blob: a522f480e8cc9f2104989bb60ca5300066447ac1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 The Kythe Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package indexer
import (
cpb ""
spb ""
// EmitOptions control the behaviour of the Emit function. A nil options
// pointer provides default values.
type EmitOptions struct {
// If true, emit nodes for standard library packages when they are first
// encountered. This is helpful if you want to index a package in isolation
// where data for the standard library are not available.
EmitStandardLibs bool
// If true, emit code facts containing MarkedSource messages.
EmitMarkedSource bool
// If true, emit linkages specified by metadata rules.
EmitLinkages bool
// If set, use this as the base URL for links to godoc. The import path is
// appended to the path of this URL to obtain the target URL to link to.
DocBase *url.URL
func (e *EmitOptions) emitMarkedSource() bool {
if e == nil {
return false
return e.EmitMarkedSource
// shouldEmit reports whether the indexer should emit a node for the given
// vname. Presently this is true if vname denotes a standard library and the
// corresponding option is enabled.
func (e *EmitOptions) shouldEmit(vname *spb.VName) bool {
return e != nil && e.EmitStandardLibs && govname.IsStandardLibrary(vname)
// docURL returns a documentation URL for the specified package, if one is
// specified by the options, or "" if not.
func (e *EmitOptions) docURL(pi *PackageInfo) string {
if e != nil && e.DocBase != nil {
u := *e.DocBase
u.Path = path.Join(u.Path, pi.ImportPath)
return u.String()
return ""
// An impl records that a type A implements an interface B.
type impl struct{ A, B types.Object }
// Emit generates Kythe facts and edges to represent pi, and writes them to
// sink. In case of errors, processing continues as far as possible before the
// first error encountered is reported.
func (pi *PackageInfo) Emit(ctx context.Context, sink Sink, opts *EmitOptions) error {
e := &emitter{
ctx: ctx,
pi: pi,
sink: sink,
opts: opts,
impl: make(map[impl]struct{}),
anchored: make(map[ast.Node]struct{}),
// Emit a node to represent the package as a whole.
e.writeFact(pi.VName, facts.NodeKind, nodes.Package)
if url := e.opts.docURL(pi); url != "" {
e.writeFact(pi.VName, facts.DocURI, url)
// Emit facts for all the source files claimed by this package.
for file, text := range pi.SourceText {
vname := pi.FileVName(file)
e.writeFact(vname, facts.NodeKind, nodes.File)
e.writeFact(vname, facts.Text, text)
// All Go source files are encoded as UTF-8, which is the default.
e.writeEdge(vname, pi.VName, edges.ChildOf)
// Traverse the AST of each file in the package for xref entries.
for _, file := range pi.Files {
e.cmap = ast.NewCommentMap(pi.FileSet, file, file.Comments)
e.writeDoc(file.Doc, pi.VName) // capture package comments
e.writeRef(file.Name, pi.VName, edges.DefinesBinding) // define a binding for the package
ast.Walk(newASTVisitor(func(node ast.Node, stack stackFunc) bool {
switch n := node.(type) {
case *ast.Ident:
e.visitIdent(n, stack)
case *ast.FuncDecl:
e.visitFuncDecl(n, stack)
case *ast.FuncLit:
e.visitFuncLit(n, stack)
case *ast.ValueSpec:
e.visitValueSpec(n, stack)
case *ast.TypeSpec:
e.visitTypeSpec(n, stack)
case *ast.ImportSpec:
e.visitImportSpec(n, stack)
case *ast.AssignStmt:
e.visitAssignStmt(n, stack)
case *ast.RangeStmt:
e.visitRangeStmt(n, stack)
case *ast.CompositeLit:
e.visitCompositeLit(n, stack)
return true
}), file)
// Emit edges from each named type to the interface types it satisfies, for
// those interface types that are known to this compiltion.
// TODO(fromberger): Add diagnostics for type-checker errors.
for _, err := range pi.Errors {
log.Printf("WARNING: Type resolution error: %v", err)
return e.firstErr
type emitter struct {
ctx context.Context
pi *PackageInfo
sink Sink
opts *EmitOptions
impl map[impl]struct{} // see checkImplements
rmap map[*ast.File]map[int]metadata.Rules // see applyRules
anchored map[ast.Node]struct{} // see writeAnchor
firstErr error
cmap ast.CommentMap // current file's CommentMap
// visitIdent handles referring identifiers. Declaring identifiers are handled
// as part of their parent syntax.
func (e *emitter) visitIdent(id *ast.Ident, stack stackFunc) {
obj := e.pi.Info.Uses[id]
if obj == nil {
// Defining identifiers are handled by their parent nodes.
target := e.pi.ObjectVName(obj)
if target == nil {
// This should not happen in well-formed packages, but can if the
// extractor gets confused. Avoid emitting confusing references in such
// cases. Note that in this case we need to emit a fresh anchor, since
// we aren't otherwise emitting a reference.
e.writeNodeDiagnostic(id, diagnostic{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Unable to identify the package for %q", id.Name),
e.writeRef(id, target, edges.Ref)
if call, ok := isCall(id, obj, stack); ok {
callAnchor := e.writeRef(call, target, edges.RefCall)
// Paint an edge to the function blamed for the call, or if there is
// none then to the package initializer.
