blob: 7f041abf050492df61eb5ce0e53e1866858e8b8f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 The Kythe Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import 'source-map-support/register';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import * as utf8 from './utf8';
const LANGUAGE = 'typescript';
/** VName is the type of Kythe node identities. */
export interface VName {
signature: string;
corpus: string;
root: string;
path: string;
language: string;
* A indexer plugin adds extra functionality with the same inputs as the base
* indexer.
export interface Plugin {
name: string;
(pathToVName: (path: string) => VName, paths: string[],
program: ts.Program, emit?: (obj: {}) => void) => void;
* toArray converts an Iterator to an array of its values.
* It's necessary when running in ES5 environments where for-of loops
* don't iterate through Iterators.
function toArray<T>(it: Iterator<T>): T[] {
const array: T[] = [];
for (let next =; !next.done; next = {
return array;
* stripExtension strips the .d.ts or .ts extension from a path.
* It's used to map a file path to the module name.
function stripExtension(path: string): string {
return path.replace(/\.(d\.)?ts$/, '');
* getFileVName returns the VName for a given file path.
function getFileVName(
path: string, cache: Map<string, VName>, compilationUnit: VName): VName {
const vname = cache.get(path);
return {
signature: '',
language: '',
corpus: vname && vname.corpus ? vname.corpus : compilationUnit.corpus,
root: vname && vname.corpus ? vname.root : compilationUnit.root,
path: vname && vname.path ? vname.path : path,
* TSNamespace represents the two namespaces of TypeScript: types and values.
* A given symbol may be a type, it may be a value, and the two may even
* be unrelated.
* See the table at
* TODO: there are actually three namespaces; the third is (confusingly)
* itself called namespaces. Implement those in this enum and other places.
enum TSNamespace {
* Context represents the environment a node is declared in, and only applies to
* nodes with multiple declarations. The context may be used for disambiguating
* node declarations. A Getter context means the node is declared as a getter; a
* Setter context means it is declared as a setter.
enum Context {
/** Visitor manages the indexing process for a single TypeScript SourceFile. */
class Visitor {
/** kFile is the VName for the 'file' node representing the source file. */
kFile: VName;
* symbolNames maps ts.Symbols to their assigned VNames.
* The value is a tuple of the separate TypeScript namespaces, and entries
* in it correspond to TSNamespace values. See the documentation of
* TSNamespace.
symbolNames = new Map<ts.Symbol, [VName | null, VName|null]>();
* anonId increments for each anonymous block, to give them unique
* signatures.
anonId = 0;
* anonNames maps nodes to the anonymous names assigned to them.
anonNames = new Map<ts.Node, string>();
typeChecker: ts.TypeChecker;
/** A shorter name for the rootDir in the CompilerOptions. */
sourceRoot: string;
* rootDirs is the list of rootDirs in the compiler options, sorted
* longest first. See this.moduleName().
rootDirs: string[];
* The VName for the CompilationUnit, containing compilation-wide info.
private compilationUnit: VName,
* A map of path to path-specific VName.
private pathVNames: Map<string, VName>, program: ts.Program,
private file: ts.SourceFile,
private getOffsetTable: (path: string) => utf8.OffsetTable) {
this.typeChecker = program.getTypeChecker();
this.sourceRoot = program.getCompilerOptions().rootDir || process.cwd();
let rootDirs = program.getCompilerOptions().rootDirs || [this.sourceRoot];
rootDirs = => d + '/');
rootDirs.sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length);
this.rootDirs = rootDirs;
this.kFile = this.newFileVName(file.fileName);
* emit emits a Kythe entry, structured as a JSON object. Defaults to
* emitting to stdout but users may replace it.
emit = (obj: {}) => {
todo(node: ts.Node, message: string) {
const sourceFile = node.getSourceFile();
const file = path.relative(this.sourceRoot, sourceFile.fileName);
const {line, character} =
ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(sourceFile, node.getStart());
console.warn(`TODO: ${file}:${line}:${character}: ${message}`);
* moduleName returns the ES6 module name of a path to a source file.
