blob: 4c751c26020e9dae1656f3fbee35375feba74180 [file] [log] [blame]
// -*- mode: C++ -*-
// Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Red Hat, Inc.
// This file is part of the GNU Application Binary Interface Generic
// Analysis and Instrumentation Library (libabigail). This library is
// free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
// terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any
// later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Lesser Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this program; see the file COPYING-LGPLV3. If
// not, see <>.
/// @file
/// This file contains the definitions of the entry points to
/// de-serialize an instance of @ref abigail::translation_unit to an
/// ABI Instrumentation file in libabigail native XML format. This
/// native XML format is named "abixml".
#include "config.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <stack>
#include <algorithm>
#include "abg-cxx-compat.h"
#include "abg-tools-utils.h"
#include "abg-internal.h"
// <headers defining libabigail's API go under here>
#include "abg-config.h"
#include "abg-corpus.h"
#include "abg-diff-utils.h"
#include "abg-hash.h"
#include "abg-sptr-utils.h"
#include "abg-libzip-utils.h"
#include "abg-writer.h"
#include "abg-libxml-utils.h"
// </headers defining libabigail's API>
namespace abigail
using std::cerr;
using abg_compat::shared_ptr;
using abg_compat::dynamic_pointer_cast;
using abg_compat::static_pointer_cast;
using std::ofstream;
using std::ostream;
using std::ostringstream;
using std::list;
using std::vector;
using std::stack;
using abg_compat::unordered_map;
using abigail::sptr_utils::noop_deleter;
using zip_utils::zip_sptr;
using zip_utils::zip_file_sptr;
using zip_utils::open_archive;
using zip_utils::open_file_in_archive;
/// The namespace for the native XML file format writer.
/// It contains utilities to serialize ABI artifacts from the @ref ir
/// namespace into the native XML format.
namespace xml_writer
class id_manager
const environment* m_env;
mutable unsigned long long m_cur_id;
unsigned long long
get_new_id() const
{ return ++m_cur_id; }
id_manager(const environment* env)
: m_env(env),
m_cur_id(0) {}
const environment*
get_environment() const
{return m_env;}
/// Return a unique string representing a numerical id.
get_id() const
ostringstream o;
o << get_new_id();
const environment* env = get_environment();
return env->intern(o.str());
/// Return a unique string representing a numerical ID, prefixed by
/// prefix.
/// @param prefix the prefix of the returned unique id.
get_id_with_prefix(const string& prefix) const
ostringstream o;
o << prefix << get_new_id();
const environment* env = get_environment();
return env->intern(o.str());
/// A hashing functor that should be as fast as possible.
struct type_hasher
operator()(const type_base* t) const
{return hash_type(t);}
}; // end struct type_hasher
/// A convenience typedef for a map that associates a pointer to type
/// to a string. The pointer to type is hashed as fast as possible.
typedef unordered_map<type_base*,
abigail::diff_utils::deep_ptr_eq_functor> type_ptr_map;
// A convenience typedef for a set of type_base*.
typedef unordered_set<const type_base*, type_hasher,
/// A convenience typedef for a set of function type*.
typedef unordered_set<function_type*, type_hasher,
typedef unordered_map<shared_ptr<function_tdecl>,
function_tdecl::shared_ptr_hash> fn_tmpl_shared_ptr_map;
typedef unordered_map<shared_ptr<class_tdecl>,
class_tdecl::shared_ptr_hash> class_tmpl_shared_ptr_map;
class write_context
const environment* m_env;
id_manager m_id_manager;
config m_config;
ostream* m_ostream;
bool m_annotate;
bool m_show_locs;
bool m_write_architecture;
bool m_write_corpus_path;
bool m_write_comp_dir;
bool m_write_elf_needed;
bool m_write_parameter_names;
bool m_short_locs;
bool m_write_default_sizes;
type_id_style_kind m_type_id_style;
mutable type_ptr_map m_type_id_map;
mutable unordered_set<uint32_t> m_used_type_id_hashes;
mutable type_ptr_set_type m_emitted_type_set;
type_ptr_set_type m_emitted_decl_only_set;
// A map of types that are referenced by emitted pointers,
// references or typedefs
type_ptr_set_type m_referenced_types_set;
fn_type_ptr_set_type m_referenced_fn_types_set;
type_ptr_set_type m_referenced_non_canonical_types_set;
fn_tmpl_shared_ptr_map m_fn_tmpl_id_map;
class_tmpl_shared_ptr_map m_class_tmpl_id_map;
string_elf_symbol_sptr_map_type m_fun_symbol_map;
string_elf_symbol_sptr_map_type m_var_symbol_map;
mutable unordered_map<interned_string,
hash_interned_string> m_emitted_decls_map;
/// Constructor.
/// @param env the enviroment we are operating from.
/// @param os the output stream to write to.
write_context(const environment* env, ostream& os)
: m_env(env),
/// Getter of the environment we are operating from.
/// @return the environment we are operating from.
const environment*
get_environment() const
{return m_env;}
const config&
get_config() const
{return m_config;}
/// Getter for the current ostream
/// @return a reference to the current ostream
{return *m_ostream;}
/// Setter for the current ostream
/// @param os the new ostream
set_ostream(ostream& os)
{m_ostream = &os;}
/// Getter of the annotation option.
/// @return true iff ABIXML annotations are turned on
{return m_annotate;}
/// Setter of the annotation option.
/// @param f the new value of the flag.
set_annotate(bool f)
{m_annotate = f;}
/// Getter of the write-architecture option.
/// @return true iff architecture information shall be emitted
{return m_write_architecture;}
/// Setter of the write-architecture option
/// @param f the new value of the flag.
set_write_architecture(bool f)
{m_write_architecture = f;}
/// Getter of the elf-needed option.
/// @return true iff elf needed information shall be emitted
{return m_write_elf_needed;}
/// Setter of the elf-needed option.
/// @param f the new value of the flag.
set_write_elf_needed(bool f)
{m_write_elf_needed = f;}
/// Getter of the default-sizes option.
/// @return true iff default size-in-bits needs to be emitted
{return m_write_default_sizes;}
/// Setter of the default-sizes option.
/// @param f the new value of the flag.
set_write_default_sizes(bool f)
{m_write_default_sizes = f;}
/// Getter of the write-corpus-path option.
/// @return true iff corpus-path information shall be emitted
{return m_write_corpus_path;}
/// Setter of the write-corpus-path option
/// @param f the new value of the flag.
set_write_corpus_path(bool f)
{m_write_corpus_path = f;}
/// Getter of the comp-dir-path option.
/// @return true iff compilation dir information shall be emitted
{return m_write_comp_dir;}
/// Setter of the comp-dir-path option
/// @param f the new value of the flag.
set_write_comp_dir(bool f)
{m_write_comp_dir = f;}
/// Getter of the short-locs option.
/// @return true iff short locations shall be emitted
{return m_short_locs;}
/// Setter of the short-locs option
/// @param f the new value of the flag.
set_short_locs(bool f)
{m_short_locs = f;}
/// Getter of the parameter-names option.
/// @return true iff parameter names shall be emitted
get_write_parameter_names() const
{return m_write_parameter_names;}
/// Setter of the parameter-names option
/// @param f the new value of the flag.
set_write_parameter_names(bool f)
{m_write_parameter_names = f;}
/// Getter of the "show-locs" option.
/// When this option is true then the XML writer emits location
/// information for emitted ABI artifacts.
/// @return the value of the "show-locs" option.
get_show_locs() const
{return m_show_locs;}
/// Setter of the "show-locs" option.
/// When this option is true then the XML writer emits location
/// information for emitted ABI artifacts.
/// @param f the new value of the "show-locs" option.
set_show_locs(bool f)
{m_show_locs = f;}
/// Getter of the "type-id-style" option.
/// This option controls the kind of type ids used in XML output.
/// @return the value of the "type-id-style" option.
get_type_id_style() const
{return m_type_id_style;}
/// Setter of the "type-id-style" option.
/// This option controls the kind of type ids used in XML output.
/// @param style the new value of the "type-id-style" option.
set_type_id_style(type_id_style_kind style)
{m_type_id_style = style;}
/// Getter of the @ref id_manager.
/// @return the @ref id_manager used by the current instance of @ref
/// write_context.
const id_manager&
get_id_manager() const
{return m_id_manager;}
{return m_id_manager;}
/// @return true iff type has already been assigned an ID.
type_has_existing_id(type_base_sptr type) const
{return type_has_existing_id(type.get());}
/// @return true iff type has already been assigned an ID.
type_has_existing_id(type_base* type) const
type_base *c = type->get_naked_canonical_type();
if (c == 0)
c = const_cast<type_base*>(type);
return (m_type_id_map.find(c) != m_type_id_map.end());
/// Associate a unique id to a given type. For that, put the type
/// in a hash table, hashing the type. So if the type has no id
/// associated to it, create a new one and return it. Otherwise,
/// return the existing id for that type.
get_id_for_type(const type_base_sptr& t)
{return get_id_for_type(t.get());}
/// Associate a unique id to a given type. For that, put the type
/// in a hash table, hashing the type. So if the type has no id
/// associated to it, create a new one and return it. Otherwise,
/// return the existing id for that type.
get_id_for_type(const type_base* t) const
type_base *c = t->get_naked_canonical_type();
if (c == 0)
c = const_cast<type_base*>(t);
type_ptr_map::const_iterator it = m_type_id_map.find(c);
if (it != m_type_id_map.end())
return it->second;
switch (m_type_id_style)
interned_string id = get_id_manager().get_id_with_prefix("type-id-");
return m_type_id_map[c] = id;
interned_string pretty = c->get_cached_pretty_representation(true);
size_t hash = hashing::fnv_hash(pretty);
while (!m_used_type_id_hashes.insert(hash).second)
std::ostringstream os;
os << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(8) << hash;
return m_type_id_map[c] = c->get_environment()->intern(os.str());
return interned_string();
get_id_for_fn_tmpl(const function_tdecl_sptr& f)
fn_tmpl_shared_ptr_map::const_iterator it = m_fn_tmpl_id_map.find(f);
if (it == m_fn_tmpl_id_map.end())
string id = get_id_manager().get_id_with_prefix("fn-tmpl-id-");
m_fn_tmpl_id_map[f] = id;
return id;
return m_fn_tmpl_id_map[f];
get_id_for_class_tmpl(const class_tdecl_sptr& c)
class_tmpl_shared_ptr_map::const_iterator it = m_class_tmpl_id_map.find(c);
if (it == m_class_tmpl_id_map.end())
string id = get_id_manager().get_id_with_prefix("class-tmpl-id-");
m_class_tmpl_id_map[c] = id;
return id;
return m_class_tmpl_id_map[c];
/// Getter of the set of types that were referenced by a pointer,
/// reference or typedef.
/// This set contains only types that do have canonical types and
/// which are not function types.
/// @return the set of types that were referenced.
const type_ptr_set_type&
get_referenced_types() const
{return m_referenced_types_set;}
/// Getter of the set of function types that were referenced by a
/// pointer, reference or typedef.
/// @return the set of function types that were referenced.
const fn_type_ptr_set_type&
get_referenced_function_types() const
{return m_referenced_fn_types_set;}
/// Getter of the set of types which have no canonical types and
/// which were referenced by a pointer, reference or typedef.
/// @return the of referenced type that have no canonical types.
const type_ptr_set_type&
get_referenced_non_canonical_types() const
{return m_referenced_non_canonical_types_set;}
/// Record a given type as being referenced by a pointer, a
/// reference or a typedef type that is being emitted to the XML
/// output.
/// @param t a shared pointer to a type
record_type_as_referenced(const type_base_sptr& t)
// If the type is a function type, record it in a dedicated data
// structure.
if (function_type* f = is_function_type(t.get()))
else if (!t->get_naked_canonical_type())
// If the type doesn't have a canonical type, record it in a
// dedicated data structure.
/// Test if a given type has been referenced by a pointer, a
/// reference or a typedef type that was emitted to the XML output.
/// @param f a shared pointer to a type
/// @return true if the type has been referenced, false
/// otherwise.
type_is_referenced(const type_base_sptr& t)
if (function_type *f = is_function_type(t.get()))
return (m_referenced_fn_types_set.find(f)
!= m_referenced_fn_types_set.end());
else if (!t->get_naked_canonical_type())
return (m_referenced_non_canonical_types_set.find(t.get())
!= m_referenced_non_canonical_types_set.end());
return m_referenced_types_set.find
(t.get()) != m_referenced_types_set.end();
/// A comparison functor to compare pointers to @ref type_base.
/// What is compared is the string representation of the pointed-to
/// type.
struct type_ptr_cmp
type_ptr_map *map;
type_ptr_cmp(type_ptr_map *m)
: map(m)
/// The comparison operator of the functor.
/// @param l the first type to consider.
/// @param r the second type to consider.
/// @return true if the string representation of type @p l is
/// considered to be "less than" the string representation of the
/// type @p r.
/// But when the two string representations are equal (for
/// instance, for typedefs that have the same string
/// representation), this function compares the type-ids of the
/// types. This allows for a stable result.
operator()(const type_base* l, const type_base* r) const
if (!l && r)
return true;
if (l && !r)
return false;
if (!l && !r)
return false;
string r1 = ir::get_pretty_representation(l),
r2 = ir::get_pretty_representation(r);
if (r1 == r2)
type_ptr_map::const_iterator i =
if (i != map->end())
r1 = i->second;
i = map->find(const_cast<type_base*>(r));
if (i != map->end())
r2 = i->second;
return r1 < r2;
/// The comparison operator of the functor.
/// @param l the first type to consider.
/// @param r the second type to consider.
/// @return true if the string representation of type @p l is
/// considered to be "less than" the string representation of the
/// type @p r.
