Kythe indexer for TypeScript



Install yarn, then run it with no arguments to download dependencies.

You also need an install of the kythe tools like entrystream and verifier, and point the KYTHE environment variable at the path to it. You can either get these by building Kythe or by downloading the Kythe binaries from the Kythe releases page.


Run yarn run build to compile the TypeScript once.

Run yarn run watch to start the TypeScript compiler in watch mode, which keeps the built program up to date. Use this while developing.

Run yarn run browse to run the main binary, which opens the Kythe browser against a sample file. (You might need to set $KYTHE to your Kythe path first.)

Run yarn test to run the test suite. (You'll need to have built first.)

Run yarn run fmt to autoformat the source code. (Better, configure your editor to run clang-format on save.)

Running tests

To run tests use:

cd kythe/typescript
bazel test :indexer_test

To run single test from file testdata/foo.ts:

bazel test --test_arg=foo :indexer_test

Writing tests

By default in TypeScript, files are “scripts”, where every declaration is in the global scope. If the file has any import or export declaration, they become a “module”, where declarations are local. To make tests isolated from one another, prefix each test with an export {} to make them modules. In larger TypeScript projects this doesn't come up because all files are modules.

Design notes

Separate compilation

The Google TypeScript build relies heavily on TypeScript's --declaration flag to enable separate compilation. The way this works is that after compiling library A, we generate -- using that flag -- the “API shape” of A into a.d.ts. Then when compiling a library B that uses A, we compile b.ts and a.d.ts together. The Kythe process sees the same files as well.

What this means for indexing design is that a TypeScript compilation may see only the generated shape of a module, and not its internals. For example, given a file like

class C {
  get x(): string { return 'x'; }

The generated .d.ts file for it describes this getter as if it was a readonly property:

class C {
  readonly x: string;

In practice, what this means is that code should not assume it can to “peek into” another module to determine the VNames of entities. Instead, when looking at some hypothetical code that accesses the x member of an instance of C, we should use a consistent naming scheme to refer to x.

Choosing VNames

In code like:

let x = 3;

the TypeScript compiler resolves the xs together into a single Symbol object. This concept maps nicely to Kythe's VName concept except that Symbols do not themselves have unique names.

You might at first think that you could just, at the let x line, choose a name for the Symbol there and then reuse it for subsequent references. But it's not guaranteed that you syntactically encounter a definition before its use, because code like this is legal:

function x() {}

So the current approach instead starts from the Symbol, then from there jumps to the declarations of the Symbol, which then point to syntactic positions (like the function above), and then from there maps the declaration back to the containing scopes to choose a unique name.

This seems to work so far but we might need to revisit it. I'm not yet clear on whether this approach is correct for symbols with declarations in multiple modules, for example.

Module name

A file foo/bar.ts has an associated module name foo/bar. This is distinct (without the extension) because it's also possible to define that module via other file names, such as foo/bar.d.ts, and all such files all define into the single extension-less namespace.

TypeScript's rootDirs, which merge directories into a single shared namespace (e.g. like the way . and bazel-bin are merged in bazel), also are collapsed when computing a module name. In the test suite we use a fake-genfiles directory to recreate a rootDirs environment.

Semantic VNames (like an exported value) use the module name as the ‘path’ field of the VName. VNames that refer specifically to the file, such as the file text, use the real path of the file (including the extension).