blob: cc19567b48fcea5e488ff413b6f3dc343f52970e [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// -*- mode: C++ -*-
// Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Red Hat, Inc.
/// @file
/// This file contains the definitions of the entry points to
/// de-serialize an instance of @ref abigail::translation_unit from an
/// ABI Instrumentation file in libabigail native XML format. This
/// native XML format is named "abixml".
#include "config.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <libxml/xmlreader.h>
#include <libxml/xmlstring.h>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <deque>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "abg-suppression-priv.h"
#include "abg-internal.h"
#include "abg-tools-utils.h"
// <headers defining libabigail's API go under here>
#include "abg-libxml-utils.h"
#include "abg-reader.h"
#include "abg-corpus.h"
#include "abg-symtab-reader.h"
#include "abg-libzip-utils.h"
// </headers defining libabigail's API>
namespace abigail
using xml::xml_char_sptr;
/// The namespace for the native XML file format reader.
namespace xml_reader
using std::string;
using std::deque;
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::unordered_map;
using std::dynamic_pointer_cast;
using std::vector;
using std::istream;
using zip_utils::zip_sptr;
using zip_utils::zip_file_sptr;
using zip_utils::open_archive;
using zip_utils::open_file_in_archive;
static bool read_is_declaration_only(xmlNodePtr, bool&);
static bool read_is_artificial(xmlNodePtr, bool&);
static bool read_tracking_non_reachable_types(xmlNodePtr, bool&);
static bool read_is_non_reachable_type(xmlNodePtr, bool&);
class read_context;
/// This abstracts the context in which the current ABI
/// instrumentation dump is being de-serialized. It carries useful
/// information needed during the de-serialization, but that does not
/// make sense to be stored in the final resulting in-memory
/// representation of ABI Corpus.
class read_context
typedef unordered_map<string,
vector<type_base_sptr> >::const_iterator
typedef unordered_map<string,
vector<type_base_sptr> >::iterator
typedef unordered_map<string,
shared_ptr<function_tdecl> >::const_iterator
typedef unordered_map<string,
shared_ptr<class_tdecl> >::const_iterator
typedef unordered_map<string, xmlNodePtr> string_xml_node_map;
typedef unordered_map<xmlNodePtr, decl_base_sptr> xml_node_decl_base_sptr_map;
string m_path;
environment* m_env;
unordered_map<string, vector<type_base_sptr> > m_types_map;
unordered_map<string, shared_ptr<function_tdecl> > m_fn_tmpl_map;
unordered_map<string, shared_ptr<class_tdecl> > m_class_tmpl_map;
vector<type_base_sptr> m_types_to_canonicalize;
string_xml_node_map m_id_xml_node_map;
xml_node_decl_base_sptr_map m_xml_node_decl_map;
xml::reader_sptr m_reader;
xmlNodePtr m_corp_node;
deque<shared_ptr<decl_base> > m_decls_stack;
corpus_sptr m_corpus;
corpus_group_sptr m_corpus_group;
corpus::exported_decls_builder* m_exported_decls_builder;
suppr::suppressions_type m_supprs;
bool m_tracking_non_reachable_types;
bool m_drop_undefined_syms;
bool m_merge_translation_units;
read_context(xml::reader_sptr reader,
environment* env)
: m_env(env),
/// Getter for the flag that tells us if we are tracking types that
/// are not reachable from global functions and variables.
/// @return true iff we are tracking types that are not reachable
/// from global functions and variables.
tracking_non_reachable_types() const
{return m_tracking_non_reachable_types;}
/// Setter for the flag that tells us if we are tracking types that
/// are not reachable from global functions and variables.
/// @param f the new value of the flag.
/// from global functions and variables.
tracking_non_reachable_types(bool f)
{m_tracking_non_reachable_types = f;}
/// Getter for the flag that tells us if we are dropping functions
/// and variables that have undefined symbols.
/// @return true iff we are dropping functions and variables that have
/// undefined symbols.
drop_undefined_syms() const
{return m_drop_undefined_syms;}
/// Setter for the flag that tells us if we are dropping functions
/// and variables that have undefined symbols.
/// @param f the new value of the flag.
drop_undefined_syms(bool f)
{m_drop_undefined_syms = f;}
/// Getter for the flag that tells us if we are merging translation
/// units.
/// @return true iff we are merging translation units.
merge_translation_units() const
{return m_merge_translation_units;}
/// Setter for the flag that tells us if we are merging translation
/// units.
/// @param f the new value of the flag.
merge_translation_units(bool f)
{m_merge_translation_units = f;}
/// Getter of the path to the ABI file.
/// @return the path to the native xml abi file.
const string&
get_path() const
{return m_path;}
/// Setter of the path to the ABI file.
/// @param the new path to the native ABI file.
set_path(const string& s)
{m_path = s;}
/// Getter for the environment of this reader.
/// @return the environment of this reader.
const environment*
get_environment() const
{return m_env;}
/// Getter for the environment of this reader.
/// @return the environment of this reader.
{return m_env;}
/// Setter for the environment of this reader.
/// @param env the environment of this reader.
set_environment(environment* env)
{m_env = env;}
get_reader() const
{return m_reader;}
get_corpus_node() const
{return m_corp_node;}
set_corpus_node(xmlNodePtr node)
{m_corp_node = node;}
const string_xml_node_map&
get_id_xml_node_map() const
{return m_id_xml_node_map;}
{return m_id_xml_node_map;}
const xml_node_decl_base_sptr_map&
get_xml_node_decl_map() const
{return m_xml_node_decl_map;}
{return m_xml_node_decl_map;}
map_xml_node_to_decl(xmlNodePtr node,
decl_base_sptr decl)
if (node)
get_xml_node_decl_map()[node]= decl;
get_decl_for_xml_node(xmlNodePtr node) const
xml_node_decl_base_sptr_map::const_iterator i =
if (i != get_xml_node_decl_map().end())
return i->second;
return decl_base_sptr();
map_id_and_node (const string& id,
xmlNodePtr node)
if (!node)
string_xml_node_map::iterator i = get_id_xml_node_map().find(id);
if (i != get_id_xml_node_map().end())
bool is_declaration = false;
read_is_declaration_only(node, is_declaration);
if (is_declaration)
i->second = node;
get_id_xml_node_map()[id] = node;
get_xml_node_from_id(const string& id) const
string_xml_node_map::const_iterator i = get_id_xml_node_map().find(id);
if (i != get_id_xml_node_map().end())
return i->second;
return 0;
get_scope_for_node(xmlNodePtr node,
access_specifier& access);
// This is defined later, after build_type() is declared, because it
// uses it.
build_or_get_type_decl(const string& id,
bool add_decl_to_scope);
/// Return the first type already seen, that is identified by a
/// given ID.
/// Note that for a type to be "identified" by id, the function
/// key_type_decl must have been previously called with that type
/// and with id.
/// @param id the id to consider.
/// @return the type identified by the unique id id, or a null
/// pointer if no type has ever been associated with id before.
get_type_decl(const string& id) const
const_types_map_it i = m_types_map.find(id);
if (i == m_types_map.end())
return type_base_sptr();
type_base_sptr result = i->second[0];
return result;
/// Return the vector of types already seen, that are identified by
/// a given ID.
/// Note that for a type to be "identified" by id, the function
/// key_type_decl must have been previously called with that type
/// and with id.
/// @param id the id to consider.
/// @return thevector of types already seen, that are identified by
/// a given ID, or 0 if no type has ever been associated with @p id
/// before.
const vector<type_base_sptr>*
get_all_type_decls(const string& id) const
const_types_map_it i = m_types_map.find(id);
if (i == m_types_map.end())
return 0;
return &i->second;
/// Return the function template that is identified by a unique ID.
/// Note that for a function template to be identified by id, the
/// function key_fn_tmpl_decl must have been previously called with
/// that function template and with id.
/// @param id the ID to consider.
/// @return the function template identified by id, or a null
/// pointer if no function template has ever been associated with
/// id before.
get_fn_tmpl_decl(const string& id) const
const_fn_tmpl_map_it i = m_fn_tmpl_map.find(id);
if (i == m_fn_tmpl_map.end())
return shared_ptr<function_tdecl>();
return i->second;
/// Return the class template that is identified by a unique ID.
/// Note that for a class template to be identified by id, the
/// function key_class_tmpl_decl must have been previously called
/// with that class template and with id.
/// @param id the ID to consider.
/// @return the class template identified by id, or a null pointer
/// if no class template has ever been associated with id before.
get_class_tmpl_decl(const string& id) const
const_class_tmpl_map_it i = m_class_tmpl_map.find(id);
if (i == m_class_tmpl_map.end())
return shared_ptr<class_tdecl>();
return i->second;
/// Return the current lexical scope.
get_cur_scope() const
shared_ptr<decl_base> cur_decl = get_cur_decl();
if (dynamic_cast<scope_decl*>(cur_decl.get()))
// The current decl is a scope_decl, so it's our lexical scope.
return dynamic_pointer_cast<scope_decl>(cur_decl).get();
else if (cur_decl)
// The current decl is not a scope_decl, so our lexical scope is
// the scope of this decl.
return cur_decl->get_scope();
// We have no scope set.
return 0;
get_cur_decl() const
if (m_decls_stack.empty())
return shared_ptr<decl_base>(static_cast<decl_base*>(0));
return m_decls_stack.back();
const global_scope* global = 0;
for (deque<shared_ptr<decl_base> >::reverse_iterator i =
i != m_decls_stack.rend();
if (decl_base_sptr d = *i)
if ((global = get_global_scope(d)))
if (global)
return global->get_translation_unit();
return 0;
/// Test if a given type is from the current translation unit.
/// @param type the type to consider.
/// @return true iff the type is from the current translation unit.
type_is_from_translation_unit(type_base_sptr type)
decl_base_sptr d = get_type_declaration(type);
if (d)
return (ir::get_translation_unit(d) == get_translation_unit());
else if (function_type_sptr fn_type = is_function_type(type))
return bool(lookup_function_type(fn_type, *get_translation_unit()));
return false;
push_decl(decl_base_sptr d)
if (m_decls_stack.empty())
return decl_base_sptr();
shared_ptr<decl_base> t = get_cur_decl();
return t;
/// Pop all decls until a give scope is popped.
/// @param scope the scope to pop.
/// @return true if the scope was popped, false otherwise. Note
/// that if the scope wasn't found, it might mean that many other
/// decls were popped.
pop_scope(scope_decl_sptr scope)
decl_base_sptr d;
d = pop_decl();
scope_decl_sptr s = dynamic_pointer_cast<scope_decl>(d);
if (s == scope)
while (d);
if (!d)
return false;
return dynamic_pointer_cast<scope_decl>(d) == scope;
/// like @ref pop_scope, but if the scope couldn't be popped, the
/// function aborts the execution of the process.
/// @param scope the scope to pop.
pop_scope_or_abort(scope_decl_sptr scope)
/// Clean the vector of types to canonicalize after the translation
/// unit has been read.
/// Test if two types are equal, without comparing them structurally.
/// This either tests that type pointers are equal, or it tests
/// their names. This is because it might be two early to compare
/// types structurally because we are not necessarily done building
/// them yet.
/// @param t1 the first type to compare.
/// @param t2 the second type to compare.
/// @return true iff the types are equal.
types_equal(type_base_sptr t1, type_base_sptr t2)
if (t1.get() == t2.get())
return true;
// We are going to test qualified names only if both types have
// already been added to their scope.
bool qualified = (get_type_scope(t1) && get_type_scope(t2));
return (get_type_name(t1, qualified)
== get_type_name(t2, qualified));
/// Associate an ID with a type.
/// @param type the type to associate witht he ID.
/// @param id the ID to associate to the type.
/// @return true upon successful completion.
key_type_decl(shared_ptr<type_base> type, const string& id)
if (!type)
return false;
return true;
/// Associate an ID to a function template.
/// @param fn_tmpl_decl the function template to consider.
/// @param id the ID to associate to the function template.
/// @return true upon successful completion, false otherwise. Note
/// that the function returns false if an ID was previously
/// associated to the function template.
key_fn_tmpl_decl(shared_ptr<function_tdecl> fn_tmpl_decl,
const string& id)
const_fn_tmpl_map_it i = m_fn_tmpl_map.find(id);
if (i != m_fn_tmpl_map.end())
return false;
m_fn_tmpl_map[id] = fn_tmpl_decl;
return true;
/// Associate an ID to a class template.
/// @param class_tmpl_decl the class template to consider.
/// @param id the ID to associate to the class template.
/// @return true upon successful completion, false otherwise. Note
/// that the function returns false if an ID was previously
/// associated to the class template.
key_class_tmpl_decl(shared_ptr<class_tdecl> class_tmpl_decl,
const string& id)
const_class_tmpl_map_it i = m_class_tmpl_map.find(id);
if (i != m_class_tmpl_map.end())
return false;
m_class_tmpl_map[id] = class_tmpl_decl;
return true;
/// This function must be called on each declaration that is created during
/// the parsing. It adds the declaration to the current scope, and updates
/// the state of the parsing context accordingly.
/// @param decl the newly created declaration.
push_decl_to_current_scope(decl_base_sptr decl,
bool add_to_current_scope)
if (add_to_current_scope)
add_decl_to_scope(decl, get_cur_scope());
if (!decl->get_translation_unit())
/// This function must be called on each type decl that is created
/// during the parsing. It adds the type decl to the current scope
/// and associates a unique ID to it.
/// @param t type_decl
/// @param id the unique ID to be associated to t
/// @return true upon successful completion.
push_and_key_type_decl(shared_ptr<type_base> t, const string& id,
bool add_to_current_scope)
shared_ptr<decl_base> decl = dynamic_pointer_cast<decl_base>(t);
push_decl_to_current_scope(decl, add_to_current_scope);
if (!t->get_translation_unit())
key_type_decl(t, id);
return true;
const corpus_sptr
get_corpus() const
{return m_corpus;}
{return m_corpus;}
set_corpus(corpus_sptr c)
{m_corpus = c;}
/// Getter of the current corpus group.
/// @return the current corpus group.n
const corpus_group_sptr&
get_corpus_group() const
{return m_corpus_group;}
/// Getter of the current corpus group.
/// @return the current corpus group.
{return m_corpus_group;}
/// Setter of the corpus_group
/// @param group the new corpus group.
set_corpus_group(const corpus_group_sptr& group)
{m_corpus_group = group;}
/// Getter for the object that determines if a given declaration
/// ought to be put in the set of exported decls of the current
/// corpus.
/// @return the exported decls builder.
{return m_exported_decls_builder;}
/// Setter for the object that determines if a given declaration
/// ought to be put in the set of exported decls of the current
/// corpus.
/// @param d the new exported decls builder.
/// @return the exported decls builder.
set_exported_decls_builder(corpus::exported_decls_builder* d)
{m_exported_decls_builder = d;}
/// Getter of the vector of the suppression specifications
/// associated to the current read context.
/// @return the vector of suppression specifications.
{return m_supprs;}
/// Getter of the vector of the suppression specifications
/// associated to the current read context.
/// @return the vector of suppression specifications.
const suppr::suppressions_type&
get_suppressions() const
{return const_cast<read_context*>(this)->get_suppressions();}
/// Test if there are suppression specifications (associated to the
/// current corpus) that match a given SONAME or file name.
/// @param soname the SONAME to consider.
/// @param the file name to consider.
/// @return true iff there are suppression specifications (associated to the
/// current corpus) that match the SONAME denoted by @p soname or
/// the file name denoted by @p filename.
corpus_is_suppressed_by_soname_or_filename(const string& soname,
const string& filename)
using suppr::suppressions_type;
using suppr::file_suppression_sptr;
using suppr::is_file_suppression;
for (suppressions_type::const_iterator s = get_suppressions().begin();
s != get_suppressions().end();
if (file_suppression_sptr suppr = is_file_suppression(*s))
if (suppr::suppression_matches_soname_or_filename(soname, filename,
return true;
return false;
/// Add a given function to the set of exported functions of the
/// current corpus, if the function satisfies the different
/// constraints requirements.
/// @param fn the function to consider.
maybe_add_fn_to_exported_decls(function_decl* fn)
if (fn)
if (corpus::exported_decls_builder* b = get_exported_decls_builder())
/// Add a given variable to the set of exported functions of the
/// current corpus, if the function satisfies the different
/// constraints requirements.
/// @param var the variable to consider.
maybe_add_var_to_exported_decls(var_decl* var)
if (var && var->get_scope())
if (corpus::exported_decls_builder* b = get_exported_decls_builder())
/// Add a given variable to the set of exported functions of the
/// current corpus, if the function satisfies the different
/// constraints requirements.
/// @param var the variable to consider.
maybe_add_var_to_exported_decls(const var_decl_sptr &var)
{return maybe_add_var_to_exported_decls(var.get());}
/// Clear all the data that must absolutely be cleared at the end of
/// the parsing of a translation unit.
/// Clear all the data that must absolutely be cleared at the end of
/// the parsing of an ABI corpus.
/// Test if a type should be canonicalized early. If so,
/// canonicalize it right away. Otherwise, schedule it for late
/// canonicalizing; that is, schedule it so that it's going to be
/// canonicalized when the translation unit is fully read.
/// @param t the type to consider for canonicalizing.
maybe_canonicalize_type(type_base_sptr t,
bool force_delay = false)
if (!t)
if (t->get_canonical_type())
// If this class has some non-canonicalized sub type, then wait
// for the when we've read all the translation unit to
// canonicalize all of its non-canonicalized sub types and then we
// can canonicalize this one.