/// But when the two string representations are equal (for
/// instance, for typedefs that have the same string
/// representation), this function compares the type-ids of the
/// types. This allows for a stable result.
operator()(const type_base_sptr& l, const type_base_sptr& r) const
{return operator()(l.get(), r.get());}
}; // end struct type_ptr_cmp
/// Sort the content of a map of type pointers into a vector.
/// The pointers are sorted by using their string representation as
/// the key to sort, lexicographically.
/// @param types the map to sort.
/// @param sorted the resulted sorted vector. It's set by this
/// function with the result of the sorting.
sort_types(type_ptr_set_type& types,
vector<type_base*>& sorted)
string id;
for (type_ptr_set_type::const_iterator i = types.begin();
i != types.end();
type_ptr_cmp comp(&m_type_id_map);
sort(sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), comp);
/// Sort the content of a map of type pointers into a vector.
/// The pointers are sorted by using their string representation as
/// the key to sort, lexicographically.
/// @param types the map to sort.
/// @param sorted the resulted sorted vector. It's set by this
/// function with the result of the sorting.
sort_types(const istring_type_base_wptr_map_type& types,
vector<type_base_sptr> &sorted)
for (istring_type_base_wptr_map_type::const_iterator i = types.begin();
i != types.end();
type_ptr_cmp comp(&m_type_id_map);
sort(sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), comp);
/// Sort the content of a vector of function types into a vector of
/// types.
/// The pointers are sorted by using their string representation as
/// the key to sort, lexicographically.
/// @param types the vector of function types to store.
/// @param sorted the resulted sorted vector. It's set by this
/// function with the result of the sorting.
sort_types(const vector<function_type_sptr>& types,
vector<type_base_sptr> &sorted)
for (vector<function_type_sptr>::const_iterator i = types.begin();
i != types.end();
type_ptr_cmp comp(&m_type_id_map);
sort(sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), comp);
/// Flag a type as having been written out to the XML output.
/// @param t the type to flag.
record_type_as_emitted(const type_base_sptr &t)
/// Flag a type as having been written out to the XML output.
/// @param t the type to flag.
record_type_as_emitted(const type_base *t)
type_base *c = t->get_naked_canonical_type();
if (c == 0)
c = const_cast<type_base*>(t);
/// Test if a given type has been written out to the XML output.
/// @param the type to test for.
/// @return true if the type has already been emitted, false
/// otherwise.
type_is_emitted(const type_base *t)
return m_emitted_type_set.find(t) != m_emitted_type_set.end();
/// Test if a given type has been written out to the XML output.
/// @param the type to test for.
/// @return true if the type has already been emitted, false
/// otherwise.
type_is_emitted(const type_base_sptr& t)
{return type_is_emitted(t.get());}
/// Test if the name of a given decl has been written out to the XML
/// output.
/// @param the decl to consider.
/// @return true if the decl has already been emitted, false
/// otherwise.
decl_name_is_emitted(const interned_string& name) const
{return m_emitted_decls_map.find(name) != m_emitted_decls_map.end();}
/// Test if a given decl has been written out to the XML output.
/// @param the decl to consider.
/// @return true if the decl has already been emitted, false
/// otherwise.
decl_is_emitted(decl_base_sptr& decl) const
if (is_type(decl))
return false;
string repr = get_pretty_representation(decl, true);
interned_string irepr = decl->get_environment()->intern(repr);
bool is_emitted = decl_name_is_emitted(irepr);
return is_emitted;
/// Record a declaration-only class as being emitted.
/// For now, this function expects a declaration-only class,
/// otherwise, it aborts.
/// @param t the declaration-only class to report as emitted.
record_decl_only_type_as_emitted(type_base* t)
class_or_union* cl = is_class_or_union_type(t);
ABG_ASSERT(cl && cl->get_is_declaration_only());
/// Record a declaration-only class as being emitted.
/// For now, this function expects a declaration-only class,
/// otherwise, it aborts.
/// @param t the declaration-only class to report as emitted.
record_decl_only_type_as_emitted(const type_base_sptr& t)
/// Test if a declaration-only class has been emitted.
/// @param t the declaration-only class to test for.
/// @return true iff the declaration-only class @p t has been
/// emitted.
decl_only_type_is_emitted(type_base* t)
type_ptr_set_type::const_iterator i = m_emitted_decl_only_set.find(t);
if (i == m_emitted_decl_only_set.end())
return false;
return true;
/// Test if a declaration-only class has been emitted.
/// @param t the declaration-only class to test for.
/// @return true iff the declaration-only class @p t has been
/// emitted.
decl_only_type_is_emitted(const type_base_sptr& t)
{return decl_only_type_is_emitted(t.get());}
/// Record a declaration as emitted in the abixml output.
/// @param decl the decl to consider.
record_decl_as_emitted(const decl_base_sptr &decl)const
string repr = get_pretty_representation(decl, true);
interned_string irepr = decl->get_environment()->intern(repr);
m_emitted_decls_map[irepr] = true;
/// Clear the map that contains the IDs of the types that has been
/// recorded as having been written out to the XML output.
const string_elf_symbol_sptr_map_type&
get_fun_symbol_map() const
{return m_fun_symbol_map;}
{return m_fun_symbol_map;}
};//end write_context
static void write_location(const location&, write_context&);
static void write_location(const decl_base_sptr&, write_context&);
static bool write_visibility(const decl_base_sptr&, ostream&);
static bool write_binding(const decl_base_sptr&, ostream&);
static bool write_is_artificial(const decl_base_sptr&, ostream&);
static bool write_is_non_reachable(const type_base_sptr&, ostream&);
static bool write_tracking_non_reachable_types(const corpus_sptr&, ostream&);
static void write_array_size_and_alignment(const array_type_def_sptr,
static void write_size_and_alignment(const type_base_sptr, ostream&,
size_t default_size = 0,
size_t default_alignment = 0);
static void write_access(access_specifier, ostream&);
static void write_layout_offset(var_decl_sptr, ostream&);
static void write_layout_offset(class_decl::base_spec_sptr, ostream&);
static void write_cdtor_const_static(bool, bool, bool, bool, ostream&);
static void write_voffset(function_decl_sptr, ostream&);
static void write_elf_symbol_type(elf_symbol::type, ostream&);
static void write_elf_symbol_binding(elf_symbol::binding, ostream&);
static bool write_elf_symbol_aliases(const elf_symbol&, ostream&);
static bool write_elf_symbol_reference(const elf_symbol&, ostream&);
static bool write_elf_symbol_reference(const elf_symbol_sptr, ostream&);
static void write_is_declaration_only(const decl_base_sptr&, ostream&);
static void write_is_struct(const class_decl_sptr&, ostream&);
static void write_is_anonymous(const decl_base_sptr&, ostream&);
static void write_naming_typedef(const class_decl_sptr&, write_context&);
static bool write_decl(const decl_base_sptr&, write_context&, unsigned);
static void write_decl_in_scope(const decl_base_sptr&,
write_context&, unsigned);
static bool write_type_decl(const type_decl_sptr&, write_context&, unsigned);
static bool write_namespace_decl(const namespace_decl_sptr&,
write_context&, unsigned);
static bool write_qualified_type_def(const qualified_type_def_sptr&,
write_context&, unsigned);
static bool write_pointer_type_def(const pointer_type_def_sptr&,
write_context&, unsigned);
static bool write_reference_type_def(const reference_type_def_sptr&,
write_context&, unsigned);
static bool write_array_type_def(const array_type_def_sptr&,
write_context&, unsigned);
static bool write_enum_type_decl(const enum_type_decl_sptr&,
write_context&, unsigned);
static bool write_typedef_decl(const typedef_decl_sptr&,
write_context&, unsigned);
static bool write_elf_symbol(const elf_symbol_sptr&,
write_context&, unsigned);
static bool write_elf_symbols_table(const elf_symbols&,
write_context&, unsigned);
static bool write_var_decl(const var_decl_sptr&,
write_context&, bool, unsigned);
static bool write_function_decl(const function_decl_sptr&,
write_context&, bool, unsigned);
static bool write_function_type(const function_type_sptr&,
write_context&, unsigned);
static bool write_member_type_opening_tag(const type_base_sptr&,
write_context&, unsigned);
static bool write_member_type(const type_base_sptr&,
write_context&, unsigned);
static bool write_class_decl_opening_tag(const class_decl_sptr&, const string&,
write_context&, unsigned, bool);
static bool write_class_decl(const class_decl_sptr&,
write_context&, unsigned);
static bool write_union_decl_opening_tag(const union_decl_sptr&, const string&,
write_context&, unsigned, bool);
static bool write_union_decl(const union_decl_sptr&, const string&,
write_context&, unsigned);
static bool write_union_decl(const union_decl_sptr&, write_context&, unsigned);
static bool write_type_tparameter
(const shared_ptr<type_tparameter>, write_context&, unsigned);
static bool write_non_type_tparameter
(const shared_ptr<non_type_tparameter>, write_context&, unsigned);
static bool write_template_tparameter
(const shared_ptr<template_tparameter>, write_context&, unsigned);
static bool write_type_composition
(const shared_ptr<type_composition>, write_context&, unsigned);
static bool write_template_parameter(const shared_ptr<template_parameter>,
write_context&, unsigned);
static void write_template_parameters(const shared_ptr<template_decl>,
write_context&, unsigned);
static bool write_function_tdecl
(const shared_ptr<function_tdecl>,
write_context&, unsigned);
static bool write_class_tdecl
(const shared_ptr<class_tdecl>,
write_context&, unsigned);
static void do_indent(ostream&, unsigned);
static void do_indent_to_level(write_context&, unsigned, unsigned);
static unsigned get_indent_to_level(write_context&, unsigned, unsigned);
/// Emit nb_whitespaces white spaces into the output stream.
do_indent(ostream& o, unsigned nb_whitespaces)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < nb_whitespaces; ++i)
o << ' ';
/// Indent initial_indent + level number of xml element indentation.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param initial_indent the initial number of white space to indent to.
/// @param level the number of indentation level to indent to.
static void
do_indent_to_level(write_context& ctxt,
unsigned initial_indent,
unsigned level)
get_indent_to_level(ctxt, initial_indent, level));
/// Return the number of white space of indentation that
/// #do_indent_to_level would have used.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param initial_indent the initial number of white space to indent to.
/// @param level the number of indentation level to indent to.
static unsigned
get_indent_to_level(write_context& ctxt, unsigned initial_indent,
unsigned level)
int nb_ws = initial_indent +
level * ctxt.get_config().get_xml_element_indent();
return nb_ws;
/// Annotate a declaration in form of an ABIXML comment.
/// This function is further specialized for declarations and types
/// with special requirements.
/// @tparam T shall be of type decl_base_sptr or a shared pointer to a
/// type derived from it, for the instantiation to be syntactically
/// correct.
/// @param decl_sptr the shared pointer to the declaration of type T.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param indent the amount of white space to indent to.
/// @return true iff decl is valid.
template <typename T>
static bool
annotate(const T& decl,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent)
if (!decl)
return false;
if (!ctxt.get_annotate())
return true;
ostream& o = ctxt.get_ostream();
do_indent(o, indent);
o << "<!-- "
<< xml::escape_xml_comment(decl->get_pretty_representation())
<< " -->\n";
return true;
/// Annotate an elf symbol in form of an ABIXML comment, effectively
/// writing out its demangled form.
/// @param sym the symbol, whose name should be demangled.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param indent the amount of white space to indent to.
/// @return true iff decl is valid
annotate(const elf_symbol_sptr& sym,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent)
if (!sym)
return false;
if (!ctxt.get_annotate())
return true;
ostream& o = ctxt.get_ostream();
do_indent(o, indent);
o << "<!-- "
<< xml::escape_xml_comment(abigail::ir::demangle_cplus_mangled_name(sym->get_name()))
<< " -->\n";
return true;
/// Annotate a typedef declaration in form of an ABIXML comment.
/// @param typedef_decl the typedef to annotate.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param indent the amount of white space to indent to.
/// @return true iff decl is valid
annotate(const typedef_decl_sptr& typedef_decl,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent)
if (!typedef_decl)
return false;
if (!ctxt.get_annotate())
return true;
ostream& o = ctxt.get_ostream();
do_indent(o, indent);
o << "<!-- typedef "
<< get_type_name(typedef_decl->get_underlying_type())
<< " "
<< get_type_name(typedef_decl)
<< " -->\n";
return true;
/// Annotate a function type in form of an ABIXML comment.
/// @param function_type the function type to annotate.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param indent the amount of white space to indent to.
/// @param skip_first_parm if true, do not serialize the first
/// parameter of the function decl.
/// @return true iff decl is valid
annotate(const function_type_sptr& function_type,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent)
if (!function_type)
return false;
if (!ctxt.get_annotate())
return true;
ostream& o = ctxt.get_ostream();
do_indent(o, indent);
o << "<!-- "
<< xml::escape_xml_comment(get_type_name(function_type->get_return_type()))
<< " (";
vector<shared_ptr<function_decl::parameter> >::const_iterator pi =
for (; pi != function_type->get_parameters().end(); ++pi)
o << xml::escape_xml_comment((*pi)->get_type_name());
// emit a comma after a param type, unless it's the last one
if (distance(pi, function_type->get_parameters().end()) > 1)
o << ", ";
o << ") -->\n";
return true;
/// Annotate a function declaration in form of an ABIXML comment.
/// @param fn the function decl to annotate.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param indent the amount of white space to indent to.
/// @param skip_first_parm if true, do not serialize the first
/// parameter of the function decl.
