
const uint64_t o_size = get_var_size_in_bits(o);
const uint64_t n_size = get_var_size_in_bits(n);
const uint64_t o_offset = get_data_member_offset(o);
const uint64_t n_offset = get_data_member_offset(n);
const string o_pretty_representation = o->get_pretty_representation();
// no n_pretty_representation here as it's only needed in a couple of places
const bool show_size_offset_changes = ctxt->get_allowed_category()
// Has the main diff text been output?
bool emitted = false;
// Are we continuing on a new line? (implies emitted)
bool begin_with_and = false;
// Have we reported a size change already?
bool size_reported = false;
// First we'll try to emit a report about the type change of this
// var_decl_diff.
// In the context of that type change report, we need to keep in
// mind that because we want to emit specific (useful) reports about
// anonymous data member changes, we'll try to detect the various
// scenarii that involve anonymous data member changes.
// Then, as a fallback method, we'll emit a more generic type change
// report for the other generic type changes.
if (is_strict_anonymous_data_member_change)
const string n_pretty_representation = n->get_pretty_representation();
const type_base_sptr o_type = o->get_type(), n_type = n->get_type();
if (o_pretty_representation != n_pretty_representation)
show_offset_or_size(indent + "anonymous data member at offset",
o_offset, *ctxt, out);
out << " changed from:\n"
<< indent << " " << o_pretty_representation << "\n"
<< indent << "to:\n"
<< indent << " " << n_pretty_representation << "\n";
begin_with_and = true;
emitted = true;
else if (get_type_name(o_type) != get_type_name(n_type)
&& is_decl(o_type) && is_decl(n_type)
&& is_decl(o_type)->get_is_anonymous()
&& is_decl(n_type)->get_is_anonymous())
out << indent << "while looking at anonymous data member '"
<< o_pretty_representation << "':\n"
<< indent << "the internal name of that anonymous data member"
" changed from:\n"
<< indent << " " << get_type_name(o_type) << "\n"
<< indent << "to:\n"
<< indent << " " << get_type_name(n_type) << "\n"
<< indent << " This is usually due to "
<< "an anonymous member type being added or removed from "
<< "the containing type\n";
begin_with_and = true;
emitted = true;
else if (filtering::has_anonymous_data_member_change(diff))
ABG_ASSERT(o_anon != n_anon);
// So we are looking at a non-anonymous data member change from
// or to an anonymous data member.
const string n_pretty_representation = n->get_pretty_representation();
out << indent << (o_anon ? "anonymous " : "")
<< "data member " << o_pretty_representation;
show_offset_or_size(" at offset", o_offset, *ctxt, out);
out << " became " << (n_anon ? "anonymous " : "")
<< "data member '" << n_pretty_representation << "'\n";
begin_with_and = true;
emitted = true;
// If we haven't succeeded in emitting a specific type change report
// (mainly related to anonymous data data member changes) then let's
// try to emit a more generic report about the type change.
// This is the fallback method outlined in the comment at the
// beginning of this section.
if (!emitted)
if (const diff_sptr d = diff->type_diff())
if (ctxt->get_reporter()->diff_to_be_reported(d.get()))
if (local_only)
out << indent << "type '"
<< get_pretty_representation(o->get_type())
<< "' of '"
<< (o_anon ?
string("anonymous data member")
: o->get_qualified_name())
<< "' changed";
out << indent
<< "type of '"<< (o_anon ? "anonymous data member ": "")
<< o_pretty_representation << "' changed";
if (d->currently_reporting())
out << ", as being reported\n";
else if (d->reported_once())
out << ", as reported earlier\n";
out << ":\n";
d->report(out, indent + " ");
begin_with_and = true;
emitted = true;
size_reported = true;
// Okay, now we are done with report type changes. Let's report the
// other potential kinds of changes.