e.writeEdge(callAnchor, e.callContext(stack).vname, edges.ChildOf)
// visitFuncDecl handles function and method declarations and their parameters.
func (e *emitter) visitFuncDecl(decl *ast.FuncDecl, stack stackFunc) {
info := &funcInfo{vname: new(spb.VName)}
e.pi.function[decl] = info
// Get the type of this function, even if its name is blank.
obj, _ := e.pi.Info.Defs[decl.Name].(*types.Func)
if obj == nil {
return // a redefinition, for example
// Special case: There may be multiple package-level init functions, so
// override the normal signature generation to include a discriminator.
if decl.Recv == nil && obj.Name() == "init" {
e.pi.sigs[obj] = fmt.Sprintf("%s#%d", e.pi.Signature(obj), e.pi.numInits)
info.vname = e.mustWriteBinding(decl.Name, nodes.Function, nil)
e.writeDef(decl, info.vname)
e.writeDoc(decl.Doc, info.vname)
// For concrete methods: Emit the receiver if named, and connect the method
// to its declaring type.
sig := obj.Type().(*types.Signature)
if sig.Recv() != nil {
// The receiver is treated as parameter 0.
if names := decl.Recv.List[0].Names; names != nil {
if recv := e.writeBinding(names[0], nodes.Variable, info.vname); recv != nil {
e.writeEdge(info.vname, recv, edges.ParamIndex(0))
// The method should be a child of its (named) enclosing type.
if named, _ := deref(sig.Recv().Type()).(*types.Named); named != nil {
base := e.pi.ObjectVName(named.Obj())
e.writeEdge(info.vname, base, edges.ChildOf)
e.emitParameters(decl.Type, sig, info)
// emitTApp emits a tapp node and returns its VName. The new tapp is emitted
// with given constructor and parameters. The constructor's kind is also
// emitted if this is the first time seeing it.
func (e *emitter) emitTApp(ms *cpb.MarkedSource, ctorKind string, ctor *spb.VName, params ...*spb.VName) *spb.VName {
if e.pi.typeEmitted.Add(ctor.Signature) {
e.writeFact(ctor, facts.NodeKind, ctorKind)
if ctorKind == nodes.TBuiltin {
components := []interface{}{ctor}
for _, p := range params {
components = append(components, p)
v := &spb.VName{Language: govname.Language, Signature: hashSignature(components)}
if e.pi.typeEmitted.Add(v.Signature) {
e.writeFact(v, facts.NodeKind, nodes.TApp)
e.writeEdge(v, ctor, edges.ParamIndex(0))
for i, p := range params {
e.writeEdge(v, p, edges.ParamIndex(i+1))
if ms != nil && e.opts.emitMarkedSource() {
e.emitCode(v, ms)
return v
// emitType emits the type as a node and returns its VName. VNames are cached
// so the type nodes are only emitted the first time they are seen.
func (e *emitter) emitType(typ types.Type) *spb.VName {
v, ok := e.pi.typeVName[typ]
if ok {
return v
switch typ := typ.(type) {
case *types.Named:
v = e.pi.ObjectVName(typ.Obj())
case *types.Basic:
v = govname.BasicType(typ)
if e.pi.typeEmitted.Add(v.Signature) {
e.writeFact(v, facts.NodeKind, nodes.TBuiltin)
case *types.Array:
v = e.emitTApp(arrayTAppMS(typ.Len()), nodes.TBuiltin, govname.ArrayConstructorType(typ.Len()), e.emitType(typ.Elem()))
case *types.Slice:
v = e.emitTApp(sliceTAppMS, nodes.TBuiltin, govname.SliceConstructorType(), e.emitType(typ.Elem()))
case *types.Pointer:
v = e.emitTApp(pointerTAppMS, nodes.TBuiltin, govname.PointerConstructorType(), e.emitType(typ.Elem()))
case *types.Chan:
v = e.emitTApp(chanTAppMS(typ.Dir()), nodes.TBuiltin, govname.ChanConstructorType(typ.Dir()), e.emitType(typ.Elem()))
case *types.Map:
v = e.emitTApp(mapTAppMS, nodes.TBuiltin, govname.MapConstructorType(), e.emitType(typ.Key()), e.emitType(typ.Elem()))
case *types.Tuple: // function return types
v = e.emitTApp(tupleTAppMS, nodes.TBuiltin, govname.TupleConstructorType(), e.visitTuple(typ)...)
case *types.Signature: // function types
ms := &cpb.MarkedSource{
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_TYPE,
Child: []*cpb.MarkedSource{{
LookupIndex: 3,
PreText: "func(",
PostChildText: ", ",
PostText: ")",
params := e.visitTuple(typ.Params())
if typ.Variadic() && len(params) > 0 {
// Convert last parameter type from slice type to variadic type.
