blob: be0a345fac008ae292f8697f7cec7e9e4efee0e9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 The Kythe Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "kythe/cxx/indexer/cxx/marked_source.h"
#include "absl/flags/flag.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclVisitor.h"
#include "clang/AST/PrettyPrinter.h"
#include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h"
#include "clang/Format/Format.h"
#include "clang/Rewrite/Core/Rewriter.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Template.h"
#include "google/protobuf/stubs/common.h"
#include "kythe/cxx/common/scope_guard.h"
#include "kythe/cxx/indexer/cxx/clang_range_finder.h"
#include "kythe/cxx/indexer/cxx/clang_utils.h"
ABSL_FLAG(bool, reformat_marked_source, false,
"Reformat source code used in MarkedSource (experimental).");
ABSL_FLAG(bool, pretty_print_function_prototypes, false,
"Synthesize new function prototypes (experimental).");
namespace kythe {
namespace {
/// \return true if `range` is valid for use in annotations.
bool IsValidRange(const clang::SourceManager& source_manager,
const clang::SourceRange& range) {
// Check that the range is valid and ends in macros xnor files.
if (!range.isValid() ||
range.getBegin().isFileID() != range.getEnd().isFileID()) {
return false;
// Reject definitions in macro expansions or that span multiple files.
if (!range.getBegin().isFileID() ||
source_manager.getFileID(range.getBegin()) !=
source_manager.getFileID(range.getEnd())) {
return false;
return true;
clang::SourceRange NormalizeRange(const clang::SourceManager& source_manager,
const clang::LangOptions& lang_options,
const clang::SourceRange& range) {
return ClangRangeFinder(&source_manager, &lang_options).NormalizeRange(range);
llvm::StringRef GetTextRange(const clang::SourceManager& source_manager,
const clang::SourceRange& range) {
if (!IsValidRange(source_manager, range)) {
return llvm::StringRef();
const char* begin = source_manager.getCharacterData(range.getBegin());
const char* end = source_manager.getCharacterData(range.getEnd());
if (begin > end) {
return llvm::StringRef();
return llvm::StringRef(begin, end - begin);
/// \brief The filename to use to refer to code being formatted.
constexpr char kReplacementFile[] = "";
/// \brief Reformats `source_text`.
/// \param replacements the set of transformations applied to `source_text`.
/// \param incomplete set to true if reformatting failed.
/// \return the reformatted text buffer (or the empty string).
std::string Reformat(const clang::LangOptions& lang_options,
llvm::StringRef source_text,
clang::tooling::Replacements* replacements,
bool* incomplete) {
clang::format::FormatStyle style =
std::vector<clang::tooling::Range> ranges = {
clang::tooling::Range(0, source_text.size())};
*replacements = clang::format::reformat(style, source_text, ranges,
kReplacementFile, incomplete);
if (*incomplete) {
return "";
llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<llvm::vfs::InMemoryFileSystem> InMemoryFileSystem(
new llvm::vfs::InMemoryFileSystem);
clang::FileManager Files(clang::FileSystemOptions(), InMemoryFileSystem);
clang::DiagnosticsEngine Diagnostics(
llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<clang::DiagnosticIDs>(new clang::DiagnosticIDs),
new clang::DiagnosticOptions);
clang::SourceManager Sources(Diagnostics, Files);
auto Source = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(source_text);
InMemoryFileSystem->addFileNoOwn(kReplacementFile, 0, *Source);
clang::FileID ID =
clang::SourceLocation(), clang::SrcMgr::C_User);
clang::Rewriter Rewrite(Sources, lang_options);
clang::tooling::applyAllReplacements(*replacements, Rewrite);
std::string result_string;
llvm::raw_string_ostream result_stream(result_string);
return result_string;
/// \brief A span of source text with some attached properties.
struct Annotation {
enum Kind : unsigned char {
Kind kind;
size_t begin;
size_t end;
bool operator<(const Annotation& o) const {
return std::tie(begin, o.end, kind) < std::tie(o.begin, end, o.kind);
/// \brief Used to manage the process of building `MarkedSource` trees.
class NodeStack {
/// \brief Copy data from `annotations` and `formatted_range` to
/// `dest_source`.
/// \return the MarkedSource node covering an identifier, or null.