// Also, if this is a declaration-only class, wait for the end of
// the translation unit reading so that we have its definition and
// then we'll use that for canonicalizing it.
if (!force_delay
&& !type_has_non_canonicalized_subtype(t)
&& !is_class_type(t)
&& !is_union_type(t)
// Below are types that *must* be canonicalized only after
// they are added to their context; but then this function
// might be called to early, before they are actually added to
// their context.
// TODO: make sure this function is called after types are
// added to their context, so that we can try to
// early-canonicalize some of these types, reducing the size
// of the set of types to put on the side, waiting for being
// canonicalized.
&& !is_method_type(t)
&& !is_reference_type(t)
&& !is_pointer_type(t)
&& !is_qualified_type(t)
&& !is_typedef(t)
&& !is_enum_type(t)
&& !is_function_type(t))
// We do not want to try to canonicalize a class type that
// hasn't been properly added to its context.
if (class_decl_sptr c = is_class_type(t))
/// Schedule a type for being canonicalized after the current
/// translation unit is read.
/// @param t the type to consider for canonicalization.
schedule_type_for_late_canonicalizing(type_base_sptr t)
/// Perform the canonicalizing of types that ought to be done after
/// the current translation unit is read. This function is called
/// when the current corpus is fully built.
for (vector<type_base_sptr>::iterator i = m_types_to_canonicalize.begin();
i != m_types_to_canonicalize.end();
/// Test whether if a given function suppression matches a function
/// designated by a regular expression that describes its name.
/// @param s the suppression specification to evaluate to see if it
/// matches a given function name.
/// @param fn_name the name of the function of interest. Note that
/// this name must be *non* qualified.
/// @return true iff the suppression specification @p s matches the
/// function whose name is @p fn_name.
suppression_matches_function_name(const suppr::function_suppression_sptr& s,
const string& fn_name) const
if (!s)
return false;
return suppression_matches_function_name(*s, fn_name);
/// Tests if a suppression specification can match ABI artifacts
/// coming from the ABI corpus being analyzed.
/// This tests if the suppression matches the soname of and binary
/// name of the corpus being analyzed.
/// @param s the suppression specification to consider.
suppression_can_match(const suppr::suppression_base& s) const
corpus_sptr corp = get_corpus();
if (!s.priv_->matches_soname(corp->get_soname()))
if (s.has_soname_related_property())
// The suppression has some SONAME related properties, but
// none of them match the SONAME of the current binary. So
// the suppression cannot match the current binary.
return false;
if (!s.priv_->matches_binary_name(corp->get_path()))
if (s.has_file_name_related_property())
// The suppression has some file_name related properties, but
// none of them match the file name of the current binary. So
// the suppression cannot match the current binary.
return false;
return true;
/// Test whether if a given function suppression matches a function
/// designated by a regular expression that describes its name.
/// @param s the suppression specification to evaluate to see if it
/// matches a given function name.
/// @param fn_name the name of the function of interest. Note that
/// this name must be *non* qualified.
/// @return true iff the suppression specification @p s matches the
/// function whose name is @p fn_name.
suppression_matches_function_name(const suppr::function_suppression& s,
const string& fn_name) const
if (!s.get_drops_artifact_from_ir()
|| !suppression_can_match(s))
return false;
return suppr::suppression_matches_function_name(s, fn_name);
/// Test whether if a given function suppression matches a function
/// designated by a regular expression that describes its linkage
/// name (symbol name).
/// @param s the suppression specification to evaluate to see if it
/// matches a given function linkage name
/// @param fn_linkage_name the linkage name of the function of interest.
/// @return true iff the suppression specification @p s matches the
/// function whose linkage name is @p fn_linkage_name.
suppression_matches_function_sym_name(const suppr::function_suppression_sptr& s,
const string& fn_linkage_name) const
if (!s)
return false;
return suppression_matches_function_sym_name(*s, fn_linkage_name);
/// Test whether if a given function suppression matches a function
/// designated by a regular expression that describes its linkage
/// name (symbol name).
/// @param s the suppression specification to evaluate to see if it
/// matches a given function linkage name
/// @param fn_linkage_name the linkage name of the function of interest.
/// @return true iff the suppression specification @p s matches the
/// function whose linkage name is @p fn_linkage_name.
suppression_matches_function_sym_name(const suppr::function_suppression& s,
const string& fn_linkage_name) const
if (!s.get_drops_artifact_from_ir()
|| !suppression_can_match(s))
return false;
return suppr::suppression_matches_function_sym_name(s, fn_linkage_name);
/// Test whether if a given variable suppression specification
/// matches a variable denoted by its name.
/// @param s the variable suppression specification to consider.
/// @param var_name the name of the variable to consider.
/// @return true iff the suppression specification @p s matches the
/// variable whose name is @p var_name.
suppression_matches_variable_name(const suppr::variable_suppression& s,
const string& var_name) const
if (!s.get_drops_artifact_from_ir()
|| !suppression_can_match(s))
return false;
return suppr::suppression_matches_variable_name(s, var_name);
/// Test whether if a given variable suppression specification
/// matches a variable denoted by its linkage name.
/// @param s the variable suppression specification to consider.
/// @param var_linkage_name the linkage name of the variable to consider.
/// @return true iff variable suppression specification @p s matches
/// the variable denoted by linkage name @p var_linkage_name.
suppression_matches_variable_sym_name(const suppr::variable_suppression& s,
const string& var_linkage_name) const
if (!s.get_drops_artifact_from_ir()
|| !suppression_can_match(s))
return false;
return suppr::suppression_matches_variable_sym_name(s, var_linkage_name);
/// Test if a given type suppression specification matches a type
/// designated by its name and location.
/// @param s the suppression specification to consider.
/// @param type_name the fully qualified type name to consider.
/// @param type_location the type location to consider.
/// @return true iff the type suppression specification matches a
/// type of a given name and location.
suppression_matches_type_name_or_location(const suppr::type_suppression& s,
const string& type_name,
const location& type_location) const
if (!suppression_can_match(s))
return false;
return suppr::suppression_matches_type_name_or_location(s, type_name,
};// end class read_context
static int advance_cursor(read_context&);
static bool
read_translation_unit(read_context&, translation_unit&, xmlNodePtr);
static translation_unit_sptr
get_or_read_and_add_translation_unit(read_context&, xmlNodePtr);
static translation_unit_sptr read_translation_unit_from_input(read_context&);
static bool read_symbol_db_from_input(read_context&,
static bool read_location(const read_context&, xmlNodePtr, location&);
static bool read_visibility(xmlNodePtr, decl_base::visibility&);
static bool read_binding(xmlNodePtr, decl_base::binding&);
static bool read_access(xmlNodePtr, access_specifier&);
static bool read_size_and_alignment(xmlNodePtr, size_t&, size_t&);
static bool read_static(xmlNodePtr, bool&);
static bool read_offset_in_bits(xmlNodePtr, size_t&);
static bool read_cdtor_const(xmlNodePtr, bool&, bool&, bool&);
static bool read_is_virtual(xmlNodePtr, bool&);
static bool read_is_struct(xmlNodePtr, bool&);
static bool read_is_anonymous(xmlNodePtr, bool&);
static bool read_elf_symbol_type(xmlNodePtr, elf_symbol::type&);
static bool read_elf_symbol_binding(xmlNodePtr, elf_symbol::binding&);
static bool read_elf_symbol_visibility(xmlNodePtr,
static namespace_decl_sptr
build_namespace_decl(read_context&, const xmlNodePtr, bool);
// <build a c++ class from an instance of xmlNodePtr>
// Note that whenever a new function to build a type is added here,
// you should make sure to call it from the build_type function, which
// should be the last function of the list of declarated function
// below.
static elf_symbol_sptr
build_elf_symbol(read_context&, const xmlNodePtr, bool);
static elf_symbol_sptr
build_elf_symbol_from_reference(read_context&, const xmlNodePtr);
static string_elf_symbols_map_sptr
build_elf_symbol_db(read_context&, const xmlNodePtr, bool);
static function_decl::parameter_sptr
build_function_parameter (read_context&, const xmlNodePtr);
static function_decl_sptr
build_function_decl(read_context&, const xmlNodePtr,
class_or_union_sptr, bool);
static function_decl_sptr
build_function_decl_if_not_suppressed(read_context&, const xmlNodePtr,
class_or_union_sptr, bool);
static bool
function_is_suppressed(const read_context& ctxt,
xmlNodePtr node);
static var_decl_sptr
build_var_decl_if_not_suppressed(read_context&, const xmlNodePtr, bool);
static var_decl_sptr
build_var_decl(read_context&, const xmlNodePtr, bool);
static bool
variable_is_suppressed(const read_context& ctxt,
xmlNodePtr node);
static shared_ptr<type_decl>
build_type_decl(read_context&, const xmlNodePtr, bool);
static qualified_type_def_sptr
build_qualified_type_decl(read_context&, const xmlNodePtr, bool);
static shared_ptr<pointer_type_def>
build_pointer_type_def(read_context&, const xmlNodePtr, bool);
static shared_ptr<reference_type_def>
build_reference_type_def(read_context&, const xmlNodePtr, bool);
static shared_ptr<function_type>
build_function_type(read_context&, const xmlNodePtr, bool);
static array_type_def::subrange_sptr
build_subrange_type(read_context&, const xmlNodePtr);
static array_type_def_sptr
build_array_type_def(read_context&, const xmlNodePtr, bool);
static enum_type_decl_sptr
build_enum_type_decl(read_context&, const xmlNodePtr, bool);
static shared_ptr<typedef_decl>
build_typedef_decl(read_context&, const xmlNodePtr, bool);
static class_decl_sptr
build_class_decl(read_context&, const xmlNodePtr, bool);
static union_decl_sptr
build_union_decl(read_context&, const xmlNodePtr, bool);
static shared_ptr<function_tdecl>
build_function_tdecl(read_context&, const xmlNodePtr, bool);
static shared_ptr<class_tdecl>
build_class_tdecl(read_context&, const xmlNodePtr, bool);
static type_tparameter_sptr
build_type_tparameter(read_context&, const xmlNodePtr,
unsigned, template_decl_sptr);
static type_composition_sptr
build_type_composition(read_context&, const xmlNodePtr,
unsigned, template_decl_sptr);
static non_type_tparameter_sptr
build_non_type_tparameter(read_context&, const xmlNodePtr,
unsigned, template_decl_sptr);
static template_tparameter_sptr
build_template_tparameter(read_context&, const xmlNodePtr,
unsigned, template_decl_sptr);
static template_parameter_sptr
build_template_parameter(read_context&, const xmlNodePtr,
unsigned, template_decl_sptr);
// Please make this build_type function be the last one of the list.
// Note that it should call each type-building function above. So
// please make sure to update it accordingly, whenever a new
// type-building function is added here.
static shared_ptr<type_base>
build_type(read_context&, const xmlNodePtr, bool);
// </build a c++ class from an instance of xmlNodePtr>
static type_or_decl_base_sptr handle_element_node(read_context&, xmlNodePtr, bool);
static decl_base_sptr handle_type_decl(read_context&, xmlNodePtr, bool);
static decl_base_sptr handle_namespace_decl(read_context&, xmlNodePtr, bool);
static decl_base_sptr handle_qualified_type_decl(read_context&,
xmlNodePtr, bool);
static decl_base_sptr handle_pointer_type_def(read_context&,
xmlNodePtr, bool);
static decl_base_sptr handle_reference_type_def(read_context&,
xmlNodePtr, bool);
static type_base_sptr handle_function_type(read_context&,
xmlNodePtr, bool);
static decl_base_sptr handle_array_type_def(read_context&,
xmlNodePtr, bool);
static decl_base_sptr handle_enum_type_decl(read_context&, xmlNodePtr, bool);
static decl_base_sptr handle_typedef_decl(read_context&, xmlNodePtr, bool);
static decl_base_sptr handle_var_decl(read_context&, xmlNodePtr, bool);
static decl_base_sptr handle_function_decl(read_context&, xmlNodePtr, bool);
static decl_base_sptr handle_class_decl(read_context&, xmlNodePtr, bool);
static decl_base_sptr handle_union_decl(read_context&, xmlNodePtr, bool);
static decl_base_sptr handle_function_tdecl(read_context&, xmlNodePtr, bool);
static decl_base_sptr handle_class_tdecl(read_context&, xmlNodePtr, bool);
/// Get the IR node representing the scope for a given XML node.
/// This function might trigger the building of a full sub-tree of IR.
/// @param node the XML for which to return the scope decl. If its
/// parent XML node has no corresponding IR node, that IR node is constructed.
/// @param access the access specifier of the node in its scope, if
/// applicable. If the node doesn't have any access specifier
/// provided in its scope, then the parameter is set to no_access.
/// @return the IR node representing the scope of the IR node for the
/// XML node given in argument.
read_context::get_scope_for_node(xmlNodePtr node,
access_specifier& access)
scope_decl_sptr nil, scope;
if (!node)
return nil;
xmlNodePtr parent = node->parent;
access = no_access;
if (parent
&& (xmlStrEqual(parent->name, BAD_CAST("data-member"))
|| xmlStrEqual(parent->name, BAD_CAST("member-type"))
|| xmlStrEqual(parent->name, BAD_CAST("member-function"))
|| xmlStrEqual(parent->name, BAD_CAST("member-template"))))
read_access(parent, access);
parent = parent->parent;
xml_node_decl_base_sptr_map::const_iterator i =
if (i == get_xml_node_decl_map().end())
if (xmlStrEqual(parent->name, BAD_CAST("abi-instr")))
translation_unit_sptr tu =
get_or_read_and_add_translation_unit(*this, parent);
return tu->get_global_scope();
access_specifier a = no_access;
scope_decl_sptr parent_scope = get_scope_for_node(parent, a);
scope = dynamic_pointer_cast<scope_decl>
(handle_element_node(*this, parent, /*add_decl_to_scope=*/true));
scope = dynamic_pointer_cast<scope_decl>(i->second);
return scope;
/// Get the type declaration IR node that matches a given XML type node ID.
/// If no IR node has been built for this ID, this function builds the
/// type declaration IR node and returns it. Subsequent invocation of
/// this function with this ID will just return that ID previously returned.
/// @param id the XML node ID to consider.
/// @return the type declaration for the ID given in parameter.
read_context::build_or_get_type_decl(const string& id,
bool add_decl_to_scope)
type_base_sptr t = get_type_decl(id);
if (!t)
xmlNodePtr n = get_xml_node_from_id(id);
scope_decl_sptr scope;
access_specifier access = no_access;
if (add_decl_to_scope)
scope = get_scope_for_node(n, access);
/// In some cases, if for instance the scope of 'n' is a
/// namespace, get_scope_for_node() can trigger the building
/// of what is underneath of the namespace, if that has not
/// already been done. So after that, the IR node for 'n'
/// might have been built; let's try to see if we are in
/// that case. Otherwise, we'll just build the IR node for
/// 'n' ourselves.
if ((t = get_type_decl(id)))
return t;
t = build_type(*this, n, add_decl_to_scope);
if (is_member_type(t) && access != no_access)
decl_base_sptr d = get_type_declaration(t);
set_member_access_specifier(d, access);
map_xml_node_to_decl(n, get_type_declaration(t));
if (add_decl_to_scope)
maybe_canonicalize_type(t, !add_decl_to_scope);
return t;
/// Moves the xmlTextReader cursor to the next xml node in the input
/// document. Return 1 of the parsing was successful, 0 if no input
/// xml token is left, or -1 in case of error.
/// @param ctxt the read context
static int
advance_cursor(read_context& ctxt)
xml::reader_sptr reader = ctxt.get_reader();
return xmlTextReaderRead(reader.get());
/// Walk an entire XML sub-tree to build a map where the key is the
/// the value of the 'id' attribute (for type definitions) and the key
/// is the xml node containing the 'id' attribute.
/// @param ctxt the context of the reader.
/// @param node the XML sub-tree node to walk. It must be an element
/// node.
static void
walk_xml_node_to_map_type_ids(read_context& ctxt,
xmlNodePtr node)
xmlNodePtr n = node;
if (!n || n->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(n, "id"))
string id = CHAR_STR(s);
ctxt.map_id_and_node(id, n);
for (n = n->children; n; n = n->next)
walk_xml_node_to_map_type_ids(ctxt, n);
static bool
read_translation_unit(read_context& ctxt, translation_unit& tu, xmlNodePtr node)
xml::xml_char_sptr addrsize_str =
XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "address-size");
if (addrsize_str)
char address_size = atoi(reinterpret_cast<char*>(addrsize_str.get()));
xml::xml_char_sptr path_str = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "path");
if (path_str)
xml::xml_char_sptr comp_dir_path_str =
XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "comp-dir-path");
if (comp_dir_path_str)
xml::xml_char_sptr language_str = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "language");
if (language_str)
// We are at global scope, as we've just seen the top-most
// "abi-instr" element.
ctxt.map_xml_node_to_decl(node, tu.get_global_scope());
if (ctxt.get_id_xml_node_map().empty()
|| !ctxt.get_corpus())
walk_xml_node_to_map_type_ids(ctxt, node);
for (xmlNodePtr n = node->children; n; n = n->next)
if (n->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
handle_element_node(ctxt, n, /*add_decl_to_scope=*/true);
xml::reader_sptr reader = ctxt.get_reader();
if (!reader)
return false;
return true;
/// Read a given xml node representing a tranlsation unit.
/// If the current corpus already contains a translation unit of the
/// path of the xml node we need to look at, then return that
/// translation unit. Otherwise, read the translation unit, build a
/// @ref translation_unit out of it, add it to the current corpus and
/// return it.