last := len(params) - 1
if slice, ok := typ.Params().At(last).Type().(*types.Slice); ok {
params[last] = e.emitTApp(variadicTAppMS, nodes.TBuiltin, govname.VariadicConstructorType(), e.emitType(slice.Elem()))
var ret *spb.VName
if typ.Results().Len() == 1 {
ret = e.emitType(typ.Results().At(0).Type())
} else {
ret = e.emitType(typ.Results())
if typ.Results().Len() != 0 {
ms.Child = append(ms.Child, &cpb.MarkedSource{
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_BOX,
PreText: " ",
Child: []*cpb.MarkedSource{{
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_LOOKUP_BY_PARAM,
LookupIndex: 1,
var recv *spb.VName
if r := typ.Recv(); r != nil {
recv = e.emitType(r.Type())
ms.Child = append([]*cpb.MarkedSource{{
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_BOX,
PreText: "(",
PostText: ") ",
Child: []*cpb.MarkedSource{{
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_LOOKUP_BY_PARAM,
LookupIndex: 2,
}}, ms.Child...)
} else {
recv = e.emitType(types.NewTuple())
v = e.emitTApp(ms, nodes.TBuiltin, govname.FunctionConstructorType(),
append([]*spb.VName{ret, recv}, params...)...)
case *types.Interface:
v = &spb.VName{Language: govname.Language, Signature: hashSignature(typ)}
if e.pi.typeEmitted.Add(v.Signature) {
e.writeFact(v, facts.NodeKind, nodes.Interface)
if e.opts.emitMarkedSource() {
e.emitCode(v, &cpb.MarkedSource{
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_TYPE,
PreText: typ.String(),
case *types.Struct:
v = &spb.VName{Language: govname.Language, Signature: hashSignature(typ)}
if e.pi.typeEmitted.Add(v.Signature) {
e.writeFact(v, facts.NodeKind, nodes.Record)
if e.opts.emitMarkedSource() {
e.emitCode(v, &cpb.MarkedSource{
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_TYPE,
PreText: typ.String(),
log.Printf("WARNING: unknown type %T: %+v", typ, typ)
e.pi.typeVName[typ] = v
return v
func (e *emitter) emitTypeOf(expr ast.Expr) *spb.VName { return e.emitType(e.pi.Info.TypeOf(expr)) }
func (e *emitter) visitTuple(t *types.Tuple) []*spb.VName {
size := t.Len()
ts := make([]*spb.VName, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
ts[i] = e.emitType(t.At(i).Type())
return ts
// visitFuncLit handles function literals and their parameters. The signature
// for a function literal is named relative to the signature of its parent
// function, or the file scope if the literal is at the top level.
func (e *emitter) visitFuncLit(flit *ast.FuncLit, stack stackFunc) {
fi := e.callContext(stack)
if fi == nil {
log.Panic("Function literal without a context: ", flit)
info := &funcInfo{vname: proto.Clone(fi.vname).(*spb.VName)}
info.vname.Language = govname.Language
info.vname.Signature += "$" + strconv.Itoa(fi.numAnons)
e.pi.function[flit] = info
e.writeDef(flit, info.vname)
e.writeFact(info.vname, facts.NodeKind, nodes.Function)
if sig, ok := e.pi.Info.Types[flit].Type.(*types.Signature); ok {
e.emitParameters(flit.Type, sig, info)
// visitValueSpec handles variable and constant bindings.
func (e *emitter) visitValueSpec(spec *ast.ValueSpec, stack stackFunc) {
kind := nodes.Variable
if stack(1).(*ast.GenDecl).Tok == token.CONST {
kind = nodes.Constant
doc := specComment(spec, stack)
for _, id := range spec.Names {
target := e.writeBinding(id, kind, e.nameContext(stack))
if target == nil {
continue // type error (reported elsewhere)
e.writeDoc(doc, target)
// Handle members of anonymous types declared in situ.
if spec.Type != nil {
for _, v := range spec.Values {
if lit, ok := v.(*ast.CompositeLit); ok {
// visitTypeSpec handles type declarations, including the bindings for fields
// of struct types and methods of interfaces.
func (e *emitter) visitTypeSpec(spec *ast.TypeSpec, stack stackFunc) {
obj := e.pi.Info.Defs[spec.Name]
if obj == nil {
return // type error
target := e.mustWriteBinding(spec.Name, "", e.nameContext(stack))
e.writeDef(spec, target)
e.writeDoc(specComment(spec, stack), target)
// Emit type-specific structure.
switch t := obj.Type().Underlying().(type) {
case *types.Struct:
e.writeFact(target, facts.NodeKind, nodes.Record)
e.writeFact(target, facts.Subkind, nodes.Struct)
// Add parent edges for all fields, including promoted ones.
for i, n := 0, t.NumFields(); i < n; i++ {
e.writeEdge(e.pi.ObjectVName(t.Field(i)), target, edges.ChildOf)
// Add bindings for the explicitly-named fields in this declaration.