* E.g. foo/bar.ts and foo/bar.d.ts both have the same module name,
* 'foo/bar', and rootDirs (like bazel-bin/) are eliminated.
* See for a discussion of this.
moduleName(sourcePath: string): string {
// Compute sourcePath as relative to one of the rootDirs.
// This canonicalizes e.g. bazel-bin/foo to just foo.
// Note that this.rootDirs is sorted longest first, so we'll use the
// longest match.
for (const rootDir of this.rootDirs) {
if (sourcePath.startsWith(rootDir)) {
sourcePath = path.relative(rootDir, sourcePath);
return stripExtension(sourcePath);
* Determines if a node is a class or interface.
isClassOrInterface(node: ts.Node): boolean {
return ts.isClassDeclaration(node) || ts.isClassExpression(node) ||
* newFileVName returns a new VName for the given file path.
newFileVName(path: string): VName {
return getFileVName(path, this.pathVNames, this.compilationUnit);
* newVName returns a new VName with a given signature and path.
newVName(signature: string, path: string): VName {
return Object.assign(
this.newFileVName(path), {signature: signature, language: LANGUAGE});
/** newAnchor emits a new anchor entry that covers a TypeScript node. */
newAnchor(node: ts.Node, start = node.getStart(), end = node.end): VName {
const name = Object.assign(
{...this.kFile}, {signature: `@${start}:${end}`, language: LANGUAGE});
this.emitNode(name, 'anchor');
const offsetTable = this.getOffsetTable(node.getSourceFile().fileName);
this.emitFact(name, 'loc/start', offsetTable.lookup(start).toString());
this.emitFact(name, 'loc/end', offsetTable.lookup(end).toString());
return name;
/** emitNode emits a new node entry, declaring the kind of a VName. */
emitNode(source: VName, kind: string) {
this.emitFact(source, 'node/kind', kind);
/** emitFact emits a new fact entry, tying an attribute to a VName. */
emitFact(source: VName, name: string, value: string) {
fact_name: '/kythe/' + name,
fact_value: Buffer.from(value).toString('base64'),
/** emitEdge emits a new edge entry, relating two VNames. */
emitEdge(source: VName, name: string, target: VName) {
edge_kind: '/kythe/edge/' + name,
fact_name: '/',
* anonName assigns a freshly generated name to a Node.
* It's used to give stable names to e.g. anonymous objects.
anonName(node: ts.Node): string {
let name = this.anonNames.get(node);
if (!name) {
name = `anon${this.anonId++}`;
this.anonNames.set(node, name);
return name;
* scopedSignature computes a scoped name for a ts.Node.
* E.g. if you have a function `foo` containing a block containing a variable
* `bar`, it might return a VName like
* signature: """
* path: <appropriate path to module>
scopedSignature(startNode: ts.Node): VName {
let moduleName: string|undefined;
const parts: string[] = [];
// Traverse the containing blocks upward, gathering names from nodes that
// introduce scopes.
for (let node: ts.Node|undefined = startNode; node != null;
node = node.parent) {
switch (node.kind) {
case ts.SyntaxKind.ExportAssignment:
const exportDecl = node as ts.ExportAssignment;
if (!exportDecl.isExportEquals) {
// It's an "export default" statement.
// This is semantically equivalent to exporting a variable
// named 'default'.
} else {
this.todo(node, 'handle ExportAssignment with =');
case ts.SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction:
// Arrow functions are anonymous, so generate a unique id.
case ts.SyntaxKind.Block:
if (node.parent &&
(node.parent.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration ||
node.parent.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration ||
node.parent.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.Constructor)) {
// A block that's an immediate child of a function is the
// function's body, so it doesn't need a separate name.