if (!filtering::has_anonymous_data_member_change(diff) && o_name != n_name)
if (filtering::has_harmless_name_change(o, n)
&& !(ctxt->get_allowed_category()
if (begin_with_and)
out << indent << "and ";
begin_with_and = false;
else if (!emitted)
out << indent;
out << ", ";
out << "name of '" << o_name << "' changed to '" << n_name << "'";
report_loc_info(n, *ctxt, out);
emitted = true;
if (get_data_member_is_laid_out(o)
!= get_data_member_is_laid_out(n))
if (begin_with_and)
out << indent << "and ";
begin_with_and = false;
else if (!emitted)
out << indent << "'" << o_pretty_representation << "' ";
out << ", ";
if (get_data_member_is_laid_out(o))
out << "is no more laid out";
out << "now becomes laid out";
emitted = true;
if (show_size_offset_changes)
if (o_offset != n_offset)
if (begin_with_and)
out << indent << "and ";
begin_with_and = false;
else if (!emitted)
out << indent;
if (is_strict_anonymous_data_member_change)
out << "anonymous data member ";
out << "'" << o_pretty_representation << "' ";
out << ", ";
show_numerical_change("offset", o_offset, n_offset, *ctxt, out);
maybe_show_relative_offset_change(diff, *ctxt, out);
emitted = true;
if (!size_reported && o_size != n_size)
if (begin_with_and)
out << indent << "and ";
begin_with_and = false;
else if (!emitted)
out << indent;
if (is_strict_anonymous_data_member_change)
out << "anonymous data member ";
out << "'" << o_pretty_representation << "' ";
out << ", ";
show_numerical_change("size", o_size, n_size, *ctxt, out);
maybe_show_relative_size_change(diff, *ctxt, out);
emitted = true;
if (o->get_binding() != n->get_binding())
if (begin_with_and)
out << indent << "and ";
begin_with_and = false;
else if (!emitted)
out << indent << "'" << o_pretty_representation << "' ";
out << ", ";
out << "elf binding changed from " << o->get_binding()
<< " to " << n->get_binding();
emitted = true;
if (o->get_visibility() != n->get_visibility())
if (begin_with_and)
out << indent << "and ";
begin_with_and = false;
else if (!emitted)
out << indent << "'" << o_pretty_representation << "' ";
out << ", ";
out << "visibility changed from " << o->get_visibility()
<< " to " << n->get_visibility();
emitted = true;
if ((ctxt->get_allowed_category() & ACCESS_CHANGE_CATEGORY)
&& (get_member_access_specifier(o)
!= get_member_access_specifier(n)))
if (begin_with_and)
out << indent << "and ";
begin_with_and = false;
else if (!emitted)
out << indent << "'" << o_pretty_representation << "' ";
out << ", ";
out << "access changed from '"
<< get_member_access_specifier(o)
<< "' to '"
<< get_member_access_specifier(n) << "'";
emitted = true;
if (get_member_is_static(o)
!= get_member_is_static(n))
if (begin_with_and)
out << indent << "and ";
begin_with_and = false;
else if (!emitted)
out << indent << "'" << o_pretty_representation << "' ";
out << ", ";
if (get_member_is_static(o))
out << "is no more static";
out << "now becomes static";
emitted = true;
if (begin_with_and)
// do nothing as begin_with_and implies emitted
else if (!emitted)
// We appear to have fallen off the edge of the map.
out << indent << "'" << o_pretty_representation
<< "' has *some* difference - please report as a bug";
;// do nothing
emitted = true;
if (!begin_with_and)
out << "\n";
/// Report the size and alignment changes of a type.
/// @param first the first type to consider.
/// @param second the second type to consider.
/// @param ctxt the content of the current diff.
/// @param out the output stream to report the change to.
/// @param indent the string to use for indentation.
report_size_and_alignment_changes(type_or_decl_base_sptr first,
type_or_decl_base_sptr second,
diff_context_sptr ctxt,
ostream& out,
const string& indent)
type_base_sptr f = dynamic_pointer_cast<type_base>(first),
s = dynamic_pointer_cast<type_base>(second);
if (!s || !f)
class_or_union_sptr first_class = is_class_or_union_type(first),
second_class = is_class_or_union_type(second);
if (filtering::has_class_decl_only_def_change(first_class, second_class))
// So these two classes differ only by the fact that one is the
// declaration-only form of the second. The declaration-only class
// is of unknown size (recorded as 0) and it is not meaningful to
// report a size change.
unsigned fs = f->get_size_in_bits(), ss = s->get_size_in_bits(),
fa = f->get_alignment_in_bits(), sa = s->get_alignment_in_bits();
array_type_def_sptr first_array = is_array_type(is_type(first)),
second_array = is_array_type(is_type(second));
unsigned fdc = first_array ? first_array->get_dimension_count(): 0,
sdc = second_array ? second_array->get_dimension_count(): 0;
if (ctxt->get_allowed_category() & SIZE_OR_OFFSET_CHANGE_CATEGORY)
if (fs != ss || fdc != sdc)
if (first_array && second_array)
// We are looking at size or alignment changes between two
// arrays ...