// Parent edges were already added, so skip them here.
if st, ok := spec.Type.(*ast.StructType); ok {
mapFields(st.Fields, func(i int, id *ast.Ident) {
target := e.writeVarBinding(id, nodes.Field, nil)
f := st.Fields.List[i]
e.writeDoc(firstNonEmptyComment(f.Doc, f.Comment), target)
// Handle anonymous fields. Such fields behave as if they were
// named by the base identifier of their type.
for _, field := range st.Fields.List {
if len(field.Names) != 0 {
continue // already handled above
id, ok := e.pi.findFieldName(field.Type)
obj := e.pi.Info.Defs[id]
if ok && obj != nil {
// Don't write a fresh anchor here; we already wrote one as
// part of the ref to the type, and we don't want duplicate
// outputs.
anchor := e.pi.AnchorVName(e.pi.Span(id))
target := e.pi.ObjectVName(obj)
e.writeEdge(anchor, target, edges.DefinesBinding)
e.writeFact(target, facts.NodeKind, nodes.Variable)
e.writeFact(target, facts.Subkind, nodes.Field)
e.writeDoc(firstNonEmptyComment(field.Doc, field.Comment), target)
case *types.Interface:
e.writeFact(target, facts.NodeKind, nodes.Interface)
// Add parent edges for all methods, including inherited ones.
for i, n := 0, t.NumMethods(); i < n; i++ {
e.writeEdge(e.pi.ObjectVName(t.Method(i)), target, edges.ChildOf)
// Mark the interface as an extension of any embedded interfaces.
for i, n := 0, t.NumEmbeddeds(); i < n; i++ {
if eobj := t.Embedded(i).Obj(); e.checkImplements(obj, eobj) {
e.writeEdge(target, e.pi.ObjectVName(eobj), edges.Extends)
// Add bindings for the explicitly-named methods in this declaration.
// Parent edges were already added, so skip them here.
if it, ok := spec.Type.(*ast.InterfaceType); ok {
mapFields(it.Methods, func(_ int, id *ast.Ident) {
e.writeBinding(id, nodes.Function, nil)
// We model a newtype form whose underlying type is not already a
// struct (e.g., "type Foo int") as if it were a record with a single
// unexported field of the underlying type. That is not really what Go
// does, but it is close enough for the graph model to work. Since
// there is no actual field declaration, however, we don't emit that.
e.writeFact(target, facts.NodeKind, nodes.Record)
e.writeFact(target, facts.Subkind, nodes.Type)
// visitImportSpec handles references to imported packages.
func (e *emitter) visitImportSpec(spec *ast.ImportSpec, stack stackFunc) {
ipath, _ := strconv.Unquote(spec.Path.Value)
if vPath, ok := e.pi.Vendored[ipath]; ok {
ipath = vPath
pkg := e.pi.Dependencies[ipath]
target := e.pi.PackageVName[pkg]
if target == nil {
log.Printf("Unable to resolve import path %q", ipath)
e.writeRef(spec.Path, target, edges.RefImports)
if e.opts.shouldEmit(target) && !e.pi.standardLib.Contains(ipath) {
e.writeFact(target, facts.NodeKind, nodes.Package)
// visitAssignStmt handles bindings introduced by short-declaration syntax in
// assignment statments, e.g., "x, y := 1, 2".
func (e *emitter) visitAssignStmt(stmt *ast.AssignStmt, stack stackFunc) {
if stmt.Tok != token.DEFINE {
return // no new bindings in this statement
// Not all the names in a short declaration assignment may be defined here.
// We only add bindings for newly-defined ones, of which there must be at
// least one in a well-typed program.
up := e.nameContext(stack)
for _, expr := range stmt.Lhs {
if id, _ := expr.(*ast.Ident); id != nil {
// Add a binding only if this is the definition site for the name.
if obj := e.pi.Info.Defs[id]; obj != nil && obj.Pos() == id.Pos() {
e.mustWriteBinding(id, nodes.Variable, up)
// TODO(fromberger): Add information about initializers where available.
// visitRangeStmt handles the bindings introduced by a for ... range statement.
func (e *emitter) visitRangeStmt(stmt *ast.RangeStmt, stack stackFunc) {
if stmt.Tok != token.DEFINE {
return // no new bindings in this statement
// In a well-typed program, the key and value will always be identifiers.
up := e.nameContext(stack)
if key, _ := stmt.Key.(*ast.Ident); key != nil {
e.writeBinding(key, nodes.Variable, up)
if val, _ := stmt.Value.(*ast.Ident); val != nil {
e.writeBinding(val, nodes.Variable, up)
// visitCompositeLit handles references introduced by positional initializers
// in composite literals that construct (pointer to) struct values. Named
// initializers are handled separately.
func (e *emitter) visitCompositeLit(expr *ast.CompositeLit, stack stackFunc) {
if len(expr.Elts) == 0 {
return // no fields to initialize
tv, ok := e.pi.Info.Types[expr]
if !ok {
log.Printf("WARNING: Unable to determine composite literal type (%s)", e.pi.FileSet.Position(expr.Pos()))
sv, ok := deref(tv.Type.Underlying()).(*types.Struct)
if !ok {
return // non-struct type, e.g. a slice; nothing to do here
if n := sv.NumFields(); n < len(expr.Elts) {
// Embedded struct fields from an imported package may not appear in
// the list if the import did not succeed. To remain robust against
// such cases, don't try to read into the fields of a struct type if
// the counts don't line up. The information we emit will still be
// correct, we'll just miss some initializers.
log.Printf("ERROR: Struct has %d fields but %d initializers (skipping)", n, len(expr.Elts))
for i, elt := range expr.Elts {
// The keys for key-value initializers are handled upstream of us, so
// we need only handle the values. But note that key-value initializers
// may not be in order, so we have to take care to get the right field.