MarkedSource* ProcessAnnotations(const std::string& formatted_range,
const std::vector<Annotation>& annotations,
MarkedSource* dest_source) {
/// For certain kinds of annotations, we'll substitute our own special
/// MarkedSource. When we enter one of these, cancel_count gets
/// incremented; when we exit, it gets decremented.
size_t cancel_count = 0;
MarkedSource* ident_node = nullptr;
size_t cursor = 0;
// There's always at least one annotation. It spans the whole of
// formatted_range_ and it's ordered before the other annotations.
size_t annotation = 0;
for (;;) {
size_t next_begin = (annotation == annotations.size())
? formatted_range.size()
: annotations[annotation].begin;
while (!nodes_.empty() &&>end <= next_begin) {
if (cursor <>end) {
AppendToTop(formatted_range, cancel_count, cursor,>end, true);
cursor =>end;
if (>kind == Annotation::QualifiedName ||>kind == Annotation::ArgListWithParens) {
if (annotation == annotations.size()) {
const auto& next = annotations[annotation++];
if (cursor < next_begin) {
AppendToTop(formatted_range, cancel_count, cursor, next_begin, false);
cursor = next_begin;
nodes_.push(Node{&next, annotation == 1
? dest_source
auto* child =;
switch (next.kind) {
case Annotation::TokenText:
case Annotation::ArgListWithParens: {
child->set_post_child_text(", ");
case Annotation::Type:
case Annotation::QualifiedName:
ident_node = child;
return ident_node;
/// \brief called to append raw text to the annotation span on the top of
/// the node stack.
/// This will happen in two cases:
/// - there is text between the current cursor position and the end of
/// the current span, and that span is going to be popped from the stack
/// immediately after append_to_top finishes (at_end is true).
/// No more children will be added to this span before it's popped.
/// - there is text between the current cursor position and the start
/// of the next span, and that next span will be pushed to the stack
/// immediately after append_to_top finishes (at_end is false).
/// \param formatted_range the formatted text range
/// \param cancel_count the number of cancelling annotations we're
/// underneath
/// \param start the start offset in the formatted text range
/// \param end the end offset (exclusive) in the formatted text range
/// \param at_end whether the span on the top of the stack is about to be
/// popped because there are no other spans that get opened before the
/// current span closes.
void AppendToTop(const std::string& formatted_range, size_t cancel_count,
size_t start, size_t end, bool at_end) {
if (cancel_count != 0) {
const auto* annotation =;
auto* node =;
if (at_end) {
if (node->child().empty() && node->post_text().empty()) {
node->mutable_pre_text()->append(formatted_range, start, end - start);
} else {
node->mutable_post_text()->append(formatted_range, start, end - start);
} else {
// If there are children before this node, we need to add a new BOX
// to hold this token.
if (node->child().empty()) {
node->mutable_pre_text()->append(formatted_range, start, end - start);
} else {
auto* new_node = node->add_child();
new_node->mutable_pre_text()->append(formatted_range, start,
end - start);
/// A currently-entered annotation.
struct Node {
const Annotation* annotation;
MarkedSource* marked_source;
/// The stack of currently entered annotations and their corresponding
/// MarkedSource messages.
std::stack<Node> nodes_;
/// \brief Try to get a return type range for a function that returns a function
/// pointer.
/// getReturnTypeSourceRange doesn't work for functions that return
/// pointers to functions. This makes some sense, given that these look
/// like this:
/// float (*bam(short function_arg))(int function_ptr_arg)
/// We still want to grovel through the type to pick the right bit out
/// of, e.g.:
/// virtual float (*bam(short function_arg) const)(int function_ptr_arg) = 0;
clang::SourceRange GetReturnTypeSourceRangeForFunctionPointerReturningFunction(
const clang::FunctionDecl* decl) {
if (const auto* type_info = decl->getTypeSourceInfo()) {
if (auto function_type = type_info->getTypeLoc()
.getAs<clang::FunctionTypeLoc>()) {
if (auto return_loc = function_type.getReturnLoc()) {
if (auto as_ptr =
return_loc.IgnoreParens().getAs<clang::PointerTypeLoc>()) {
if (auto as_fn = as_ptr.getPointeeLoc()
.getAs<clang::FunctionTypeLoc>()) {
return as_fn.getSourceRange();
return {};
bool SameFileRangesOverlapOpenInterval(const clang::SourceRange& outer,
const clang::SourceRange& inner) {
return outer.isValid() && inner.isValid() &&
outer.getBegin().getRawEncoding() <=
inner.getBegin().getRawEncoding() &&
outer.getEnd().getRawEncoding() > inner.getBegin().getRawEncoding();
/// \brief Walks the AST to annotate source text.
