blob: 412fc60eb37ac5b36d2bd2b4799ff2a24ce130a1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 The Kythe Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package kythe.proto;
option go_package = "explore_go_proto";
option java_package = "";
option java_multiple_files = true;
import "kythe/proto/common.proto";
import "kythe/proto/storage.proto";
import "kythe/proto/xref.proto";
// This file defines code graph exploration interfaces, based on Kythe data.
// Design doc: go/kythe-api-proposal
// Tickets are Kythe URIs (
// ExploreService provides read-only access to aspects of the Kythe code graph,
// such as type hierarchies, call graphs, function parameters, and
// parents/children relationships. Requests should generally take time
// proportional to the size of the response (in the absence of filtering, at
// least).
// In cases where properties of a node are requested (e.g. callers of a
// function) for which there are no such (e.g., the function has no callers),
// the response will not include that node.
service ExploreService {
// Returns the (recursive) callers of a specified function, as a directed
// graph.
// The Callers/Callees functions are distinct from XrefService.CrossReferences
// in that these functions capture the semantic relationships between methods,
// rather than the locations in the code base where a method is called.
rpc Callers(CallersRequest) returns (CallersReply) {}
// Returns the (recursive) callees of a specified function (that is, what
// functions this function calls), as a directed graph.
rpc Callees(CalleesRequest) returns (CalleesReply) {}
// Returns the parents of a specified node (for example,
// the file for a class, or the class for a function).
// Note that in some cases a node may have more than one parent.
rpc Parents(ParentsRequest) returns (ParentsReply) {}
// Returns the children of a specified node (for example,
// the classes contained in a file, or the functions contained in a class).
rpc Children(ChildrenRequest) returns (ChildrenReply) {}
// Returns the hierarchy (supertypes and subtypes, including implementations)
// of a specified type, as a directed acyclic graph.
rpc TypeHierarchy(TypeHierarchyRequest) returns (TypeHierarchyReply) {}
// Returns the parameters of a specified function.
rpc Parameters(ParametersRequest) returns (ParametersReply) {}
// Shared/utility messages
message NodeData {
// the "node/[sub]kind" node facts
string kind = 1;
string subkind = 2;
// the relevant locations in which this node is found
// TODO: do we want span-specific locations?
repeated Location locations = 3;
// anchor ticket
string definition_anchor = 4;
common.MarkedSource code = 5;
// If the RPC request does not specify otherwise, successors and predecessors
// are both populated.
message GraphNode {
NodeData node_data = 1;
// semantic tickets of nodes connected to this node by incoming edges
repeated string predecessors = 2;
// semantic tickets of nodes connected to this node by outgoing edges
repeated string successors = 3;
message Graph {
map<string, GraphNode> nodes = 1; // semantic ticket -> node/topology data
// Imposes restrictions on the nodes returned for a query.
// An unset NodeFilter is interpreted as "no restrictions on nodes returned".
message NodeFilter {
// if set, only return nodes whose languages match any of these strings
// TODO: consider enabling VName-based filtering for nodes as well as files
repeated string included_languages = 1;
// if set, only return nodes whose files match any of these VNames
// Only the parts of the VName that relate to files are relevant here:
// TODO: consider also supplying exclusion specs as well as inclusion
repeated VName included_files = 2;
// Used where we need a collection of tickets (either because we need it for a
// map or to be able to distinguish between "unset" and "empty").
// If a Tickets field is unset, that means that it has not been populated;
// if it is set but there are no tickets in the list, then there are no tickets
// of the designated variety in the containing message.
message Tickets {
repeated string tickets = 1;
// Type hierarchy
// The type hierarchy is represented in the response as a graph, with the
// input ticket marked. The graph will be acyclic.
// node types: "record" (class), "interface"
// edge types: "extends", "satisfies" (any given response will likely only
// include one edge type unless the type hierarchy crosses a language
// boundary).
message TypeHierarchyRequest {
string type_ticket = 1;
NodeFilter node_filter = 2;
// Edge types are implicit (see above)
message TypeHierarchyReply {
// same as type_ticket in request
string type_ticket = 1;
Graph graph = 2;
// Call graph
// These APIs are for capturing the graphs induced by the _semantic_ relations
// between calling/callable nodes (for example, the functions that call, or are
// called by, this function node).
// If you’re looking for a one-ply relationship between functions and the
// _locations_ in the code at which they are called, Kythe XRefService's
// CrossReferences API should do what you want.
// Requests the incoming callgraphs for each of the specified nodes.
message CallersRequest {
repeated string tickets = 1;
message CallersReply {
// Represents the call relationships to each of the input tickets, from
// all callers of those tickets, as a single graph.
Graph graph = 1;
// Requests the outgoing callgraphs for each of the specified nodes.
message CalleesRequest {
repeated string tickets = 1;
// TODO: consider merging this and CallersReply into a single message
// (CallgraphReply) unless we have reason to believe they need to be distinct
message CalleesReply {
// Represents the call relationships from each of the input tickets, to
// all callees of those tickets, as a single graph.
Graph graph = 1;
// Function parameters
// node types: function
// edge types: TBD
// Requests the parameters and return value of the specified function
message ParametersRequest {
repeated string function_tickets = 1;
message ParametersReply {
map<string, Tickets> function_to_parameters = 1;
map<string, string> function_to_return_value = 2;
// data for functions and parameters
map<string, NodeData> node_data = 3;
// Parents and children
// node types: package, record (class), interface, function, ...
// edge type: childof
// * what package is this file/class/interface in?
// * what is the class/interface that this function is in?
// Fetches the tickets for the enclosing contexts of the specified ticket
// (e.g.: what package is this file in? what class is this function in?).
message ParentsRequest {
repeated string tickets = 1;
message ParentsReply {
// associates each input ticket with the set of tickets that contain it
map<string, Tickets> input_to_parents = 1;
// Fetches the tickets for which the specified ticket is the enclosing context
// (e.g. what files are in this package? what functions are in this class?).
message ChildrenRequest {
repeated string tickets = 1;
message ChildrenReply {
// associates each input ticket with the set of tickets contained by it
map<string, Tickets> input_to_children = 1;