/// @param ctxt the read context.
/// @param node the XML node to consider.
/// @return the resulting translation unit.
static translation_unit_sptr
get_or_read_and_add_translation_unit(read_context& ctxt, xmlNodePtr node)
corpus_sptr corp = ctxt.get_corpus();
translation_unit_sptr tu;
string tu_path;
xml::xml_char_sptr path_str = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "path");
if (path_str)
tu_path = reinterpret_cast<char*>(path_str.get());
if (corp)
tu = corp->find_translation_unit(tu_path);
if (tu)
return tu;
tu.reset(new translation_unit(ctxt.get_environment(), tu_path));
if (corp)
if (read_translation_unit(ctxt, *tu, node))
return tu;
return translation_unit_sptr();
/// Parse the input XML document containing a translation_unit,
/// represented by an 'abi-instr' element node, associated to the current
/// context.
/// @param ctxt the current input context
/// @return the translation unit resulting from the parsing upon
/// successful completion, or nil.
static translation_unit_sptr
read_translation_unit_from_input(read_context& ctxt)
translation_unit_sptr tu, nil;
xmlNodePtr node = ctxt.get_corpus_node();
if (!node)
xml::reader_sptr reader = ctxt.get_reader();
if (!reader)
return nil;
// The document must start with the abi-instr node.
int status = 1;
while (status == 1
status = advance_cursor (ctxt);
if (status != 1 || !xmlStrEqual (XML_READER_GET_NODE_NAME(reader).get(),
return nil;
node = xmlTextReaderExpand(reader.get());
if (!node)
return nil;
node = 0;
for (xmlNodePtr n = ctxt.get_corpus_node()->next; n; n = n->next)
if (!n
|| n->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
if (!xmlStrEqual(n->name, BAD_CAST("abi-instr")))
return nil;
node = n;
if (node == 0)
return nil;
tu = get_or_read_and_add_translation_unit(ctxt, node);
// So read_translation_unit() can trigger (under the hood) reading
// from several translation units just because
// read_context::get_scope_for_node() has been called. In that
// case, after that unexpected call to read_translation_unit(), the
// current corpus node of the context is going to point to that
// translation unit that has been read under the hood. Let's set
// the corpus node to the one we initially called
// read_translation_unit() on here.
return tu;
/// Parse the input XML document containing a function symbols
/// or a variable symbol database.
/// A function symbols database is an XML element named
/// "elf-function-symbols" and a variable symbols database is an XML
/// element named "elf-variable-symbols." They contains "elf-symbol"
/// XML elements.
/// @param ctxt the read_context to use for the parsing.
/// @param function_symbols is true if this function should look for a
/// function symbols database, false if it should look for a variable
/// symbols database.
/// @param symdb the resulting symbol database object. This is set
/// iff the function return true.
/// @return true upon successful parsing, false otherwise.
static bool
read_symbol_db_from_input(read_context& ctxt,
string_elf_symbols_map_sptr& fn_symdb,
string_elf_symbols_map_sptr& var_symdb)
xml::reader_sptr reader = ctxt.get_reader();
if (!reader)
return false;
bool found = false;
if (!ctxt.get_corpus_node())
for (;;)
int status = 1;
while (status == 1
status = advance_cursor (ctxt);
if (status != 1)
return false;
bool has_fn_syms = false, has_var_syms = false;
if (xmlStrEqual (XML_READER_GET_NODE_NAME(reader).get(),
has_fn_syms = true;
else if (xmlStrEqual (XML_READER_GET_NODE_NAME(reader).get(),
has_var_syms = true;
xmlNodePtr node = xmlTextReaderExpand(reader.get());
if (!node)
return false;
if (has_fn_syms)
fn_symdb = build_elf_symbol_db(ctxt, node, true);
if (fn_symdb)
found = true;
else if (has_var_syms)
var_symdb = build_elf_symbol_db(ctxt, node, false);
if (var_symdb)
found = true;
for (xmlNodePtr n = ctxt.get_corpus_node()->next; n; n = n->next)
if (!n || n->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
bool has_fn_syms = false, has_var_syms = false;
if (xmlStrEqual(n->name, BAD_CAST("elf-function-symbols")))
has_fn_syms = true;
else if (xmlStrEqual(n->name, BAD_CAST("elf-variable-symbols")))
has_var_syms = true;
if (has_fn_syms)
fn_symdb = build_elf_symbol_db(ctxt, n, true);
found = true;
else if (has_var_syms)
var_symdb = build_elf_symbol_db(ctxt, n, false);
found = true;
return found;
/// From an "elf-needed" XML_ELEMENT node, build a vector of strings
/// representing the vector of the dependencies needed by a given
/// corpus.
/// @param node the XML_ELEMENT node of name "elf-needed".
/// @param needed the output vector of string to populate with the
/// vector of dependency names found on the xml node @p node.
/// @return true upon successful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
build_needed(xmlNode* node, vector<string>& needed)
if (!node)
return false;
if (!node || !xmlStrEqual(node->name,BAD_CAST("elf-needed")))
return false;
for (xmlNodePtr n = node->children; n; n = n->next)
if (n->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE
|| !xmlStrEqual(n->name, BAD_CAST("dependency")))
string name;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(n, "name"))
xml::xml_char_sptr_to_string(s, name);
if (!name.empty())
return true;
/// Move to the next xml element node and expext it to be named
/// "elf-needed". Then read the sub-tree to made of that node and
/// extracts a vector of needed dependencies name from it.
/// @param ctxt the read context used to the xml reading.
/// @param needed the resulting vector of dependency names.
/// @return true upon successful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
read_elf_needed_from_input(read_context& ctxt,
vector<string>& needed)
xml::reader_sptr reader = ctxt.get_reader();
if (!reader)
return false;
xmlNodePtr node = 0;
if (ctxt.get_corpus_node() == 0)
int status = 1;
while (status == 1
status = advance_cursor (ctxt);
if (status != 1)
return false;
if (!xmlStrEqual (XML_READER_GET_NODE_NAME(reader).get(),
return false;
node = xmlTextReaderExpand(reader.get());
if (!node)
return false;
for (xmlNodePtr n = ctxt.get_corpus_node()->next; n; n = n->next)
if (!n || n->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
if (!xmlStrEqual(n->name, BAD_CAST("elf-needed")))
return false;
node = n;
bool result = false;
if (node)
result = build_needed(node, needed);
return result;
/// Add suppressions specifications to the set of suppressions to be
/// used during the construction of the ABI internal representation
/// (the ABI corpus) from ELF and DWARF.
/// During the construction of the ABI corpus, ABI artifacts that
/// match the a given suppression specification are dropped on the
/// floor; that is, they are discarded and won't be part of the final
/// ABI corpus. This is a way to reduce the amount of data held by
/// the final ABI corpus.
/// Note that the suppression specifications provided to this function
/// are only considered during the construction of the ABI corpus.
/// For instance, they are not taken into account during e.g
/// comparisons of two ABI corpora that might happen later. If you
/// want to apply suppression specifications to the comparison (or
/// reporting) of ABI corpora please refer to the documentation of the
/// @ref diff_context type to learn how to set suppressions that are
/// to be used in that context.
/// @param ctxt the context that is going to be used by functions that
/// read types and declarations information to construct and ABI
/// corpus.
/// @param supprs the suppression specifications to be applied during
/// the construction of the ABI corpus.
add_read_context_suppressions(read_context& ctxt,
const suppr::suppressions_type& supprs)
for (suppr::suppressions_type::const_iterator i = supprs.begin();
i != supprs.end();
if ((*i)->get_drops_artifact_from_ir())
/// Configure the @ref read_context so that types not reachable from
/// public interface are taken into account when the abixml file is
/// read.
/// @param ctxt the @read_context to consider.
/// @param flag if yes, then types not reachable from public interface
/// are taken into account when the abixml file is read.
consider_types_not_reachable_from_public_interfaces(read_context& ctxt,
bool flag)
/// Parse the input XML document containing an ABI corpus, represented
/// by an 'abi-corpus' element node, associated to the current
/// context.
/// @param ctxt the current input context.
/// @return the corpus resulting from the parsing
read_corpus_from_input(read_context& ctxt)
corpus_sptr nil;
xml::reader_sptr reader = ctxt.get_reader();
if (!reader)
return nil;
bool call_reader_next = false;
xmlNodePtr node = ctxt.get_corpus_node();
if (!node)
// The document must start with the abi-corpus node.
int status = 1;
while (status == 1
status = advance_cursor (ctxt);
if (status != 1 || !xmlStrEqual (XML_READER_GET_NODE_NAME(reader).get(),
return nil;
if (!ctxt.get_corpus())
corpus_sptr c(new corpus(ctxt.get_environment(), ""));
if (!ctxt.get_corpus_group())
corpus& corp = *ctxt.get_corpus();
xml::xml_char_sptr path_str = XML_READER_GET_ATTRIBUTE(reader, "path");
string path;
if (path_str)
path = reinterpret_cast<char*>(path_str.get());
xml::xml_char_sptr architecture_str =
XML_READER_GET_ATTRIBUTE(reader, "architecture");
if (architecture_str)
xml::xml_char_sptr soname_str =
XML_READER_GET_ATTRIBUTE(reader, "soname");
string soname;
if (soname_str)
soname = reinterpret_cast<char*>(soname_str.get());
// Apply suppression specifications here to honour:
// [suppress_file]
// (soname_regexp
// |soname_not_regexp
// |file_name_regexp
// |file_name_not_regexp) = <soname-or-file-name>
if ((!soname.empty() || !path.empty())
&& ctxt.corpus_is_suppressed_by_soname_or_filename(soname, path))
return nil;
node = xmlTextReaderExpand(reader.get());
if (!node)
return nil;
call_reader_next = true;
if (!ctxt.get_corpus())
corpus_sptr c(new corpus(ctxt.get_environment(), ""));
if (!ctxt.get_corpus_group())
corpus& corp = *ctxt.get_corpus();
xml::xml_char_sptr path_str = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "path");
if (path_str)
xml::xml_char_sptr architecture_str =
XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "architecture");
if (architecture_str)
xml::xml_char_sptr soname_str =
XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "soname");
if (soname_str)
if (!node->children)
return nil;
corpus& corp = *ctxt.get_corpus();
walk_xml_node_to_map_type_ids(ctxt, node);
// Read the needed element
vector<string> needed;
read_elf_needed_from_input(ctxt, needed);
if (!needed.empty())
string_elf_symbols_map_sptr fn_sym_db, var_sym_db;
// Read the symbol databases.
bool is_ok = read_symbol_db_from_input(ctxt, fn_sym_db, var_sym_db);
if (is_ok)
// Note that it's possible that both fn_sym_db and var_sym_db
// are nil, due to potential suppression specifications. That's
// fine.
corp.set_symtab(symtab_reader::symtab::load(fn_sym_db, var_sym_db));
// Read the translation units.
translation_unit_sptr tu = read_translation_unit_from_input(ctxt);
is_ok = bool(tu);
while (is_ok);
if (ctxt.tracking_non_reachable_types())
bool is_tracking_non_reachable_types = false;
read_tracking_non_reachable_types(node, is_tracking_non_reachable_types);
== is_tracking_non_reachable_types);
if (call_reader_next)
// This is the necessary counter-part of the xmlTextReaderExpand()
// call at the beginning of the function.
node = ctxt.get_corpus_node();
node = xml::advance_to_next_sibling_element(node);
if (!node)
node = ctxt.get_corpus_node();
node = xml::advance_to_next_sibling_element(node->parent);
return ctxt.get_corpus();
/// Parse the input XML document containing an ABI corpus group,
/// represented by an 'abi-corpus-group' element node, associated to
/// the current context.
/// @param ctxt the current input context.
/// @return the corpus group resulting from the parsing
read_corpus_group_from_input(read_context& ctxt)
corpus_group_sptr nil;
xml::reader_sptr reader = ctxt.get_reader();
if (!reader)
return nil;
// The document must start with the abi-corpus-group node.
int status = 1;
while (status == 1
status = advance_cursor (ctxt);
if (status != 1 || !xmlStrEqual (XML_READER_GET_NODE_NAME(reader).get(),
return nil;
if (!ctxt.get_corpus_group())
corpus_group_sptr g(new corpus_group(ctxt.get_environment(),
corpus_group_sptr group = ctxt.get_corpus_group();
xml::xml_char_sptr path_str = XML_READER_GET_ATTRIBUTE(reader, "path");
if (path_str)
xmlNodePtr node = xmlTextReaderExpand(reader.get());
if (!node)
return nil;
//node = xml::get_first_element_sibling_if_text(node->children);
node = xml::advance_to_next_sibling_element(node->children);
corpus_sptr corp;
while ((corp = read_corpus_from_input(ctxt)))
return ctxt.get_corpus_group();
/// De-serialize an ABI corpus group from an input XML document which
/// root node is 'abi-corpus-group'.
/// @param in the input stream to read the XML document from.
/// @param env the environment to use. Note that the life time of
/// this environment must be greater than the lifetime of the
/// resulting corpus as the corpus uses resources that are allocated
/// in the environment.
/// @return the resulting corpus group de-serialized from the parsing.
/// This is non-null iff the parsing resulted in a valid corpus group.
read_corpus_group_from_native_xml(std::istream* in,
environment* env)
read_context_sptr read_ctxt = create_native_xml_read_context(in, env);
return read_corpus_group_from_input(*read_ctxt);
/// De-serialize an ABI corpus group from an XML document file which
/// root node is 'abi-corpus-group'.
/// @param path the path to the input file to read the XML document
/// from.
/// @param env the environment to use. Note that the life time of
/// this environment must be greater than the lifetime of the
/// resulting corpus as the corpus uses resources that are allocated
/// in the environment.
/// @return the resulting corpus group de-serialized from the parsing.
/// This is non-null if the parsing successfully resulted in a corpus
/// group.
read_corpus_group_from_native_xml_file(const string& path,
environment* env)
read_context_sptr read_ctxt = create_native_xml_read_context(path, env);
corpus_group_sptr group = read_corpus_group_from_input(*read_ctxt);
return group;
/// Parse an ABI instrumentation file (in XML format) at a given path.
/// @param input_file a path to the file containing the xml document
/// to parse.
/// @param env the environment to use.
/// @return the translation unit resulting from the parsing upon
/// successful completion, or nil.
read_translation_unit_from_file(const string& input_file,
environment* env)
read_context ctxt(xml::new_reader_from_file(input_file), env);
translation_unit_sptr tu = read_translation_unit_from_input(ctxt);
return tu;
/// Parse an ABI instrumentation file (in XML format) from an
/// in-memory buffer.
/// @param buffer the in-memory buffer containing the xml document to
/// parse.
/// @param env the environment to use.
/// @return the translation unit resulting from the parsing upon
/// successful completion, or nil.
read_translation_unit_from_buffer(const string& buffer,
environment* env)
read_context ctxt(xml::new_reader_from_buffer(buffer), env);
translation_unit_sptr tu = read_translation_unit_from_input(ctxt);
return tu;
/// This function is called by @ref read_translation_unit_from_input.
/// It handles the current xml element node of the reading context.
/// The result of the "handling" is to build the representation of the
/// xml node and tied it to the current translation unit.
/// @param ctxt the current parsing context.
/// @return true upon successful completion, false otherwise.
static type_or_decl_base_sptr
handle_element_node(read_context& ctxt, xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
type_or_decl_base_sptr decl;
if (!node)
return decl;
((decl = handle_namespace_decl(ctxt, node, add_to_current_scope))
||(decl = handle_type_decl(ctxt, node, add_to_current_scope))
||(decl = handle_qualified_type_decl(ctxt, node,
||(decl = handle_pointer_type_def(ctxt, node,
|| (decl = handle_reference_type_def(ctxt, node, add_to_current_scope))
|| (decl = handle_function_type(ctxt, node, add_to_current_scope))
|| (decl = handle_array_type_def(ctxt, node, add_to_current_scope))
|| (decl = handle_enum_type_decl(ctxt, node,
|| (decl = handle_typedef_decl(ctxt, node,
|| (decl = handle_var_decl(ctxt, node,
|| (decl = handle_function_decl(ctxt, node,
|| (decl = handle_class_decl(ctxt, node,
|| (decl = handle_union_decl(ctxt, node,
|| (decl = handle_function_tdecl(ctxt, node,
|| (decl = handle_class_tdecl(ctxt, node,
// If the user wants us to track non-reachable types, then read the
// 'is-non-reachable-type' attribute on type elements and record
// reachable types accordingly.
if (ctxt.tracking_non_reachable_types())
if (type_base_sptr t = is_type(decl))
corpus_sptr abi = ctxt.get_corpus();
bool is_non_reachable_type = false;
read_is_non_reachable_type(node, is_non_reachable_type);
if (!is_non_reachable_type)
return decl;
/// Parses location attributes on an xmlNodePtr.
///@param ctxt the current parsing context
///@param loc the resulting location.
/// @return true upon sucessful parsing, false otherwise.
static bool
read_location(const read_context& ctxt,
xmlNodePtr node,
location& loc)
string file_path;
size_t line = 0, column = 0;
if (xml_char_sptr f = xml::build_sptr(xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST("filepath"))))
file_path = CHAR_STR(f);
if (file_path.empty())
return false;
if (xml_char_sptr l = xml::build_sptr(xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST("line"))))
line = atoi(CHAR_STR(l));
if (xml_char_sptr c = xml::build_sptr(xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST("column"))))
column = atoi(CHAR_STR(c));
read_context& c = const_cast<read_context&>(ctxt);
loc = c.get_translation_unit()->get_loc_mgr().create_new_location(file_path,
return true;
/// Parse the visibility attribute.