/// The AST refers to source locations in an un-reformatted buffer, so we need
/// to transform them (using `replacements`) to refer to offsets in the
/// reformatted buffer.
class DeclAnnotator : public clang::DeclVisitor<DeclAnnotator> {
DeclAnnotator(MarkedSourceCache* cache,
clang::tooling::Replacements* replacements,
clang::SourceLocation original_begin,
const std::string& formatted_range, MarkedSource* marked_source,
const clang::SourceRange& default_name_range)
: cache_(cache),
name_range_(default_name_range) {
// Make it invariant that we should always be inside an annotation.
Annotation{Annotation::TokenText, 0, formatted_range.size()});
// Remember the location of the qualified name.
InsertAnnotation(default_name_range, Annotation{Annotation::QualifiedName});
MarkedSource* ident_node() {
return ident_node_ ? ident_node_ : marked_source_;
// \brief Insert one or more type annotations.
// \param type_range the source range covering the type.
// \param arg_list the source range covering the argument list for functions,
// or an invalid range otherwise.
// This function will split the type annotation range if the identifier for
// the decl being annotated is inside the range (e.g., char x[] = {1};).
void InsertTypeAnnotation(const clang::SourceRange& type_range,
clang::SourceRange arg_list) {
clang::SourceRange type_lhs = type_range;
clang::SourceRange type_rhs = type_lhs;
// By default, we assume that nested ranges imply nested annotation nodes.
// If we come across (e.g.) a function returning a function pointer, this
// will give suboptimal results. We'll instead split the type range if we
// find that it contains parameters or the decl name.
// TODO(zarko): Even if we perform this split, we'll end up with a
// type signature for
// virtual float (*bam(short a) const)(int b) = 0;
// that looks like `float (* const)(int b)`
// There are other places this can happen too, like:
// float (*bam(short a) const &)(int b) = 0;
// which will yield `float (* const &)(int b)`.
// It appears that we'll need to parse the text manually looking for
// the closing paren to determine where type_rhs should begin.
if (SameFileRangesOverlapOpenInterval(type_lhs, name_range_)) {
type_rhs = clang::SourceRange(name_range_.getEnd(), type_lhs.getEnd());
type_lhs =
clang::SourceRange(type_lhs.getBegin(), name_range_.getBegin());
if (SameFileRangesOverlapOpenInterval(type_rhs, arg_list)) {
if (type_lhs == type_rhs) {
type_lhs = clang::SourceRange(type_lhs.getBegin(), arg_list.getBegin());
type_rhs = clang::SourceRange(arg_list.getEnd(), type_rhs.getEnd());
if (type_lhs != type_rhs) {
InsertAnnotation(type_rhs, Annotation{Annotation::Type});
InsertAnnotation(type_lhs, Annotation{Annotation::Type});
void VisitVarDecl(clang::VarDecl* decl) {
if (const auto* type_source_info = decl->getTypeSourceInfo()) {
if (!ShouldSkipDecl(decl, type_source_info->getType(),
type_source_info->getTypeLoc().getSourceRange())) {
auto type_loc =
NormalizeRange(cache_->source_manager(), cache_->lang_options(),
InsertTypeAnnotation(type_loc, clang::SourceRange{});
void VisitFieldDecl(clang::FieldDecl* decl) {
if (const auto* type_source_info = decl->getTypeSourceInfo()) {
if (!ShouldSkipDecl(decl, type_source_info->getType(),
type_source_info->getTypeLoc().getSourceRange())) {
auto type_loc =
NormalizeRange(cache_->source_manager(), cache_->lang_options(),
InsertTypeAnnotation(type_loc, clang::SourceRange{});
void VisitObjCPropertyDecl(clang::ObjCPropertyDecl* decl) {
if (const auto* type_source_info = decl->getTypeSourceInfo()) {
if (!ShouldSkipDecl(decl, type_source_info->getType(),
type_source_info->getTypeLoc().getSourceRange())) {
auto type_loc =
NormalizeRange(cache_->source_manager(), cache_->lang_options(),
InsertTypeAnnotation(type_loc, clang::SourceRange{});
void VisitFunctionDecl(clang::FunctionDecl* decl) {
clang::SourceRange arg_list;
if (const auto* type_info = decl->getTypeSourceInfo()) {
if (!ShouldSkipDecl(decl, type_info->getType(),
type_info->getTypeLoc().getSourceRange())) {
if (auto function_type = type_info->getTypeLoc()
.getAs<clang::FunctionTypeLoc>()) {
arg_list =
NormalizeRange(cache_->source_manager(), cache_->lang_options(),
InsertAnnotation(arg_list, Annotation{Annotation::ArgListWithParens});
auto type_range = decl->getReturnTypeSourceRange();
if (!type_range.isValid()) {
type_range =
if (!ShouldSkipDecl(decl, decl->getReturnType(), type_range) &&
type_range.isValid()) {
cache_->lang_options(), type_range),
void VisitObjCMethodDecl(clang::ObjCMethodDecl* decl) {
// TODO(salguarneri) Do something sensible for selectors and arguments.
