blob: f43f66a2b1b0543c70a611fd81960f902002ed03 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 The Kythe Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package kythe.proto;
option go_package = "xref_go_proto";
option java_package = "";
option java_multiple_files = true;
import "kythe/proto/common.proto";
// This file defines a cross-reference service interface, based on Kythe data.
// Tickets are Kythe URIs (
// XRefService provides fast read-only access to Kythe cross-reference
// relationships. "Cross-references" generally include non-transitive
// (single-step) relations like usage of a declaration, instantiation of a
// type, invocation of a function, direct inheritance or overrides, and so
// forth. Some transitive relations can be converted into cross-references by
// precomputing a flattened representation of a transitive relation.
// Key design principles:
// - All requests must be satisfied "quickly", e.g., in time proportional to
// the size of the returned set.
// - The client should be able to batch related requests.
// - The client specifies exactly what facts should be returned.
service XRefService {
// Decorations returns an index of the nodes and edges associated with a
// particular file node.
rpc Decorations(DecorationsRequest) returns (DecorationsReply) {}
// CrossReferences returns the global references, definitions, declarations,
// callers, and related nodes of a set of requested nodes.
rpc CrossReferences(CrossReferencesRequest) returns (CrossReferencesReply) {}
// Documentation takes a set of tickets for semantic objects and returns
// documentation about them, including generated signatures and
// user-provided text. The documentation may refer to tickets for other
// nodes in the graph.
rpc Documentation(DocumentationRequest) returns (DocumentationReply) {}
// A Location represents a single span of zero or more contiguous bytes of a
// file or buffer. An empty LOCATION denotes the entirety of the referenced
// file or buffer.
message Location {
// The ticket of the file this location belongs to. If the location
// represents a memory buffer, the ticket should be omitted.
string ticket = 1;
enum Kind {
// The entire file; the start and end fields are ignored.
FILE = 0;
// The point or span of file subtended by start and end.
SPAN = 1;
// What kind of location this is.
Kind kind = 2;
// If kind == SPAN, this is the represented span within the file.
common.Span span = 5;
// A location is _valid_ if 0 ≤ span.start.byte_offset ≤ span.end.byte_offset.
// If a valid location has span.start.byte_offset = span.end.byte_offset, it
// denotes a single point; otherwise it denotes the half-closed interval
// [start.offset, end.offset).
// When kind = FILE, span should be unset or set to zero values.
reserved 3, 4;
// Which types of snippets to return from a given CrossReferences or Decorations
// RPC.
// TODO(schroederc): extend snippet kinds to be (none, indexer-default, or
// always line-based) instead of (none, all).
enum SnippetsKind {
// Return no snippets.
NONE = 0;
// Return the default snippet for each item that has one.
message DecorationsRequest {
// The location of the file to fetch decorations for. The ticket of location
// must be non-empty. It is an error in any case if location is invalid.
Location location = 1;
enum SpanKind {
// If the location is a SPAN, only decorations contained within the
// specified window of the file are returned. This is the default behavior.
// If the location is a SPAN, any decorations that surround it are returned.
// How to treat SPAN locations.
SpanKind span_kind = 10;
// If dirty_buffer is non-empty, the results will be adjusted (patched) to
// account for the regions of the specified file differing from the contents
// of the dirty buffer.
bytes dirty_buffer = 2;
// If true, return the encoded source text for the selected window. Source
// text is not affected by patching.
bool source_text = 3;
// If true, return reference edges whose source nodes are located in the
// selected window. References are affected by patching.
bool references = 4;
// If true, return definition locations, if possible, for each returned
// reference target in the DecorationsReply.
bool target_definitions = 6;
// A collection of filter globs that specify which facts (by name) should be
// returned for each node. If filter is empty or unset, no node facts are
// returned. The filter applies to ALL referenced nodes. See EdgesRequest
// (graph.proto) for the format of the filter globs.
repeated string filter = 5;
// If true, for every defines/binding Reference in the reply, a NodeInfo
// will be provided for each node that Reference extends or overrides.