/// @param node the xml node to read from.
/// @param vis the resulting visibility.
/// @return true upon successful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
read_visibility(xmlNodePtr node, decl_base::visibility& vis)
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "visibility"))
string v = CHAR_STR(s);
if (v == "default")
vis = decl_base::VISIBILITY_DEFAULT;
else if (v == "hidden")
vis = decl_base::VISIBILITY_HIDDEN;
else if (v == "internal")
vis = decl_base::VISIBILITY_INTERNAL;
else if (v == "protected")
vis = decl_base::VISIBILITY_PROTECTED;
vis = decl_base::VISIBILITY_DEFAULT;
return true;
return false;
/// Parse the "binding" attribute on the current element.
/// @param node the xml node to build parse the bind from.
/// @param bind the resulting binding attribute.
/// @return true upon successful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
read_binding(xmlNodePtr node, decl_base::binding& bind)
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "binding"))
string b = CHAR_STR(s);
if (b == "global")
bind = decl_base::BINDING_GLOBAL;
else if (b == "local")
bind = decl_base::BINDING_LOCAL;
else if (b == "weak")
bind = decl_base::BINDING_WEAK;
bind = decl_base::BINDING_GLOBAL;
return true;
return false;
/// Read the 'access' attribute on the current xml node.
/// @param node the xml node to consider.
/// @param access the access attribute. Set iff the function returns true.
/// @return true upon sucessful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
read_access(xmlNodePtr node, access_specifier& access)
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "access"))
string a = CHAR_STR(s);
if (a == "private")
access = private_access;
else if (a == "protected")
access = protected_access;
else if (a == "public")
access = public_access;
/// If there is an access specifier of an unsupported value,
/// we should not assume anything and abort.
return true;
return false;
/// Parse 'size-in-bits' and 'alignment-in-bits' attributes of a given
/// xmlNodePtr reprensting an xml element.
/// @param node the xml element node to consider.
/// @param size_in_bits the resulting value for the 'size-in-bits'
/// attribute. This set only if this function returns true and the if
/// the attribute was present on the xml element node.
/// @param align_in_bits the resulting value for the
/// 'alignment-in-bits' attribute. This set only if this function
/// returns true and the if the attribute was present on the xml
/// element node.
/// @return true if either one of the two attributes above were set,
/// false otherwise.
static bool
read_size_and_alignment(xmlNodePtr node,
size_t& size_in_bits,
size_t& align_in_bits)
bool got_something = false;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "size-in-bits"))
size_in_bits = atoi(CHAR_STR(s));
got_something = true;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "alignment-in-bits"))
align_in_bits = atoi(CHAR_STR(s));
got_something = true;
return got_something;
/// Parse the 'static' attribute of a given xml element node.
/// @param node the xml element node to consider.
/// @param is_static the resulting the parsing. Is set if the
/// function returns true.
/// @return true if the xml element node has the 'static' attribute
/// set, false otherwise.
static bool
read_static(xmlNodePtr node, bool& is_static)
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "static"))
string b = CHAR_STR(s);
is_static = b == "yes";
return true;
return false;
/// Parse the 'layout-offset-in-bits' attribute of a given xml element node.
/// @param offset_in_bits set to true if the element node contains the
/// attribute.
/// @return true iff the xml element node contains the attribute.
static bool
read_offset_in_bits(xmlNodePtr node,
size_t& offset_in_bits)
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "layout-offset-in-bits"))
offset_in_bits = strtoull(CHAR_STR(s), 0, 0);
return true;
return false;
/// Parse the 'constructor', 'destructor' and 'const' attribute of a
/// given xml node.
/// @param is_constructor the resulting value of the parsing of the
/// 'constructor' attribute. Is set if the xml node contains the
/// attribute and if the function returns true.
/// @param is_destructor the resulting value of the parsing of the
/// 'destructor' attribute. Is set if the xml node contains the
/// attribute and if the function returns true.
/// @param is_const the resulting value of the parsing of the 'const'
/// attribute. Is set if the xml node contains the attribute and if
/// the function returns true.
/// @return true if at least of the attributes above is set, false
/// otherwise.
/// Note that callers of this function should initialize
/// is_constructor, is_destructor and is_const prior to passing them
/// to this function.
static bool
read_cdtor_const(xmlNodePtr node,
bool& is_constructor,
bool& is_destructor,
bool& is_const)
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "constructor"))
string b = CHAR_STR(s);
if (b == "yes")
is_constructor = true;
is_constructor = false;
return true;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "destructor"))
string b = CHAR_STR(s);
if (b == "yes")
is_destructor = true;
is_destructor = false;
return true;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "const"))
string b = CHAR_STR(s);
if (b == "yes")
is_const = true;
is_const = false;
return true;
return false;
/// Read the "is-declaration-only" attribute of the current xml node.
/// @param node the xml node to consider.
/// @param is_decl_only is set to true iff the "is-declaration-only" attribute
/// is present and set to "yes".
/// @return true iff the is_decl_only attribute was set.
static bool
read_is_declaration_only(xmlNodePtr node, bool& is_decl_only)
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "is-declaration-only"))
string str = CHAR_STR(s);
if (str == "yes")
is_decl_only = true;
is_decl_only = false;
return true;
return false;
/// Read the "is-artificial" attribute of the current XML node.
/// @param node the XML node to consider.
/// @param is_artificial this output parameter is set to true iff the
/// "is-artificial" parameter is present and set to 'yes'.
/// @return true iff the "is-artificial" parameter was present on the
/// XML node.
static bool
read_is_artificial(xmlNodePtr node, bool& is_artificial)
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "is-artificial"))
string is_artificial_str = CHAR_STR(s) ? CHAR_STR(s) : "";
is_artificial = is_artificial_str == "yes";
return true;
return false;
/// Read the 'tracking-non-reachable-types' attribute on the current
/// XML element.
/// @param node the current XML element.
/// @param tracking_non_reachable_types output parameter. This is set
/// to true iff the 'tracking-non-reachable-types' attribute is
/// present on the current XML node and set to 'yes'. In that case,
/// the function returns true.
/// @return true iff the 'tracking-non-reachable-types' attribute is
/// present on the current XML node and set to 'yes'.
static bool
read_tracking_non_reachable_types(xmlNodePtr node,
bool& tracking_non_reachable_types)
if (xml_char_sptr s =
XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "tracking-non-reachable-types"))
string tracking_non_reachable_types_str = CHAR_STR(s) ? CHAR_STR(s) : "";
tracking_non_reachable_types =
(tracking_non_reachable_types_str == "yes")
? true
: false;
return true;
return false;
/// Read the 'is-non-reachable' attribute on the current XML element.
/// @param node the current XML element.
/// @param is_non_reachable_type output parameter. This is set to true
/// iff the 'is-non-reachable' attribute is present on the current XML
/// element with a value se to 'yes'.
/// @return true iff the 'is-non-reachable' attribute is present on
/// the current XML element with a value se to 'yes'.
static bool
read_is_non_reachable_type(xmlNodePtr node, bool& is_non_reachable_type)
if (xml_char_sptr s =
XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "is-non-reachable"))
string is_non_reachable_type_str = CHAR_STR(s) ? CHAR_STR(s) : "";
is_non_reachable_type =
(is_non_reachable_type_str == "yes")
? true
: false;
return true;
return false;
/// Read the "is-virtual" attribute of the current xml node.
/// @param node the xml node to read the attribute from
/// @param is_virtual is set to true iff the "is-virtual" attribute is
/// present and set to "yes".
/// @return true iff the is-virtual attribute is present.
static bool
read_is_virtual(xmlNodePtr node, bool& is_virtual)
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "is-virtual"))
string str = CHAR_STR(s);
if (str == "yes")
is_virtual = true;
is_virtual = false;
return true;
return false;
/// Read the 'is-struct' attribute.
/// @param node the xml node to read the attribute from.
/// @param is_struct is set to true iff the "is-struct" attribute is
/// present and set to "yes".
/// @return true iff the "is-struct" attribute is present.
static bool
read_is_struct(xmlNodePtr node, bool& is_struct)
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "is-struct"))
string str = CHAR_STR(s);
if (str == "yes")
is_struct = true;
is_struct = false;
return true;
return false;
/// Read the 'is-anonymous' attribute.
/// @param node the xml node to read the attribute from.
/// @param is_anonymous is set to true iff the "is-anonymous" is present
/// and set to "yes".
/// @return true iff the "is-anonymous" attribute is present.
static bool
read_is_anonymous(xmlNodePtr node, bool& is_anonymous)
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "is-anonymous"))
string str = CHAR_STR(s);
is_anonymous = (str == "yes");
return true;
return false;
/// Read the 'type' attribute of the 'elf-symbol' element.
/// @param node the XML node to read the attribute from.
/// @param t the resulting elf_symbol::type.
/// @return true iff the function completed successfully.
static bool
read_elf_symbol_type(xmlNodePtr node, elf_symbol::type& t)
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "type"))
string str;
xml::xml_char_sptr_to_string(s, str);
if (!string_to_elf_symbol_type(str, t))
return false;
return true;
return false;
/// Read the 'binding' attribute of the of the 'elf-symbol' element.
/// @param node the XML node to read the attribute from.
/// @param b the XML the resulting elf_symbol::binding.
/// @return true iff the function completed successfully.
static bool
read_elf_symbol_binding(xmlNodePtr node, elf_symbol::binding& b)
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "binding"))
string str;
xml::xml_char_sptr_to_string(s, str);
if (!string_to_elf_symbol_binding(str, b))
return false;
return true;
return false;
/// Read the 'visibility' attribute of the of the 'elf-symbol'
/// element.
/// @param node the XML node to read the attribute from.
/// @param b the XML the resulting elf_symbol::visibility.
/// @return true iff the function completed successfully.
static bool
read_elf_symbol_visibility(xmlNodePtr node, elf_symbol::visibility& v)
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "visibility"))
string str;
xml::xml_char_sptr_to_string(s, str);
if (!string_to_elf_symbol_visibility(str, v))
return false;
return true;
return false;
/// Build a @ref namespace_decl from an XML element node which name is
/// "namespace-decl". Note that this function recursively reads the
/// content of the namespace and builds the proper IR nodes
/// accordingly.
/// @param ctxt the read context to use.
/// @param node the XML node to consider. It must constain the
/// content of the namespace, that is, children XML nodes representing
/// what is inside the namespace, unless the namespace is empty.
/// @param add_to_current_scope if set to yes, the resulting
/// namespace_decl is added to the IR being currently built.
/// @return a pointer to the the resulting @ref namespace_decl.
static namespace_decl_sptr
build_namespace_decl(read_context& ctxt,
const xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
namespace_decl_sptr nil;
if (!node || !xmlStrEqual(node->name, BAD_CAST("namespace-decl")))
return nil;
if (decl_base_sptr d = ctxt.get_decl_for_xml_node(node))
namespace_decl_sptr result = dynamic_pointer_cast<namespace_decl>(d);
return result;
string name;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "name"))
name = xml::unescape_xml_string(CHAR_STR(s));
location loc;
read_location(ctxt, node, loc);
const environment* env = ctxt.get_environment();
namespace_decl_sptr decl(new namespace_decl(env, name, loc));
ctxt.push_decl_to_current_scope(decl, add_to_current_scope);
ctxt.map_xml_node_to_decl(node, decl);
for (xmlNodePtr n = node->children; n; n = n->next)
if (n->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
handle_element_node(ctxt, n, /*add_to_current_scope=*/true);
return decl;
/// Build an instance of @ref elf_symbol from an XML element node
/// which name is 'elf-symbol'.
/// @param ctxt the context used for reading the XML input.
/// @param node the XML node to read.
/// @param drop_if_suppressed if the elf symbol was suppressed by a
/// suppression specification then do not build it.
/// @return the @ref elf_symbol built, or nil if it couldn't be built.
static elf_symbol_sptr
build_elf_symbol(read_context& ctxt, const xmlNodePtr node,
bool drop_if_suppressed)
elf_symbol_sptr nil;
if (!node
|| node->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE
|| !xmlStrEqual(node->name, BAD_CAST("elf-symbol")))
return nil;
string name;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "name"))
xml::xml_char_sptr_to_string(s, name);
size_t size = 0;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "size"))
size = strtol(CHAR_STR(s), NULL, 0);
bool is_defined = true;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "is-defined"))
string value;
xml::xml_char_sptr_to_string(s, value);
if (value == "true" || value == "yes")
is_defined = true;
is_defined = false;
bool is_common = false;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "is-common"))
string value;
xml::xml_char_sptr_to_string(s, value);
if (value == "true" || value == "yes")
is_common = true;
is_common = false;
string version_string;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "version"))
xml::xml_char_sptr_to_string(s, version_string);
bool is_default_version = false;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "is-default-version"))
string value;
xml::xml_char_sptr_to_string(s, value);
if (value == "true" || value == "yes")
is_default_version = true;
uint64_t crc = 0;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "crc"))
crc = strtoull(CHAR_STR(s), NULL, 0);
elf_symbol::type type = elf_symbol::NOTYPE_TYPE;
read_elf_symbol_type(node, type);
elf_symbol::binding binding = elf_symbol::GLOBAL_BINDING;
read_elf_symbol_binding(node, binding);
elf_symbol::visibility visibility = elf_symbol::DEFAULT_VISIBILITY;
read_elf_symbol_visibility(node, visibility);
elf_symbol::version version(version_string, is_default_version);
const bool is_suppressed = suppr::is_elf_symbol_suppressed(ctxt, name, type);
if (drop_if_suppressed && is_suppressed)
return elf_symbol_sptr();
const environment* env = ctxt.get_environment();
elf_symbol_sptr e = elf_symbol::create(env, /*index=*/0,
size, name, type, binding,
is_defined, is_common,
version, visibility,
if (crc != 0)
return e;
/// Build and instance of elf_symbol from an XML attribute named
/// 'elf-symbol-id' which value is the ID of a symbol that should
/// present in the symbol db of the corpus associated to the current
/// context.
/// @param ctxt the current context to consider.
/// @param node the xml element node to consider.
/// @param function_symbol is true if we should look for a function
/// symbol, is false if we should look for a variable symbol.
/// @return a shared pointer the resutling elf_symbol.
static elf_symbol_sptr
build_elf_symbol_from_reference(read_context& ctxt, const xmlNodePtr node)
elf_symbol_sptr nil;
if (!node)
return nil;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "elf-symbol-id"))
string sym_id;
xml::xml_char_sptr_to_string(s, sym_id);
if (sym_id.empty())
return nil;
string name, ver;
elf_symbol::get_name_and_version_from_id(sym_id, name, ver);
if (name.empty())
return nil;
const elf_symbols& symbols =
for (const auto& symbol : symbols)
if (symbol->get_id_string() == sym_id)
return symbol;
return nil;
/// Build an instance of string_elf_symbols_map_type from an XML
/// element representing either a function symbols data base, or a
/// variable symbols database.
/// @param ctxt the context to take in account.
/// @param node the XML node to consider.
/// @param function_syms true if we should look for a function symbols
/// data base, false if we should look for a variable symbols data
/// base.
static string_elf_symbols_map_sptr
build_elf_symbol_db(read_context& ctxt,
const xmlNodePtr node,
bool function_syms)
string_elf_symbols_map_sptr map, nil;
string_elf_symbol_sptr_map_type id_sym_map;
if (!node)
return nil;
if (function_syms
&& !xmlStrEqual(node->name, BAD_CAST("elf-function-symbols")))
return nil;
if (!function_syms
&& !xmlStrEqual(node->name, BAD_CAST("elf-variable-symbols")))
return nil;
typedef std::unordered_map<xmlNodePtr, elf_symbol_sptr>
xml_node_ptr_elf_symbol_sptr_map_type xml_node_ptr_elf_symbol_map;
elf_symbol_sptr sym;
for (xmlNodePtr n = node->children; n; n = n->next)
if ((sym = build_elf_symbol(ctxt, n, /*drop_if_suppress=*/false)))
id_sym_map[sym->get_id_string()] = sym;
xml_node_ptr_elf_symbol_map[n] = sym;
if (id_sym_map.empty())
return nil;
map.reset(new string_elf_symbols_map_type);
string_elf_symbols_map_type::iterator it;
for (string_elf_symbol_sptr_map_type::const_iterator i = id_sym_map.begin();
i != id_sym_map.end();
// Now build the alias relations
for (xml_node_ptr_elf_symbol_sptr_map_type::const_iterator x =
x != xml_node_ptr_elf_symbol_map.end();
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(x->first, "alias"))
string alias_id = CHAR_STR(s);
// Symbol aliases can be multiple separated by comma(,), split them
std::vector<std::string> elems;
std::stringstream aliases(alias_id);
std::string item;
while (std::getline(aliases, item, ','))
for (std::vector<string>::iterator alias = elems.begin();
alias != elems.end(); ++alias)
string_elf_symbol_sptr_map_type::const_iterator i =
ABG_ASSERT(i != id_sym_map.end());
return map;
/// Build a function parameter from a 'parameter' xml element node.
/// @param ctxt the contexte of the xml parsing.