// Selectors are effectively the name of the method, but the selectors are
// interrupted in source code by parameters, so we don't have a single range
// for the method name or the method parameters. For example:
// -(void) myFunc:(int)size withTimeout:(int)time. The "name" should be
// myFunc:withTimeout and the arguments should be something like
// "(int)size, (int)time".
auto ret_type_range =
NormalizeRange(cache_->source_manager(), cache_->lang_options(),
if (ret_type_range.isValid()) {
InsertAnnotation(ret_type_range, Annotation{Annotation::Type});
} else {
VLOG(1) << "Invalid return type range for " << decl->getNameAsString();
void Annotate(const clang::NamedDecl* named_decl) {
/// \brief Convert the annotations we've found to `MarkedSource`.
void CompleteMarkedSource() {
// We can get overlapping annotation ranges because of (for example)
// the bizarre concrete syntax for function pointers.
std::sort(annotations_.begin(), annotations_.end());
NodeStack node_stack;
if (auto* ident_node = node_stack.ProcessAnnotations(
formatted_range_, annotations_, marked_source_)) {
ident_node_ = ident_node;
/// \brief adds an annotation to the annotation list, transforming
/// offsets from original source to reformatted source.
void InsertAnnotation(const clang::SourceRange& original_range,
Annotation&& annotation) {
unsigned start_offset = original_range.getBegin().getRawEncoding() -
unsigned end_offset;
if (original_range.getBegin() == original_range.getEnd()) {
end_offset = start_offset;
} else {
end_offset = original_range.getEnd().getRawEncoding() -
if (replacements_ != nullptr) {
annotation.begin = replacements_->getShiftedCodePosition(start_offset);
annotation.end = replacements_->getShiftedCodePosition(end_offset);
} else {
annotation.begin = start_offset;
annotation.end = end_offset;
if (annotation.begin >= annotation.end ||
annotation.end > formatted_range_.size()) {
// TODO(#1632): This is a symptom of #1632. This check is here to avoid
// clogging log output.
if (annotation.kind != Annotation::QualifiedName &&
IsValidRange(cache_->source_manager(), original_range)) {
<< "Invalid annotation range (" << annotation.kind << "): '"
<< original_range.getBegin().printToString(cache_->source_manager())
<< "' to '"
<< original_range.getEnd().printToString(cache_->source_manager())
<< "': became " << annotation.begin << " <= " << annotation.end
<< " <= " << formatted_range_.size()
<< " (text: " << formatted_range_ << ")";
/// \brief determines if we should skip trying to record an annotation for
/// this decl.
/// In Objective-C, the nullability attribute is troublesome because:
/// 1) The range we get for the Decl is backwards (goes from the e to the n in
/// nullable).
/// 2) The token is transformed to _Nullable by the time we analyze. nullable
/// is placed to the left of types, _Nullable is placed to the right of types.
bool ShouldSkipDecl(const clang::Decl* decl, const clang::QualType& qt,
const clang::SourceRange& sr) {
clang::Optional<clang::NullabilityKind> k = qt->getNullability();
return k && sr.getBegin().getRawEncoding() > sr.getEnd().getRawEncoding();
MarkedSourceCache* cache_;
clang::tooling::Replacements* replacements_;
clang::SourceLocation original_begin_;
const std::string& formatted_range_;
MarkedSource* marked_source_;
const clang::SourceRange& name_range_;
MarkedSource* ident_node_ = nullptr;
std::vector<Annotation> annotations_;
} // anonymous namespace
bool MarkedSourceGenerator::WillGenerateMarkedSource() const {
// Be conservative in which kinds of marked source we'll generate.