case ts.SyntaxKind.BindingElement:
case ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.ClassExpression:
case ts.SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.EnumMember:
case ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.ImportSpecifier:
case ts.SyntaxKind.ExportSpecifier:
case ts.SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.MethodSignature:
case ts.SyntaxKind.NamespaceImport:
case ts.SyntaxKind.ObjectLiteralExpression:
case ts.SyntaxKind.Parameter:
case ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyAssignment:
case ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.PropertySignature:
case ts.SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.TypeParameter:
case ts.SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.GetAccessor:
case ts.SyntaxKind.SetAccessor:
const decl = node as ts.NamedDeclaration;
if ( && === ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier) {
let part =;
// Getters and setters semantically refer to the same entities but
// are declared differently, so they are differentiated.
if (ts.isGetAccessor(decl)) {
part += ':getter';
} else if (ts.isSetAccessor(decl)) {
part += ':setter';
} else {
// TODO: handle other declarations, e.g. binding patterns.
case ts.SyntaxKind.Constructor:
// Class members declared with a shorthand in the constructor should
// be scoped to the class, not the constructor.
if (!ts.isParameterPropertyDeclaration(startNode)) {
case ts.SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration:
const modDecl = node as ts.ModuleDeclaration;
if ( === ts.SyntaxKind.StringLiteral) {
// Syntax like:
// declare module 'foo/bar' {}
// This is the syntax for defining symbols in another, named
// module.
moduleName = ( as ts.StringLiteral).text;
} else if ( === ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier) {
// Syntax like:
// declare module foo {}
// without quotes is just an obsolete way of saying 'namespace'.
parts.push(( as ts.Identifier).text);
case ts.SyntaxKind.SourceFile:
// moduleName can already be set if the target was contained within
// a "declare module 'foo/bar'" block (see the handling of
// ModuleDeclaration). Otherwise, the module name is derived from the
// name of the current file.
if (!moduleName) {
moduleName = this.moduleName((node as ts.SourceFile).fileName);
// Most nodes are children of other nodes that do not introduce a
// new namespace, e.g. "return x;", so ignore all other parents
// by default.
// TODO: namespace {}, etc.
// If the node is actually some subtype that has a 'name' attribute
// it's likely this function should have handled it. Dynamically
// probe for this case and warn if we missed one.
if ('name' in (node as any)) {
`scopedSignature: ${ts.SyntaxKind[node.kind]} ` +
`has unused 'name' property`);
// The names were gathered from bottom to top, so reverse before joining.
const sig = parts.reverse().join('.');
return this.newVName(sig, moduleName!);
* getSymbolAtLocation is the same as this.typeChecker.getSymbolAtLocation,
* except that it has a return type that properly captures that
* getSymbolAtLocation can return undefined. (The TypeScript API itself is
* not yet null-safe, so it hasn't been annotated with full types.)
getSymbolAtLocation(node: ts.Node): ts.Symbol|undefined {
return this.typeChecker.getSymbolAtLocation(node);
* getSymbolName computes the VName (and signature) of a ts.Symbol. A Context
* can be optionally specified to help disambiguate nodes with multiple
* declarations. See the documentation of Context for more information.
getSymbolName(sym: ts.Symbol, ns: TSNamespace, context?: Context): VName {
let vnames = this.symbolNames.get(sym);
let declarations = sym.declarations;
// Symbols with multiple declarations are disambiguated by the context
// they are used in.
const contextApplies = context !== undefined && declarations.length > 1;
if (!contextApplies && vnames && vnames[ns]) return vnames[ns]!;
// TODO: update symbolNames table to account for context kind
if (!declarations || declarations.length < 1) {
throw new Error('TODO: symbol has no declarations?');
// Disambiguate symbols with multiple declarations using a context. This
// only applies to getters and setters currently.
if (contextApplies) {
switch (context) {
case Context.Getter:
declarations = declarations.filter(ts.isGetAccessor);
case Context.Setter:
declarations = declarations.filter(ts.isSetAccessor);
// Otherwise, if there are multiple declarations but no context is
// provided, try to return the getter declaration.
else if (declarations.length > 1) {
const getDecls = declarations.filter(ts.isGetAccessor);
if (getDecls.length > 0) declarations = getDecls;
const decl = declarations[0];
const vname = this.scopedSignature(decl);
// The signature of a value is undecorated;
// the signature of a type has the #type suffix.