/// @return true iff decl is valid
static bool
annotate(const function_decl_sptr& fn,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent)
if (!fn)
return false;
if (!ctxt.get_annotate())
return true;
ostream& o = ctxt.get_ostream();
do_indent(o, indent);
o << "<!-- ";
if (is_member_function(fn)
&& (get_member_function_is_ctor(fn) || get_member_function_is_dtor(fn)))
; // we don't emit return types for ctor or dtors
o << xml::escape_xml_comment(get_type_name(fn->get_return_type()))
<< " ";
o << xml::escape_xml_comment(fn->get_qualified_name()) << "(";
vector<function_decl::parameter_sptr>::const_iterator pi =
for (; pi != fn->get_parameters().end(); ++pi)
o << xml::escape_xml_comment((*pi)->get_type_name());
// emit a comma after a param type, unless it's the last one
if (distance(pi, fn->get_parameters().end()) > 1)
o << ", ";
o << ") -->\n";
return true;
/// Annotate a function parameter in form of an ABIXML comment.
/// @param parm the function parameter to annotate.
/// @param ctxt the context of the parsing.
/// @param indent the amount of white space to indent to.
/// @return true iff decl is valid
annotate(const function_decl::parameter_sptr& parm,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent)
if (!parm)
return false;
if (!ctxt.get_annotate())
return true;
ostream &o = ctxt.get_ostream();
do_indent(o, indent);
o << "<!-- ";
if (parm->get_variadic_marker())
o << "variadic parameter";
if (parm->get_is_artificial())
if (parm->get_index() == 0)
o << "implicit ";
o << "artificial ";
o << "parameter of type '"
<< xml::escape_xml_comment(get_pretty_representation(parm->get_type()));
o << "' -->\n";
return true;
/// Write a location to the output stream.
/// If the location is empty, nothing is written.
/// @param loc the location to consider.
/// @param tu the translation unit the location belongs to.
/// @param ctxt the writer context to use.
static void
write_location(const location& loc, write_context& ctxt)
if (!loc)
if (!ctxt.get_show_locs())
string filepath;
unsigned line = 0, column = 0;
loc.expand(filepath, line, column);
ostream &o = ctxt.get_ostream();
if (ctxt.get_short_locs())
tools_utils::base_name(filepath, filepath);
o << " filepath='" << xml::escape_xml_string(filepath) << "'"
<< " line='" << line << "'"
<< " column='" << column << "'";
/// Write the location of a decl to the output stream.
/// If the location is empty, nothing is written.
/// @param decl the decl to consider.
/// @param ctxt the @ref writer_context to use.
static void
write_location(const decl_base_sptr& decl,
write_context& ctxt)
if (!decl)
location loc = decl->get_location();
if (!loc)
write_location(loc, ctxt);
/// Serialize the visibility property of the current decl as the
/// 'visibility' attribute for the current xml element.
/// @param decl the instance of decl_base to consider.
/// @param o the output stream to serialize the property to.
/// @return true upon successful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
write_visibility(const shared_ptr<decl_base>& decl, ostream& o)
if (!decl)
return false;
decl_base::visibility v = decl->get_visibility();
string str;
switch (v)
case decl_base::VISIBILITY_NONE:
return true;
case decl_base::VISIBILITY_DEFAULT:
str = "default";
str = "protected";
case decl_base::VISIBILITY_HIDDEN:
str = "hidden";
case decl_base::VISIBILITY_INTERNAL:
str = "internal";
if (str.empty())
return false;
o << " visibility='" << str << "'";
return true;
/// Serialize the 'binding' property of the current decl.
/// @param decl the decl to consider.
/// @param o the output stream to serialize the property to.
static bool
write_binding(const shared_ptr<decl_base>& decl, ostream& o)
if (!decl)
return false;
decl_base::binding bind = decl_base::BINDING_NONE;
shared_ptr<var_decl> var =
if (var)
bind = var->get_binding();
shared_ptr<function_decl> fun =
if (fun)
bind = fun->get_binding();
string str;
switch (bind)
case decl_base::BINDING_NONE:
case decl_base::BINDING_LOCAL:
str = "local";
case decl_base::BINDING_GLOBAL:
str = "global";
case decl_base::BINDING_WEAK:
str = "weak";
if (!str.empty())
o << " binding='" << str << "'";
return true;
/// Write the "is-artificial" attribute of the @ref decl.
/// @param decl the declaration to consider.
/// @param o the output stream to emit the "is-artificial" attribute
/// to.
/// @return true iff the "is-artificial" attribute was emitted.
static bool
write_is_artificial(const decl_base_sptr& decl, ostream& o)
if (!decl)
return false;
if (decl->get_is_artificial())
o << " is-artificial='yes'";
return true;
/// Write the 'is-non-reachable' attribute if a given type we are
/// looking at is not reachable from global functions and variables
/// and if the user asked us to track that information.
/// @param t the type to consider.
/// @param o the output stream to write the 'is-non-reachable'
/// attribute to.
static bool
write_is_non_reachable(const type_base_sptr& t, ostream& o)
if (!t)
return false;
corpus* c = t->get_corpus();
if (!c)
return false;
if (!c->recording_types_reachable_from_public_interface_supported()
|| c->type_is_reachable_from_public_interfaces(*t))
return false;
o << " is-non-reachable='yes'";
return true;
/// Write the 'tracking-non-reachable-types' attribute if for a given
/// corpus, the user wants us to track non-reachable types.
/// @param corpus the ABI corpus to consider.
/// @param o the output parameter to write the
/// 'tracking-non-reachable-types' attribute to.
static bool
write_tracking_non_reachable_types(const corpus_sptr& corpus,
ostream& o)
corpus_group* group = corpus->get_group();
if (!group)
if (corpus->recording_types_reachable_from_public_interface_supported())
o << " tracking-non-reachable-types='yes'";
return true;
return false;
/// Serialize the size and alignment attributes of a given type.
/// @param decl the type to consider.
/// @param o the output stream to serialize to.
/// @param default_size size in bits that is the default for the type.
/// No size-in-bits attribute is written if it
/// would be the default value.
/// @param default_alignment alignment in bits that is the default for
/// the type. No alignment-in-bits attribute is
/// written if it would be the default value.
static void
write_size_and_alignment(const shared_ptr<type_base> decl, ostream& o,
size_t default_size, size_t default_alignment)
size_t size_in_bits = decl->get_size_in_bits();
if (size_in_bits != default_size)
o << " size-in-bits='" << size_in_bits << "'";
size_t alignment_in_bits = decl->get_alignment_in_bits();
if (alignment_in_bits != default_alignment)
o << " alignment-in-bits='" << alignment_in_bits << "'";
/// Serialize the size and alignment attributes of a given type.
/// @param decl the type to consider.
/// @param o the output stream to serialize to.
static void
write_array_size_and_alignment(const shared_ptr<array_type_def> decl, ostream& o)
if (decl->is_infinite())
o << " size-in-bits='" << "infinite" << "'";
else {
size_t size_in_bits = decl->get_size_in_bits();
if (size_in_bits)
o << " size-in-bits='" << size_in_bits << "'";
size_t alignment_in_bits = decl->get_alignment_in_bits();
if (alignment_in_bits)
o << " alignment-in-bits='" << alignment_in_bits << "'";
/// Serialize the access specifier.
/// @param a the access specifier to serialize.
/// @param o the output stream to serialize it to.
static void
write_access(access_specifier a, ostream& o)
string access_str = "private";
switch (a)
case private_access:
access_str = "private";
case protected_access:
access_str = "protected";
case public_access:
access_str = "public";
o << " access='" << access_str << "'";
/// Serialize the layout offset of a data member.
static void
write_layout_offset(var_decl_sptr member, ostream& o)
if (!is_data_member(member))
if (get_data_member_is_laid_out(member))
o << " layout-offset-in-bits='"
<< get_data_member_offset(member)
<< "'";
/// Serialize the layout offset of a base class
static void
write_layout_offset(shared_ptr<class_decl::base_spec> base, ostream& o)
if (!base)
if (base->get_offset_in_bits() >= 0)
o << " layout-offset-in-bits='" << base->get_offset_in_bits() << "'";
/// Serialize the access specifier of a class member.
/// @param member a pointer to the class member to consider.
/// @param o the ostream to serialize the member to.
static void
write_access(decl_base_sptr member, ostream& o)
{write_access(get_member_access_specifier(member), o);}
/// Write the voffset of a member function if it's non-zero
/// @param fn the member function to consider
/// @param o the output stream to write to
static void
write_voffset(function_decl_sptr fn, ostream&o)
if (!fn)
if (get_member_function_is_virtual(fn))
ssize_t voffset = get_member_function_vtable_offset(fn);
o << " vtable-offset='" << voffset << "'";
/// Serialize an elf_symbol::type into an XML node attribute named
/// 'type'.
/// @param t the elf_symbol::type to serialize.
/// @param o the output stream to serialize it to.
static void
write_elf_symbol_type(elf_symbol::type t, ostream& o)
string repr;
switch (t)
case elf_symbol::NOTYPE_TYPE:
repr = "no-type";
case elf_symbol::OBJECT_TYPE:
repr = "object-type";
case elf_symbol::FUNC_TYPE:
repr = "func-type";
case elf_symbol::SECTION_TYPE:
repr = "section-type";
case elf_symbol::FILE_TYPE:
repr = "file-type";
case elf_symbol::COMMON_TYPE:
repr = "common-type";
case elf_symbol::TLS_TYPE:
repr = "tls-type";
case elf_symbol::GNU_IFUNC_TYPE:
repr = "gnu-ifunc-type";
repr = "no-type";
o << " type='" << repr << "'";
/// Serialize an elf_symbol::binding into an XML element attribute of
/// name 'binding'.
/// @param b the elf_symbol::binding to serialize.
/// @param o the output stream to serialize the binding to.
static void
write_elf_symbol_binding(elf_symbol::binding b, ostream& o)
string repr;
switch (b)
case elf_symbol::LOCAL_BINDING:
repr = "local-binding";
case elf_symbol::GLOBAL_BINDING:
repr = "global-binding";
case elf_symbol::WEAK_BINDING:
repr = "weak-binding";
case elf_symbol::GNU_UNIQUE_BINDING:
repr = "gnu-unique-binding";
repr = "no-binding";
o << " binding='" << repr << "'";
/// Serialize an elf_symbol::binding into an XML element attribute of
/// name 'binding'.
/// @param b the elf_symbol::binding to serialize.
/// @param o the output stream to serialize the binding to.
static void
write_elf_symbol_visibility(elf_symbol::visibility v, ostream& o)
string repr;
switch (v)
case elf_symbol::DEFAULT_VISIBILITY:
repr = "default-visibility";
case elf_symbol::PROTECTED_VISIBILITY:
repr = "protected-visibility";
case elf_symbol::HIDDEN_VISIBILITY:
repr = "hidden-visibility";
case elf_symbol::INTERNAL_VISIBILITY:
repr = "internal-visibility";
repr = "default-visibility";
o << " visibility='" << repr << "'";
/// Write alias attributes for the aliases of a given symbol.
/// @param sym the symbol to write the attributes for.
/// @param o the output stream to write the attributes to.
/// @return true upon successful completion.
static bool
write_elf_symbol_aliases(const elf_symbol& sym, ostream& o)
if (!sym.is_main_symbol() || !sym.has_aliases())
return false;
bool emitted = false;
o << " alias='";
for (elf_symbol_sptr s = sym.get_next_alias();
s = s->get_next_alias())
if (s->get_next_alias()->is_main_symbol())
o << s->get_id_string() << "'";
o << s->get_id_string() << ",";
emitted = true;
return emitted;
/// Write an XML attribute for the reference to a symbol for the
/// current decl.
/// @param sym the symbol to consider.
/// @param o the output stream to write the attribute to.
/// @return true upon successful completion.
static bool
write_elf_symbol_reference(const elf_symbol& sym, ostream& o)
o << " elf-symbol-id='" << sym.get_id_string() << "'";
return true;
/// Write an XML attribute for the reference to a symbol for the
/// current decl.
/// @param sym the symbol to consider.
/// @param o the output stream to write the attribute to.
/// @return true upon successful completion.
static bool
write_elf_symbol_reference(const elf_symbol_sptr sym, ostream& o)
if (!sym)
return false;
return write_elf_symbol_reference(*sym, o);
/// Serialize the attributes "constructor", "destructor" or "static"
/// if they have true value.
/// @param is_ctor if set to true, the "constructor='true'" string is
/// emitted.
/// @param is_dtor if set to true the "destructor='true' string is
/// emitted.
/// @param is_static if set to true the "static='true'" string is
/// emitted.
/// @param o the output stream to use for the serialization.
static void
write_cdtor_const_static(bool is_ctor,
bool is_dtor,
bool is_const,
bool is_static,
ostream& o)
if (is_static)
o << " static='yes'";
if (is_ctor)
o << " constructor='yes'";
else if (is_dtor)
o << " destructor='yes'";
if (is_const)
o << " const='yes'";
/// Serialize the attribute "is-declaration-only", if the
/// decl_base_sptr has its 'is_declaration_only property set.
/// @param t the pointer to instance of @ref decl_base to consider.
/// @param o the output stream to serialize to.
static void
write_is_declaration_only(const decl_base_sptr& d, ostream& o)
if (d->get_is_declaration_only())
o << " is-declaration-only='yes'";
/// Serialize the attribute "is-struct", if the current instance of
/// class_decl is a struct.
/// @param klass a pointer to the instance of class_decl to consider.
/// @param o the output stream to serialize to.
static void
write_is_struct(const class_decl_sptr& klass, ostream& o)
if (klass->is_struct())
o << " is-struct='yes'";
/// Serialize the attribute "is-anonymous", if the current instance of
/// decl is anonymous
/// @param dcl a pointer to the instance of @ref decl_base to consider.