// We can enable more AST node flavors as necessary.
if (decl_->isImplicit() || implicit_) {
return false;
return llvm::isa<clang::FunctionDecl>(decl_) ||
llvm::isa<clang::VarDecl>(decl_) ||
llvm::isa<clang::NamespaceDecl>(decl_) ||
llvm::isa<clang::TagDecl>(decl_) ||
llvm::isa<clang::TypedefNameDecl>(decl_) ||
llvm::isa<clang::FieldDecl>(decl_) ||
llvm::isa<clang::EnumConstantDecl>(decl_) ||
llvm::isa<clang::ObjCMethodDecl>(decl_) ||
llvm::isa<clang::ObjCContainerDecl>(decl_) ||
llvm::isa<clang::TemplateTypeParmDecl>(decl_) ||
llvm::isa<clang::NonTypeTemplateParmDecl>(decl_) ||
llvm::isa<clang::TemplateTemplateParmDecl>(decl_) ||
llvm::isa<clang::ObjCTypeParamDecl>(decl_) ||
std::string GetDeclName(const clang::LangOptions& lang_options,
const clang::NamedDecl* decl) {
auto name = decl->getDeclName();
auto identifier_info = name.getAsIdentifierInfo();
if (identifier_info && !identifier_info->getName().empty()) {
return std::string(identifier_info->getName());
} else if (name.getCXXOverloadedOperator() != clang::OO_None) {
switch (name.getCXXOverloadedOperator()) {
#define OVERLOADED_OPERATOR(Name, Spelling, Token, Unary, Binary, MemberOnly) \
case clang::OO_##Name: \
return "operator " #Name;
#include "clang/Basic/OperatorKinds.def"
} else if (const auto* method_decl =
llvm::dyn_cast<clang::CXXMethodDecl>(decl)) {
if (llvm::isa<clang::CXXConstructorDecl>(method_decl)) {
return "(ctor)";
} else if (llvm::isa<clang::CXXDestructorDecl>(method_decl)) {
return "(dtor)";
} else if (const auto* conv_decl =
llvm::dyn_cast<clang::CXXConversionDecl>(method_decl)) {
auto to_type = conv_decl->getConversionType();
if (!to_type.isNull()) {
std::string substring;
llvm::raw_string_ostream substream(substring);
substream << "operator ";
to_type.print(substream, clang::PrintingPolicy(lang_options));
return substring;
} else if (isObjCSelector(name)) {
const auto sel = name.getObjCSelector();
return sel.getAsString();
return "";
void MarkedSourceGenerator::ReplaceMarkedSourceWithTemplateArgumentList(
MarkedSource* marked_source_node,
const clang::ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl* decl) {
// While we try to figure out which template arguments are defaults, silence
// diagnostics from the typechecker.
clang::IgnoringDiagConsumer consumer;
auto* diags = &cache_->source_manager().getDiagnostics();
auto guard = MakeScopeGuard([diags = diags, client = diags->getClient(),
owned = diags->takeClient()]() mutable {
diags->setClient(client, owned.release() != nullptr);
diags->setClient(&consumer, false);
auto* template_decl = decl->getSpecializedTemplate();
auto* template_params = template_decl->getTemplateParameters();
auto cached_default = cache_->first_default_template_argument()->find(decl);
const auto& template_args = decl->getTemplateArgs();
unsigned noprint;
if (cached_default != cache_->first_default_template_argument()->end()) {
noprint = cached_default->second;
} else {
// Find a point N such that args[0..N-1] entirely predict args[N] and
// beyond. Start by guessing that N = first_default (the case where all
// default args are used).
unsigned first_default = template_params->getMinRequiredArguments();
clang::TemplateArgumentListInfo list_prefix;
auto add_template_argument = [&](const clang::TemplateArgument& arg) {
switch (arg.getKind()) {
case clang::TemplateArgument::Null:
// This argument has not been deduced.
return false;
case clang::TemplateArgument::Type:
arg, cache_->sema()->getASTContext().getTrivialTypeSourceInfo(
return true;
case clang::TemplateArgument::Declaration:
case clang::TemplateArgument::NullPtr:
case clang::TemplateArgument::Integral:
case clang::TemplateArgument::Template:
case clang::TemplateArgument::TemplateExpansion:
case clang::TemplateArgument::Expression:
case clang::TemplateArgument::Pack:
// TODO(zarko): Remaining cases.
