TypeScript Indexer VName Schema

This specification defines the schema for how the indexer expresses VNames for TypeScript declarations. You may find this useful if you are developing an application that relies on TypeScript code you don't want to re-index.

A formal listing of the specification is provided below, but the schema tests may be more useful for real examples.

VName signature

The signature description language used in this document is similar to regex.

  • A substring matching \b\$.*\b is a variable.
    • e.g. $DECLARATION_NAME is a variable refering to the name of declaration.
  • A substring matching \[.*\]\? is matched 0 or 1 times.
    • e.g. (hidden)? is really hidden or ``.
  • A substring matching \[.*\]\* is matched 0 or more times.
    • e.g. [a]* is ``, ora, oraa, ...
  • All other substrings are literals.
    • e.g. get#$NAME is really get#foo if $NAME = foo.

The signature of a TypeScript declaration is defined by the following schema:


where $PART is a component of the enclosing declaration scope and #type is appended to the signature of types. SyntaxKinds that are types are:

  • ClassDeclaration (also a value)
  • EnumDeclaration (also a value)
  • InterfaceDeclaration
  • TypeAliasDeclaration
  • TypeParameter

As an example of this schema, in

class A {
  public foo: string;

type B = A;

foo has the signature A.foo and B has the signature B#type.

Signature components ($PARTs in the schema) are defined below.

File Module

Form: module

Notes: The first character of TypeScript source file binds to a VName describing the module. The module path is the file path of the module, stripped of .ts and .d.ts extensions and relative to the project root. See VName Path for more.


  • SourceFile
//- FileModule=VName("module", _, _, _, _).node/kind record
//- FileModuleAnchor.node/kind anchor
//- FileModuleAnchor./kythe/loc/start 0
//- FileModuleAnchor./kythe/loc/end 1
//- FileModuleAnchor defines/binding FileModule

Named Declaration


Notes: Every named declaration is guaranteed to have a signature of the form $SCOPE[.$SCOPE]* where $SCOPE is the name of each encompassing named declaration.

If the declaration is a string literal, its name is wrapped in quotes.


  • NamespaceImport
  • Constructor
  • MethodDeclaration
  • EnumDeclaration
  • EnumMember
  • FunctionDeclaration
  • Parameter
  • InterfaceDeclaration
  • PropertySignature
  • MethodSignature
  • VariableDeclaration
  • PropertyAssignment
  • TypeAliasDeclaration
  • TypeParameter
export class Klass {
  //- @property defines/binding VName("Klass#type.method", _, _, _, _)
  method() {
    //- @property defines/binding VName("Klass#type.method.val", _, _, _, _)
    let val;

  //- @"'propliteral'" defines/binding VName("Klass#type.\"propliteral\"", _, _, _, _)
  'propliteral' = 0;

Class Declaration


  • $CLASS#type
  • $CLASS

Notes: Because a class is both a type and a value, it has to be labeled as such. Class members belong to an instance of the class type and have a signature with class component of $CLASS#type. Static members belong to the class value and have a signature with class component of $CLASS.


  • ClassDeclaration
//- @Klass defines/binding VName("Klass#type", _, _, _, _)
//- @Klass defines/binding VName("Klass", _, _, _, _)
class Klass {
  //- @member defines/binding VName("Klass#type.member", _, _, _, _)
  member = 0;

  //- @staticMember defines/binding VName("Klass.staticMember", _, _, _, _)
  static staticMember = 0;

  //- @constructor defines/binding VName("Klass#type.constructor", _, _, _, _)
  constructor() {}

Property Declaration

Form: $CLASS[#type]?.$PROPERTY

Notes: Instance members on a class have a signature of form $CLASS#type.$PROPERTY, as they belong to instances of the class type. Static members, which belong to the class value, have a form of $CLASS.$PROPERTY.


  • PropertyDeclaration
  • ParameterPropertyDeclaration
  • GetAccessor
  • SetAccessor
  • MethodDeclaration
class Klass {
  //- @prop defines/binding VName("Klass.prop", _, _, _, _)

  //- @prop defines/binding VName("Klass#type.prop", _, _, _, _)
  static prop;

  //- @cprop defines/binding VName("Klass#type.cprop", _, _, _, _)
  constructor(private cprop: number) {}



  • getter: $DECLARATION_NAME:getter
  • setter: $DECLARATION_NAME:setter
  • getter if present, otherwise setter: $DECLARATION_NAME

Notes: Because getters and setters refer to the same property on a class but provide multiple declarations, several distinctions between the declarations are made. Each declaration of a getter and setter will take :getter and :setter suffix, respectively.

If a getter for a property is present, the getter will emit a binding the same form as the property it defines. If only a setter is present, the setter will emit a binding of the same form as the property it defines.


  • GetAccessor
  • SetAccessor
class Klass {
  //- @foo defines/binding VName("Klass.foo:getter", _, _, _, _)
  //- @foo defines/binding VName("Klass.foo", _, _, _, _)
  get foo() {}
  //- @foo defines/binding VName("Klass.foo:setter", _, _, _, _)
  set foo(newFoo) {}

class KlassNoGetter {
  //- @foo defines/binding VName("KlassNoGetter.foo:setter", _, _, _, _)
  //- @foo defines/binding VName("KlassNoGetter.foo", _, _, _, _)
  set foo(newFoo) {}

Export Assignment


  • default export: default
  • equals export: export=

Notes: export default is semantically equivalent to exporting a variable named default. export = exports a variable named export=.


  • ExportAssignment
//- @default defines/binding VName("default", _, _, _, _)
export default myExport;
//- @"export =" defines/binding VName("export=", _, _, _, _)
export = { myExport };

Anonymous Block

Form: a unique, non-deterministic block name.

Notes: The block name is not guaranteed, because declarations within an anonymous block cannot be accessed outside it.


  • ArrowFunction
  • Block that does not have a FunctionDeclaration or MethodDeclaration parent
let af = () => {
  //- @decl defines/binding VName(_, _, _, _, _)
  let decl;

VName corpus

Project-specific, defined by the compilation unit passed to the indexer.

VName root

Project-specific, defined by the compilation unit passed to the indexer.

VName path

See the module name discussion in the README. In short,

  • For file nodes
    • the entire file path, relative to the corpus and root. A file a/b/c.ts will have a file node with path a/b/c.ts.
  • For TypeScript nodes
    • the file path stripped of .d.ts or .ts extensions, relative to the project root. A TypeScript anchor in a file a/b/c.ts with project root a/ will define a node with path b/c.

VName language

Always typescript.