/// @param node the xml 'parameter' element node to de-serialize from.
static shared_ptr<function_decl::parameter>
build_function_parameter(read_context& ctxt, const xmlNodePtr node)
shared_ptr<function_decl::parameter> nil;
if (!node || !xmlStrEqual(node->name, BAD_CAST("parameter")))
return nil;
bool is_variadic = false;
string is_variadic_str;
if (xml_char_sptr s =
xml::build_sptr(xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST("is-variadic"))))
is_variadic_str = CHAR_STR(s) ? CHAR_STR(s) : "";
is_variadic = is_variadic_str == "yes";
bool is_artificial = false;
read_is_artificial(node, is_artificial);
string type_id;
if (xml_char_sptr a = xml::build_sptr(xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST("type-id"))))
type_id = CHAR_STR(a);
type_base_sptr type;
if (is_variadic)
type = ctxt.get_environment()->get_variadic_parameter_type();
type = ctxt.build_or_get_type_decl(type_id, true);
ABG_ASSERT(type->get_environment() == ctxt.get_environment());
string name;
if (xml_char_sptr a = xml::build_sptr(xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST("name"))))
name = CHAR_STR(a);
location loc;
read_location(ctxt, node, loc);
function_decl::parameter_sptr p
(new function_decl::parameter(type, name, loc,
is_variadic, is_artificial));
return p;
/// Build a function_decl from a 'function-decl' xml node.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param node the xml node to build the function_decl from.
/// @param as_method_decl if this is set to a class_decl pointer, it
/// means that the 'function-decl' xml node should be parsed as a
/// method_decl. The class_decl pointer is the class decl to which
/// the resulting method_decl is a member function of. The resulting
/// shared_ptr<function_decl> that is returned is then really a
/// shared_ptr<method_decl>.
/// @param add_to_current_scope if set to yes, the resulting of
/// this function is added to its current scope.
/// @return a pointer to a newly created function_decl upon successful
/// completion, a null pointer otherwise.
static function_decl_sptr
build_function_decl(read_context& ctxt,
const xmlNodePtr node,
class_or_union_sptr as_method_decl,
bool add_to_current_scope)
function_decl_sptr nil;
if (!xmlStrEqual(node->name, BAD_CAST("function-decl")))
return nil;
string name;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "name"))
name = xml::unescape_xml_string(CHAR_STR(s));
string mangled_name;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "mangled-name"))
mangled_name = xml::unescape_xml_string(CHAR_STR(s));
string inline_prop;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "declared-inline"))
inline_prop = CHAR_STR(s);
bool declared_inline = inline_prop == "yes";
decl_base::visibility vis = decl_base::VISIBILITY_NONE;
read_visibility(node, vis);
decl_base::binding bind = decl_base::BINDING_NONE;
read_binding(node, bind);
size_t size = ctxt.get_translation_unit()->get_address_size(), align = 0;
read_size_and_alignment(node, size, align);
location loc;
read_location(ctxt, node, loc);
environment* env = ctxt.get_environment();
std::vector<function_decl::parameter_sptr> parms;
type_base_sptr return_type = env->get_void_type();
for (xmlNodePtr n = node->children; n ; n = n->next)
if (n->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
else if (xmlStrEqual(n->name, BAD_CAST("parameter")))
if (function_decl::parameter_sptr p =
build_function_parameter(ctxt, n))
else if (xmlStrEqual(n->name, BAD_CAST("return")))
string type_id;
if (xml_char_sptr s =
xml::build_sptr(xmlGetProp(n, BAD_CAST("type-id"))))
type_id = CHAR_STR(s);
if (!type_id.empty())
return_type = ctxt.build_or_get_type_decl(type_id, true);
function_type_sptr fn_type(as_method_decl
? new method_type(return_type, as_method_decl,
parms, /*is_const=*/false,
size, align)
: new function_type(return_type,
parms, size, align));
function_decl_sptr fn_decl(as_method_decl
? new method_decl (name, fn_type,
declared_inline, loc,
mangled_name, vis, bind)
: new function_decl(name, fn_type,
declared_inline, loc,
mangled_name, vis,
ctxt.push_decl_to_current_scope(fn_decl, add_to_current_scope);
elf_symbol_sptr sym = build_elf_symbol_from_reference(ctxt, node);
if (sym)
if (fn_decl->get_symbol() && fn_decl->get_symbol()->is_public())
ctxt.maybe_canonicalize_type(fn_type, !add_to_current_scope);
return fn_decl;
/// Build a function_decl from a 'function-decl' xml node if it's not
/// been suppressed by a suppression specification that is in the
/// context.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param node the xml node to build the function_decl from.
/// @param as_method_decl if this is set to a class_or_union pointer,
/// it means that the 'function-decl' xml node should be parsed as a
/// method_decl. The class_or_union pointer is the class or union the
/// resulting method_decl is a member function of. The resulting @ref
/// function_decl_sptr that is returned is then really a @ref
/// method_decl_sptr.
/// @param add_to_current_scope if set to yes, the resulting of
/// this function is added to its current scope.
/// @return a pointer to a newly created function_decl upon successful
/// completion. If the function was suppressed by a suppression
/// specification then returns nil.
static function_decl_sptr
build_function_decl_if_not_suppressed(read_context& ctxt,
const xmlNodePtr node,
class_or_union_sptr as_method_decl,
bool add_to_current_scope)
function_decl_sptr fn;
if (function_is_suppressed(ctxt, node))
// The function was suppressed by at least one suppression
// specification associated to the current read context. So
// don't build any IR for it.
fn = build_function_decl(ctxt, node, as_method_decl,
return fn;
/// Test if a given function denoted by its name and linkage name is
/// suppressed by any of the suppression specifications associated to
/// a given context of native xml reading.
/// @param ctxt the native xml reading context of interest.
/// @param note the XML node that represents the fucntion.
/// match.
/// @return true iff at least one function specification matches the
/// function denoted by the node @p node.
static bool
function_is_suppressed(const read_context& ctxt, xmlNodePtr node)
string fname;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "name"))
fname = xml::unescape_xml_string(CHAR_STR(s));
string flinkage_name;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "mangled-name"))
flinkage_name = xml::unescape_xml_string(CHAR_STR(s));
scope_decl* scope = ctxt.get_cur_scope();
string qualified_name = build_qualified_name(scope, fname);
return suppr::function_is_suppressed(ctxt, qualified_name, flinkage_name);
/// Test if a type denoted by its name, context and location is
/// suppressed by the suppression specifications that are associated
/// to a given read context.
/// @param ctxt the read context to consider.
/// @param note the XML node that represents the type.
/// @return true iff the type designated by @p node is suppressed by
/// at least of suppression specifications associated to the current
/// read context.
static bool
type_is_suppressed(const read_context& ctxt, xmlNodePtr node)
string type_name;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "name"))
type_name = xml::unescape_xml_string(CHAR_STR(s));
location type_location;
read_location(ctxt, node, type_location);
scope_decl* scope = ctxt.get_cur_scope();
string qualified_name = build_qualified_name(scope, type_name);
bool type_is_private = false;
return suppr::type_is_suppressed(ctxt, qualified_name, type_location,
/// Build a @ref var_decl out of a an XML node that describes it iff
/// the variable denoted by the XML node is not suppressed by a
/// suppression specification associated to the current read context.
/// @param ctxt the read context to use.
/// @param node the XML node for the variable to consider.
/// @parm add_to_current_scope whether to add the built @ref var_decl
/// to the current scope or not.
/// @return true iff the @ref var_decl was built.
static var_decl_sptr
build_var_decl_if_not_suppressed(read_context& ctxt,
const xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
var_decl_sptr var;
if (!variable_is_suppressed(ctxt, node))
var = build_var_decl(ctxt, node, add_to_current_scope);
return var;
/// Test if a variable denoted by its XML node is suppressed by a
/// suppression specification that is present in a given read context.
/// @param ctxt the read context to consider.
/// @param node the XML node of the variable to consider.
/// @return true iff the variable denoted by @p node is suppressed.
static bool
variable_is_suppressed(const read_context& ctxt, xmlNodePtr node)
string name;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "name"))
name = xml::unescape_xml_string(CHAR_STR(s));
string linkage_name;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "mangled-name"))
linkage_name = xml::unescape_xml_string(CHAR_STR(s));
scope_decl* scope = ctxt.get_cur_scope();
string qualified_name = build_qualified_name(scope, name);
return suppr::variable_is_suppressed(ctxt, qualified_name, linkage_name);
/// Test if a variable in a particular scope is suppressed by a
/// suppression specification that is present in a given read context.
/// @parm ctxt the read context to consider.
/// @param scope the scope of the variable to consider.
/// @param v the variable to consider.
/// @return true iff the variable @p v is suppressed.
static bool
variable_is_suppressed(const read_context& ctxt,
const scope_decl* scope,
const var_decl& v)
string qualified_name = build_qualified_name(scope, v.get_name());
return suppr::variable_is_suppressed(ctxt, qualified_name,
/// Build pointer to var_decl from a 'var-decl' xml Node
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param node the xml node to build the var_decl from.
/// @return a pointer to a newly built var_decl upon successful
/// completion, a null pointer otherwise.
static shared_ptr<var_decl>
build_var_decl(read_context& ctxt,
const xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
shared_ptr<var_decl> nil;
if (!xmlStrEqual(node->name, BAD_CAST("var-decl")))
return nil;
string name;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "name"))
name = xml::unescape_xml_string(CHAR_STR(s));
string type_id;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "type-id"))
type_id = CHAR_STR(s);
type_base_sptr underlying_type = ctxt.build_or_get_type_decl(type_id,
string mangled_name;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "mangled-name"))
mangled_name = xml::unescape_xml_string(CHAR_STR(s));
decl_base::visibility vis = decl_base::VISIBILITY_NONE;
read_visibility(node, vis);
decl_base::binding bind = decl_base::BINDING_NONE;
read_binding(node, bind);
location locus;
read_location(ctxt, node, locus);
var_decl_sptr decl(new var_decl(name, underlying_type,
locus, mangled_name,
vis, bind));
elf_symbol_sptr sym = build_elf_symbol_from_reference(ctxt, node);
if (sym)
ctxt.push_decl_to_current_scope(decl, add_to_current_scope);
if (decl->get_symbol() && decl->get_symbol()->is_public())
return decl;
/// Build a type_decl from a "type-decl" XML Node.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param node the XML node to build the type_decl from.
/// @param add_to_current_scope if set to yes, the resulting of
/// this function is added to its current scope.
/// @return a pointer to type_decl upon successful completion, a null
/// pointer otherwise.
static shared_ptr<type_decl>
build_type_decl(read_context& ctxt,
const xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
shared_ptr<type_decl> nil;
if (!xmlStrEqual(node->name, BAD_CAST("type-decl")))
return nil;
if (decl_base_sptr d = ctxt.get_decl_for_xml_node(node))
type_decl_sptr result = dynamic_pointer_cast<type_decl>(d);
return result;
string name;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "name"))
name = xml::unescape_xml_string(CHAR_STR(s));
string id;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "id"))
id = CHAR_STR(s);
size_t size_in_bits= 0;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "size-in-bits"))
size_in_bits = atoi(CHAR_STR(s));
size_t alignment_in_bits = 0;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "alignment-in-bits"))
alignment_in_bits = atoi(CHAR_STR(s));
bool is_decl_only = false;
read_is_declaration_only(node, is_decl_only);
location loc;
read_location(ctxt, node, loc);
bool is_anonymous = false;
read_is_anonymous(node, is_anonymous);
if (type_base_sptr d = ctxt.get_type_decl(id))
// I've seen instances of DSOs where a type_decl would appear
// several times. Hugh.
type_decl_sptr ty = dynamic_pointer_cast<type_decl>(d);
ABG_ASSERT(name == ty->get_name());
ABG_ASSERT(ty->get_size_in_bits() == size_in_bits);
ABG_ASSERT(ty->get_alignment_in_bits() == alignment_in_bits);
return ty;
const environment* env = ctxt.get_environment();
type_decl_sptr decl(new type_decl(env, name, size_in_bits,
alignment_in_bits, loc));
if (ctxt.push_and_key_type_decl(decl, id, add_to_current_scope))
ctxt.map_xml_node_to_decl(node, decl);
return decl;
return nil;
/// Build a qualified_type_def from a 'qualified-type-def' xml node.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param node the xml node to build the qualified_type_def from.
/// @param add_to_current_scope if set to yes, the resulting of this
/// function is added to its current scope.
/// @return a pointer to a newly built qualified_type_def upon
/// successful completion, a null pointer otherwise.
static qualified_type_def_sptr
build_qualified_type_decl(read_context& ctxt,
const xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
qualified_type_def_sptr nil;
if (!xmlStrEqual(node->name, BAD_CAST("qualified-type-def")))
return nil;
if (decl_base_sptr d = ctxt.get_decl_for_xml_node(node))
qualified_type_def_sptr result =
return result;
string type_id;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "type-id"))
type_id = CHAR_STR(s);
shared_ptr<type_base> underlying_type =
ctxt.build_or_get_type_decl(type_id, true);
// maybe building the underlying type triggered building this one in
// the mean time ...
if (decl_base_sptr d = ctxt.get_decl_for_xml_node(node))
qualified_type_def_sptr result =
return result;
string id;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE (node, "id"))
id = CHAR_STR(s);
string const_str;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "const"))
const_str = CHAR_STR(s);
bool const_cv = const_str == "yes";
string volatile_str;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "volatile"))
volatile_str = CHAR_STR(s);
bool volatile_cv = volatile_str == "yes";
string restrict_str;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "restrict"))
restrict_str = CHAR_STR(s);
bool restrict_cv = restrict_str == "yes";
qualified_type_def::CV cv = qualified_type_def::CV_NONE;
if (const_cv)
cv = cv | qualified_type_def::CV_CONST;
if (volatile_cv)
cv = cv | qualified_type_def::CV_VOLATILE;
if (restrict_cv)
cv = cv | qualified_type_def::CV_RESTRICT;
location loc;
read_location(ctxt, node, loc);
qualified_type_def_sptr decl;
if (type_base_sptr d = ctxt.get_type_decl(id))
qualified_type_def_sptr ty = is_qualified_type(d);
string pr1 = get_pretty_representation(ty->get_underlying_type()),
pr2 = get_pretty_representation(underlying_type);
return ty;
decl.reset(new qualified_type_def(underlying_type, cv, loc));
if (ctxt.push_and_key_type_decl(decl, id, add_to_current_scope))
ctxt.map_xml_node_to_decl(node, decl);
return decl;
return shared_ptr<qualified_type_def>((qualified_type_def*)0);
/// Build a pointer_type_def from a 'pointer-type-def' xml node.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param node the xml node to build the pointer_type_def from.
/// @param add_to_current_scope if set to yes, the resulting of
/// this function is added to its current scope.
/// @return a pointer to a newly built pointer_type_def upon
/// successful completion, a null pointer otherwise.
static pointer_type_def_sptr
build_pointer_type_def(read_context& ctxt,
const xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
shared_ptr<pointer_type_def> nil;
if (!xmlStrEqual(node->name, BAD_CAST("pointer-type-def")))
return nil;
if (decl_base_sptr d = ctxt.get_decl_for_xml_node(node))
pointer_type_def_sptr result =
return result;
string type_id;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "type-id"))
type_id = CHAR_STR(s);
shared_ptr<type_base> pointed_to_type =
ctxt.build_or_get_type_decl(type_id, true);
// maybe building the underlying type triggered building this one in
// the mean time ...
if (decl_base_sptr d = ctxt.get_decl_for_xml_node(node))
pointer_type_def_sptr result =
return result;
size_t size_in_bits = ctxt.get_translation_unit()->get_address_size();
size_t alignment_in_bits = 0;
read_size_and_alignment(node, size_in_bits, alignment_in_bits);
string id;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "id"))
id = CHAR_STR(s);
if (type_base_sptr d = ctxt.get_type_decl(id))
pointer_type_def_sptr ty = is_pointer_type(d);
return ty;
location loc;
read_location(ctxt, node, loc);
shared_ptr<pointer_type_def> t(new pointer_type_def(pointed_to_type,
if (ctxt.push_and_key_type_decl(t, id, add_to_current_scope))
ctxt.map_xml_node_to_decl(node, t);
return t;
return nil;
/// Build a reference_type_def from a pointer to 'reference-type-def'
/// xml node.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param node the xml node to build the reference_type_def from.
/// @param add_to_current_scope if set to yes, the resulting of
/// this function is added to its current scope.
/// @return a pointer to a newly built reference_type_def upon
/// successful completio, a null pointer otherwise.
static shared_ptr<reference_type_def>
build_reference_type_def(read_context& ctxt,
const xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
shared_ptr<reference_type_def> nil;
if (!xmlStrEqual(node->name, BAD_CAST("reference-type-def")))
return nil;
if (decl_base_sptr d = ctxt.get_decl_for_xml_node(node))
reference_type_def_sptr result =
return result;
string kind;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "kind"))
kind = CHAR_STR(s); // this should be either "lvalue" or "rvalue".
bool is_lvalue = kind == "lvalue";
string type_id;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "type-id"))
type_id = CHAR_STR(s);
shared_ptr<type_base> pointed_to_type = ctxt.build_or_get_type_decl(type_id,
// maybe building the underlying type triggered building this one in
// the mean time ...
if (decl_base_sptr d = ctxt.get_decl_for_xml_node(node))
reference_type_def_sptr result =
return result;
size_t size_in_bits = ctxt.get_translation_unit()->get_address_size();
size_t alignment_in_bits = 0;
read_size_and_alignment(node, size_in_bits, alignment_in_bits);
string id;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "id"))
id = CHAR_STR(s);
if (type_base_sptr d = ctxt.get_type_decl(id))
reference_type_def_sptr ty = is_reference_type(d);
ABG_ASSERT(ctxt.types_equal(pointed_to_type, ty->get_pointed_to_type()));
return ty;
location loc;
read_location(ctxt, node, loc);
shared_ptr<reference_type_def> t(new reference_type_def(pointed_to_type,
if (ctxt.push_and_key_type_decl(t, id, add_to_current_scope))
ctxt.map_xml_node_to_decl(node, t);
return t;
return nil;
/// Build a function_type from a pointer to 'function-type'
/// xml node.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param node the xml node to build the function_type from.