// Furthermore, if definition_locations is true, the response's
// definition_locations field will include (where possible) the locations of
// the definitions of the nodes that are extended or overridden.
bool extends_overrides = 7;
// If true, return diagnostics for the given file.
bool diagnostics = 8;
// What kind of snippets to return (or none).
SnippetsKind snippets = 9;
// Set of build configurations with which to filter decorations. If empty,
// no filtering based on build configs will be done; all decorations for the
// file will be returned.
repeated string build_config = 11;
// Whether to return known semantic scopes per Reference.
bool semantic_scopes = 12;
message DecorationsReply {
// The normalized location for which decorations are returned.
Location location = 1;
// The encoded source text for the selected window.
bytes source_text = 2;
string encoding = 3;
// Represents a reference edge source ---KIND---> target. Each source is an
// anchor within the requested source location.
message Reference {
string target_ticket = 2;
string kind = 3;
// Anchor ticket of the target's definition. Populated only if
// target_definitions is true in the DecorationsRequest and the target has
// a single unambiguous definition. For each ticket, an Anchor will be
// populated in the top-level definition_locations map.
string target_definition = 4;
// The reference's span within the source file.
common.Span span = 5;
// The build config of the file containing this reference.
string build_config = 6;
// Ticket of the semantic node with the narrowest scope enclosing the
// reference. Populated only if semantic_scopes is true in the
// DecorationsRequest.
string semantic_scope = 7;
reserved 1, 10, 11;
message Override {
// What kind of override this is.
enum Kind {
// The target of the override.
string target = 1;
// Anchor ticket of the override target's definition. Populated only if
// target_definitions is true in the DecorationsRequest and the target has
// a single unambiguous definition. For each ticket, an Anchor will be
// populated in the top-level definition_locations map.
string target_definition = 5;
// The kind of override.
Kind kind = 2;
// A display name for the object at ticket.
kythe.proto.common.MarkedSource marked_source = 4;
reserved 3;
message Overrides {
repeated Override override = 1;
// The reference edges located in the specified window. Sorted in the order
// of their position in the file (first by start offset, then by end offset).
repeated Reference reference = 4;
// If requested, a list of diagnostics applying to the requested file
// location.
// TODO(schroederc): filter spanning diagnostics by build configuration
repeated common.Diagnostic diagnostic = 5;
// This field will contain one entry, keyed by ticket, for each distinct node
// referenced by a reference edge that has at least 1 non-filtered fact.
map<string, common.NodeInfo> nodes = 15;
// Each anchor cited as a target definition in the references/overrides. The
// map is keyed by each anchor's ticket.
map<string, Anchor> definition_locations = 16;
// Maps from semantic nodes on the right-hand side of defines/binding
// references to the list of their overrides.
map<string, Overrides> extends_overrides = 17;
message CrossReferencesRequest {
// The tickets of nodes for which to return cross-references.
// The server must report an error if this field is empty.
// The server may limit the number of tickets per request to ensure an
// efficient implementation.
repeated string ticket = 1;
enum DefinitionKind {
// No definitions will be populated in the CrossReferencesReply.
// All known definition anchors reached by the "/kythe/edge/defines" edge
// kind (or its variants) will be populated in the CrossReferencesReply.
// Only definition anchors reached by the "/kythe/edge/defines" edge kind
// will be populated in the CrossReferencesReply.
// Only definition anchors reached by the "/kythe/edge/defines/binding" edge
// kind will be populated in the CrossReferencesReply.
// Determines what kind of definition anchors, if any, should be returned in
// the response. See the documentation for each DefinitionKind for more
// information.
DefinitionKind definition_kind = 2;
enum DeclarationKind {
// No declarations will be populated in the CrossDeclarationsReply.