/// @param o the output stream to serialize to.
static void
write_is_anonymous(const decl_base_sptr& decl, ostream& o)
if (decl->get_is_anonymous())
o << " is-anonymous='yes'";
/// Serialize the "naming-typedef-id" attribute, if the current
/// instance of @ref class_decl has a naming typedef.
/// @param klass the @ref class_decl to consider.
/// @param ctxt the write context to use.
static void
write_naming_typedef(const class_decl_sptr& klass, write_context& ctxt)
if (!klass)
ostream &o = ctxt.get_ostream();
if (typedef_decl_sptr typedef_type = klass->get_naming_typedef())
string id = ctxt.get_id_for_type(typedef_type);
o << " naming-typedef-id='" << id << "'";
/// Helper to serialize a type artifact.
/// @param type the type to serialize.
/// @param ctxt the @ref write_context to use.
/// @param indent the number of white space to use for indentation.
/// @return true upon successful completion.
static bool
write_type(const type_base_sptr& type, write_context& ctxt, unsigned indent)
if (write_type_decl(dynamic_pointer_cast<type_decl> (type),
ctxt, indent)
|| write_qualified_type_def (dynamic_pointer_cast<qualified_type_def>
ctxt, indent)
|| write_pointer_type_def(dynamic_pointer_cast<pointer_type_def>(type),
ctxt, indent)
|| write_reference_type_def(dynamic_pointer_cast
<reference_type_def>(type), ctxt, indent)
|| write_array_type_def(dynamic_pointer_cast
<array_type_def>(type), ctxt, indent)
|| write_enum_type_decl(dynamic_pointer_cast<enum_type_decl>(type),
ctxt, indent)
|| write_typedef_decl(dynamic_pointer_cast<typedef_decl>(type),
ctxt, indent)
|| write_class_decl(is_class_type(type), ctxt, indent)
|| write_union_decl(is_union_type(type), ctxt, indent)
|| (write_function_tdecl
(dynamic_pointer_cast<function_tdecl>(type), ctxt, indent))
|| (write_class_tdecl
(dynamic_pointer_cast<class_tdecl>(type), ctxt, indent)))
return true;
return false;
/// Serialize a pointer to an of decl_base into an output stream.
/// @param decl the pointer to decl_base to serialize
/// @param ctxt the context of the serialization. It contains e.g, the
/// output stream to serialize to.
/// @param indent how many indentation spaces to use during the
/// serialization.
/// @return true upon successful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
write_decl(const decl_base_sptr& decl, write_context& ctxt, unsigned indent)
if (write_type_decl(dynamic_pointer_cast<type_decl> (decl),
ctxt, indent)
|| write_namespace_decl(dynamic_pointer_cast<namespace_decl>(decl),
ctxt, indent)
|| write_qualified_type_def (dynamic_pointer_cast<qualified_type_def>
ctxt, indent)
|| write_pointer_type_def(dynamic_pointer_cast<pointer_type_def>(decl),
ctxt, indent)
|| write_reference_type_def(dynamic_pointer_cast
<reference_type_def>(decl), ctxt, indent)
|| write_array_type_def(dynamic_pointer_cast
<array_type_def>(decl), ctxt, indent)
|| write_enum_type_decl(dynamic_pointer_cast<enum_type_decl>(decl),
ctxt, indent)
|| write_typedef_decl(dynamic_pointer_cast<typedef_decl>(decl),
ctxt, indent)
|| write_var_decl(dynamic_pointer_cast<var_decl>(decl), ctxt,
/*write_linkage_name=*/true, indent)
|| write_function_decl(dynamic_pointer_cast<method_decl>
(decl), ctxt, /*skip_first_parameter=*/true,
|| write_function_decl(dynamic_pointer_cast<function_decl>(decl),
ctxt, /*skip_first_parameter=*/false, indent)
|| write_class_decl(is_class_type(decl), ctxt, indent)
|| write_union_decl(is_union_type(decl), ctxt, indent)
|| (write_function_tdecl
(dynamic_pointer_cast<function_tdecl>(decl), ctxt, indent))
|| (write_class_tdecl
(dynamic_pointer_cast<class_tdecl>(decl), ctxt, indent)))
return true;
return false;
/// Emit a declaration, along with its scope.
/// This function is called at the end of emitting a translation unit,
/// to emit type declarations that were referenced by types that were
/// emitted in the TU already, but that were not emitted themselves.
/// @param decl the decl to emit.
/// @param ctxt the write context to use.
/// @param initial_indent the number of indentation spaces to use.
static void
write_decl_in_scope(const decl_base_sptr& decl,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned initial_indent)
type_base_sptr type = is_type(decl);
if (ctxt.type_is_emitted(type))
list<scope_decl*> scopes;
for (scope_decl* s = decl->get_scope();
s && !is_global_scope(s);
s = s->get_scope())
ostream& o = ctxt.get_ostream();
const config& c = ctxt.get_config();
stack<string> closing_tags;
stack<unsigned> closing_indents;
unsigned indent = initial_indent;
for (list<scope_decl*>::const_iterator i = scopes.begin();
i != scopes.end();
// A type scope is either a namespace ...
if (namespace_decl* n = is_namespace(*i))
do_indent(o, indent);
o << "<namespace-decl name='"
<< xml::escape_xml_string(n->get_name())
<< "'>\n";
// ... or a class.
else if (class_decl* c = is_class_type(*i))
class_decl_sptr class_type(c, noop_deleter());
write_class_decl_opening_tag(class_type, "", ctxt, indent,
unsigned nb_ws = get_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 1);
write_member_type_opening_tag(type, ctxt, nb_ws);
indent = nb_ws;
else if (union_decl *u = is_union_type(*i))
union_decl_sptr union_type(u, noop_deleter());
write_union_decl_opening_tag(union_type, "", ctxt, indent,
unsigned nb_ws = get_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 1);
write_member_type_opening_tag(type, ctxt, nb_ws);
indent = nb_ws;
// We should never reach this point.
indent += c.get_xml_element_indent();
write_decl(decl, ctxt, indent);
while (!closing_tags.empty())
o << << "\n";
/// Create a @ref write_context object that can be used to emit abixml
/// files.
/// @param env the environment for the @ref write_context object to use.
/// @param default_output_stream the default output stream to use.
/// @return the new @ref write_context object.
create_write_context(const environment *env,
ostream& default_output_stream)
write_context_sptr ctxt(new write_context(env, default_output_stream));
return ctxt;
/// Set the "show-locs" flag.
/// When this flag is set then the XML writer emits location (///
/// information (file name, line and column) for the ABI artifacts
/// that it emits.
/// @param ctxt the @ref write_context to set the option for.
/// @param flag the new value of the option.
set_show_locs(write_context& ctxt, bool flag)
/// Set the 'annotate' flag.
/// When this flag is set then the XML writer annotates ABI artifacts
/// with a human readable description.
/// @param ctxt the context to set this flag on to.
/// @param flag the new value of the 'annotate' flag.
set_annotate(write_context& ctxt, bool flag)
/// Set the new ostream.
/// The ostream refers to the object, writers should stream new output to.
/// @param ctxt the context to set this to.
/// @param os the new ostream
set_ostream(write_context& ctxt, ostream& os)
/// Set the 'write-architecture' flag.
/// When this flag is set then the XML writer will emit architecture
/// information
/// @param ctxt the context to set this flag on to.
/// @param flag the new value of the 'write-architecture' flag.
set_write_architecture(write_context& ctxt, bool flag)
/// Set the 'write-corpus-path' flag.
/// When this flag is set then the XML writer will emit corpus-path
/// information
/// @param ctxt the context to set this flag on to.
/// @param flag the new value of the 'write-corpus-path' flag.
set_write_corpus_path(write_context& ctxt, bool flag)
/// Set the 'write-comp-dir' flag.
/// When this flag is set then the XML writer will emit compilation dir
/// information
/// @param ctxt the context to set this flag on to.
/// @param flag the new value of the 'write-comp-dir' flag.
set_write_comp_dir(write_context& ctxt, bool flag)
/// Set the 'short-locs' flag.
/// When this flag is set then the XML writer will emit only file names
/// rather than full paths.
/// @param ctxt the context to set this flag on to.
/// @param flag the new value of the 'short-locs' flag.
set_short_locs(write_context& ctxt, bool flag)
/// Set the 'parameter-names' flag.
/// When this flag is set then the XML writer will emit the names of
/// function parameters.
/// @param ctxt the context to set this flag on to.
/// @param flag the new value of the 'parameter-names' flag.
set_write_parameter_names(write_context& ctxt, bool flag)
/// Set the 'elf-needed' flag.
/// When this flag is set then the XML writer will emit corpus
/// get_needed() (DT_NEEDED) information.
/// @param ctxt the context to set this flag on to.
/// @param flag the new value of the 'elf-needed' flag.
set_write_elf_needed(write_context& ctxt, bool flag)
/// Set the 'default-sizes' flag.
/// When this flag is set then the XML writer will emit default
/// size-in-bits attributes for pointer type definitions, reference
/// type definitions, function declarations and function types even
/// when they are equal to the default address size of the translation
/// unit.
/// @param ctxt the context to set this flag on to.
/// @param flag the new value of the 'default-sizes' flag.
set_write_default_sizes(write_context& ctxt, bool flag)
/// Set the 'type-id-style' property.
/// This property controls the kind of type ids used in XML output.
/// @param ctxt the context to set this property on.
/// @param style the new value of the 'type-id-style' property.
set_type_id_style(write_context& ctxt, type_id_style_kind style)
/// Serialize the canonical types of a given scope.
/// @param scope the scope to consider.
/// @param ctxt the write context to use.
/// @param indent the number of white space indentation to use.
// @param is_member_type if true, the canonical types are emitted as
// member types (of a class).
// return true upon successful completion.
static bool
write_canonical_types_of_scope(const scope_decl &scope,
write_context &ctxt,
const unsigned indent,
bool is_member_type = false)
const type_base_sptrs_type &canonical_types =
for (type_base_sptrs_type::const_iterator i = canonical_types.begin();
i != canonical_types.end();
if (is_member_type)
write_member_type(*i, ctxt, indent);
write_type(*i, ctxt, indent);
return true;
/// Serialize a translation unit to an output stream.
/// @param ctxt the context of the serialization. It contains e.g,
/// the output stream to serialize to.
/// @param tu the translation unit to serialize.
/// @param indent how many indentation spaces to use during the
/// serialization.
/// @return true upon successful completion, false otherwise.
write_translation_unit(write_context& ctxt,
const translation_unit& tu,
const unsigned indent)
ostream& o = ctxt.get_ostream();
const config& c = ctxt.get_config();
do_indent(o, indent);
o << "<abi-instr version='"
<< c.get_format_major_version_number()
<< "." << c.get_format_minor_version_number()
<< "'";
if (tu.get_address_size() != 0)
o << " address-size='" << static_cast<int>(tu.get_address_size()) << "'";
std::string tu_path = tu.get_path();
if (ctxt.get_short_locs())
tools_utils::base_name(tu_path, tu_path);
if (!tu_path.empty())
o << " path='" << xml::escape_xml_string(tu_path) << "'";
if (!tu.get_compilation_dir_path().empty() && ctxt.get_write_comp_dir())
o << " comp-dir-path='"
<< xml::escape_xml_string(tu.get_compilation_dir_path()) << "'";
if (tu.get_language() != translation_unit::LANG_UNKNOWN)
o << " language='"
<< translation_unit_language_to_string(tu.get_language())
if (tu.is_empty())
o << "/>\n";
return true;
o << ">\n";
ctxt, indent + c.get_xml_element_indent());
typedef scope_decl::declarations declarations;
typedef declarations::const_iterator const_iterator;
const declarations& d = tu.get_global_scope()->get_member_decls();
for (const_iterator i = d.begin(); i != d.end(); ++i)
if (type_base_sptr t = is_type(*i))
// Emit non-empty classes that are declaration-only. Those
// beasts are class that only contain member types.
if (class_decl_sptr class_type = is_class_type(t))
if (class_type->get_is_declaration_only()
&& !class_type->is_empty()
&& !ctxt.type_is_emitted(class_type))
write_type(class_type, ctxt,
indent + c.get_xml_element_indent());
if (decl_base_sptr d = is_decl(*i))
if (ctxt.decl_is_emitted(d))
write_decl(*i, ctxt, indent + c.get_xml_element_indent());
// Now let's handle types that were referenced, but not yet
// emitted because they are either:
// 1/ Types without canonical type
// 2/ or function types (these might have no scope).
// So this map of type -> string is to contain the referenced types
// we need to emit.
type_ptr_set_type referenced_types_to_emit;
for (fn_type_ptr_set_type::const_iterator i =
i != ctxt.get_referenced_function_types().end();
type_base_sptr type(*i, noop_deleter());
if (!ctxt.type_is_emitted(type)
&& !ctxt.decl_only_type_is_emitted(type))
// A referenced type that was not emitted at all must be
// emitted now.
for (type_ptr_set_type::const_iterator i =
i != ctxt.get_referenced_non_canonical_types().end();
const type_base_sptr type(const_cast<type_base*>(*i), noop_deleter());
if (!ctxt.type_is_emitted(type)
&& !ctxt.decl_only_type_is_emitted(type))
// A referenced type that was not emitted at all must be
// emitted now.
// Ok, now let's emit the referenced type for good.
while (!referenced_types_to_emit.empty())
// But first, we need to sort them, otherwise, emitting the ABI
// (in xml) of the same binary twice will yield different
// results, because we'd be walking an *unordered* hash table.
vector<type_base*> sorted_referenced_types;
// Now, emit the referenced decls in a sorted order.
for (vector<type_base*>::const_iterator i =
i != sorted_referenced_types.end();
// We handle types which have declarations *and* function
// types here.
type_base_sptr t(*i, noop_deleter());
if (!ctxt.type_is_emitted(t))
if (decl_base* d = get_type_declaration(*i))
decl_base_sptr decl(d, noop_deleter());
write_decl_in_scope(decl, ctxt,
indent + c.get_xml_element_indent());
else if (function_type_sptr fn_type = is_function_type(t))
write_function_type(fn_type, ctxt,
indent + c.get_xml_element_indent());
// So all referenced types that we wanted to emit were emitted.
