blob: a26e1d6eb0751c420b62f3321d07dad86e65e512 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package funcdecl tests code facts for a function declaration.
package funcdecl
//- @Positive defines/binding Pos
//- Pos code PosCode
//- @x defines/binding Param // see Note [1].
//- Param code XCode
//- XCode.post_child_text " "
//- XCode child.0 XName
//- XCode child.1 XTypeLookup
//- XTypeLookup.kind "LOOKUP_BY_TYPED"
//- Param typed ParamType
//- ParamType code XType
//- XName child.0 XCtx
//- XName child.1 XId
//- XCtx child.0 XPkg
//- XCtx child.1 XFunc
//- XPkg.kind "IDENTIFIER"
//- XPkg.pre_text "funcdecl"
//- XFunc.kind "IDENTIFIER"
//- XFunc.pre_text "Positive"
//- XId.kind "IDENTIFIER"
//- XId.pre_text "x"
//- XType.kind "TYPE"
//- XType.pre_text "int"
//- //--------------------------------------------------
//- PosCode child.0 PCFunc // func
//- PosCode child.1 PCName // test/funcdecl.Positive
//- PosCode child.2 PCParams // parameters
//- PosCode child.3 PCResult // result
//- //--------------------------------------------------
//- PCFunc.pre_text "func "
//- PCName child.0 PCContext
//- PCName child.1 PCIdent
//- PCParams.pre_text "("
//- PCParams.post_text ")"
//- PCParams.post_child_text ", "
//- PCResult.pre_text " "
//- PCResult child.0 PCReturn
//- PCReturn.pre_text "bool"
//- //--------------------------------------------------
//- PCContext.kind "CONTEXT"
//- PCContext child.0 PCPkg
//- PCPkg.pre_text "funcdecl"
//- PCIdent.kind "IDENTIFIER"
//- PCIdent.pre_text "Positive"
func Positive(x int) bool {
return x > 0
// Note [1]: The occurrence of the signature for x inside the marked source for
// the function will be looked up by the server (or denormalized in post). This
// checks that the explicit signature is generated correctly in situ.
//- @True defines/binding True
//- True code TrueCode
//- TrueCode child.0 TCFunc
//- TrueCode child.1 TCName
//- TrueCode child.2 TCParams
//- TrueCode child.3 TCResult
//- TCFunc.pre_text "func "
//- TCName child.0 _TCContext
//- TCName child.1 _TCIdent
//- TCParams.kind "PARAMETER"
//- TCParams.pre_text "()"
//- TCResult.pre_text " "
//- TCResult child.0 TCReturn
//- TCReturn.pre_text "bool"
func True() bool { return true }