blob: c1a9b4432094e65e343d49636d6c6043bbbd037a [file] [log] [blame]
load("@bazel_gazelle//:deps.bzl", _go_repository = "go_repository")
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "new_git_repository")
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", _go_binary = "go_binary", _go_library = "go_library", _go_test = "go_test")
def go_repository(name, importpath, commit = None, custom = None, custom_git = None, tag = None, **kwargs):
"""Macro wrapping the Gazelle go_repository rule. Works identically, except
if custom is provided, an extra git_repository of that name is declared with
an overlay built using the "third_party/go:<custom>.BUILD" file.
if (not commit) == (not tag):
fail("Exactly one of commit= or tag= must be specified")
name = name,
commit = commit,
importpath = importpath,
tag = tag,
if custom != None:
if custom_git == None:
custom_git = "https://" + importpath + ".git"
name = "go_" + custom,
build_file = "@io_kythe//third_party/go:" + custom + ".BUILD",
commit = commit,
remote = custom_git,
tag = tag,
# Go importpath prefix shared by all Kythe libraries
go_prefix = ""
def _infer_importpath(name):
basename = native.package_name().split("/")[-1]
importpath = go_prefix + native.package_name()
if basename == name:
return importpath
return importpath + "/" + name
def go_binary(name, importpath = None, **kwargs):
"""This macro wraps the go_binary rule provided by the Bazel Go rules to
automatically infer the binary's importpath. It is otherwise equivalent in
function to a go_binary.
if importpath == None:
importpath = _infer_importpath(name)
name = name,
importpath = importpath,
out = name,
def go_library(name, importpath = None, **kwargs):
"""This macro wraps the go_library rule provided by the Bazel Go rules to
automatically infer the library's importpath. It is otherwise equivalent in
function to a go_library.
if importpath == None:
importpath = _infer_importpath(name)
name = name,
importpath = importpath,
def go_test(name, library = None, **kwargs):
"""This macro wraps the go_test rule provided by the Bazel Go rules
to silence a deprecation warning for use of the "library" attribute.
It is otherwise equivalent in function to a go_test.
# For internal tests (defined in the same package), we need to embed
# the library under test, but this is not needed for external tests.
embed = [library] if library else []
name = name,
embed = embed,