// But then, while emitting those referenced type, other types
// might have been referenced by those referenced types
// themselves! So let's look at the sets of referenced type
// that are maintained for the entire ABI corpus and see if
// there are still some referenced types in there that are not
// emitted yet. If yes, then we'll emit those again.
for (type_ptr_set_type::const_iterator i =
i != ctxt.get_referenced_non_canonical_types().end();
type_base_sptr type(const_cast<type_base*>(*i), noop_deleter());
if (!ctxt.type_is_emitted(type)
&& !ctxt.decl_only_type_is_emitted(type))
// A referenced type that was not emitted at all must be
// emitted now.
// Now handle all function types that were not only referenced by
// emitted types.
const vector<function_type_sptr>& t = tu.get_live_fn_types();
vector<type_base_sptr> sorted_types;
ctxt.sort_types(t, sorted_types);
for (vector<type_base_sptr>::const_iterator i = sorted_types.begin();
i != sorted_types.end();
function_type_sptr fn_type = is_function_type(*i);
if (!ctxt.type_is_referenced(fn_type) || ctxt.type_is_emitted(fn_type))
// This function type is either not referenced by any emitted
// pointer or reference type, or has already been emitted, so skip it.
write_function_type(fn_type, ctxt, indent + c.get_xml_element_indent());
do_indent(o, indent);
o << "</abi-instr>\n";
return true;
/// Serialize a pointer to an instance of basic type declaration, into
/// an output stream.
/// @param d the basic type declaration to serialize.
/// @param ctxt the context of the serialization. It contains e.g, the
/// output stream to serialize to.
/// @param indent how many indentation spaces to use during the
/// serialization.
/// @return true upon successful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
write_type_decl(const type_decl_sptr& d, write_context& ctxt, unsigned indent)
if (!d)
return false;
ostream& o = ctxt.get_ostream();
annotate(d, ctxt, indent);
do_indent(o, indent);
o << "<type-decl name='" << xml::escape_xml_string(d->get_name()) << "'";
write_is_anonymous(d, o);
write_size_and_alignment(d, o);
write_is_declaration_only(d, o);
write_location(d, ctxt);
o << " id='" << ctxt.get_id_for_type(d) << "'" << "/>\n";
return true;
/// Serialize a namespace declaration int an output stream.
/// @param decl the namespace declaration to serialize.
/// @param ctxt the context of the serialization. It contains e.g, the
/// output stream to serialize to.
/// @param indent how many indentation spaces to use during the
/// serialization.
/// @return true upon successful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
write_namespace_decl(const namespace_decl_sptr& decl,
write_context& ctxt, unsigned indent)
if (!decl || decl->is_empty_or_has_empty_sub_namespaces())
return false;
ostream& o = ctxt.get_ostream();
const config &c = ctxt.get_config();
annotate(decl, ctxt, indent);
do_indent(o, indent);
o << "<namespace-decl name='"
<< xml::escape_xml_string(decl->get_name())
<< "'>\n";
typedef scope_decl::declarations declarations;
typedef declarations::const_iterator const_iterator;
const declarations& d = decl->get_member_decls();
for (const_iterator i = d.begin(); i != d.end(); ++i)
if (type_base_sptr t = is_type(*i))
if (ctxt.type_is_emitted(t))
// This type has already been emitted to the current
// translation unit so do not emit it again.
write_decl(*i, ctxt, indent + c.get_xml_element_indent());
do_indent(o, indent);
o << "</namespace-decl>\n";
return true;
/// Serialize a qualified type declaration to an output stream.
/// @param decl the qualfied type declaration to write.
/// @param id the type id identitifier to use in the serialized
/// output. If this is empty, the function will compute an
/// appropriate one. This is useful when this function is called to
/// serialize the underlying type of a member type; in that case, the
/// caller has already computed the id of the *member type*, and that
/// id is the one to be written as the value of the 'id' attribute of
/// the XML element of the underlying type.
/// @param ctxt the write context.
/// @param indent the number of space to indent to during the
/// serialization.
/// @return true upon successful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
write_qualified_type_def(const qualified_type_def_sptr& decl,
const string& id,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent)
if (!decl)
return false;
ostream& o = ctxt.get_ostream();
type_base_sptr underlying_type = decl->get_underlying_type();
annotate(decl, ctxt, indent);
do_indent(o, indent);
o << "<qualified-type-def type-id='"
<< ctxt.get_id_for_type(underlying_type)
<< "'";
if (decl->get_cv_quals() & qualified_type_def::CV_CONST)
o << " const='yes'";
if (decl->get_cv_quals() & qualified_type_def::CV_VOLATILE)
o << " volatile='yes'";
if (decl->get_cv_quals() & qualified_type_def::CV_RESTRICT)
o << " restrict='yes'";
write_location(static_pointer_cast<decl_base>(decl), ctxt);
string i = id;
if (i.empty())
i = ctxt.get_id_for_type(decl);
o << " id='" << i << "'/>\n";
return true;
/// Serialize a qualified type declaration to an output stream.
/// @param decl the qualfied type declaration to write.
/// @param ctxt the write context.
/// @param indent the number of space to indent to during the
/// serialization.
/// @return true upon successful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
write_qualified_type_def(const qualified_type_def_sptr& decl,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent)
{return write_qualified_type_def(decl, "", ctxt, indent);}
/// Serialize a pointer to an instance of pointer_type_def.
/// @param decl the pointer_type_def to serialize.
/// @param id the type id identitifier to use in the serialized
/// output. If this is empty, the function will compute an
/// appropriate one. This is useful when this function is called to
/// serialize the underlying type of a member type; in that case, the
/// caller has already computed the id of the *member type*, and that
/// id is the one to be written as the value of the 'id' attribute of
/// the XML element of the underlying type.
/// @param ctxt the context of the serialization.
/// @param indent the number of indentation white spaces to use.
/// @return true upon succesful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
write_pointer_type_def(const pointer_type_def_sptr& decl,
const string& id,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent)
if (!decl)
return false;
ostream& o = ctxt.get_ostream();
type_base_sptr pointed_to_type = decl->get_pointed_to_type();
annotate(decl->get_canonical_type(), ctxt, indent);
do_indent(o, indent);
o << "<pointer-type-def type-id='"
<< ctxt.get_id_for_type(pointed_to_type)
<< "'";
write_size_and_alignment(decl, o,
? 0
: decl->get_translation_unit()->get_address_size()),
string i = id;
if (i.empty())
i = ctxt.get_id_for_type(decl);
o << " id='" << i << "'";
write_location(static_pointer_cast<decl_base>(decl), ctxt);
o << "/>\n";
return true;
/// Serialize a pointer to an instance of pointer_type_def.
/// @param decl the pointer_type_def to serialize.
/// @param ctxt the context of the serialization.
/// @param indent the number of indentation white spaces to use.
/// @return true upon succesful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
write_pointer_type_def(const pointer_type_def_sptr& decl,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent)
{return write_pointer_type_def(decl, "", ctxt, indent);}
/// Serialize a pointer to an instance of reference_type_def.
/// @param decl the reference_type_def to serialize.
/// @param id the type id identitifier to use in the serialized
/// output. If this is empty, the function will compute an
/// appropriate one. This is useful when this function is called to
/// serialize the underlying type of a member type; in that case, the
/// caller has already computed the id of the *member type*, and that
/// id is the one to be written as the value of the 'id' attribute of
/// the XML element of the underlying type.
/// @param ctxt the context of the serialization.
/// @param indent the number of indentation white spaces to use.
/// @return true upon succesful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
write_reference_type_def(const reference_type_def_sptr& decl,
const string& id,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent)
if (!decl)
return false;
annotate(decl->get_canonical_type(), ctxt, indent);
ostream& o = ctxt.get_ostream();
do_indent(o, indent);
o << "<reference-type-def kind='";
if (decl->is_lvalue())
o << "lvalue";
o << "rvalue";
o << "'";
type_base_sptr pointed_to_type = decl->get_pointed_to_type();
o << " type-id='" << ctxt.get_id_for_type(pointed_to_type) << "'";
if (function_type_sptr f = is_function_type(decl->get_pointed_to_type()))
write_size_and_alignment(decl, o,
? 0
: decl->get_translation_unit()->get_address_size()),
string i = id;
if (i.empty())
i = ctxt.get_id_for_type(decl);
o << " id='" << i << "'";
write_location(static_pointer_cast<decl_base>(decl), ctxt);
o << "/>\n";
return true;
/// Serialize a pointer to an instance of reference_type_def.
/// @param decl the reference_type_def to serialize.
/// @param ctxt the context of the serialization.
/// @param indent the number of indentation white spaces to use.
/// @return true upon succesful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
write_reference_type_def(const reference_type_def_sptr& decl,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent)
{return write_reference_type_def(decl, "", ctxt, indent);}
/// Serialize an instance of @ref array_type_def::subrange_type.
/// @param decl the array_type_def::subrange_type to serialize.
/// @param ctxt the context of the serialization.
/// @param indent the number of indentation white spaces to use.
/// return true upon successful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
write_array_subrange_type(const array_type_def::subrange_sptr& decl,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent)
if (!decl)
return false;
annotate(decl, ctxt, indent);
ostream& o = ctxt.get_ostream();
do_indent(o, indent);
o << "<subrange";
if (!decl->get_name().empty())
o << " name='" << decl->get_name() << "'";
o << " length='";
if (decl->is_infinite())
o << "infinite";
o << decl->get_length();
o << "'";
type_base_sptr underlying_type = decl->get_underlying_type();
if (underlying_type)
o << " type-id='"
<< ctxt.get_id_for_type(underlying_type)
<< "'";
o << " id='" << ctxt.get_id_for_type(decl) << "'";
write_location(decl->get_location(), ctxt);
o << "/>\n";
return true;
/// Serialize a pointer to an instance of array_type_def.
/// @param decl the array_type_def to serialize.
/// @param id the type id identitifier to use in the serialized
/// output. If this is empty, the function will compute an
/// appropriate one. This is useful when this function is called to
/// serialize the underlying type of a member type; in that case, the
/// caller has already computed the id of the *member type*, and that
/// id is the one to be written as the value of the 'id' attribute of
/// the XML element of the underlying type.
/// @param ctxt the context of the serialization.
/// @param indent the number of indentation white spaces to use.
/// @return true upon succesful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
write_array_type_def(const array_type_def_sptr& decl,
const string& id,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent)
if (!decl)
return false;
annotate(decl, ctxt, indent);
ostream& o = ctxt.get_ostream();
do_indent(o, indent);
o << "<array-type-def";
o << " dimensions='" << decl->get_dimension_count() << "'";
type_base_sptr element_type = decl->get_element_type();
o << " type-id='" << ctxt.get_id_for_type(element_type) << "'";
write_array_size_and_alignment(decl, o);
string i = id;
if (i.empty())
i = ctxt.get_id_for_type(decl);
o << " id='" << i << "'";
write_location(static_pointer_cast<decl_base>(decl), ctxt);
if (!decl->get_dimension_count())
o << "/>\n";
o << ">\n";
vector<array_type_def::subrange_sptr>::const_iterator si;
for (si = decl->get_subranges().begin();
si != decl->get_subranges().end(); ++si)
unsigned local_indent =
indent + ctxt.get_config().get_xml_element_indent();
write_array_subrange_type(*si, ctxt, local_indent);
do_indent(o, indent);
o << "</array-type-def>\n";
return true;
/// Serialize a pointer to an instance of array_type_def.
/// @param decl the array_type_def to serialize.
/// @param ctxt the context of the serialization.
/// @param indent the number of indentation white spaces to use.
/// @return true upon succesful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
write_array_type_def(const array_type_def_sptr& decl,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent)
{return write_array_type_def(decl, "", ctxt, indent);}
/// Serialize a pointer to an instance of enum_type_decl.
/// @param decl the enum_type_decl to serialize.
/// @param id the type id identitifier to use in the serialized
/// output. If this is empty, the function will compute an
/// appropriate one. This is useful when this function is called to
/// serialize the underlying type of a member type; in that case, the
/// caller has already computed the id of the *member type*, and that
/// id is the one to be written as the value of the 'id' attribute of
/// the XML element of the underlying type.
/// @param ctxt the context of the serialization.
/// @param indent the number of indentation white spaces to use.
/// @return true upon succesful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
write_enum_type_decl(const enum_type_decl_sptr& decl,
const string& id,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent)
if (!decl)
return false;
annotate(decl->get_canonical_type(), ctxt, indent);
ostream& o = ctxt.get_ostream();
do_indent(o, indent);
o << "<enum-decl name='" << xml::escape_xml_string(decl->get_name()) << "'";
write_is_anonymous(decl, o);
write_is_artificial(decl, o);
write_is_non_reachable(is_type(decl), o);
if (!decl->get_linkage_name().empty())
o << " linkage-name='" << decl->get_linkage_name() << "'";
write_location(decl, ctxt);
write_is_declaration_only(decl, o);
string i = id;
if (i.empty())
i = ctxt.get_id_for_type(decl);
o << " id='" << i << "'>\n";
do_indent(o, indent + ctxt.get_config().get_xml_element_indent());
o << "<underlying-type type-id='"
<< ctxt.get_id_for_type(decl->get_underlying_type())
<< "'/>\n";
for (enum_type_decl::enumerators::const_iterator i =
i != decl->get_enumerators().end();
do_indent(o, indent + ctxt.get_config().get_xml_element_indent());
o << "<enumerator name='"
<< i->get_name()
<< "' value='"
<< i->get_value()
<< "'/>\n";
do_indent(o, indent);
o << "</enum-decl>\n";
return true;
/// Serialize a pointer to an instance of enum_type_decl.