// Positional fields must be in order, in well-formed code.
switch t := elt.(type) {
case *ast.KeyValueExpr:
f, ok := fieldIndex(t.Key, sv)
if !ok {
log.Printf("ERROR: Found no field index for %v (skipping)", t.Key)
e.emitPosRef(t.Value, sv.Field(f), edges.RefInit)
e.emitPosRef(t, sv.Field(i), edges.RefInit)
// emitPosRef emits an anchor spanning loc, pointing to obj.
func (e *emitter) emitPosRef(loc ast.Node, obj types.Object, kind string) {
target := e.pi.ObjectVName(obj)
file, start, end := e.pi.Span(loc)
anchor := e.pi.AnchorVName(file, start, end)
e.writeAnchor(loc, anchor, start, end)
e.writeEdge(anchor, target, kind)
// emitParameters emits parameter edges for the parameters of a function type,
// given the type signature and info of the enclosing declaration or function
// literal.
func (e *emitter) emitParameters(ftype *ast.FuncType, sig *types.Signature, info *funcInfo) {
paramIndex := 0
// If there is a receiver, it is treated as param.0.
if sig.Recv() != nil {
// Emit bindings and parameter edges for the parameters.
mapFields(ftype.Params, func(i int, id *ast.Ident) {
if sig.Params().At(i) != nil {
if param := e.writeBinding(id, nodes.Variable, info.vname); param != nil {
e.writeEdge(info.vname, param, edges.ParamIndex(paramIndex))
field := ftype.Params.List[i]
// Field object does not associate any comments with the parameter; use CommentMap to find them
e.writeDoc(firstNonEmptyComment(e.cmap.Filter(field).Comments()...), param)
// Emit bindings for any named result variables.
// Results are not considered parameters.
mapFields(ftype.Results, func(i int, id *ast.Ident) {
e.writeBinding(id, nodes.Variable, info.vname)
// emitAnonMembers checks whether expr denotes an anonymous struct or interface
// type, and if so emits bindings for its member fields/methods. The resulting
// members do not parent to the type, since it has no referential identity; but
// we do capture documentation in the unlikely event someone wrote any.
func (e *emitter) emitAnonMembers(expr ast.Expr) {
if st, ok := expr.(*ast.StructType); ok {
mapFields(st.Fields, func(i int, id *ast.Ident) {
target := e.writeVarBinding(id, nodes.Field, nil) // no parent
e.writeDoc(firstNonEmptyComment(st.Fields.List[i].Doc, st.Fields.List[i].Comment), target)
} else if it, ok := expr.(*ast.InterfaceType); ok {
mapFields(it.Methods, func(i int, id *ast.Ident) {
target := e.writeBinding(id, nodes.Function, nil) // no parent
e.writeDoc(firstNonEmptyComment(it.Methods.List[i].Doc, it.Methods.List[i].Comment), target)
// An override represents the relationship that x overrides y.
type override struct {
x, y types.Object
// overrides represents a set of override relationships we've already generated.
type overrides map[override]bool
// seen reports whether an x overrides y was already cached, and if not adds it
// to the set.
func (o overrides) seen(x, y types.Object) bool {
ov := override{x: x, y: y}
ok := o[ov]
if !ok {
o[ov] = true
return ok
// emitSatisfactions visits each named type known through the compilation being
// indexed, and emits edges connecting it to any known interfaces its method
// set satisfies.
func (e *emitter) emitSatisfactions() {
// Find the names of all defined types mentioned in this compilation.
var allNames []*types.TypeName
// For the current source package, use all names, even local ones.
for _, obj := range e.pi.Info.Defs {
if obj, ok := obj.(*types.TypeName); ok {
if _, ok := obj.Type().(*types.Named); ok {
allNames = append(allNames, obj)
// For dependencies, we only have access to package-level types, not those
// defined by inner scopes.
for _, pkg := range e.pi.Dependencies {
scope := pkg.Scope()
for _, name := range scope.Names() {
if obj, ok := scope.Lookup(name).(*types.TypeName); ok {
// Note that the names of some "named" types that are brought
// in from dependencies may not be known at this point -- the
// compiled package headers omit the names if they are not
// needed. Skip such cases, even though they would qualify if
// we had the source package.
if _, ok := obj.Type().(*types.Named); ok && obj.Name() != "" {
allNames = append(allNames, obj)
// Cache the method set of each named type in this package.
var msets typeutil.MethodSetCache
// Cache the overrides we've noticed to avoid duplicate entries.
cache := make(overrides)
for _, xobj := range allNames {
if xobj.Pkg() != e.pi.Package {
continue // not from this package
// Check whether x is a named type with methods; if not, skip it.
x := xobj.Type()
if len(typeutil.IntuitiveMethodSet(x, &msets)) == 0 {
continue // no methods to consider
// N.B. This implementation is quadratic in the number of visible
// interfaces, but that's probably OK since are only considering a
// single compilation.