// When the source node is incomplete, all known declaration anchors reached
// by the "/kythe/edge/defines" edge kind (or its variants) will be
// populated in the CrossDeclarationsReply.
// Determines what kind of declaration anchors, if any, should be returned in
// the response. See the documentation for each DeclarationKind for more
// information.
DeclarationKind declaration_kind = 7;
enum ReferenceKind {
// No references will be populated in the CrossReferencesReply.
// Only callgraph-related references as described in
// All references except those that are related to the callgraph.
// All known reference anchors reached by the "/kythe/edge/ref" edge kind
// (or its variants) will be populated in the CrossReferencesReply.
// Determines what kind of reference anchors, if any, should be returned in
// the response. See the documentation for each ReferenceKind for more
// information.
ReferenceKind reference_kind = 3;
enum CallerKind {
// No callgraph information will be populated in the CrossReferencesReply.
// Callgraph information will be populated in the CrossReferencesReply.
// Callgraph information will be populated in the CrossReferencesReply.
// Calls to override-related functions will also be considered.
// Determines what kind of callgraph information, if any, should be returned
// in the response. See the documentation for each CallerKind for more
// information.
CallerKind caller_kind = 12;
// Collection of filter globs that determines which facts will be returned for
// the related nodes of each requested node. If filter is empty or unset, no
// node facts or related nodes are returned. See EdgesRequest (graph.proto)
// for the format of the filter globs.
repeated string filter = 5;
// Determines which relation kinds for RelatedNodes should be returned in the
// response. If empty, all known RelatedNodes will be returned that match the
// above filter. Otherwise, only RelatedNodes with one of these requested
// relation kinds, and matching the above filter, will be returned in the
// response.
// Importantly, this is not a list of node kinds; this is a list of edge kinds
// (i.e. values for RelatedNode.relation_kind field).
// N.B.: When requesting related nodes, you must also set the filter,
// otherwise no data will be returned for the relationships requested.
repeated string related_node_kind = 14;
// Determines whether each Anchor in the response should have its text field
// populated.
bool anchor_text = 6;
// Determines whether each NodeInfo matching the above filters will have its
// definition location populated (assuming it has one).
bool node_definitions = 8;
// The cross-references matching a request are organized into logical pages.
// The size of each page is a number of distinct cross-references
// (definitions, references, documentation, and related nodes).
// If page_token is empty, cross-references will be returned starting at the
// beginning of the sequence; otherwise the starting point named by the
// page_token will be used. Legal values of page_token are returned by the
// server in the next_page_token field of the CrossReferencesReply. A page
// token should be treated as an opaque value by the client, and is valid only
// relative to a particular CrossReferencesRequest. If an invalid page token
// is requested, the server will return an error.
// If page_size > 0, at most that number of cross-references will be returned
// by the service for this request (see ReferenceSet and CrossReferencesReply
// below). If page_size = 0, the default, the server will assume a reasonable
// default page size. The server will return an error if page_size < 0.
// The server is allowed to return fewer cross-references than the requested
// page_size, even if more are available, save that it must return at least 1
// edge if any are available at all.
int32 page_size = 10;
string page_token = 11;
// What kind of snippets to return (or none).
SnippetsKind snippets = 13;
// Set of build configurations with which to filter xrefs. If empty, no
// filtering based on build configs will be done; all xrefs for the requested
// nodes will be returned.
repeated string build_config = 15;
reserved 4;
reserved 100;
// TODO(schroederc): eliminate duplicate serving.ExpandedAnchor message
// defintion
message Anchor {
// Ticket of the anchor node
string ticket = 1;
// Edge kind describing the anchor's relationship with its referenced node
string kind = 2;
// Parent ticket of the anchor; this is the file containing the anchor
string parent = 3;
// Span of the anchor within its parent's text
common.Span span = 10;
// The anchor's spanning text within the anchor parent's text
string text = 6;
// User-readable snippet of the anchor parent's text at the location of this
// anchor
string snippet = 7;
// Span of the anchor's snippet within its parent's text
common.Span snippet_span = 11;
// The build config of the file containing this anchor.