return false;
for (unsigned n = 0; n < first_default; ++n) {
if (!add_template_argument(template_args.get(n))) {
// Abort if we can't complete a template_args list.
first_default = template_args.size();
llvm::SmallVector<clang::TemplateArgument, 4> out_arguments;
noprint = first_default;
for (; noprint < template_args.size(); ++noprint) {
bool was_ok = !cache_->sema()->CheckTemplateArgumentList(
template_decl, template_decl->getLocation(), list_prefix, false,
if (was_ok) {
if (out_arguments.size() != template_args.size()) {
unsigned arg_index = 0;
for (const auto& arg : out_arguments) {
// TODO(zarko): for certain kinds of declarations, source_arg may be
// a tyvar reference ('type-parameter-0-0'). Can we thread through
// the type context in those cases?
const auto& source_arg = template_args.get(arg_index);
if (arg.structurallyEquals(source_arg)) {
} else {
if (arg_index == template_args.size()) {
// Integral template arguments cause an assert failure inside clang.
if (template_args.get(noprint).getKind() ==
(*cache_->first_default_template_argument())[decl] = noprint;
auto* typarams = marked_source_node->add_child();
typarams->set_post_child_text(", ");
typarams->set_default_children_count(template_args.size() - noprint);
auto policy = clang::PrintingPolicy(cache_->lang_options());
for (const auto& print_arg : template_args.asArray()) {
auto* next_arg = typarams->add_child();
// TODO(zarko): Call ReplaceMarkedSourceWithQualifiedName recursively
// instead of using the pretty printer? If we do this, we'll need to update
// the type context.
// TODO(zarko): Pack expansions;
// see TemplateSpecializationType::PrintTemplateArgumentList
std::string pre_text;
llvm::raw_string_ostream stream(pre_text);
print_arg.print(policy, stream, true);
*next_arg->mutable_pre_text() = pre_text;
bool MarkedSourceGenerator::ReplaceMarkedSourceWithQualifiedName(
MarkedSource* node) {
// We could also consider populating the context dynamically at serving
// or denormalization time, but doing this requires unbounded recursive
// queries, so it's probably not worth it.
// See also TypePrinter::AppendScope, NestedNameSpecifier::print,
// NamedDecl::printQualifiedName (from which this code is derived).
// Collect contexts.
const auto* decl_context = decl_->getDeclContext();
llvm::SmallVector<const clang::DeclContext*, 8> contexts;
while (decl_context && llvm::isa<clang::NamedDecl>(decl_context)) {
decl_context = decl_context->getParent();
MarkedSource* self = node;
if (!contexts.empty()) {
// Avoid creating an unnecessary BOX if there are no context nodes.
auto* parents = node->add_child();
self = node->add_child();
auto policy = clang::PrintingPolicy(cache_->lang_options());
for (const auto* decl_context : reverse(contexts)) {
auto* parent = parents->add_child();
if (const auto* spec =
decl_context)) {
auto* class_name = parent->add_child();
std::string pre_text;
llvm::raw_string_ostream stream(pre_text);
stream << spec->getName();
*class_name->mutable_pre_text() = pre_text;
ReplaceMarkedSourceWithTemplateArgumentList(parent->add_child(), spec);
} else {
std::string pre_text;
llvm::raw_string_ostream stream(pre_text);
if (const auto* namespace_decl =
llvm::dyn_cast<clang::NamespaceDecl>(decl_context)) {
if (namespace_decl->isAnonymousNamespace()) {
stream << (policy.MSVCFormatting ? "`anonymous namespace\'"
: "(anonymous namespace)");
} else {
stream << *namespace_decl;
} else if (const auto* record_decl =
llvm::dyn_cast<clang::RecordDecl>(decl_context)) {
if (!record_decl->getIdentifier())
stream << "(anonymous " << record_decl->getKindName() << ')';
stream << *record_decl;
} else if (const auto* function_decl =
llvm::dyn_cast<clang::FunctionDecl>(decl_context)) {
stream << *function_decl;
} else if (const auto* enum_decl =
llvm::dyn_cast<clang::EnumDecl>(decl_context)) {
stream << *enum_decl;
} else if (const auto* cat_decl =
decl_context)) {
// Print categories methods as
// 'InterfaceName(CategoryName)::Method'.