/// @param decl the enum_type_decl to serialize.
/// @param ctxt the context of the serialization.
/// @param indent the number of indentation white spaces to use.
/// @return true upon succesful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
write_enum_type_decl(const enum_type_decl_sptr& decl,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent)
{return write_enum_type_decl(decl, "", ctxt, indent);}
/// Serialize an @ref elf_symbol to an XML element of name
/// 'elf-symbol'.
/// @param sym the elf symbol to serialize.
/// @param ctxt the read context to use.
/// @param indent the number of white spaces to use as indentation.
/// @return true iff the function completed successfully.
static bool
write_elf_symbol(const elf_symbol_sptr& sym,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent)
if (!sym)
return false;
ostream &o = ctxt.get_ostream();
annotate(sym, ctxt, indent);
do_indent(o, indent);
o << "<elf-symbol name='" << sym->get_name() << "'";
if (sym->is_variable() && sym->get_size())
o << " size='" << sym->get_size() << "'";
if (!sym->get_version().is_empty())
o << " version='" << sym->get_version().str() << "'";
o << " is-default-version='";
if (sym->get_version().is_default())
o << "yes";
o << "no";
o << "'";
write_elf_symbol_type(sym->get_type(), o);
write_elf_symbol_binding(sym->get_binding(), o);
write_elf_symbol_visibility(sym->get_visibility(), o);
write_elf_symbol_aliases(*sym, o);
o << " is-defined='";
if (sym->is_defined())
o << "yes";
o << "no";
o << "'";
if (sym->is_common_symbol())
o << " is-common='yes'";
o << "/>\n";
return true;
/// Write the elf symbol database to the output associated to the
/// current context.
/// @param syms the sorted elf symbol data to write out.
/// @param ctxt the context to consider.
/// @param indent the number of white spaces to use as indentation.
/// @return true upon successful completion.
static bool
write_elf_symbols_table(const elf_symbols& syms,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent)
if (syms.empty())
return false;
unordered_map<string, bool> emitted_syms;
for (elf_symbols::const_iterator it = syms.begin(); it != syms.end(); ++it)
write_elf_symbol(*it, ctxt, indent);
return true;
/// Write a vector of dependency names for the current corpus we are
/// writting.
/// @param needed the vector of dependency names to write.
/// @param ctxt the write context to use for the writting.
/// @param indent the number of indendation spaces to use.
/// @return true upon successful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
write_elf_needed(const vector<string>& needed,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent)
if (needed.empty())
return false;
ostream& o = ctxt.get_ostream();
for (vector<string>::const_iterator i = needed.begin();
i != needed.end();
do_indent(o, indent);
o << "<dependency name='" << *i << "'/>\n";
return true;
/// Serialize a pointer to an instance of typedef_decl.
/// @param decl the typedef_decl to serialize.
/// @param id the type id identitifier to use in the serialized
/// output. If this is empty, the function will compute an
/// appropriate one. This is useful when this function is called to
/// serialize the underlying type of a member type; in that case, the
/// caller has already computed the id of the *member type*, and that
/// id is the one to be written as the value of the 'id' attribute of
/// the XML element of the underlying type.
/// @param ctxt the context of the serialization.
/// @param indent the number of indentation white spaces to use.
/// @return true upon succesful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
write_typedef_decl(const typedef_decl_sptr& decl,
const string& id,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent)
if (!decl)
return false;
ostream &o = ctxt.get_ostream();
annotate(decl, ctxt, indent);
do_indent(o, indent);
o << "<typedef-decl name='"
<< xml::escape_xml_string(decl->get_name())
<< "'";
type_base_sptr underlying_type = decl->get_underlying_type();
string type_id = ctxt.get_id_for_type(underlying_type);
o << " type-id='" << type_id << "'";
write_location(decl, ctxt);
string i = id;
if (i.empty())
i = ctxt.get_id_for_type(decl);
o << " id='" << i << "'/>\n";
return true;
/// Serialize a pointer to an instance of typedef_decl.
/// @param decl the typedef_decl to serialize.
/// @param ctxt the context of the serialization.
/// @param indent the number of indentation white spaces to use.
/// @return true upon succesful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
write_typedef_decl(const typedef_decl_sptr& decl,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent)
{return write_typedef_decl(decl, "", ctxt, indent);}
/// Serialize a pointer to an instances of var_decl.
/// @param decl the var_decl to serialize.
/// @param ctxt the context of the serialization.
/// @param write_linkage_name if true, serialize the mangled name of
/// this variable.
/// @param indent the number of indentation white spaces to use.
/// @return true upon succesful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
write_var_decl(const var_decl_sptr& decl, write_context& ctxt,
bool write_linkage_name, unsigned indent)
if (!decl)
return false;
annotate(decl, ctxt, indent);
ostream &o = ctxt.get_ostream();
do_indent(o, indent);
o << "<var-decl name='" << xml::escape_xml_string(decl->get_name()) << "'";
type_base_sptr var_type = decl->get_type();
o << " type-id='" << ctxt.get_id_for_type(var_type) << "'";
if (write_linkage_name)
const string& linkage_name = decl->get_linkage_name();
if (!linkage_name.empty())
o << " mangled-name='" << linkage_name << "'";
write_visibility(decl, o);
write_binding(decl, o);
write_location(decl, ctxt);
write_elf_symbol_reference(decl->get_symbol(), o);
o << "/>\n";
return true;
/// Serialize a pointer to a function_decl.
/// @param decl the pointer to function_decl to serialize.
/// @param ctxt the context of the serialization.
/// @param skip_first_parm if true, do not serialize the first
/// parameter of the function decl.
/// @param indent the number of indentation white spaces to use.
/// @return true upon succesful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
write_function_decl(const function_decl_sptr& decl, write_context& ctxt,
bool skip_first_parm, unsigned indent)
if (!decl)
return false;
annotate(decl, ctxt, indent);
ostream &o = ctxt.get_ostream();
do_indent(o, indent);
o << "<function-decl name='"
<< xml::escape_xml_string(decl->get_name())
<< "'";
if (!decl->get_linkage_name().empty())
o << " mangled-name='"
<< xml::escape_xml_string(decl->get_linkage_name()) << "'";
write_location(decl, ctxt);
if (decl->is_declared_inline())
o << " declared-inline='yes'";
write_visibility(decl, o);
write_binding(decl, o);
write_size_and_alignment(decl->get_type(), o,
? 0
: decl->get_translation_unit()->get_address_size()),
write_elf_symbol_reference(decl->get_symbol(), o);
o << ">\n";
type_base_sptr parm_type;
vector<shared_ptr<function_decl::parameter> >::const_iterator pi =
for ((skip_first_parm && pi != decl->get_parameters().end()) ? ++pi: pi;
pi != decl->get_parameters().end();
if ((*pi)->get_variadic_marker())
do_indent(o, indent + ctxt.get_config().get_xml_element_indent());
o << "<parameter is-variadic='yes'";
parm_type = (*pi)->get_type();
annotate(*pi, ctxt,
indent + ctxt.get_config().get_xml_element_indent());
do_indent(o, indent + ctxt.get_config().get_xml_element_indent());
o << "<parameter type-id='"
<< ctxt.get_id_for_type(parm_type)
<< "'";
if (ctxt.get_write_parameter_names() && !(*pi)->get_name().empty())
o << " name='" << (*pi)->get_name() << "'";
write_is_artificial(*pi, o);
write_location((*pi)->get_location(), ctxt);
o << "/>\n";
if (shared_ptr<type_base> return_type = decl->get_return_type())
annotate(return_type , ctxt,
indent + ctxt.get_config().get_xml_element_indent());
do_indent(o, indent + ctxt.get_config().get_xml_element_indent());
o << "<return type-id='" << ctxt.get_id_for_type(return_type) << "'/>\n";
do_indent(o, indent);
o << "</function-decl>\n";
return true;
/// Serialize a function_type.
/// @param decl the pointer to function_type to serialize.
/// @param ctxt the context of the serialization.
/// @param indent the number of indentation white spaces to use.
/// @return true upon succesful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
write_function_type(const function_type_sptr& fn_type,
write_context& ctxt, unsigned indent)
if (!fn_type)
return false;
ostream &o = ctxt.get_ostream();
annotate(fn_type, ctxt, indent);
do_indent(o, indent);
o << "<function-type";
write_size_and_alignment(fn_type, o,
? 0
: fn_type->get_translation_unit()->get_address_size()),
if (method_type_sptr method_type = is_method_type(fn_type))
o << " method-class-id='"
<< ctxt.get_id_for_type(method_type->get_class_type())
<< "'";
write_cdtor_const_static(/*is_ctor=*/false, /*is_dtor=*/false,
/*is_static=*/false, o);
interned_string id = ctxt.get_id_for_type(fn_type);
o << " id='"
<< id << "'"
<< ">\n";
type_base_sptr parm_type;
for (vector<function_decl::parameter_sptr>::const_iterator pi =
pi != fn_type->get_parameters().end();
if ((*pi)->get_variadic_marker())
do_indent(o, indent + ctxt.get_config().get_xml_element_indent());
o << "<parameter is-variadic='yes'";
parm_type = (*pi)->get_type();
annotate(*pi, ctxt, indent + ctxt.get_config().get_xml_element_indent());
do_indent(o, indent + ctxt.get_config().get_xml_element_indent());
o << "<parameter type-id='"
<< ctxt.get_id_for_type(parm_type)
<< "'";
if (!(*pi)->get_name().empty())
string name = xml::escape_xml_string((*pi)->get_name());
o << " name='" << name << "'";
write_is_artificial(*pi, o);
o << "/>\n";
if (type_base_sptr return_type = fn_type->get_return_type())
annotate(return_type, ctxt, indent + ctxt.get_config().get_xml_element_indent());
do_indent(o, indent + ctxt.get_config().get_xml_element_indent());
o << "<return type-id='" << ctxt.get_id_for_type(return_type) << "'/>\n";
do_indent(o, indent);
o << "</function-type>\n";
return true;
/// Write the opening tag of a 'class-decl' element.
/// @param decl the class declaration to serialize.
/// @param the type ID to use for the 'class-decl' element,, or empty
/// if we need to build a new one.
/// @param ctxt the write context to use.
/// @param indent the number of white space to use for indentation.
/// @param prepare_to_handle_members if set to true, then this function
/// figures out if the opening tag should be for an empty element or
/// not. If set to false, then the opening tag is unconditionnaly for
/// a non-empty element.
/// @return true upon successful completion.
static bool
write_class_decl_opening_tag(const class_decl_sptr& decl,
const string& id,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent,
bool prepare_to_handle_members)
if (!decl)
return false;
ostream& o = ctxt.get_ostream();
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 0);
o << "<class-decl name='" << xml::escape_xml_string(decl->get_name()) << "'";
write_size_and_alignment(decl, o);
write_is_struct(decl, o);
write_is_anonymous(decl, o);
write_is_artificial(decl, o);
write_is_non_reachable(is_type(decl), o);
write_naming_typedef(decl, ctxt);
write_visibility(decl, o);
write_location(decl, ctxt);
write_is_declaration_only(decl, o);
if (decl->get_earlier_declaration())
// This instance is the definition of an earlier declaration.
o << " def-of-decl-id='"
<< ctxt.get_id_for_type(is_type(decl->get_earlier_declaration()))
<< "'";
string i = id;
if (i.empty())
i = ctxt.get_id_for_type(decl);
o << " id='" << i << "'";
if (prepare_to_handle_members && decl->has_no_base_nor_member())
o << "/>\n";
o << ">\n";
return true;
/// Write the opening tag of a 'union-decl' element.
/// @param decl the union declaration to serialize.
/// @param the type ID to use for the 'union-decl' element, or empty
/// if we need to build a new one.
/// @param ctxt the write context to use.
/// @param indent the number of white space to use for indentation.
/// @param prepare_to_handle_members if set to true, then this function
/// figures out if the opening tag should be for an empty element or
/// not. If set to false, then the opening tag is unconditionnaly for
/// a non-empty element.
/// @return true upon successful completion.
static bool
write_union_decl_opening_tag(const union_decl_sptr& decl,
const string& id,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent,
bool prepare_to_handle_members)
if (!decl)
return false;
ostream& o = ctxt.get_ostream();
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 0);
o << "<union-decl name='" << xml::escape_xml_string(decl->get_name()) << "'";
if (!decl->get_is_declaration_only())
write_size_and_alignment(decl, o);
write_is_anonymous(decl, o);
write_visibility(decl, o);
write_is_artificial(decl, o);
write_is_non_reachable(is_type(decl), o);
write_location(decl, ctxt);
write_is_declaration_only(decl, o);
string i = id;
if (i.empty())
i = ctxt.get_id_for_type(decl);
o << " id='" << i << "'";
if (prepare_to_handle_members && decl->has_no_member())
o << "/>\n";
o << ">\n";
return true;
/// Serialize a class_decl type.
/// @param decl the pointer to class_decl to serialize.
/// @param id the type id identitifier to use in the serialized
/// output. If this is empty, the function will compute an
/// appropriate one. This is useful when this function is called to
/// serialize the underlying type of a member type; in that case, the
/// caller has already computed the id of the *member type*, and that
/// id is the one to be written as the value of the 'id' attribute of
/// the XML element of the underlying type.
/// @param ctxt the context of the serialization.