/// @param add_to_current_scope if set to yes, the result of
/// this function is added to its current scope.
/// @return a pointer to a newly built function_type upon
/// successful completion, a null pointer otherwise.
static function_type_sptr
build_function_type(read_context& ctxt,
const xmlNodePtr node,
bool /*add_to_current_scope*/)
function_type_sptr nil;
if (!xmlStrEqual(node->name, BAD_CAST("function-type")))
return nil;
string id;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "id"))
id = CHAR_STR(s);
string method_class_id;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "method-class-id"))
method_class_id = CHAR_STR(s);
bool is_method_t = !method_class_id.empty();
size_t size = ctxt.get_translation_unit()->get_address_size(), align = 0;
read_size_and_alignment(node, size, align);
environment* env = ctxt.get_environment();
std::vector<shared_ptr<function_decl::parameter> > parms;
type_base_sptr return_type = env->get_void_type();
class_decl_sptr method_class_type;
if (is_method_t)
method_class_type =
function_type_sptr fn_type(is_method_t
? new method_type(method_class_type,
size, align)
: new function_type(return_type,
parms, size, align));
ctxt.key_type_decl(fn_type, id);
for (xmlNodePtr n = node->children; n ; n = n->next)
if (n->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
else if (xmlStrEqual(n->name, BAD_CAST("parameter")))
if (function_decl::parameter_sptr p =
build_function_parameter(ctxt, n))
else if (xmlStrEqual(n->name, BAD_CAST("return")))
string type_id;
if (xml_char_sptr s =
xml::build_sptr(xmlGetProp(n, BAD_CAST("type-id"))))
type_id = CHAR_STR(s);
if (!type_id.empty())
(type_id, true));
return fn_type;
/// Build a array_type_def::subrange_type from a 'subrange' xml node.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param node the xml node to build the
/// array_type_def::subrange_type from.
/// @return a pointer to a newly built array_type_def::subrange_type
/// upon successful completion, a null pointer otherwise.
static array_type_def::subrange_sptr
build_subrange_type(read_context& ctxt,
const xmlNodePtr node)
array_type_def::subrange_sptr nil;
if (!node || !xmlStrEqual(node->name, BAD_CAST("subrange")))
return nil;
if (decl_base_sptr d = ctxt.get_decl_for_xml_node(node))
array_type_def::subrange_sptr result =
return result;
string id;
// Note that in early implementations, the subrange didn't carry its
// own ID as the subrange was just a detail of an array. So we
// still need to support the abixml emitted by those early
// implementations.
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "id"))
id = CHAR_STR(s);
if (!id.empty())
if (type_base_sptr d = ctxt.get_type_decl(id))
array_type_def::subrange_sptr ty = is_subrange_type(d);
return ty;
string name;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "name"))
name = CHAR_STR(s);
uint64_t length = 0;
string length_str;
bool is_infinite = false;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "length"))
if (string(CHAR_STR(s)) == "infinite")
is_infinite = true;
length = strtoull(CHAR_STR(s), NULL, 0);
int64_t lower_bound = 0, upper_bound = 0;
bool bounds_present = false;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "lower-bound"))
lower_bound = strtoll(CHAR_STR(s), NULL, 0);
s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "upper-bound");
if (!string(CHAR_STR(s)).empty())
upper_bound = strtoll(CHAR_STR(s), NULL, 0);
bounds_present = true;
|| (length == (uint64_t) upper_bound - lower_bound + 1));
string underlying_type_id;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "type-id"))
underlying_type_id = CHAR_STR(s);
type_base_sptr underlying_type;
if (!underlying_type_id.empty())
underlying_type = ctxt.build_or_get_type_decl(underlying_type_id, true);
location loc;
read_location(ctxt, node, loc);
// Note that DWARF would actually have a lower_bound of -1 for an
// array of length 0.
array_type_def::subrange_type::bound_value max_bound;
array_type_def::subrange_type::bound_value min_bound;
if (!is_infinite)
if (length > 0)
// By default, if no 'lower-bound/upper-bound' attributes are
// set, we assume that the lower bound is 0 and the upper bound
// is length - 1.
max_bound.set_signed(length - 1);
if (bounds_present)
// So lower_bound/upper_bound are set. Let's set them rather
// than assume that mind_bound is zero.
array_type_def::subrange_sptr p
(new array_type_def::subrange_type(ctxt.get_environment(),
name, min_bound, max_bound,
underlying_type, loc));
return p;
/// Build a array_type_def from a 'array-type-def' xml node.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param node the xml node to build the array_type_def from.
/// @param add_to_current_scope if set to yes, the resulting of
/// this function is added to its current scope.
/// @return a pointer to a newly built array_type_def upon
/// successful completion, a null pointer otherwise.
static array_type_def_sptr
build_array_type_def(read_context& ctxt,
const xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
array_type_def_sptr nil;
if (!xmlStrEqual(node->name, BAD_CAST("array-type-def")))
return nil;
if (decl_base_sptr d = ctxt.get_decl_for_xml_node(node))
array_type_def_sptr result =
return result;
int dimensions = 0;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "dimensions"))
dimensions = atoi(CHAR_STR(s));
string type_id;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "type-id"))
type_id = CHAR_STR(s);
// The type of array elements.
type_base_sptr type =
ctxt.build_or_get_type_decl(type_id, true);
// maybe building the type of array elements triggered building this
// one in the mean time ...
if (decl_base_sptr d = ctxt.get_decl_for_xml_node(node))
array_type_def_sptr result =
return result;
size_t size_in_bits = 0, alignment_in_bits = 0;
bool has_size_in_bits = false;
char *endptr;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "size-in-bits"))
size_in_bits = strtoull(CHAR_STR(s), &endptr, 0);
if (*endptr != '\0')
if (!strcmp(CHAR_STR(s), "infinite"))
size_in_bits = (size_t) -1;
return nil;
has_size_in_bits = true;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "alignment-in-bits"))
alignment_in_bits = strtoull(CHAR_STR(s), &endptr, 0);
if (*endptr != '\0')
return nil;
string id;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "id"))
id = CHAR_STR(s);
if (type_base_sptr d = ctxt.get_type_decl(id))
array_type_def_sptr ty = is_array_type(d);
ABG_ASSERT(*type == *ty->get_element_type());
ABG_ASSERT(type->get_alignment_in_bits() == alignment_in_bits);
return ty;
location loc;
read_location(ctxt, node, loc);
array_type_def::subranges_type subranges;
for (xmlNodePtr n = node->children; n ; n = n->next)
if (n->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
else if (xmlStrEqual(n->name, BAD_CAST("subrange")))
if (array_type_def::subrange_sptr s =
build_subrange_type(ctxt, n))
if (add_to_current_scope)
add_decl_to_scope(s, ctxt.get_cur_scope());
array_type_def_sptr ar_type(new array_type_def(type,
if (dimensions != ar_type->get_dimension_count()
|| (alignment_in_bits
!= ar_type->get_element_type()->get_alignment_in_bits()))
return nil;
if (has_size_in_bits && size_in_bits != (size_t) -1
&& size_in_bits != ar_type->get_size_in_bits())
// We have a potential discrepancy between calculated and recorded sizes.
size_t element_size = ar_type->get_element_type()->get_size_in_bits();
if (element_size && element_size != (size_t)-1)
// Older versions miscalculated multidimensional array sizes.
size_t bad_count = 0;
for (vector<array_type_def::subrange_sptr>::const_iterator i =
i != subranges.end();
bad_count += (*i)->get_length();
if (size_in_bits == bad_count * element_size)
static bool reported = false;
if (!reported)
std::cerr << "notice: Found incorrectly calculated array "
<< "sizes in XML - this is benign.\nOlder versions "
<< "of libabigail miscalculated multidimensional "
<< "array sizes." << std::endl;
reported = true;
std::cerr << "error: Found incorrectly calculated array size in "
<< "XML (id=\"" << id << "\")." << std::endl;
if (ctxt.push_and_key_type_decl(ar_type, id, add_to_current_scope))
ctxt.map_xml_node_to_decl(node, ar_type);
return ar_type;
return nil;
/// Build an @ref enum_type_decl from the XML node that represents it,
/// if it was not suppressed by a supression specification present in
/// the current read_context.
/// @param ctxt the read_context to take into account.
/// @param node the XML node representing the @ref enum_type_decl to
/// build.
/// @param add_to_current_scope whether to add the built @ref
/// enum_type_decl to the current scope.
/// @return the newly built @ref enum_type_decl iff it was effectively
/// built.
static enum_type_decl_sptr
build_enum_type_decl_if_not_suppressed(read_context& ctxt,
const xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
enum_type_decl_sptr enum_type;
if (!type_is_suppressed(ctxt, node))
enum_type = build_enum_type_decl(ctxt, node, add_to_current_scope);
return enum_type;
/// Build an enum_type_decl from an 'enum-type-decl' xml node.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param node the xml node to build the enum_type_decl from.
/// param add_to_current_scope if set to yes, the resulting of this
/// function is added to its current scope.
/// @return a pointer to a newly built enum_type_decl upon successful
/// completion, a null pointer otherwise.
static enum_type_decl_sptr
build_enum_type_decl(read_context& ctxt,
const xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
enum_type_decl_sptr nil;
if (!xmlStrEqual(node->name, BAD_CAST("enum-decl")))
return nil;
if (decl_base_sptr d = ctxt.get_decl_for_xml_node(node))
enum_type_decl_sptr result =
return result;
string name;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "name"))
name = xml::unescape_xml_string(CHAR_STR(s));
string linkage_name;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "linkage-name"))
linkage_name = xml::unescape_xml_string(CHAR_STR(s));
location loc;
read_location(ctxt, node, loc);
bool is_decl_only = false;
read_is_declaration_only(node, is_decl_only);
bool is_anonymous = false;
read_is_anonymous(node, is_anonymous);
bool is_artificial = false;
read_is_artificial(node, is_artificial);
string id;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "id"))
id = CHAR_STR(s);
const environment* env = ctxt.get_environment();
string base_type_id;
enum_type_decl::enumerators enums;
for (xmlNodePtr n = node->children; n; n = n->next)
if (n->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
if (xmlStrEqual(n->name, BAD_CAST("underlying-type")))
xml_char_sptr a = xml::build_sptr(xmlGetProp(n, BAD_CAST("type-id")));
if (a)
base_type_id = CHAR_STR(a);
if (xmlStrEqual(n->name, BAD_CAST("enumerator")))
string name;
int64_t value = 0;
xml_char_sptr a = xml::build_sptr(xmlGetProp(n, BAD_CAST("name")));
if (a)
name = xml::unescape_xml_string(CHAR_STR(a));
a = xml::build_sptr(xmlGetProp(n, BAD_CAST("value")));
if (a)
value = strtoll(CHAR_STR(a), NULL, 0);
if (value == LLONG_MIN || value == LLONG_MAX)
return nil;
enums.push_back(enum_type_decl::enumerator(env, name, value));
type_base_sptr underlying_type =
ctxt.build_or_get_type_decl(base_type_id, true);
enum_type_decl_sptr t(new enum_type_decl(name, loc,
enums, linkage_name));
if (ctxt.push_and_key_type_decl(t, id, add_to_current_scope))
ctxt.map_xml_node_to_decl(node, t);
return t;
return nil;
/// Build a typedef_decl from a 'typedef-decl' xml node.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param node the xml node to build the typedef_decl from.
/// @return a pointer to a newly built typedef_decl upon successful
/// completion, a null pointer otherwise.
static shared_ptr<typedef_decl>
build_typedef_decl(read_context& ctxt,
const xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
shared_ptr<typedef_decl> nil;
if (!xmlStrEqual(node->name, BAD_CAST("typedef-decl")))
return nil;
if (decl_base_sptr d = ctxt.get_decl_for_xml_node(node))
typedef_decl_sptr result = is_typedef(d);
return result;
string id;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "id"))
id = CHAR_STR(s);
string name;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "name"))
name = xml::unescape_xml_string(CHAR_STR(s));
string type_id;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "type-id"))
type_id = CHAR_STR(s);
shared_ptr<type_base> underlying_type(ctxt.build_or_get_type_decl(type_id,
// maybe building the underlying type triggered building this one in
// the mean time ...
if (decl_base_sptr d = ctxt.get_decl_for_xml_node(node))
typedef_decl_sptr result = dynamic_pointer_cast<typedef_decl>(d);
return result;
location loc;
read_location(ctxt, node, loc);
if (type_base_sptr d = ctxt.get_type_decl(id))
typedef_decl_sptr ty = dynamic_pointer_cast<typedef_decl>(d);
ABG_ASSERT(name == ty->get_name());
== get_type_name(ty->get_underlying_type()));
// it's possible to have the same typedef several times.
typedef_decl_sptr t(new typedef_decl(name, underlying_type, loc));
if (ctxt.push_and_key_type_decl(t, id, add_to_current_scope))
ctxt.map_xml_node_to_decl(node, t);
return t;
return nil;
/// Build a class from its XML node if it is not suppressed by a
/// suppression specification that is present in the read context.
/// @param ctxt the read context to consider.
/// @param node the XML node to consider.
/// @param add_to_current_scope whether to add the built class to the
/// current context or not.
/// @return true iff the class was built.
static class_decl_sptr
build_class_decl_if_not_suppressed(read_context& ctxt,
const xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
class_decl_sptr class_type;
if (!type_is_suppressed(ctxt, node))
class_type = build_class_decl(ctxt, node, add_to_current_scope);
return class_type;
/// Build a @ref union_decl from its XML node if it is not suppressed
/// by a suppression specification that is present in the read
/// context.
/// @param ctxt the read context to consider.
/// @param node the XML node to consider.
/// @param add_to_current_scope whether to add the built @ref
/// union_decl to the current context or not.
/// @return true iff the @ref union_decl was built.
static union_decl_sptr
build_union_decl_if_not_suppressed(read_context& ctxt,
const xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
union_decl_sptr union_type;
if (!type_is_suppressed(ctxt, node))
union_type = build_union_decl(ctxt, node, add_to_current_scope);
return union_type;
/// Build a class_decl from a 'class-decl' xml node.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param node the xml node to build the class_decl from.
/// @param add_to_current_scope if yes, the resulting class node
/// hasn't triggered voluntarily the adding of the resulting
/// class_decl_sptr to the current scope.
/// @return a pointer to class_decl upon successful completion, a null
/// pointer otherwise.
static class_decl_sptr
build_class_decl(read_context& ctxt,
const xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
class_decl_sptr nil;
if (!xmlStrEqual(node->name, BAD_CAST("class-decl")))
return nil;
if (decl_base_sptr d = ctxt.get_decl_for_xml_node(node))
class_decl_sptr result = dynamic_pointer_cast<class_decl>(d);
return result;
string name;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "name"))
name = xml::unescape_xml_string(CHAR_STR(s));
size_t size_in_bits = 0, alignment_in_bits = 0;
read_size_and_alignment(node, size_in_bits, alignment_in_bits);
decl_base::visibility vis = decl_base::VISIBILITY_NONE;
read_visibility(node, vis);
bool is_artificial = false;
read_is_artificial(node, is_artificial);
string id;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "id"))
id = CHAR_STR(s);
location loc;
read_location(ctxt, node, loc);
class_decl::member_types mbrs;
class_decl::data_members data_mbrs;
class_decl::member_functions mbr_functions;
class_decl::base_specs bases;
class_decl_sptr decl;
bool is_decl_only = false;
read_is_declaration_only(node, is_decl_only);
bool is_struct = false;
read_is_struct(node, is_struct);
bool is_anonymous = false;
read_is_anonymous(node, is_anonymous);
string naming_typedef_id;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "naming-typedef-id"))
naming_typedef_id = xml::unescape_xml_string(CHAR_STR(s));
class_decl_sptr previous_definition, previous_declaration;
const vector<type_base_sptr> *types_ptr = 0;
if (!is_anonymous)
types_ptr = ctxt.get_all_type_decls(id);
if (types_ptr)
// Lets look at the previous declarations and the first previous
// definition of this type that we've already seen while parsing
// this corpus.
for (vector<type_base_sptr>::const_iterator i = types_ptr->begin();
i != types_ptr->end();
class_decl_sptr klass = is_class_type(*i);
if (klass->get_is_declaration_only()
&& !klass->get_definition_of_declaration())
previous_declaration = klass;
else if (!klass->get_is_declaration_only()
&& !previous_definition)
previous_definition = klass;
if (previous_definition && previous_declaration)
if (previous_declaration)
ABG_ASSERT(previous_declaration->get_name() == name);
if (previous_definition)
ABG_ASSERT(previous_definition->get_name() == name);
if (is_decl_only && previous_declaration)
return previous_declaration;
const environment* env = ctxt.get_environment();
if (!is_decl_only && previous_definition)
// We are in the case where we've read this class definition
// before, but we might need to update it to add some new stuff to
// it; we might thus find the new stuff to add in the current
// (new) incarnation of that definition that we are currently
// reading.
decl = previous_definition;
if (is_decl_only)
decl.reset(new class_decl(env, name, is_struct));
if (size_in_bits)
if (is_anonymous)
decl.reset(new class_decl(env, name, size_in_bits, alignment_in_bits,
is_struct, loc, vis, bases, mbrs,
data_mbrs, mbr_functions, is_anonymous));
string def_id;
bool is_def_of_decl = false;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "def-of-decl-id"))
def_id = CHAR_STR(s);
if (!def_id.empty())
decl_base_sptr d = is_decl(ctxt.get_type_decl(def_id));
if (d && d->get_is_declaration_only())
is_def_of_decl = true;
if (!is_decl_only
&& decl
&& !decl->get_is_declaration_only()
&& previous_declaration)
// decl is the definition of the previous declaration
// previous_declaration.