if (const auto* i = cat_decl->getClassInterface()) {
stream << i->getName();
stream << "(" << cat_decl->getName() << ")";
} else if (const auto* cat_impl =
decl_context)) {
// Print categories methods as
// 'InterfaceName(CategoryName)::Method'.
if (const auto* decl = cat_impl->getCategoryDecl()) {
if (const auto* i = decl->getClassInterface()) {
stream << i->getName();
stream << "(" << cat_impl->getName() << ")";
} else {
stream << *llvm::cast<clang::NamedDecl>(decl_context);
*parent->mutable_pre_text() = pre_text;
self->set_pre_text(GetDeclName(cache_->lang_options(), decl_));
return true;
const GraphObserver::NodeId& decl_id) {
auto start_loc = decl_->getSourceRange().getBegin();
if (start_loc.isMacroID()) {
start_loc = cache_->source_manager().getExpansionLoc(start_loc);
auto end_loc = end_loc_.isMacroID()
? cache_->source_manager().getExpansionLoc(end_loc_)
: end_loc_;
auto range = GetTextRange(cache_->source_manager(),
clang::SourceRange(start_loc, end_loc));
if (range.empty()) {
if (VLOG_IS_ON(1)) {
VLOG(1) << "GetTextRange failed for " << decl_->getDeclKindName() << " "
<< decl_->getQualifiedNameAsString() << "\n at "
<< start_loc.printToString(cache_->source_manager()) << "\n to "
<< end_loc.printToString(cache_->source_manager())
<< "\n originally "
<< decl_->getSourceRange().getBegin().printToString(
<< "\n to "
<< end_loc_.printToString(cache_->source_manager());
return absl::nullopt;
MarkedSource out_sig;
if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_reformat_marked_source)) {
clang::tooling::Replacements replacements;
bool incomplete = false;
// Weirdly, Clang tooling complains if we don't make a copy of `range` here.
auto formatted_range = Reformat(cache_->lang_options(), range.str(),
&replacements, &incomplete);
if (incomplete) {
VLOG(1) << "Incomplete reformatting for " << decl_id.getRawIdentity()
<< " (" << decl_->getQualifiedNameAsString() << ")";
return absl::nullopt;
DeclAnnotator annotator(cache_, &replacements, start_loc, formatted_range,
&out_sig, name_range_);
} else {
auto range_string = range.str();
DeclAnnotator annotator(cache_, nullptr, start_loc, range_string, &out_sig,
return out_sig;
MarkedSource MarkedSourceGenerator::GenerateMarkedSourceForFunction(
const clang::FunctionDecl* func) {
MarkedSource out;
auto* child = out.add_child();
child->set_post_child_text(", ");
return out;
MarkedSource MarkedSourceGenerator::GenerateMarkedSourceForNamedDecl() {
MarkedSource out;
return out;
absl::optional<MarkedSource> MarkedSourceGenerator::GenerateMarkedSource(
const GraphObserver::NodeId& decl_id) {
// MarkedSource generation is expensive. If we're not going to write out the
// marked source later on, don't spend time on it.
// TODO(zarko): Introduce a similar check for documentation.
if (!WillGenerateMarkedSource()) {
return absl::nullopt;
if (llvm::isa<clang::VarDecl>(decl_) || llvm::isa<clang::FieldDecl>(decl_)) {
return GenerateMarkedSourceUsingSource(decl_id);
} else if (const auto* func = llvm::dyn_cast<clang::FunctionDecl>(decl_)) {
if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_pretty_print_function_prototypes)) {
return GenerateMarkedSourceForFunction(func);
} else {
return GenerateMarkedSourceUsingSource(decl_id);
} else if (llvm::isa<clang::ObjCPropertyDecl>(decl_)) {
return GenerateMarkedSourceUsingSource(decl_id);
} else if (llvm::isa<clang::ObjCMethodDecl>(decl_)) {
return GenerateMarkedSourceUsingSource(decl_id);
} else if (llvm::isa<clang::TemplateTypeParmDecl>(decl_) ||
llvm::isa<clang::NonTypeTemplateParmDecl>(decl_) ||
llvm::isa<clang::TemplateTemplateParmDecl>(decl_) ||
llvm::isa<clang::ObjCTypeParamDecl>(decl_)) {
MarkedSource self;
self.set_pre_text(GetDeclName(cache_->lang_options(), decl_));
return self;
return GenerateMarkedSourceForNamedDecl();
} // namespace kythe