out << indent << "array type size changed from ";
if (first_array->is_infinite())
out << "infinity";
emit_num_value(first_array->get_size_in_bits(), *ctxt, out);
out << " to ";
if (second_array->is_infinite())
out << "infinity";
emit_num_value(second_array->get_size_in_bits(), *ctxt, out);
out << "\n";
if (sdc != fdc)
out << indent + " "
<< "number of dimensions changed from "
<< fdc
<< " to "
<< sdc
<< "\n";
array_type_def::subranges_type::const_iterator i, j;
for (i = first_array->get_subranges().begin(),
j = second_array->get_subranges().begin();
(i != first_array->get_subranges().end()
&& j != second_array->get_subranges().end());
++i, ++j)
if ((*i)->get_length() != (*j)->get_length())
out << indent
<< "array type subrange "
<< i - first_array->get_subranges().begin() + 1
<< " changed length from ";
if ((*i)->is_infinite())
out << "infinity";
out << (*i)->get_length();
out << " to ";
if ((*j)->is_infinite())
out << "infinity";
out << (*j)->get_length();
out << "\n";
} // end if (first_array && second_array)
else if (fs != ss)
out << indent;
show_numerical_change("type size", fs, ss, *ctxt, out);
out << "\n";
} // end if (fs != ss || fdc != sdc)
if (ctxt->show_relative_offset_changes())
out << indent << "type size hasn't changed\n";
if ((ctxt->get_allowed_category() & SIZE_OR_OFFSET_CHANGE_CATEGORY)
&& (fa != sa))
out << indent;
show_numerical_change("type alignment", fa, sa, *ctxt, out,
out << "\n";
/// @param tod the type or declaration to emit loc info about
/// @param ctxt the content of the current diff.
/// @param out the output stream to report the change to.
/// @return true iff something was reported.
report_loc_info(const type_or_decl_base_sptr& tod,
const diff_context& ctxt,
ostream &out)
if (!ctxt.show_locs())
return false;
decl_base_sptr decl = is_decl(tod);
if (!decl)
return false;
location loc;
translation_unit* tu = get_translation_unit(decl);
if (tu && (loc = decl->get_location()))
string path;
unsigned line, column;
loc.expand(path, line, column);
//tu->get_loc_mgr().expand_location(loc, path, line, column);
path = basename(const_cast<char*>(path.c_str()));
out << " at " << path << ":" << line << ":" << column;
return true;
return false;
/// Report the name, size and alignment changes of a type.
/// @param first the first type to consider.
/// @param second the second type to consider.
/// @param ctxt the content of the current diff.
/// @param out the output stream to report the change to.
/// @param indent the string to use for indentation.
report_name_size_and_alignment_changes(decl_base_sptr first,
decl_base_sptr second,
diff_context_sptr ctxt,
ostream& out,
const string& indent)
string fn = first->get_qualified_name(),
sn = second->get_qualified_name();
if (fn != sn)
if (!(ctxt->get_allowed_category() & HARMLESS_DECL_NAME_CHANGE_CATEGORY)
&& filtering::has_harmless_name_change(first, second))
// This is a harmless name change. but then
out << indent;
if (is_type(first))
out << "type";
out << "declaration";
out << " name changed from '" << fn << "' to '" << sn << "'";
out << "\n";
report_size_and_alignment_changes(first, second, ctxt, out, indent);
/// Output the header preceding the the report for
/// insertion/deletion/change of a part of a class. This is a
/// subroutine of class_diff::report.
/// @param out the output stream to output the report to.
/// @param number the number of insertion/deletion to refer to in the
/// header.
/// @param num_filtered the number of filtered changes.
/// @param k the kind of diff (insertion/deletion/change) we want the
/// head to introduce.
/// @param section_name the name of the sub-part of the class to
/// report about.