// Check the method sets of both x and pointer-to-x for overrides.
xmset := msets.MethodSet(x)
pxmset := msets.MethodSet(types.NewPointer(x))
for _, yobj := range allNames {
if xobj == yobj {
y := yobj.Type()
ymset := msets.MethodSet(y)
ifx, ify := isInterface(x), isInterface(y)
switch {
case ifx && ify && ymset.Len() > 0:
// x and y are both interfaces. Note that extension is handled
// elsewhere as part of the type spec for the interface.
if types.AssignableTo(x, y) {
e.writeSatisfies(xobj, yobj)
if types.AssignableTo(y, x) {
e.writeSatisfies(yobj, xobj)
case ifx:
// y is a concrete type
pymset := msets.MethodSet(types.NewPointer(y))
if types.AssignableTo(y, x) {
e.writeSatisfies(yobj, xobj)
e.emitOverrides(ymset, pymset, xmset, cache)
} else if py := types.NewPointer(y); types.AssignableTo(py, x) {
e.writeSatisfies(yobj, xobj)
e.emitOverrides(ymset, pymset, xmset, cache)
case ify && ymset.Len() > 0:
// x is a concrete type
if types.AssignableTo(x, y) {
e.writeSatisfies(xobj, yobj)
e.emitOverrides(xmset, pxmset, ymset, cache)
} else if px := types.NewPointer(x); types.AssignableTo(px, y) {
e.writeSatisfies(xobj, yobj)
e.emitOverrides(xmset, pxmset, ymset, cache)
// Both x and y are concrete.
// Add xm-(overrides)-ym for each concrete method xm with a corresponding
// abstract method ym.
func (e *emitter) emitOverrides(xmset, pxmset, ymset *types.MethodSet, cache overrides) {
for i, n := 0, ymset.Len(); i < n; i++ {
ym := ymset.At(i)
yobj := ym.Obj()
xm := xmset.Lookup(yobj.Pkg(), yobj.Name())
if xm == nil {
if pxmset != nil {
xm = pxmset.Lookup(yobj.Pkg(), yobj.Name())
if xm == nil {
continue // this method is not part of the interface we're probing
xobj := xm.Obj()
if cache.seen(xobj, yobj) {
xvname := e.pi.ObjectVName(xobj)
yvname := e.pi.ObjectVName(yobj)
e.writeEdge(xvname, yvname, edges.Overrides)
xt := e.emitType(xobj.Type())
yt := e.emitType(yobj.Type())
if e.pi.typeEmitted.Add(xt.Signature + "+" + yt.Signature) {
e.writeEdge(xt, yt, edges.Satisfies)
func isInterface(typ types.Type) bool { _, ok := typ.Underlying().(*types.Interface); return ok }
func (e *emitter) check(err error) {
if err != nil && e.firstErr == nil {
e.firstErr = err
log.Printf("ERROR indexing %q: %v", e.pi.ImportPath, err)
func (e *emitter) checkImplements(src, tgt types.Object) bool {
i := impl{A: src, B: tgt}
if _, ok := e.impl[i]; ok {
return false
e.impl[i] = struct{}{}
return true
func (e *emitter) writeSatisfies(src, tgt types.Object) {
if e.checkImplements(src, tgt) {
e.writeEdge(e.pi.ObjectVName(src), e.pi.ObjectVName(tgt), edges.Satisfies)
func (e *emitter) writeFact(src *spb.VName, name, value string) {
e.check(e.sink.writeFact(e.ctx, src, name, value))
func (e *emitter) writeEdge(src, tgt *spb.VName, kind string) {
e.check(e.sink.writeEdge(e.ctx, src, tgt, kind))
func (e *emitter) writeAnchor(node ast.Node, src *spb.VName, start, end int) {
if _, ok := e.anchored[node]; ok {
return // this node already has an anchor
e.anchored[node] = struct{}{}
e.check(e.sink.writeAnchor(e.ctx, src, start, end))
func (e *emitter) writeDiagnostic(src *spb.VName, d diagnostic) {
e.check(e.sink.writeDiagnostic(e.ctx, src, d))
func (e *emitter) writeNodeDiagnostic(src ast.Node, d diagnostic) {
file, start, end := e.pi.Span(src)
anchor := e.pi.AnchorVName(file, start, end)
e.writeAnchor(src, anchor, start, end)
e.writeDiagnostic(anchor, d)
// writeRef emits an anchor spanning origin and referring to target with an
// edge of the given kind. The vname of the anchor is returned.
func (e *emitter) writeRef(origin ast.Node, target *spb.VName, kind string) *spb.VName {
file, start, end := e.pi.Span(origin)
anchor := e.pi.AnchorVName(file, start, end)
e.writeAnchor(origin, anchor, start, end)
e.writeEdge(anchor, target, kind)
// Check whether we are intended to emit metadata linkage edges, and if so,
// whether there are any to process.
e.applyRules(file, start, end, kind, func(rule metadata.Rule) {
if rule.Reverse {
e.writeEdge(rule.VName, target, rule.EdgeOut)
} else {
e.writeEdge(target, rule.VName, rule.EdgeOut)
return anchor
// mustWriteBinding is as writeBinding, but panics if id does not resolve. Use
// this in cases where the object is known already to exist.
func (e *emitter) mustWriteBinding(id *ast.Ident, kind string, parent *spb.VName) *spb.VName {
if target := e.writeBinding(id, kind, parent); target != nil {
return target
panic("unresolved definition") // logged in writeBinding
// writeVarBinding is as writeBinding, assuming the kind is "variable".