if (ns === TSNamespace.TYPE) {
vname.signature += '#type';
// The signature of a class declaration value is its constructor, as the
// constructor has more semantic meaning.
if ((sym.flags & ts.SymbolFlags.Class) && ns === TSNamespace.VALUE) {
vname.signature += ':ctor';
if (!contextApplies) {
// Save it in the appropriate slot in the symbolNames table.
if (!vnames) vnames = [null, null];
vnames[ns] = vname;
this.symbolNames.set(sym, vnames);
return vname;
visitTypeParameters(params: ReadonlyArray<ts.TypeParameterDeclaration>) {
for (const param of params) {
const sym = this.getSymbolAtLocation(;
if (!sym) {
this.todo(param, `type param ${param.getText()} has no symbol`);
const kType = this.getSymbolName(sym, TSNamespace.TYPE);
this.emitNode(kType, 'absvar');
this.emitEdge(this.newAnchor(, 'defines/binding', kType);
* visitHeritage visits the X found in an 'extends X' or 'implements X'.
* These are subtle in an interesting way. When you have
* interface X extends Y {}
* that is referring to the *type* Y (because interfaces are types, not
* values). But it's also legal to write
* class X extends (class Z { ... }) {}
* where the thing in the extends clause is itself an expression, and the
* existing logic for visiting a class expression already handles modelling
* the class as both a type and a value.
* The full set of possible combinations is:
* - class extends => value
* - interface extends => type
* - class implements => type
* - interface implements => illegal
visitHeritage(heritageClauses: ReadonlyArray<ts.HeritageClause>) {
for (const heritage of heritageClauses) {
if (heritage.token === ts.SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword && heritage.parent &&
heritage.parent.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration) {
} else {
visitInterfaceDeclaration(decl: ts.InterfaceDeclaration) {
const sym = this.getSymbolAtLocation(;
if (!sym) {
this.todo(, `interface ${} has no symbol`);
const kType = this.getSymbolName(sym, TSNamespace.TYPE);
this.emitNode(kType, 'interface');
this.emitEdge(this.newAnchor(, 'defines/binding', kType);
if (decl.typeParameters) this.visitTypeParameters(decl.typeParameters);
if (decl.heritageClauses) this.visitHeritage(decl.heritageClauses);
for (const member of decl.members) {
visitTypeAliasDeclaration(decl: ts.TypeAliasDeclaration) {
const sym = this.getSymbolAtLocation(;
if (!sym) {
this.todo(, `type alias ${} has no symbol`);
const kType = this.getSymbolName(sym, TSNamespace.TYPE);
this.emitNode(kType, 'talias');
this.emitEdge(this.newAnchor(, 'defines/binding', kType);
if (decl.typeParameters) this.visitTypeParameters(decl.typeParameters);
// TODO: in principle right here we emit an "aliases" edge.
// However, it's complicated by the fact that some types don't have
// specific names to alias, e.g.
// type foo = number|string;
// Just punt for now.
* visitType is the main dispatch for visiting type nodes.
* It's separate from visit() because bare ts.Identifiers within a normal
* expression are values (handled by visit) but bare ts.Identifiers within
* a type are types (handled here).
visitType(node: ts.Node): void {
switch (node.kind) {
case ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier:
const sym = this.getSymbolAtLocation(node);
if (!sym) {
this.todo(node, `type ${node.getText()} has no symbol`);
const name = this.getSymbolName(sym, TSNamespace.TYPE);
this.emitEdge(this.newAnchor(node), 'ref', name);
// Default recursion, but using visitType(), not visit().
return ts.forEachChild(node, n => this.visitType(n));
* getPathFromModule gets the "module path" from the module import
* symbol referencing a module system path to reference to a module.