string build_config = 12;
reserved 4, 5, 8, 9;
message Printable {
// Raw text that can be displayed to the user (but may also contain
// markup that can be interpreted, like Doxygen comments). Links are
// marked using []. \ is an escape character (where possible escape
// sequences are \[, \], and \\).
string raw_text = 1;
// Annotations for spans in raw_text. The ith Link corresponds to the span
// starting at the ith [.
repeated kythe.proto.common.Link link = 2;
message CrossReferencesReply {
message RelatedNode {
// Ticket of the node
string ticket = 1;
// Edge kind describing the node's relation
string relation_kind = 2;
// Optional ordinal for edges of the same relation_kind.
int32 ordinal = 3;
message RelatedAnchor {
// The anchor covering the related object.
Anchor anchor = 1;
// A name for the related object.
kythe.proto.common.MarkedSource marked_source = 5;
// Specific locations, usually within the related object, that caused
// the relationship to exist. This field is relevant to caller sets.
repeated Anchor site = 3;
// The relevant semantic object. Populated for callers.
string ticket = 4;
reserved 2;
message CrossReferenceSet {
string ticket = 1;
// A name for the given node.
kythe.proto.common.MarkedSource marked_source = 8;
// The set of definitions for the given node.
repeated RelatedAnchor definition = 2;
// The set of declarations for the given node.
repeated RelatedAnchor declaration = 5;
// The set of simple references for the given node.
repeated RelatedAnchor reference = 3;
// The set of callers for the given node.
repeated RelatedAnchor caller = 6;
// The set of related nodes to the given node.
repeated RelatedNode related_node = 10;
reserved 4, 7;
message Total {
int64 definitions = 1;
int64 declarations = 2;
int64 references = 3;
int64 documentation = 4;
int64 callers = 5;
map<string, int64> related_nodes_by_relation = 6;
// Total number of cross-references on all pages matching requested filters.
Total total = 5;
// A map from ticket to cross-references for each ticket specified in the
// request message.
map<string, CrossReferenceSet> cross_references = 1;
// A map from ticket to the facts provided based on the requested filters,
// for each of the tickets provided in the request and their related nodes.
map<string, common.NodeInfo> nodes = 2;
// A map from the ticket of each definition mentioned in the nodes map, to
// its corresponding anchor. This map is only populated if the request set
// the node_definitions field true.
map<string, Anchor> definition_locations = 3;
// If there are additional pages of cross-references after the ones returned
// in this reply, next_page_token is the page token that may be passed to
// fetch the next page in sequence after this one. If there are no further
// cross-references, this field will be empty.
string next_page_token = 10;
message DocumentationRequest {
// Semantic tickets about which documentation is sought.
repeated string ticket = 1;
// A collection of filter globs that specify which facts (by name) should be
// returned for each node. If filter is empty or unset, no node facts are
// returned. The filter applies to ALL documented and linked nodes.
// See EdgesRequest (graph.proto) for the format of the filter globs.
repeated string filter = 2;
// If set, this DocumentationRequest will return documents for the requested
// tickets as well as their immediate semantic descendants.
bool include_children = 3;
message DocumentationReply {
message Document {
// The ticket to which this Document refers.
string ticket = 1;
// Documentation that can be displayed to the user.
Printable text = 2;
// A structured summary of the (qualified) identity of the documented node.
kythe.proto.common.MarkedSource marked_source = 8;
// The children of this Document. This relationship may be distinct from
// the `childof` relationship.
repeated Document children = 9;
reserved 3, 4, 5, 6, 7;
repeated Document document = 1;
// The facts left from the requested filters of the documented node facts.
map<string, common.NodeInfo> nodes = 2;
// Map from the definition anchor tickets referred to in each NodeInfo to
// their corresponding Anchor data.
map<string, Anchor> definition_locations = 3;