// If subkind != "", it is also emitted as a subkind.
func (e *emitter) writeVarBinding(id *ast.Ident, subkind string, parent *spb.VName) *spb.VName {
vname := e.writeBinding(id, nodes.Variable, parent)
if vname != nil && subkind != "" {
e.writeFact(vname, facts.Subkind, subkind)
return vname
// writeBinding emits a node of the specified kind for the target of id. If
// the identifier is not "_", an anchor for a binding definition of the target
// is also emitted at id. If parent != nil, the target is also recorded as its
// child. The target vname is returned.
func (e *emitter) writeBinding(id *ast.Ident, kind string, parent *spb.VName) *spb.VName {
obj := e.pi.Info.Defs[id]
if obj == nil {
loc := e.pi.FileSet.Position(id.Pos())
log.Printf("ERROR: Missing definition for id %q at %s", id.Name, loc)
return nil
target := e.pi.ObjectVName(obj)
if kind != "" {
e.writeFact(target, facts.NodeKind, kind)
if id.Name != "_" {
e.writeRef(id, target, edges.DefinesBinding)
if parent != nil {
e.writeEdge(target, parent, edges.ChildOf)
if e.opts.emitMarkedSource() {
e.emitCode(target, e.pi.MarkedSource(obj))
e.writeEdge(target, e.emitTypeOf(id), edges.Typed)
return target
// writeDef emits a spanning anchor and defines edge for the specified node.
// This function does not create the target node.
func (e *emitter) writeDef(node ast.Node, target *spb.VName) { e.writeRef(node, target, edges.Defines) }
// writeDoc adds associations between comment groups and a documented node.
// It also handles marking deprecated facts on the target.
func (e *emitter) writeDoc(comments *ast.CommentGroup, target *spb.VName) {
if comments == nil || len(comments.List) == 0 || target == nil {
var lines []string
for _, comment := range comments.List {
lines = append(lines, trimComment(comment.Text))
docNode := proto.Clone(target).(*spb.VName)
docNode.Signature += " doc"
e.writeFact(docNode, facts.NodeKind, nodes.Doc)
e.writeFact(docNode, facts.Text, escComment.Replace(strings.Join(lines, "\n")))
e.writeEdge(docNode, target, edges.Documents)
e.emitDeprecation(target, lines)
// emitDeprecation emits a deprecated fact for the specified target if the
// comment lines indicate it is deprecated per
func (e *emitter) emitDeprecation(target *spb.VName, lines []string) {
var deplines []string
for _, line := range lines {
if len(deplines) == 0 {
if msg := strings.TrimPrefix(line, "Deprecated:"); msg != line {
deplines = append(deplines, strings.TrimSpace(msg))
} else if line == "" {
} else {
deplines = append(deplines, strings.TrimSpace(line))
if len(deplines) > 0 {
e.writeFact(target, facts.Deprecated, strings.Join(deplines, " "))
// isCall reports whether id is a call to obj. This holds if id is in call
// position ("id(...") or is the RHS of a selector in call position
// (""). If so, the nearest enclosing call expression is also
// returned.
// This will not match if there are redundant parentheses in the expression.
func isCall(id *ast.Ident, obj types.Object, stack stackFunc) (*ast.CallExpr, bool) {
if _, ok := obj.(*types.Func); ok {
if call, ok := stack(1).(*ast.CallExpr); ok && call.Fun == id {
return call, true // id(...)
if sel, ok := stack(1).(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok && sel.Sel == id {
if call, ok := stack(2).(*ast.CallExpr); ok && call.Fun == sel {
return call, true //
return nil, false
// callContext returns funcInfo for the nearest enclosing parent function, not
// including the node itself, or the enclosing package initializer if the node
// is at the top level.
func (e *emitter) callContext(stack stackFunc) *funcInfo {
for i := 1; ; i++ {
switch p := stack(i).(type) {
case *ast.FuncDecl, *ast.FuncLit:
return e.pi.function[p]
case *ast.File:
fi := e.pi.packageInit[p]
if fi == nil {
// Lazily emit a virtual node to represent the static
// initializer for top-level expressions in this file of the
// package. We only do this if there are expressions that need
// to be initialized.