* E.g. from
* import ... from './foo';
* getPathFromModule(the './foo' node) might return a string like
* 'path/to/project/foo'. See this.moduleName().
getModulePathFromModuleReference(sym: ts.Symbol): string {
const name =;
// TODO: this is hacky; it may be the case we need to use the TypeScript
// module resolver to get the real path (?). But it appears the symbol
// name is the quoted(!) path to the module.
if (!(name.startsWith('"') && name.endsWith('"'))) {
throw new Error(`TODO: handle module symbol ${name}`);
const sourcePath = name.substr(1, name.length - 2);
return this.moduleName(sourcePath);
* Returns the location of a text in the source code of a node.
getTextSpan(node: ts.Node, text: string): {start: number, end: number} {
const ofs = node.getText().indexOf(text);
if (ofs < 0) throw new Error(`${text} not found in ${node.getText()}`);
const start = node.getStart() + ofs;
const end = start + text.length;
return {start, end};
* visitImportSpecifier handles a single entry in an import statement, e.g.
* "bar" in code like
* import {foo, bar} from 'baz';
* See visitImportDeclaration for the code handling the entire statement.
* @return The VName for the import.
visitImport(name: ts.Node): VName {
// An import both aliases a symbol from another module
// (call it the "remote" symbol) and it defines a local symbol.
// Those two symbols often have the same name, with statements like:
// import {foo} from 'bar';
// But they can be different, in e.g.
// import {foo as baz} from 'bar';
// Which maps the remote symbol named 'foo' to a local named 'baz'.
// In all cases TypeScript maintains two different ts.Symbol objects,
// one for the local and one for the remote. In principle for the
// simple import statement
// import {foo} from 'bar';
// the "foo" should be both:
// - a ref/imports to the remote symbol
// - a defines/binding for the local symbol
// But in Kythe the UI for stacking multiple references out from a single
// anchor isn't great, so this code instead unifies all references
// (including renaming imports) to a single VName.
const localSym = this.getSymbolAtLocation(name);
if (!localSym) {
throw new Error(`TODO: local name ${name} has no symbol`);
const remoteSym = this.typeChecker.getAliasedSymbol(localSym);
// This imported symbol can refer to a type, a value, or both.
const kImportValue = remoteSym.flags & ts.SymbolFlags.Value ?
this.getSymbolName(remoteSym, TSNamespace.VALUE) :
const kImportType = remoteSym.flags & ts.SymbolFlags.Type ?
this.getSymbolName(remoteSym, TSNamespace.TYPE) :
// Mark the local symbol with the remote symbol's VName so that all
// references resolve to the remote symbol.
this.symbolNames.set(localSym, [kImportType, kImportValue]);
// The name anchor must link somewhere. In rare cases a symbol is both
// a type and a value that resolve to two different locations; for now,
// because we must choose one, just prefer linking to the value.
// One of the value or type reference should be non-null.
const kImport = (kImportValue || kImportType)!;
this.emitEdge(this.newAnchor(name), 'ref/imports', kImport);
return kImport;
/** visitImportDeclaration handles the various forms of "import ...". */
visitImportDeclaration(decl: ts.ImportDeclaration) {
// All varieties of import statements reference a module on the right,
// so start by linking that.
const moduleSym = this.getSymbolAtLocation(decl.moduleSpecifier);
if (!moduleSym) {
// This can occur when the module failed to resolve to anything.
// See testdata/import_missing.ts for more on how that could happen.
const kModule = this.newVName(
'module', this.getModulePathFromModuleReference(moduleSym));
this.emitEdge(this.newAnchor(decl.moduleSpecifier), 'ref/imports', kModule);
if (!decl.importClause) {
// This is a side-effecting import that doesn't declare anything, e.g.:
// import 'foo';
const clause = decl.importClause;
if ( {
// This is a default import, e.g.:
// import foo from './bar';
if (!clause.namedBindings) {
// TODO: I believe or clause.namedBindings are always present,
// which means this check is not necessary, but the types don't show that.