// Let's link them.
for (vector<type_base_sptr>::const_iterator i = types_ptr->begin();
i != types_ptr->end();
class_decl_sptr d = is_class_type(*i);
if (d->get_is_declaration_only()
&& !d->get_definition_of_declaration())
is_def_of_decl = true;
if (is_decl_only && previous_definition)
// decl is a declaration of the previous definition
// previous_definition. Let's link them.
&& !decl->get_definition_of_declaration());
ABG_ASSERT(!is_decl_only || !is_def_of_decl);
ctxt.push_decl_to_current_scope(decl, add_to_current_scope);
ctxt.map_xml_node_to_decl(node, decl);
ctxt.key_type_decl(decl, id);
// If this class has a naming typedef, get it and refer to it.
if (!naming_typedef_id.empty())
typedef_decl_sptr naming_typedef =
is_typedef(ctxt.build_or_get_type_decl(naming_typedef_id, true));
for (xmlNodePtr n = node->children; !is_decl_only && n; n = n->next)
if (n->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
if (xmlStrEqual(n->name, BAD_CAST("base-class")))
access_specifier access =
? public_access
: private_access;
read_access(n, access);
string type_id;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(n, "type-id"))
type_id = CHAR_STR(s);
shared_ptr<class_decl> b =
(ctxt.build_or_get_type_decl(type_id, true));
if (decl->find_base_class(b->get_qualified_name()))
// We are in updating mode for this class. The version of
// the class we have already has this base class, so we
// are not going to add it again.
size_t offset_in_bits = 0;
bool offset_present = read_offset_in_bits (n, offset_in_bits);
bool is_virtual = false;
read_is_virtual (n, is_virtual);
shared_ptr<class_decl::base_spec> base (new class_decl::base_spec
(b, access,
? (long) offset_in_bits
: -1,
else if (xmlStrEqual(n->name, BAD_CAST("member-type")))
access_specifier access =
? public_access
: private_access;
read_access(n, access);
ctxt.map_xml_node_to_decl(n, decl);
for (xmlNodePtr p = n->children; p; p = p->next)
if (p->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
if (type_base_sptr t =
build_type(ctxt, p, /*add_to_current_scope=*/true))
decl_base_sptr td = get_type_declaration(t);
set_member_access_specifier(td, access);
ctxt.maybe_canonicalize_type(t, !add_to_current_scope);
xml_char_sptr i= XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(p, "id");
string id = CHAR_STR(i);
ctxt.key_type_decl(t, id);
ctxt.map_xml_node_to_decl(p, td);
else if (xmlStrEqual(n->name, BAD_CAST("data-member")))
ctxt.map_xml_node_to_decl(n, decl);
access_specifier access =
? public_access
: private_access;
read_access(n, access);
bool is_laid_out = false;
size_t offset_in_bits = 0;
if (read_offset_in_bits(n, offset_in_bits))
is_laid_out = true;
bool is_static = false;
read_static(n, is_static);
for (xmlNodePtr p = n->children; p; p = p->next)
if (p->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
if (var_decl_sptr v =
build_var_decl(ctxt, p, /*add_to_cur_scope=*/false))
if (decl->find_data_member(v))
// We are in updating mode and the current
// version of this class already has this data
// member, so we are not going to add it again.
// So we need to discard the data member we have
// built (and that was pushed to the current
// stack of decls built) and move on.
decl_base_sptr d = ctxt.pop_decl();
if (!variable_is_suppressed(ctxt, decl.get(), *v))
decl->add_data_member(v, access,
if (is_static)
else if (xmlStrEqual(n->name, BAD_CAST("member-function")))
ctxt.map_xml_node_to_decl(n, decl);
access_specifier access =
? public_access
: private_access;
read_access(n, access);
bool is_virtual = false;
ssize_t vtable_offset = -1;
if (xml_char_sptr s =
XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(n, "vtable-offset"))
is_virtual = true;
vtable_offset = atoi(CHAR_STR(s));
bool is_static = false;
read_static(n, is_static);
bool is_ctor = false, is_dtor = false, is_const = false;
read_cdtor_const(n, is_ctor, is_dtor, is_const);
for (xmlNodePtr p = n->children; p; p = p->next)
if (p->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
if (function_decl_sptr f =
build_function_decl_if_not_suppressed(ctxt, p, decl,
method_decl_sptr m = is_method_decl(f);
set_member_access_specifier(m, access);
set_member_is_static(m, is_static);
if (vtable_offset != -1)
set_member_function_vtable_offset(m, vtable_offset);
set_member_function_is_virtual(m, is_virtual);
set_member_function_is_ctor(m, is_ctor);
set_member_function_is_dtor(m, is_dtor);
set_member_function_is_const(m, is_const);
else if (xmlStrEqual(n->name, BAD_CAST("member-template")))
ctxt.map_xml_node_to_decl(n, decl);
access_specifier access =
? public_access
: private_access;
read_access(n, access);
bool is_static = false;
read_static(n, is_static);
bool is_ctor = false, is_dtor = false, is_const = false;
read_cdtor_const(n, is_ctor, is_dtor, is_const);
for (xmlNodePtr p = n->children; p; p = p->next)
if (p->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
if (shared_ptr<function_tdecl> f =
build_function_tdecl(ctxt, p,
shared_ptr<member_function_template> m
(new member_function_template(f, access, is_static,
is_ctor, is_const));
else if (shared_ptr<class_tdecl> c =
build_class_tdecl(ctxt, p,
member_class_template_sptr m(new member_class_template(c,
return decl;
/// Build a union_decl from a 'union-decl' xml node.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param node the xml node to build the union_decl from.
/// @param add_to_current_scope if yes, the resulting union node
/// hasn't triggered voluntarily the adding of the resulting
/// union_decl_sptr to the current scope.
/// @return a pointer to union_decl upon successful completion, a null
/// pointer otherwise.
static union_decl_sptr
build_union_decl(read_context& ctxt,
const xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
union_decl_sptr nil;
if (!xmlStrEqual(node->name, BAD_CAST("union-decl")))
return nil;
if (decl_base_sptr d = ctxt.get_decl_for_xml_node(node))
union_decl_sptr result = dynamic_pointer_cast<union_decl>(d);
return result;
string name;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "name"))
name = xml::unescape_xml_string(CHAR_STR(s));
size_t size_in_bits = 0, alignment_in_bits = 0;
read_size_and_alignment(node, size_in_bits, alignment_in_bits);
decl_base::visibility vis = decl_base::VISIBILITY_NONE;
read_visibility(node, vis);
bool is_artificial = false;
read_is_artificial(node, is_artificial);
string id;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "id"))
id = CHAR_STR(s);
location loc;
read_location(ctxt, node, loc);
union_decl::member_types mbrs;
union_decl::data_members data_mbrs;
union_decl::member_functions mbr_functions;
union_decl_sptr decl;
bool is_decl_only = false;
read_is_declaration_only(node, is_decl_only);
bool is_anonymous = false;
read_is_anonymous(node, is_anonymous);
union_decl_sptr previous_definition, previous_declaration;
const vector<type_base_sptr> *types_ptr = 0;
if (!is_anonymous)
types_ptr = ctxt.get_all_type_decls(id);
if (types_ptr)
// Lets look at the previous declarations and the first previous
// definition of this type that we've already seen while parsing
// this corpus.
for (vector<type_base_sptr>::const_iterator i = types_ptr->begin();
i != types_ptr->end();
union_decl_sptr onion = is_union_type(*i);
if (onion->get_is_declaration_only()
&& !onion->get_definition_of_declaration())
previous_declaration = onion;
else if (!onion->get_is_declaration_only()
&& !previous_definition)
previous_definition = onion;
if (previous_definition && previous_declaration)
if (previous_declaration)
ABG_ASSERT(previous_declaration->get_name() == name);
if (previous_definition)
ABG_ASSERT(previous_definition->get_name() == name);
if (is_decl_only && previous_declaration)
return previous_declaration;
const environment* env = ctxt.get_environment();
if (!is_decl_only && previous_definition)
// We are in the case where we've read this class definition
// before, but we might need to update it to add some new stuff to
// it; we might thus find the new stuff to add in the current
// (new) incarnation of that definition that we are currently
// reading.
decl = previous_definition;
if (is_decl_only)
decl.reset(new union_decl(env, name));
decl.reset(new union_decl(env, name,
loc, vis, mbrs,
string def_id;
bool is_def_of_decl = false;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "def-of-decl-id"))
def_id = CHAR_STR(s);
if (!def_id.empty())
class_decl_sptr d =
if (d && d->get_is_declaration_only())
is_def_of_decl = true;
if (!is_decl_only
&& decl
&& !decl->get_is_declaration_only()
&& previous_declaration)
// decl is the definition of the previous declaration
// previous_declaration.
// Let's link them.
for (vector<type_base_sptr>::const_iterator i = types_ptr->begin();
i != types_ptr->end();
union_decl_sptr d = is_union_type(*i);
if (d->get_is_declaration_only()
&& !d->get_definition_of_declaration())
is_def_of_decl = true;
if (is_decl_only && previous_definition)
// decl is a declaration of the previous definition
// previous_definition. Let's link them.
&& !decl->get_definition_of_declaration());
ABG_ASSERT(!is_decl_only || !is_def_of_decl);
ctxt.push_decl_to_current_scope(decl, add_to_current_scope);
ctxt.map_xml_node_to_decl(node, decl);
ctxt.key_type_decl(decl, id);
for (xmlNodePtr n = node->children; !is_decl_only && n; n = n->next)
if (n->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
if (xmlStrEqual(n->name, BAD_CAST("member-type")))
access_specifier access = private_access;
read_access(n, access);
ctxt.map_xml_node_to_decl(n, decl);
for (xmlNodePtr p = n->children; p; p = p->next)
if (p->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
if (type_base_sptr t =
build_type(ctxt, p, /*add_to_current_scope=*/true))
decl_base_sptr td = get_type_declaration(t);
set_member_access_specifier(td, access);
ctxt.maybe_canonicalize_type(t, !add_to_current_scope);
xml_char_sptr i= XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(p, "id");
string id = CHAR_STR(i);
ctxt.key_type_decl(t, id);
ctxt.map_xml_node_to_decl(p, td);
else if (xmlStrEqual(n->name, BAD_CAST("data-member")))
ctxt.map_xml_node_to_decl(n, decl);
access_specifier access = private_access;
read_access(n, access);
bool is_laid_out = true;
size_t offset_in_bits = 0;
bool is_static = false;
read_static(n, is_static);
for (xmlNodePtr p = n->children; p; p = p->next)
if (p->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
if (var_decl_sptr v =
build_var_decl(ctxt, p, /*add_to_cur_scope=*/false))
if (decl->find_data_member(v))
// We are in updating mode and the current
// version of this class already has this data
// member, so we are not going to add it again.
// So we need to discard the data member we have
// built (and that was pushed to the current
// stack of decls built) and move on.
decl_base_sptr d = ctxt.pop_decl();
if (!is_static
|| !variable_is_suppressed(ctxt, decl.get(), *v))
decl->add_data_member(v, access,
else if (xmlStrEqual(n->name, BAD_CAST("member-function")))
ctxt.map_xml_node_to_decl(n, decl);
access_specifier access = private_access;
read_access(n, access);
bool is_static = false;
read_static(n, is_static);
bool is_ctor = false, is_dtor = false, is_const = false;
read_cdtor_const(n, is_ctor, is_dtor, is_const);
for (xmlNodePtr p = n->children; p; p = p->next)
if (p->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
if (function_decl_sptr f =
build_function_decl_if_not_suppressed(ctxt, p, decl,
method_decl_sptr m = is_method_decl(f);
set_member_access_specifier(m, access);
set_member_is_static(m, is_static);
set_member_function_is_ctor(m, is_ctor);
set_member_function_is_dtor(m, is_dtor);
set_member_function_is_const(m, is_const);
else if (xmlStrEqual(n->name, BAD_CAST("member-template")))
ctxt.map_xml_node_to_decl(n, decl);
access_specifier access = private_access;
read_access(n, access);
bool is_static = false;
read_static(n, is_static);
bool is_ctor = false, is_dtor = false, is_const = false;
read_cdtor_const(n, is_ctor, is_dtor, is_const);
for (xmlNodePtr p = n->children; p; p = p->next)
if (p->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
if (function_tdecl_sptr f =
build_function_tdecl(ctxt, p,
member_function_template_sptr m
(new member_function_template(f, access, is_static,
is_ctor, is_const));
else if (class_tdecl_sptr c =
build_class_tdecl(ctxt, p,
member_class_template_sptr m(new member_class_template(c,
return decl;
/// Build an intance of function_tdecl, from an
/// 'function-template-decl' xml element node.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param node the xml node to parse from.
/// @param add_to_current_scope if set to yes, the resulting of
/// this function is added to its current scope.
/// @return the newly built function_tdecl upon successful
/// completion, a null pointer otherwise.
static shared_ptr<function_tdecl>
build_function_tdecl(read_context& ctxt,
const xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
shared_ptr<function_tdecl> nil, result;
if (!xmlStrEqual(node->name, BAD_CAST("function-template-decl")))
return nil;
string id;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "id"))
id = CHAR_STR(s);
if (id.empty() || ctxt.get_fn_tmpl_decl(id))
return nil;
location loc;
read_location(ctxt, node, loc);
decl_base::visibility vis = decl_base::VISIBILITY_NONE;
read_visibility(node, vis);
decl_base::binding bind = decl_base::BINDING_NONE;
read_binding(node, bind);
const environment* env = ctxt.get_environment();
function_tdecl_sptr fn_tmpl_decl(new function_tdecl(env, loc, vis, bind));
ctxt.push_decl_to_current_scope(fn_tmpl_decl, add_to_current_scope);
unsigned parm_index = 0;
for (xmlNodePtr n = node->children; n; n = n->next)
if (n->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
if (template_parameter_sptr parm =
build_template_parameter(ctxt, n, parm_index, fn_tmpl_decl))
else if (function_decl_sptr f =
build_function_decl_if_not_suppressed(ctxt, n, class_decl_sptr(),
ctxt.key_fn_tmpl_decl(fn_tmpl_decl, id);
return fn_tmpl_decl;
/// Build an intance of class_tdecl, from a
/// 'class-template-decl' xml element node.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param node the xml node to parse from.
/// @param add_to_current_scope if set to yes, the resulting of this
/// function is added to its current scope.
/// @return the newly built function_tdecl upon successful
/// completion, a null pointer otherwise.
static shared_ptr<class_tdecl>
build_class_tdecl(read_context& ctxt,
const xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
shared_ptr<class_tdecl> nil, result;
if (!xmlStrEqual(node->name, BAD_CAST("class-template-decl")))
return nil;
string id;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "id"))
id = CHAR_STR(s);
if (id.empty() || ctxt.get_class_tmpl_decl(id))
return nil;
location loc;
read_location(ctxt, node, loc);
decl_base::visibility vis = decl_base::VISIBILITY_NONE;
read_visibility(node, vis);
const environment* env = ctxt.get_environment();
class_tdecl_sptr class_tmpl (new class_tdecl(env, loc, vis));
ctxt.push_decl_to_current_scope(class_tmpl, add_to_current_scope);
unsigned parm_index = 0;
for (xmlNodePtr n = node->children; n; n = n->next)
if (n->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
if (template_parameter_sptr parm=
build_template_parameter(ctxt, n, parm_index, class_tmpl))
else if (class_decl_sptr c =
build_class_decl_if_not_suppressed(ctxt, n,
if (c->get_scope())
ctxt.maybe_canonicalize_type(c, /*force_delay=*/false);
ctxt.key_class_tmpl_decl(class_tmpl, id);
return class_tmpl;
/// Build a type_tparameter from a 'template-type-parameter'
/// xml element node.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param node the xml node to parse from.
/// @param index the index (occurrence index, starting from 0) of the
/// template parameter.
/// @param tdecl the enclosing template declaration that holds the
/// template type parameter.
/// @return a pointer to a newly created instance of
/// type_tparameter, a null pointer otherwise.
static type_tparameter_sptr
build_type_tparameter(read_context& ctxt,
const xmlNodePtr node,
unsigned index,
template_decl_sptr tdecl)
type_tparameter_sptr nil, result;
if (!xmlStrEqual(node->name, BAD_CAST("template-type-parameter")))
return nil;
string id;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "id"))
id = CHAR_STR(s);
if (!id.empty())
string type_id;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "type-id"))
type_id = CHAR_STR(s);
if (!type_id.empty()
&& !(result = dynamic_pointer_cast<type_tparameter>
(ctxt.build_or_get_type_decl(type_id, true))))
string name;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "name"))
name = xml::unescape_xml_string(CHAR_STR(s));
location loc;
read_location(ctxt, node,loc);
result.reset(new type_tparameter(index, tdecl, name, loc));
if (id.empty())
ctxt.push_and_key_type_decl(result, id, /*add_to_current_scope=*/true);
ctxt.maybe_canonicalize_type(result, /*force_delay=*/false);
return result;
/// Build a tmpl_parm_type_composition from a
/// "template-parameter-type-composition" xml element node.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param node the xml node to parse from.