/// @param indent the string to use as indentation prefix in the
/// header.
report_mem_header(ostream& out,
size_t number,
size_t num_filtered,
diff_kind k,
const string& section_name,
const string& indent)
size_t net_number = number - num_filtered;
string change;
char colon_or_semi_colon = ':';
switch (k)
case del_kind:
change = (number > 1) ? "deletions" : "deletion";
case ins_kind:
change = (number > 1) ? "insertions" : "insertion";
case subtype_change_kind:
case change_kind:
change = (number > 1) ? "changes" : "change";
if (net_number == 0)
out << indent << "no " << section_name << " " << change;
colon_or_semi_colon = ';';
else if (net_number == 1)
out << indent << "1 " << section_name << " " << change;
out << indent << net_number << " " << section_name
<< " " << change;
if (num_filtered)
out << " (" << num_filtered << " filtered)";
out << colon_or_semi_colon << "\n";
/// Output the header preceding the the report for
/// insertion/deletion/change of a part of a class. This is a
/// subroutine of class_diff::report.
/// @param out the output stream to output the report to.
/// @param k the kind of diff (insertion/deletion/change) we want the
/// head to introduce.
/// @param section_name the name of the sub-part of the class to
/// report about.
/// @param indent the string to use as indentation prefix in the
/// header.
report_mem_header(ostream& out,
diff_kind k,
const string& section_name,
const string& indent)
string change;
switch (k)
case del_kind:
change = "deletions";
case ins_kind:
change = "insertions";
case subtype_change_kind:
case change_kind:
change = "changes";
out << indent << "there are " << section_name << " " << change << ":\n";
/// Report the differences in access specifiers and static-ness for
/// class members.
/// @param decl1 the first class member to consider.
/// @param decl2 the second class member to consider.
/// @param out the output stream to send the report to.
/// @param indent the indentation string to use for the report.
/// @return true if something was reported, false otherwise.
maybe_report_diff_for_member(const decl_base_sptr& decl1,
const decl_base_sptr& decl2,
const diff_context_sptr& ctxt,
ostream& out,
const string& indent)
bool reported = false;
if (!is_member_decl(decl1) || !is_member_decl(decl2))
return reported;
string decl1_repr = decl1->get_pretty_representation(),
decl2_repr = decl2->get_pretty_representation();
if (get_member_is_static(decl1) != get_member_is_static(decl2))
bool lost = get_member_is_static(decl1);
out << indent << "'" << decl1_repr << "' ";
if (report_loc_info(decl2, *ctxt, out))
out << " ";
if (lost)
out << "became non-static";
out << "became static";
out << "\n";
reported = true;
if ((ctxt->get_allowed_category() & ACCESS_CHANGE_CATEGORY)
&& (get_member_access_specifier(decl1)
!= get_member_access_specifier(decl2)))
out << indent << "'" << decl1_repr << "' access changed from '"
<< get_member_access_specifier(decl1)
<< "' to '"
<< get_member_access_specifier(decl2)
<< "'\n";
reported = true;
return reported;
/// Report the difference between two ELF symbols, if there is any.
/// @param symbol1 the first symbol to consider.
/// @param symbol2 the second symbol to consider.
/// @param ctxt the diff context.
/// @param the output stream to emit the report to.
/// @param indent the indentation string to use.
/// @return true if a report was emitted to the output stream @p out,
/// false otherwise.
maybe_report_diff_for_symbol(const elf_symbol_sptr& symbol1,
const elf_symbol_sptr& symbol2,
const diff_context_sptr& ctxt,
ostream& out,
const string& indent)
bool reported = false;
if (!symbol1 || !symbol2 || symbol1 == symbol2)
return reported;
if (symbol1->get_size() != symbol2->get_size())
out << indent;
show_numerical_change("size of symbol",
*ctxt, out,
reported = true;
if (symbol1->get_name() != symbol2->get_name())
if (reported)
out << ",\n" << indent
<< "its name ";
out << "\n" << indent << "name of symbol ";
out << "changed from "
<< symbol1->get_name()
<< " to "
<< symbol2->get_name();
reported = true;
if (symbol1->get_type() != symbol2->get_type())
if (reported)
out << ",\n" << indent
<< "its type ";
out << "\n" << indent << "type of symbol ";
out << "changed from '"
<< symbol1->get_type()
<< "' to '"
<< symbol2->get_type()
<< "'";
reported = true;
if (symbol1->is_public() != symbol2->is_public())
if (reported)
out << ",\n" << indent
<< "it became ";
out << "\n" << indent << "symbol became ";
if (symbol2->is_public())
out << "exported";
out << "non-exported";
reported = true;
if (symbol1->is_defined() != symbol2->is_defined())
if (reported)
out << ",\n" << indent
<< "it became ";
out << "\n" << indent << "symbol became ";
if (symbol2->is_defined())
out << "defined";
out << "undefined";
reported = true;
if (symbol1->get_version() != symbol2->get_version())
if (reported)
out << ",\n" << indent
<< "its version changed from ";
out << "\n" << indent << "symbol version changed from ";
out << symbol1->get_version().str()
<< " to "
<< symbol2->get_version().str();
reported = true;
if (reported)
out << "\n";
return reported;
/// For a given symbol, emit a string made of its name and version.