vname := proto.Clone(e.pi.VName).(*spb.VName)
vname.Signature += fmt.Sprintf(".<init>@%d", p.Package)
fi = &funcInfo{vname: vname}
e.pi.packageInit[p] = fi
e.writeFact(vname, facts.NodeKind, nodes.Function)
e.writeEdge(vname, e.pi.VName, edges.ChildOf)
// The callgraph requires we provide the caller with a
// definition (
// Since there is no location, attach it to the beginning of
// the file itself.
anchor := e.pi.AnchorVName(p, 0, 0)
e.check(e.sink.writeAnchor(e.ctx, anchor, 0, 0))
e.writeEdge(anchor, vname, edges.Defines)
return fi
// nameContext returns the vname for the nearest enclosing parent node, not
// including the node itself, or the enclosing package vname if the node is at
// the top level.
func (e *emitter) nameContext(stack stackFunc) *spb.VName {
if fi := e.callContext(stack); !e.pi.isPackageInit(fi) {
return fi.vname
return e.pi.VName
// applyRules calls apply for each metadata rule matching the given combination
// of location and kind.
func (e *emitter) applyRules(file *ast.File, start, end int, kind string, apply func(r metadata.Rule)) {
if e.opts == nil || !e.opts.EmitLinkages {
return // nothing to do
} else if e.rmap == nil {
e.rmap = make(map[*ast.File]map[int]metadata.Rules)
// Lazily populate a cache of file :: start :: rules mappings, so that we
// need only scan the rules coincident on the starting point of the range
// we care about. In almost all cases that will be just one, if any.
rules, ok := e.rmap[file]
if !ok {
rules = make(map[int]metadata.Rules)
for _, rule := range e.pi.Rules[file] {
rules[rule.Begin] = append(rules[rule.Begin], rule)
e.rmap[file] = rules
for _, rule := range rules[start] {
if rule.End == end && rule.EdgeIn == kind {
// A visitFunc visits a node of the Go AST. The function can use stack to
// retrieve AST nodes on the path from the node up to the root. If the return
// value is true, the children of node are also visited; otherwise they are
// skipped.
type visitFunc func(node ast.Node, stack stackFunc) bool
// A stackFunc returns the ith stack entry above of an AST node, where 0
// denotes the node itself. If the ith entry does not exist, the function
// returns nil.
type stackFunc func(i int) ast.Node
// astVisitor implements ast.Visitor, passing each visited node to a callback
// function.
type astVisitor struct {
stack []ast.Node
visit visitFunc
func newASTVisitor(f visitFunc) ast.Visitor { return &astVisitor{visit: f} }
// Visit implements the required method of the ast.Visitor interface.
func (w *astVisitor) Visit(node ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
if node == nil {
w.stack = w.stack[:len(w.stack)-1] // pop
return w
w.stack = append(w.stack, node) // push
if !w.visit(node, w.parent) {
return nil
return w
func (w *astVisitor) parent(i int) ast.Node {
if i >= len(w.stack) {
return nil
return w.stack[len(w.stack)-1-i]
// deref returns the base type of T if it is a pointer, otherwise T itself.
func deref(T types.Type) types.Type {
if U, ok := T.Underlying().(*types.Pointer); ok {
return U.Elem()
return T
// mapFields applies f to each identifier declared in fields. Each call to f
// is given the offset and the identifier.
func mapFields(fields *ast.FieldList, f func(i int, id *ast.Ident)) {
if fields == nil {
for i, field := range fields.List {
for _, id := range field.Names {
f(i, id)
// fieldIndex reports whether sv has a field named by expr, which must be of
// type *ast.Ident, and returns its positional index if so.
// N.B. This is a linear scan, but the count of fields should almost always be
// small enough not to worry about it.
func fieldIndex(expr ast.Expr, sv *types.Struct) (int, bool) {
want := expr.(*ast.Ident).Name
for i := 0; i < sv.NumFields(); i++ {
if sv.Field(i).Name() == want {
return i, true
return -1, false
var escComment = strings.NewReplacer("[", `\[`, "]", `\]`, `\`, `\\`)
// trimComment removes the comment delimiters from a comment. For single-line
// comments, it also removes a single leading space, if present; for multi-line
// comments it discards leading and trailing whitespace.
func trimComment(text string) string {
if single := strings.TrimPrefix(text, "//"); single != text {
return strings.TrimPrefix(single, " ")
return strings.TrimSpace(strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimPrefix(text, "/*"), "*/"))
// specComment returns the innermost comment associated with spec, or nil.
func specComment(spec ast.Spec, stack stackFunc) *ast.CommentGroup {
var comment *ast.CommentGroup
switch t := spec.(type) {
case *ast.TypeSpec:
comment = firstNonEmptyComment(t.Doc, t.Comment)
case *ast.ValueSpec:
comment = firstNonEmptyComment(t.Doc, t.Comment)
case *ast.ImportSpec:
comment = firstNonEmptyComment(t.Doc, t.Comment)
if comment == nil {
if t, ok := stack(1).(*ast.GenDecl); ok {
return t.Doc
return comment
func firstNonEmptyComment(cs ...*ast.CommentGroup) *ast.CommentGroup {
for _, c := range cs {
if c != nil && len(c.List) > 0 {
return c
return nil