/// @param indent the initial indentation to use.
static bool
write_class_decl(const class_decl_sptr& decl,
const string& id,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent)
if (!decl)
return false;
annotate(decl, ctxt, indent);
ostream& o = ctxt.get_ostream();
write_class_decl_opening_tag(decl, id, ctxt, indent,
if (!decl->has_no_base_nor_member())
unsigned nb_ws = get_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 1);
type_base_sptr base_type;
for (class_decl::base_specs::const_iterator base =
base != decl->get_base_specifiers().end();
annotate((*base)->get_base_class(), ctxt, nb_ws);
do_indent(o, nb_ws);
o << "<base-class";
write_access((*base)->get_access_specifier(), o);
write_layout_offset (*base, o);
if ((*base)->get_is_virtual ())
o << " is-virtual='yes'";
base_type = (*base)->get_base_class();
o << " type-id='"
<< ctxt.get_id_for_type(base_type)
<< "'/>\n";
write_canonical_types_of_scope(*decl, ctxt, nb_ws,
for (class_decl::member_types::const_iterator ti =
ti != decl->get_member_types().end();
if (!(*ti)->get_naked_canonical_type())
write_member_type(*ti, ctxt, nb_ws);
for (class_decl::data_members::const_iterator data =
data != decl->get_data_members().end();
do_indent(o, nb_ws);
o << "<data-member";
write_access(get_member_access_specifier(*data), o);
bool is_static = get_member_is_static(*data);
write_layout_offset(*data, o);
o << ">\n";
write_var_decl(*data, ctxt, is_static,
get_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 2));
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 1);
o << "</data-member>\n";
for (class_decl::member_functions::const_iterator f =
f != decl->get_member_functions().end();
function_decl_sptr fn = *f;
if (get_member_function_is_virtual(fn))
// All virtual member functions are emitted together,
// later.
do_indent(o, nb_ws);
o << "<member-function";
write_access(get_member_access_specifier(fn), o);
write_cdtor_const_static( get_member_function_is_ctor(fn),
o << ">\n";
write_function_decl(fn, ctxt,
get_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 2));
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 1);
o << "</member-function>\n";
for (class_decl::member_functions::const_iterator f =
f != decl->get_virtual_mem_fns().end();
function_decl_sptr fn = *f;
do_indent(o, nb_ws);
o << "<member-function";
write_access(get_member_access_specifier(fn), o);
write_cdtor_const_static( get_member_function_is_ctor(fn),
write_voffset(fn, o);
o << ">\n";
write_function_decl(fn, ctxt,
get_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 2));
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 1);
o << "</member-function>\n";
for (member_function_templates::const_iterator fn =
fn != decl->get_member_function_templates().end();
do_indent(o, nb_ws);
o << "<member-template";
write_access((*fn)->get_access_specifier(), o);
(*fn)->get_is_static(), o);
o << ">\n";
write_function_tdecl((*fn)->as_function_tdecl(), ctxt,
get_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 2));
do_indent(o, nb_ws);
o << "</member-template>\n";
for (member_class_templates::const_iterator cl =
cl != decl->get_member_class_templates().end();
do_indent(o, nb_ws);
o << "<member-template";
write_access((*cl)->get_access_specifier(), o);
write_cdtor_const_static(false, false, false,
(*cl)->get_is_static(), o);
o << ">\n";
write_class_tdecl((*cl)->as_class_tdecl(), ctxt,
get_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 2));
do_indent(o, nb_ws);
o << "</member-template>\n";
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 0);
o << "</class-decl>\n";
// We allow several *declarations* of the same class in the corpus,
// but only one definition.
if (!decl->get_is_declaration_only())
return true;
/// Serialize a class_decl type.
/// @param decl the pointer to class_decl to serialize.
/// @param ctxt the context of the serialization.
/// @param indent the initial indentation to use.
/// @return true upon successful completion.
static bool
write_class_decl(const class_decl_sptr& decl,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent)
{return write_class_decl(decl, "", ctxt, indent);}
/// Serialize a @ref union_decl type.
/// @param decl the pointer to @ref union_decl to serialize.
/// @param ctxt the context of the serialization.
/// @param indent the initial indentation to use.
/// @return true upon successful completion.
static bool
write_union_decl(const union_decl_sptr& decl,
const string& id,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent)
if (!decl)
return false;
annotate(decl, ctxt, indent);
ostream& o = ctxt.get_ostream();
write_union_decl_opening_tag(decl, id, ctxt, indent,
if (!decl->has_no_member())
unsigned nb_ws = get_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 1);
for (class_decl::member_types::const_iterator ti =
ti != decl->get_member_types().end();
write_member_type(*ti, ctxt, nb_ws);
for (union_decl::data_members::const_iterator data =
data != decl->get_data_members().end();
do_indent(o, nb_ws);
o << "<data-member";
write_access(get_member_access_specifier(*data), o);
bool is_static = get_member_is_static(*data);
o << ">\n";
write_var_decl(*data, ctxt, is_static,
get_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 2));
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 1);
o << "</data-member>\n";
for (union_decl::member_functions::const_iterator f =
f != decl->get_member_functions().end();
function_decl_sptr fn = *f;
if (get_member_function_is_virtual(fn))
// All virtual member functions are emitted together,
// later.
do_indent(o, nb_ws);
o << "<member-function";
write_access(get_member_access_specifier(fn), o);
write_cdtor_const_static( get_member_function_is_ctor(fn),
o << ">\n";
write_function_decl(fn, ctxt,
get_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 2));
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 1);
o << "</member-function>\n";
for (member_function_templates::const_iterator fn =
fn != decl->get_member_function_templates().end();
do_indent(o, nb_ws);
o << "<member-template";
write_access((*fn)->get_access_specifier(), o);
(*fn)->get_is_static(), o);
o << ">\n";
write_function_tdecl((*fn)->as_function_tdecl(), ctxt,
get_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 2));
do_indent(o, nb_ws);
o << "</member-template>\n";
for (member_class_templates::const_iterator cl =
cl != decl->get_member_class_templates().end();
do_indent(o, nb_ws);
o << "<member-template";
write_access((*cl)->get_access_specifier(), o);
write_cdtor_const_static(false, false, false,
(*cl)->get_is_static(), o);
o << ">\n";
write_class_tdecl((*cl)->as_class_tdecl(), ctxt,
get_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 2));
do_indent(o, nb_ws);
o << "</member-template>\n";
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 0);
o << "</union-decl>\n";
// We allow several *declarations* of the same union in the corpus,
// but only one definition.
if (!decl->get_is_declaration_only())
return true;
static bool
write_union_decl(const union_decl_sptr& decl,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent)
{return write_union_decl(decl, "", ctxt, indent);}
/// Write the opening tag for a 'member-type' element.
/// @param t the member type to consider.
/// @param ctxt the write context to use.
/// @param indent the number of white spaces to use for indentation.
/// @return true upon successful completion.
static bool
write_member_type_opening_tag(const type_base_sptr& t,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent)
ostream& o = ctxt.get_ostream();
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 0);
decl_base_sptr decl = get_type_declaration(t);
o << "<member-type";
write_access(decl, o);
o << ">\n";
return true;
/// Serialize a member type.
/// Note that the id written as the value of the 'id' attribute of the
/// underlying type is actually the id of the member type, not the one
/// for the underying type. That id takes in account, the access
/// specifier and the qualified name of the member type.
/// @param decl the declaration of the member type to serialize.
/// @param ctxt the write context to use.
/// @param indent the number of levels to use for indentation
static bool
write_member_type(const type_base_sptr& t, write_context& ctxt, unsigned indent)
if (!t)
return false;
ostream& o = ctxt.get_ostream();
write_member_type_opening_tag(t, ctxt, indent);
string id = ctxt.get_id_for_type(t);
unsigned nb_ws = get_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 1);
id, ctxt, nb_ws)
|| write_pointer_type_def(dynamic_pointer_cast<pointer_type_def>(t),
id, ctxt, nb_ws)
|| write_reference_type_def(dynamic_pointer_cast<reference_type_def>(t),
id, ctxt, nb_ws)
|| write_array_type_def(dynamic_pointer_cast<array_type_def>(t),
id, ctxt, nb_ws)
|| write_enum_type_decl(dynamic_pointer_cast<enum_type_decl>(t),
id, ctxt, nb_ws)
|| write_typedef_decl(dynamic_pointer_cast<typedef_decl>(t),
id, ctxt, nb_ws)
|| write_union_decl(dynamic_pointer_cast<union_decl>(t),
id, ctxt, nb_ws)
|| write_class_decl(dynamic_pointer_cast<class_decl>(t),
id, ctxt, nb_ws));
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 0);
o << "</member-type>\n";
return true;
/// Serialize an instance of type_tparameter.
/// @param decl the instance to serialize.
/// @param ctxt the context of the serialization.
/// @param indent the initial indentation to use.
/// @return true upon successful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
write_type_tparameter(const type_tparameter_sptr decl,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent)
if (!decl)
return false;
ostream &o = ctxt.get_ostream();
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 0);
string id_attr_name;
if (ctxt.type_has_existing_id(decl))
id_attr_name = "type-id";
id_attr_name = "id";
o << "<template-type-parameter "
<< id_attr_name << "='" << ctxt.get_id_for_type(decl) << "'";
std::string name = xml::escape_xml_string(decl->get_name ());
if (!name.empty())
o << " name='" << name << "'";
write_location(decl, ctxt);
o << "/>\n";
return true;
/// Serialize an instance of non_type_tparameter.
/// @param decl the instance to serialize.
/// @param ctxt the context of the serialization.
/// @param indent the intial indentation to use.
/// @return true open successful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
const shared_ptr<non_type_tparameter> decl,
write_context& ctxt, unsigned indent)
if (!decl)
return false;
ostream &o = ctxt.get_ostream();
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 0);
o << "<template-non-type-parameter type-id='"
<< ctxt.get_id_for_type(decl->get_type())
<< "'";
string name = xml::escape_xml_string(decl->get_name());
if (!name.empty())
o << " name='" << name << "'";
write_location(decl, ctxt);
o << "/>\n";
return true;
/// Serialize an instance of template template parameter.
/// @param decl the instance to serialize.
/// @param ctxt the context of the serialization.
/// @param indent the initial indentation to use.
/// @return true upon successful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
write_template_tparameter (const template_tparameter_sptr decl,
write_context& ctxt,
unsigned indent)
if (!decl)
return false;
ostream& o = ctxt.get_ostream();
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 0);
string id_attr_name = "id";
if (ctxt.type_has_existing_id(decl))
id_attr_name = "type-id";
o << "<template-template-parameter " << id_attr_name << "='"
<< ctxt.get_id_for_type(decl) << "'";
string name = xml::escape_xml_string(decl->get_name());
if (!name.empty())
o << " name='" << name << "'";
o << ">\n";
unsigned nb_spaces = get_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 1);
for (list<shared_ptr<template_parameter> >::const_iterator p =
p != decl->get_template_parameters().end();
write_template_parameter(decl, ctxt, nb_spaces);
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 0);
o << "</template-template-parameter>\n";
return true;
/// Serialize an instance of type_composition.
/// @param decl the decl to serialize.
/// @param ctxt the context of the serialization.
/// @param indent the initial indentation to use.
/// @return true upon successful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
(const shared_ptr<type_composition> decl,
write_context& ctxt, unsigned indent)
if (!decl)
return false;
ostream& o = ctxt.get_ostream();
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 0);
o << "<template-parameter-type-composition>\n";
unsigned nb_spaces = get_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 1);
ctxt, nb_spaces)
|| write_reference_type_def
ctxt, nb_spaces)
|| write_array_type_def
ctxt, nb_spaces)
|| write_qualified_type_def
ctxt, nb_spaces));
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 0);
o << "</template-parameter-type-composition>\n";
return true;
/// Serialize an instance of template_parameter.
/// @param decl the instance to serialize.
/// @param ctxt the context of the serialization.
/// @param indent the initial indentation to use.
/// @return true upon successful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
write_template_parameter(const shared_ptr<template_parameter> decl,
write_context& ctxt, unsigned indent)
if ((!write_type_tparameter
(dynamic_pointer_cast<type_tparameter>(decl), ctxt, indent))
&& (!write_non_type_tparameter
ctxt, indent))
&& (!write_template_tparameter
ctxt, indent))
&& (!write_type_composition
ctxt, indent)))
return false;
return true;
/// Serialize the template parameters of the a given template.
/// @param tmpl the template for which to emit the template parameters.
static void
write_template_parameters(const shared_ptr<template_decl> tmpl,
write_context& ctxt, unsigned indent)
if (!tmpl)
unsigned nb_spaces = get_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 1);
for (list<shared_ptr<template_parameter> >::const_iterator p =
p != tmpl->get_template_parameters().end();
write_template_parameter(*p, ctxt, nb_spaces);
/// Serialize an instance of function_tdecl.
/// @param decl the instance to serialize.
/// @param ctxt the context of the serialization
/// @param indent the initial indentation.
static bool
write_function_tdecl(const shared_ptr<function_tdecl> decl,
write_context& ctxt, unsigned indent)
if (!decl)
return false;
ostream& o = ctxt.get_ostream();
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 0);
o << "<function-template-decl id='" << ctxt.get_id_for_fn_tmpl(decl) << "'";
write_location(decl, ctxt);
write_visibility(decl, o);
write_binding(decl, o);
o << ">\n";
write_template_parameters(decl, ctxt, indent);
write_function_decl(decl->get_pattern(), ctxt,
get_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 1));
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 0);
o << "</function-template-decl>\n";
return true;
/// Serialize an instance of class_tdecl
/// @param decl a pointer to the instance of class_tdecl to serialize.
/// @param ctxt the context of the serializtion.
/// @param indent the initial number of white space to use for
/// indentation.