/// The string also contains the list of symbols that alias this one.
/// @param out the output string to emit the resulting string to.
/// @param indent the indentation string to use before emitting the
/// resulting string.
/// @param symbol the symbol to emit the representation string for.
/// @param sym_map the symbol map to consider to look for aliases of
/// @p symbol.
show_linkage_name_and_aliases(ostream& out,
const string& indent,
const elf_symbol& symbol,
const string_elf_symbols_map_type& sym_map)
out << indent << symbol.get_id_string();
string aliases =
if (!aliases.empty())
out << ", aliases " << aliases;
/// Report changes about types that are not reachable from global
/// functions and variables, in a given @param corpus_diff.
/// @param d the corpus_diff to consider.
/// @param s the statistics of the changes, after filters and
/// suppressions are reported. This is typically what is returned by
/// corpus_diff::apply_filters_and_suppressions_before_reporting().
/// @param indent the indendation string (usually a string of white
/// spaces) to use for indentation during the reporting.
/// @param out the output stream to emit the report to.
maybe_report_unreachable_type_changes(const corpus_diff& d,
const corpus_diff::diff_stats &s,
const string& indent,
ostream& out)
const diff_context_sptr& ctxt = d.context();
if (!(ctxt->show_unreachable_types()
&& (!d.priv_->deleted_unreachable_types_.empty()
|| !d.priv_->added_unreachable_types_.empty()
|| !d.priv_->changed_unreachable_types_.empty())))
// The user either doesn't want us to show changes about
// unreachable types or there are not such changes.
// Handle removed unreachable types.
if (s.net_num_removed_unreachable_types() == 1)
out << indent
<< "1 removed type unreachable from any public interface:\n\n";
else if (s.net_num_removed_unreachable_types() > 1)
out << indent
<< s.net_num_removed_unreachable_types()
<< " removed types unreachable from any public interface:\n\n";
vector<type_base_sptr> sorted_removed_unreachable_types;
bool emitted = false;
for (vector<type_base_sptr>::const_iterator i =
i != sorted_removed_unreachable_types.end();
if (d.priv_->deleted_unreachable_type_is_suppressed((*i).get()))
out << indent << " [D] '" << get_pretty_representation(*i) << "'";
report_loc_info(*i, *ctxt, out);
out << "\n";
emitted = true;
if (emitted)
out << "\n";
// Handle changed unreachable types!
if (s.net_num_changed_unreachable_types() == 1)
out << indent
<< "1 changed type unreachable from any public interface:\n\n";
else if (s.net_num_changed_unreachable_types() > 1)
out << indent
<< s.net_num_changed_unreachable_types()
<< " changed types unreachable from any public interface:\n\n";
diff_sptrs_type sorted_diff_sptrs;
for (diff_sptrs_type::const_iterator i = sorted_diff_sptrs.begin();
i != sorted_diff_sptrs.end();
diff_sptr diff = *i;
if (!diff || !diff->to_be_reported())
string repr = diff->first_subject()->get_pretty_representation();
out << indent << " [C] '" << repr << "' changed:\n";
diff->report(out, indent + " ");
// Extra spacing.
out << "\n";
// Changed types have extra spacing already. No new line here.
// Handle added unreachable types.
if (s.net_num_added_unreachable_types() == 1)
out << indent
<< "1 added type unreachable from any public interface:\n\n";
else if (s.net_num_added_unreachable_types() > 1)
out << indent
<< s.net_num_added_unreachable_types()
<< " added types unreachable from any public interface:\n\n";
vector<type_base_sptr> sorted_added_unreachable_types;
emitted = false;
for (vector<type_base_sptr>::const_iterator i =
i != sorted_added_unreachable_types.end();
if (d.priv_->added_unreachable_type_is_suppressed((*i).get()))
out << indent << " [A] '" << get_pretty_representation(*i) << "'";
report_loc_info(*i, *ctxt, out);
out << "\n";
emitted = true;
if (emitted)
out << "\n";
/// If a given diff node impacts some public interfaces, then report
/// about those impacted interfaces on a given output stream.