/// @param index the index of the previous normal template parameter.
/// @param tdecl the enclosing template declaration that holds this
/// template parameter type composition.
/// @return a pointer to a new instance of tmpl_parm_type_composition
/// upon successful completion, a null pointer otherwise.
static type_composition_sptr
build_type_composition(read_context& ctxt,
const xmlNodePtr node,
unsigned index,
template_decl_sptr tdecl)
type_composition_sptr nil, result;
if (!xmlStrEqual(node->name, BAD_CAST("template-parameter-type-composition")))
return nil;
type_base_sptr composed_type;
result.reset(new type_composition(index, tdecl, composed_type));
for (xmlNodePtr n = node->children; n; n = n->next)
if (n->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
if ((composed_type =
build_pointer_type_def(ctxt, n,
||(composed_type =
build_reference_type_def(ctxt, n,
||(composed_type =
build_array_type_def(ctxt, n,
|| (composed_type =
build_qualified_type_decl(ctxt, n,
return result;
/// Build an instance of non_type_tparameter from a
/// 'template-non-type-parameter' xml element node.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param node the xml node to parse from.
/// @param index the index of the parameter.
/// @param tdecl the enclosing template declaration that holds this
/// non type template parameter.
/// @return a pointer to a newly created instance of
/// non_type_tparameter upon successful completion, a null
/// pointer code otherwise.
static non_type_tparameter_sptr
build_non_type_tparameter(read_context& ctxt,
const xmlNodePtr node,
unsigned index,
template_decl_sptr tdecl)
non_type_tparameter_sptr r;
if (!xmlStrEqual(node->name, BAD_CAST("template-non-type-parameter")))
return r;
string type_id;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "type-id"))
type_id = CHAR_STR(s);
type_base_sptr type;
if (type_id.empty()
|| !(type = ctxt.build_or_get_type_decl(type_id, true)))
string name;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "name"))
name = xml::unescape_xml_string(CHAR_STR(s));
location loc;
read_location(ctxt, node,loc);
r.reset(new non_type_tparameter(index, tdecl, name, type, loc));
return r;
/// Build an intance of template_tparameter from a
/// 'template-template-parameter' xml element node.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param node the xml node to parse from.
/// @param index the index of the template parameter.
/// @param tdecl the enclosing template declaration that holds this
/// template template parameter.
/// @return a pointer to a new instance of template_tparameter
/// upon successful completion, a null pointer otherwise.
static template_tparameter_sptr
build_template_tparameter(read_context& ctxt,
const xmlNodePtr node,
unsigned index,
template_decl_sptr tdecl)
template_tparameter_sptr nil;
if (!xmlStrEqual(node->name, BAD_CAST("template-template-parameter")))
return nil;
string id;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "id"))
id = CHAR_STR(s);
// Bail out if a type with the same ID already exists.
string type_id;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "type-id"))
type_id = CHAR_STR(s);
// Bail out if no type with this ID exists.
if (!type_id.empty()
&& !(dynamic_pointer_cast<template_tparameter>
(ctxt.build_or_get_type_decl(type_id, true))))
string name;
if (xml_char_sptr s = XML_NODE_GET_ATTRIBUTE(node, "name"))
name = xml::unescape_xml_string(CHAR_STR(s));
location loc;
read_location(ctxt, node, loc);
template_tparameter_sptr result(new template_tparameter(index, tdecl,
name, loc));
ctxt.push_decl_to_current_scope(result, /*add_to_current_scope=*/true);
// Go parse template parameters that are children nodes
int parm_index = 0;
for (xmlNodePtr n = node->children; n; n = n->next)
if (n->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
if (shared_ptr<template_parameter> p =
build_template_parameter(ctxt, n, parm_index, result))
if (result)
ctxt.key_type_decl(result, id);
ctxt.maybe_canonicalize_type(result, /*force_delay=*/false);
return result;
/// Build a template parameter type from several possible xml elment
/// nodes representing a serialized form a template parameter.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param node the xml element node to parse from.
/// @param index the index of the template parameter we are parsing.
/// @param tdecl the enclosing template declaration that holds this
/// template parameter.
/// @return a pointer to a newly created instance of
/// template_parameter upon successful completion, a null pointer
/// otherwise.
static template_parameter_sptr
build_template_parameter(read_context& ctxt,
const xmlNodePtr node,
unsigned index,
template_decl_sptr tdecl)
shared_ptr<template_parameter> r;
((r = build_type_tparameter(ctxt, node, index, tdecl))
|| (r = build_non_type_tparameter(ctxt, node, index, tdecl))
|| (r = build_template_tparameter(ctxt, node, index, tdecl))
|| (r = build_type_composition(ctxt, node, index, tdecl)));
return r;
/// Build a type from an xml node.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param node the xml node to build the type_base from.
/// @return a pointer to the newly built type_base upon successful
/// completion, a null pointer otherwise.
static type_base_sptr
build_type(read_context& ctxt,
const xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
type_base_sptr t;
((t = build_type_decl(ctxt, node, add_to_current_scope))
|| (t = build_qualified_type_decl(ctxt, node, add_to_current_scope))
|| (t = build_pointer_type_def(ctxt, node, add_to_current_scope))
|| (t = build_reference_type_def(ctxt, node , add_to_current_scope))
|| (t = build_function_type(ctxt, node, add_to_current_scope))
|| (t = build_array_type_def(ctxt, node, add_to_current_scope))
|| (t = build_enum_type_decl_if_not_suppressed(ctxt, node,
|| (t = build_typedef_decl(ctxt, node, add_to_current_scope))
|| (t = build_class_decl_if_not_suppressed(ctxt, node,
|| (t = build_union_decl_if_not_suppressed(ctxt, node,
if (ctxt.tracking_non_reachable_types() && t)
corpus_sptr abi = ctxt.get_corpus();
bool is_non_reachable_type = false;
read_is_non_reachable_type(node, is_non_reachable_type);
if (!is_non_reachable_type)
return t;
/// Parses 'type-decl' xml element.
/// @param ctxt the parsing context.
/// @return true upon successful parsing, false otherwise.
static decl_base_sptr
handle_type_decl(read_context& ctxt,
xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
type_decl_sptr decl = build_type_decl(ctxt, node, add_to_current_scope);
if (decl && decl->get_scope())
ctxt.maybe_canonicalize_type(decl, /*force_delay=*/false);
return decl;
/// Parses 'namespace-decl' xml element.
/// @param ctxt the parsing context.
/// @return true upon successful parsing, false otherwise.
static decl_base_sptr
handle_namespace_decl(read_context& ctxt,
xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
namespace_decl_sptr d = build_namespace_decl(ctxt, node,
return d;
/// Parse a qualified-type-def xml element.
/// @param ctxt the parsing context.
/// @return true upon successful parsing, false otherwise.
static decl_base_sptr
handle_qualified_type_decl(read_context& ctxt,
xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
qualified_type_def_sptr decl =
build_qualified_type_decl(ctxt, node,
if (decl && decl->get_scope())
ctxt.maybe_canonicalize_type(decl, /*force_delay=*/false);
return decl;
/// Parse a pointer-type-decl element.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @return true upon successful completion, false otherwise.
static decl_base_sptr
handle_pointer_type_def(read_context& ctxt,
xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
pointer_type_def_sptr decl = build_pointer_type_def(ctxt, node,
if (decl && decl->get_scope())
ctxt.maybe_canonicalize_type(decl, /*force_delay=*/false);
return decl;
/// Parse a reference-type-def element.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// reference_type_def is added to.
static decl_base_sptr
handle_reference_type_def(read_context& ctxt,
xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
reference_type_def_sptr decl = build_reference_type_def(ctxt, node,
if (decl && decl->get_scope())
ctxt.maybe_canonicalize_type(decl, /*force_delay=*/false);
return decl;
/// Parse a function-type element.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// function_type is added to.
static type_base_sptr
handle_function_type(read_context& ctxt,
xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
function_type_sptr type = build_function_type(ctxt, node,
ctxt.maybe_canonicalize_type(type, /*force_delay=*/true);
return type;
/// Parse a array-type-def element.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// array_type_def is added to.
static decl_base_sptr
handle_array_type_def(read_context& ctxt,
xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
array_type_def_sptr decl = build_array_type_def(ctxt, node,
ctxt.maybe_canonicalize_type(decl, /*force_delay=*/false);
return decl;
/// Parse an enum-decl element.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
static decl_base_sptr
handle_enum_type_decl(read_context& ctxt,
xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
enum_type_decl_sptr decl =
build_enum_type_decl_if_not_suppressed(ctxt, node,
if (decl && decl->get_scope())
ctxt.maybe_canonicalize_type(decl, /*force_delay=*/false);
return decl;
/// Parse a typedef-decl element.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
static decl_base_sptr
handle_typedef_decl(read_context& ctxt,
xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
typedef_decl_sptr decl = build_typedef_decl(ctxt, node,
if (decl && decl->get_scope())
ctxt.maybe_canonicalize_type(decl, /*force_delay=*/false);
return decl;
/// Parse a var-decl element.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param node the node to read & parse from.
/// @param add_to_current_scope if set to yes, the resulting of this
/// function is added to its current scope.
static decl_base_sptr
handle_var_decl(read_context& ctxt,
xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
decl_base_sptr decl = build_var_decl_if_not_suppressed(ctxt, node,
return decl;
/// Parse a function-decl element.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing
/// @return true upon successful completion of the parsing, false
/// otherwise.
static decl_base_sptr
handle_function_decl(read_context& ctxt,
xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
return build_function_decl_if_not_suppressed(ctxt, node, class_decl_sptr(),
/// Parse a 'class-decl' xml element.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @return the resulting @ref class_decl built from the XML element
/// upon successful completion of the parsing, nil otherwise.
static decl_base_sptr
handle_class_decl(read_context& ctxt,
xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
class_decl_sptr decl =
build_class_decl_if_not_suppressed(ctxt, node, add_to_current_scope);
if (decl && decl->get_scope())
ctxt.maybe_canonicalize_type(decl, /*force_delay=*/false);
return decl;
/// Parse a 'union-decl' xml element.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @return the resulting @ref union_decl built from the XML element
/// upon successful completion of the parsing, nil otherwise.
static decl_base_sptr
handle_union_decl(read_context& ctxt,
xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
union_decl_sptr decl =
build_union_decl_if_not_suppressed(ctxt, node, add_to_current_scope);
if (decl && decl->get_scope())
ctxt.maybe_canonicalize_type(decl, /*force_delay=*/false);
return decl;
/// Parse a 'function-template-decl' xml element.
/// @param ctxt the parsing context.
/// @return true upon successful completion of the parsing, false
/// otherwise.
static decl_base_sptr
handle_function_tdecl(read_context& ctxt,
xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
function_tdecl_sptr d = build_function_tdecl(ctxt, node,
return d;
/// Parse a 'class-template-decl' xml element.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @return true upon successful completion, false otherwise.
static decl_base_sptr
handle_class_tdecl(read_context& ctxt,
xmlNodePtr node,
bool add_to_current_scope)
class_tdecl_sptr decl = build_class_tdecl(ctxt, node,
return decl;
/// De-serialize a translation unit from an ABI Instrumentation xml
/// file coming from an input stream.
/// @param in a pointer to the input stream.
/// @param env the environment to use.
/// @return the translation unit resulting from the parsing upon
/// successful completion, or nil.
read_translation_unit_from_istream(istream* in, environment* env)
read_context read_ctxt(xml::new_reader_from_istream(in), env);
return read_translation_unit_from_input(read_ctxt);
template<typename T>
struct array_deleter
operator()(T* a)
delete [] a;
};//end array_deleter
/// Deserialize an ABI Instrumentation XML file at a given index in a
/// zip archive, and populate a given @ref translation_unit object
/// with the result of that de-serialization.
/// @param the @ref translation_unit to populate with the result of
/// the de-serialization.
/// @param ar the zip archive to read from.
/// @param file_index the index of the ABI Instrumentation XML file to
/// read from the zip archive.
/// @return true upon successful completion, false otherwise.
static translation_unit_sptr
read_to_translation_unit(zip_sptr ar,
int file_index)
translation_unit_sptr nil;
if (!ar)
return nil;
zip_file_sptr f = open_file_in_archive(ar, file_index);
if (!f)
return nil;
string input;
// Allocate a 64K byte buffer to read the archive.
int buf_size = 64 * 1024;
shared_ptr<char> buf(new char[buf_size + 1], array_deleter<char>());
memset(buf.get(), 0, buf_size + 1);
while (zip_fread(f.get(), buf.get(), buf_size))
memset(buf.get(), 0, buf_size + 1);
return read_translation_unit_from_buffer(input);
/// Read an ABI corpus from an archive file which is a ZIP archive of
/// several ABI Instrumentation XML files.
/// @param ar an object representing the archive file.
/// @param corp the ABI Corpus object to populate with the content of
/// the archive @ref ar.
/// @return the number of ABI Instrumentation file read from the
/// archive.
static int
read_corpus_from_archive(zip_sptr ar,
corpus_sptr& corp)
if (!ar)
return -1;
int nb_of_tu_read = 0;
int nb_entries = zip_get_num_entries(ar.get(), 0);
if (nb_entries < 0)
return -1;
// TODO: ensure abi-info descriptor is present in the archive. Read
// it and ensure that version numbers match.
for (int i = 0; i < nb_entries; ++i)
tu(new translation_unit(zip_get_name(ar.get(), i, 0)));
if (read_to_translation_unit(*tu, ar, i))
if (!corp)
corp.reset(new corpus(""));
if (nb_of_tu_read)
return nb_of_tu_read;
/// Read an ABI corpus from an archive file which is a ZIP archive of
/// several ABI Instrumentation XML files.
/// @param corp the corpus to populate with the result of reading the
/// archive.
/// @param path the path to the archive file.
/// @return the number of ABI Instrument XML file read from the
/// archive, or -1 if the file could not read.
read_corpus_from_file(corpus_sptr& corp,
const string& path)
if (path.empty())
return -1;
int error_code = 0;
zip_sptr archive = open_archive(path, ZIP_CREATE|ZIP_CHECKCONS, &error_code);
if (error_code)
return -1;
return read_corpus_from_archive(archive, corp);
/// Read an ABI corpus from an archive file which is a ZIP archive of
/// several ABI Instrumentation XML files.
/// @param corp the corpus to populate with the result of reading the
/// archive. The archive file to consider is corp.get_path().
/// @return the number of ABI Instrument XML file read from the
/// archive.
read_corpus_from_file(corpus_sptr& corp)
{return read_corpus_from_file(corp, corp->get_path());}
/// Read an ABI corpus from an archive file which is a ZIP archive of
/// several ABI Instrumentation XML files.
/// @param path the path to the archive file.
/// @return the resulting corpus object, or NULL if the file could not
/// be read.
read_corpus_from_file(const string& path)
if (path.empty())
return corpus_sptr();
corpus_sptr corp(new corpus(path));
if (read_corpus_from_file(corp, path) < 0)
return corpus_sptr();
return corp;
/// Create an xml_reader::read_context to read a native XML ABI file.
/// @param path the path to the native XML file to read.
/// @param env the environment to use.
/// @return the created context.
create_native_xml_read_context(const string& path, environment *env)
read_context_sptr result(new read_context(xml::new_reader_from_file(path),
corpus_sptr corp(new corpus(env));
return result;
/// Create an xml_reader::read_context to read a native XML ABI from
/// an input stream..
/// @param in the input stream that contains the native XML file to read.
/// @param env the environment to use.
/// @return the created context.
create_native_xml_read_context(std::istream* in, environment* env)
read_context_sptr result(new read_context(xml::new_reader_from_istream(in),
corpus_sptr corp(new corpus(env, ""));
return result;
/// Getter for the path to the binary this @ref read_context is for.
/// @return the path to the binary the @ref read_context is for.
const string&
read_context_get_path(const read_context& ctxt)
{return ctxt.get_path();}
/// De-serialize an ABI corpus from an input XML document which root
/// node is 'abi-corpus'.
/// @param in the input stream to read the XML document from.
/// @param env the environment to use. Note that the life time of
/// this environment must be greater than the lifetime of the
/// resulting corpus as the corpus uses resources that are allocated
/// in the environment.
/// @return the resulting corpus de-serialized from the parsing. This
/// is non-null iff the parsing resulted in a valid corpus.
read_corpus_from_native_xml(std::istream* in,
environment* env)
read_context_sptr read_ctxt = create_native_xml_read_context(in, env);
return read_corpus_from_input(*read_ctxt);
/// De-serialize an ABI corpus from an XML document file which root
/// node is 'abi-corpus'.
/// @param path the path to the input file to read the XML document
/// from.
/// @param env the environment to use. Note that the life time of
/// this environment must be greater than the lifetime of the
/// resulting corpus as the corpus uses resources that are allocated
/// in the environment.
/// @return the resulting corpus de-serialized from the parsing. This
/// is non-null if the parsing successfully resulted in a corpus.
read_corpus_from_native_xml_file(const string& path,
environment* env)
read_context_sptr read_ctxt = create_native_xml_read_context(path, env);
corpus_sptr corp = read_corpus_from_input(*read_ctxt);
return corp;
}//end namespace xml_reader
}//end namespace abigail