/// @return true upon successful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
write_class_tdecl(const shared_ptr<class_tdecl> decl,
write_context& ctxt, unsigned indent)
if (!decl)
return false;
ostream& o = ctxt.get_ostream();
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 0);
o << "<class-template-decl id='" << ctxt.get_id_for_class_tmpl(decl) << "'";
write_location(decl, ctxt);
write_visibility(decl, o);
o << ">\n";
write_template_parameters(decl, ctxt, indent);
write_class_decl(decl->get_pattern(), ctxt,
get_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 1));
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 0);
o << "</class-template-decl>\n";
return true;
/// A context used by functions that write a corpus out to disk in a
/// ZIP archive of ABI Instrumentation XML files.
/// The aim of this context file is to hold the buffers of data that
/// are to be written into a given zip object, until the zip object is
/// closed. It's at that point that the buffers data is really
/// flushed into the zip archive.
/// When an instance of this context type is created for a given zip
/// object, is created, its life time should be longer than the @ref
/// zip_sptr object it holds.
/// The definition of this type is private and should remain hidden
/// from client code.
struct archive_write_ctxt
list<string> serialized_tus;
zip_sptr archive;
archive_write_ctxt(zip_sptr ar)
: archive(ar)
typedef shared_ptr<archive_write_ctxt> archive_write_ctxt_sptr;
/// Create a write context to a given archive. The result of this
/// function is to be passed to the functions that are to write a
/// corpus to an archive, e.g, write_corpus_to_archive().
/// @param archive_path the path to the archive to create this write
/// context for.
/// @return the resulting write context to pass to the functions that
/// are to write a corpus to @ref archive_path.
static archive_write_ctxt_sptr
create_archive_write_context(const string& archive_path)
if (archive_path.empty())
return archive_write_ctxt_sptr();
int error_code = 0;
zip_sptr archive = open_archive(archive_path,
if (error_code)
return archive_write_ctxt_sptr();
archive_write_ctxt_sptr r(new archive_write_ctxt(archive));
return r;
/// Write a translation unit to an on-disk archive. The archive is a
/// zip archive of ABI Instrumentation files in XML format.
/// @param tu the translation unit to serialize.
/// @param ctxt the context of the serialization. Contains
/// information about where the archive is on disk, the zip archive,
/// and the buffers holding the temporary data to be flushed into the archive.
/// @param annotate whether ABIXML output should be annotated.
/// @return true upon succesful serialization occured, false
/// otherwise.
static bool
write_translation_unit_to_archive(const translation_unit& tu,
archive_write_ctxt& ctxt,
const bool annotate)
if (!ctxt.archive)
return false;
ostringstream os;
if (!write_translation_unit(tu, /*indent=*/0, os, annotate))
return false;
zip_source *source;
if ((source = zip_source_buffer(ctxt.archive.get(),
false)) == 0)
return false;
if (zip_file_add(ctxt.archive.get(), tu.get_path().c_str(), source,
return false;
return true;
/// Serialize a given corpus to disk in a file at a given path.
/// @param tu the translation unit to serialize.
/// @param ctxt the context of the serialization. Contains
/// information about where the archive is on disk, the zip archive
/// object, and the buffers holding the temporary data to be flushed
/// into the archive.
/// @param annotate whether ABIXML output should be annotated.
/// @return true upon successful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
write_corpus_to_archive(const corpus& corp,
archive_write_ctxt& ctxt,
const bool annotate)
for (translation_units::const_iterator i =
i != corp.get_translation_units().end();
if (! write_translation_unit_to_archive(**i, ctxt, annotate))
return false;
// TODO: ensure abi-info descriptor is added to the archive.
return true;
/// Serialize a given corpus to disk in an archive file at a given
/// path.
/// @param corp the ABI corpus to serialize.
/// @param ctxt the context of the serialization. Contains
/// information about where the archive is on disk, the zip archive
/// object, and the buffers holding the temporary data to be flushed
/// into the archive.
/// @param annotate whether ABIXML output should be annotated.
/// @return upon successful completion, false otherwise.
static bool
write_corpus_to_archive(const corpus& corp,
archive_write_ctxt_sptr ctxt,
const bool annotate)
{return write_corpus_to_archive(corp, *ctxt, annotate);}
/// Serialize the current corpus to disk in a file at a given path.
/// @param tu the translation unit to serialize.
/// @param path the path of the file to serialize the
/// translation_unit to.
/// @param annotate whether ABIXML output should be annotated.
/// @return true upon successful completion, false otherwise.
write_corpus_to_archive(const corpus& corp,
const string& path,
const bool annotate)
archive_write_ctxt_sptr ctxt = create_archive_write_context(path);
return write_corpus_to_archive(corp, ctxt, annotate);
/// Serialize the current corpus to disk in a file. The file path is
/// given by translation_unit::get_path().
/// @param tu the translation unit to serialize.
/// @param annotate whether ABIXML output should be annotated.
/// @return true upon successful completion, false otherwise.
write_corpus_to_archive(const corpus& corp, const bool annotate)
{return write_corpus_to_archive(corp, corp.get_path(), annotate);}
/// Serialize the current corpus to disk in a file. The file path is
/// given by translation_unit::get_path().
/// @param tu the translation unit to serialize.
/// @param annotate whether ABIXML output should be annotated.
/// @return true upon successful completion, false otherwise.
write_corpus_to_archive(const corpus_sptr corp, const bool annotate)
{return write_corpus_to_archive(*corp, annotate);}
/// Serialize an ABI corpus to a single native xml document. The root
/// note of the resulting XML document is 'abi-corpus'.
/// Note: If either corpus is null or corpus does not contain serializable
/// content (i.e. corpus.is_empty()), nothing is emitted to the ctxt's
/// output stream.
/// @param ctxt the write context to use.
/// @param corpus the corpus to serialize.
/// @param indent the number of white space indentation to use.
/// @return true upon successful completion, false otherwise.
write_corpus(write_context& ctxt,
const corpus_sptr& corpus,
unsigned indent,
bool member_of_group)
if (!corpus)
return false;
if (corpus->is_empty())
return true;
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 0);
std::ostream& out = ctxt.get_ostream();
out << "<abi-corpus";
// For an abi-corpus as part of an abi-corpus group, only omit the path, but
// keep the filename.
std::string corpus_path = corpus->get_path();
if (!ctxt.get_write_corpus_path())
if (member_of_group)
tools_utils::base_name(corpus_path, corpus_path);
if (ctxt.get_short_locs())
tools_utils::base_name(corpus_path, corpus_path);
if (!corpus_path.empty())
out << " path='" << xml::escape_xml_string(corpus_path) << "'";
if (!corpus->get_architecture_name().empty()
&& ctxt.get_write_architecture())
out << " architecture='" << corpus->get_architecture_name()<< "'";
if (!corpus->get_soname().empty())
out << " soname='" << corpus->get_soname()<< "'";
write_tracking_non_reachable_types(corpus, out);
out << ">\n";
// Write the list of needed corpora.
if (ctxt.get_write_elf_needed () && !corpus->get_needed().empty())
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 1);
out << "<elf-needed>\n";
write_elf_needed(corpus->get_needed(), ctxt,
get_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 2));
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 1);
out << "</elf-needed>\n";
// Write the function symbols data base.
if (!corpus->get_fun_symbol_map().empty())
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 1);
out << "<elf-function-symbols>\n";
write_elf_symbols_table(corpus->get_sorted_fun_symbols(), ctxt,
get_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 2));
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 1);
out << "</elf-function-symbols>\n";
// Write the variable symbols data base.
if (!corpus->get_var_symbol_map().empty())
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 1);
out << "<elf-variable-symbols>\n";
write_elf_symbols_table(corpus->get_sorted_var_symbols(), ctxt,
get_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 2));
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 1);
out << "</elf-variable-symbols>\n";
// Now write the translation units.
for (translation_units::const_iterator i =
i != corpus->get_translation_units().end();
translation_unit& tu = **i;
if (!tu.is_empty())
write_translation_unit(ctxt, tu, get_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 1));
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 0);
out << "</abi-corpus>\n";
return true;
/// Serialize an ABI corpus group to a single native xml document.
/// The root note of the resulting XML document is 'abi-corpus-group'.
/// @param ctxt the write context to use.
/// @param group the corpus group to serialize.
/// @param indent the number of white space indentation to use.
/// @return true upon successful completion, false otherwise.
write_corpus_group(write_context& ctxt,
const corpus_group_sptr& group,
unsigned indent)
if (!group)
return false;
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 0);
std::ostream& out = ctxt.get_ostream();
out << "<abi-corpus-group";
if (!group->get_path().empty() && ctxt.get_write_corpus_path())
out << " path='" << xml::escape_xml_string(group->get_path()) << "'";
if (!group->get_architecture_name().empty() && ctxt.get_write_architecture())
out << " architecture='" << group->get_architecture_name()<< "'";
write_tracking_non_reachable_types(group, out);
if (group->is_empty())
out << "/>\n";
return true;
out << ">\n";
// Write the list of corpora
for (corpus_group::corpora_type::const_iterator c =
c != group->get_corpora().end();
write_corpus(ctxt, *c, get_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 1), true);
do_indent_to_level(ctxt, indent, 0);
out << "</abi-corpus-group>\n";
return true;
} //end namespace xml_writer
// <Debugging routines>
using namespace abigail::ir;
/// Serialize a pointer to decl_base to an output stream.
/// @param d the pointer to decl_base to serialize.
/// @param o the output stream to consider.
/// @param annotate whether ABIXML output should be annotated.
dump(const decl_base_sptr d, std::ostream& o, const bool annotate)
xml_writer::write_context ctxt(d->get_environment(), o);
xml_writer::set_annotate(ctxt, annotate);
write_decl(d, ctxt, /*indent=*/0);
/// Serialize a pointer to decl_base to stderr.
/// @param d the pointer to decl_base to serialize.
/// @param annotate whether ABIXML output should be annotated.
dump(const decl_base_sptr d, const bool annotate)
{dump(d, cerr, annotate);}
/// Serialize a pointer to type_base to an output stream.
/// @param t the pointer to type_base to serialize.
/// @param o the output stream to serialize the @ref type_base to.
/// @param annotate whether ABIXML output should be annotated.
dump(const type_base_sptr t, std::ostream& o, const bool annotate)
{dump(get_type_declaration(t), o, annotate);}
/// Serialize a pointer to type_base to stderr.
/// @param t the pointer to type_base to serialize.
/// @param annotate whether ABIXML output should be annotated.
dump(const type_base_sptr t, const bool annotate)
{dump(t, cerr, annotate);}
/// Serialize a pointer to var_decl to an output stream.
/// @param v the pointer to var_decl to serialize.
/// @param o the output stream to serialize the @ref var_decl to.
/// @param annotate whether ABIXML output should be annotated.
dump(const var_decl_sptr v, std::ostream& o, const bool annotate)
xml_writer::write_context ctxt(v->get_environment(), o);
xml_writer::set_annotate(ctxt, annotate);
write_var_decl(v, ctxt, /*linkage_name*/true, /*indent=*/0);
/// Serialize a pointer to var_decl to stderr.
/// @param v the pointer to var_decl to serialize.
/// @param annotate whether ABIXML output should be annotated.
dump(const var_decl_sptr v, const bool annotate)
{dump(v, cerr, annotate);}
/// Serialize a @ref translation_unit to an output stream.
/// @param t the translation_unit to serialize.
/// @param o the outpout stream to serialize the translation_unit to.
/// @param annotate whether ABIXML output should be annotated.
dump(const translation_unit& t, std::ostream& o, const bool annotate)
xml_writer::write_context ctxt(t.get_environment(), o);
xml_writer::set_annotate(ctxt, annotate);
write_translation_unit(ctxt, t, /*indent=*/0);
/// Serialize an instance of @ref translation_unit to stderr.
/// @param t the translation_unit to serialize.
dump(const translation_unit& t, const bool annotate)
{dump(t, cerr, annotate);}
/// Serialize a pointer to @ref translation_unit to an output stream.
/// @param t the @ref translation_unit_sptr to serialize.
/// @param o the output stream to serialize the translation unit to.
/// @param annotate whether ABIXML output should be annotated.
dump(const translation_unit_sptr t, std::ostream& o, const bool annotate)
if (t)
dump(*t, o, annotate);
/// Serialize a pointer to @ref translation_unit to stderr.
/// @param t the translation_unit_sptr to serialize.
/// @param annotate whether ABIXML output should be annotated.
dump(const translation_unit_sptr t, const bool annotate)
if (t)
dump(*t, annotate);
/// Serialize a source location to an output stream.
/// @param l the declaration to consider.
/// @param o the output stream to serialize to.
dump_location(const location& l, ostream& o)
string path;
unsigned line = 0, col = 0;
l.expand(path, line, col);
o << path << ":" << line << "," << col << "\n";
/// Serialize a source location for debugging purposes.
/// The location is serialized to the standard error output stream.
/// @param l the declaration to consider.
dump_location(const location& l)
{dump_location(l, cerr);}
/// Serialize the source location of a decl to an output stream for
/// debugging purposes.
/// @param d the declaration to consider.
/// @param o the output stream to serizalize the location to.
dump_decl_location(const decl_base& d, ostream& o)
{dump_location(d.get_location(), o);}
/// Serialize the source location of a decl to stderr for debugging
/// purposes.
/// @param d the declaration to consider.
dump_decl_location(const decl_base& d)
{dump_decl_location(d, cerr);}
/// Serialize the source location of a dcl to stderr for debugging
/// purposes.
/// @param d the declaration to consider.
dump_decl_location(const decl_base* d)
if (d)
/// Serialize the source location of a decl to stderr for debugging
/// purposes.
/// @param d the declaration to consider.
dump_decl_location(const decl_base_sptr d)
// </Debugging routines>
} //end namespace abigail