/// @param d the diff node to get the impacted interfaces for.
/// @param out the output stream to report to.
/// @param indent the white space string to use for indentation.
maybe_report_interfaces_impacted_by_diff(const diff *d,
ostream &out,
const string &indent)
const diff_context_sptr &ctxt = d->context();
const corpus_diff_sptr &corp_diff = ctxt->get_corpus_diff();
if (!corp_diff)
if (!ctxt->show_impacted_interfaces())
const diff_maps &maps = corp_diff->get_leaf_diffs();
artifact_sptr_set_type* impacted_artifacts =
if (impacted_artifacts == 0)
if (impacted_artifacts->empty())
vector<type_or_decl_base_sptr> sorted_impacted_interfaces;
sort_artifacts_set(*impacted_artifacts, sorted_impacted_interfaces);
size_t num_impacted_interfaces = impacted_artifacts->size();
if (num_impacted_interfaces == 1)
out << indent << "one impacted interface:\n";
out << indent << num_impacted_interfaces << " impacted interfaces:\n";
string cur_indent = indent + " ";
vector<type_or_decl_base_sptr>::const_iterator it;
for (it = sorted_impacted_interfaces.begin();
it != sorted_impacted_interfaces.end();
out << cur_indent << get_pretty_representation(*it) << "\n";
/// If a given diff node impacts some public interfaces, then report
/// about those impacted interfaces on standard output.
/// @param d the diff node to get the impacted interfaces for.
/// @param out the output stream to report to.
/// @param indent the white space string to use for indentation.
maybe_report_interfaces_impacted_by_diff(const diff_sptr &d,
ostream &out,
const string &indent)
{return maybe_report_interfaces_impacted_by_diff(d.get(), out, indent);}
/// Tests if the diff node is to be reported.
/// @param p the diff to consider.
/// @return true iff the diff is to be reported.
reporter_base::diff_to_be_reported(const diff *d) const
{return d && d->to_be_reported();}
/// Report about data members replaced by an anonymous data member
/// without changing the overall bit-layout of the class or union in
/// an ABI-meaningful way.
/// @param d the diff to consider.
/// @param out the output stream to emit the change report to.
/// @param indent the indentation string to use.
maybe_report_data_members_replaced_by_anon_dm(const class_or_union_diff &d,
ostream &out,
const string indent)
const diff_context_sptr& ctxt = d.context();
if ((ctxt->get_allowed_category() & HARMLESS_DATA_MEMBER_CHANGE_CATEGORY)
&& !d.data_members_replaced_by_adms().empty())
// Let's detect all the data members that are replaced by
// members of the same anonymous data member and report them
// in one go.
changed_var_sptrs_type::const_iterator i, j;
i = d.ordered_data_members_replaced_by_adms().begin();
// This contains the data members replaced by the same
// anonymous data member.
vector<var_decl_sptr> dms_replaced_by_same_anon_dm;
// This contains the anonymous data member that replaced the
// data members in the variable above.
var_decl_sptr anonymous_data_member;
while (i != d.ordered_data_members_replaced_by_adms().end())
anonymous_data_member = i->second;
// Let's look forward to see if the subsequent data
// members were replaced by members of
// anonymous_data_member.
for (j = i;
j != d.ordered_data_members_replaced_by_adms().end();
if (*i->second == *j->second)
bool several_data_members_replaced =
dms_replaced_by_same_anon_dm.size() > 1;
out << indent << "data member";
if (several_data_members_replaced)
out << "s";
bool first_data_member = true;
for (vector<var_decl_sptr>::const_iterator it =
it != dms_replaced_by_same_anon_dm.end();
string name = (*it)->get_qualified_name();
if (!first_data_member)
out << ",";
out << " '" << name << "'";
first_data_member = false;
if (several_data_members_replaced)
out << " were ";
out << " was ";
out << "replaced by anonymous data member:\n"
<< indent + " "
<< "'"
<< i->second->get_pretty_representation()
<< "'\n";
i = j;
} // Namespace comparison
} // end namespace abigail