throw new Error(`import declaration ${decl.getText()} has no bindings`);
switch (clause.namedBindings.kind) {
case ts.SyntaxKind.NamespaceImport:
// This is a namespace import, e.g.:
// import * as foo from 'foo';
const name =;
const sym = this.getSymbolAtLocation(name);
if (!sym) {
clause, `namespace import ${clause.getText()} has no symbol`);
const kModuleObject = this.getSymbolName(sym, TSNamespace.VALUE);
this.emitNode(kModuleObject, 'variable');
this.emitEdge(this.newAnchor(name), 'defines/binding', kModuleObject);
case ts.SyntaxKind.NamedImports:
// This is named imports, e.g.:
// import {bar, baz} from 'foo';
const imports = clause.namedBindings.elements;
for (const imp of imports) {
const kImport = this.visitImport(;
if (imp.propertyName) {
this.newAnchor(imp.propertyName), 'ref/imports', kImport);
* When a file imports another file, with syntax like
* import * as x from 'some/path';
* we wants 'some/path' to refer to a VName that just means "the entire
* file". It doesn't refer to any text in particular, so we just mark
* the first letter in the file as the anchor for this.
emitModuleAnchor(sf: ts.SourceFile) {
const kMod = this.newVName('module', this.moduleName(this.file.fileName));
this.emitFact(kMod, 'node/kind', 'record');
this.emitEdge(this.kFile, 'childof', kMod);
// Emit the anchor, bound to the beginning of the file.
const anchor = this.newAnchor(this.file, 0, 1);
this.emitEdge(anchor, 'defines/binding', kMod);
* Emits a "childof" edge on class/interface members. Takes the Parent node
* and the VName of the node that is its child.
vname: VName, parent: ts.Node,
namespace: TSNamespace = TSNamespace.TYPE) {
const parentName = (parent as ts.ClassLikeDeclaration).name;
if (parentName !== undefined) {
const parentSym = this.getSymbolAtLocation(parentName);
if (!parentSym) {
this.todo(parentName, `parent ${parentName} has no symbol`);
const kParent = this.getSymbolName(parentSym, namespace);
this.emitEdge(vname, 'childof', kParent);
* Emits an implicit property for a getter or setter.
* For instance, a getter/setter `foo` in class `A` will emit an implicit
* property on that class with signature ``, and create "property/reads"
* and "property/writes" from the getters/setters to the implicit property.
decl: ts.GetAccessorDeclaration|ts.SetAccessorDeclaration, anchor: VName,
funcVName: VName) {
// Remove trailing ":getter"/":setter" suffix
const propSignature = funcVName.signature.split(':').slice(0, -1).join(':');
const implicitProp = {...funcVName, signature: propSignature};
this.emitNode(implicitProp, 'variable');
this.emitFact(implicitProp, 'subkind', 'implicit');
this.emitEdge(anchor, 'defines/binding', implicitProp);
const sym = this.getSymbolAtLocation(;
if (!sym) throw new Error('Getter/setter declaration has no symbols.');
if (sym.declarations.find(ts.isGetAccessor)) {
// Emit a "property/reads" edge between the getter and the property
const getter = this.getSymbolName(sym, TSNamespace.VALUE, Context.Getter);
this.emitEdge(getter, 'property/reads', implicitProp);
if (sym.declarations.find(ts.isSetAccessor)) {
// Emit a "property/writes" edge between the setter and the property
const setter = this.getSymbolName(sym, TSNamespace.VALUE, Context.Setter);
this.emitEdge(setter, 'property/writes', implicitProp);
* Handles code like:
* export default ...;
* export = ...;
visitExportAssignment(assign: ts.ExportAssignment) {
if (assign.isExportEquals) {
this.todo(assign, `handle export = statement`);
} else {
// export default <expr>;
// is the same as exporting the expression under the symbol named
// "default". But we don't have a nice name to link the symbol to!
// So instead we link the keyword "default" itself to the VName.
// The TypeScript AST does not expose the location of the 'default'
// keyword so we just find it in the source text to link it.
const span = this.getTextSpan(assign, 'default');
const anchor = this.newAnchor(assign, span.start, span.end);
this.emitEdge(anchor, 'defines/binding', this.scopedSignature(assign));
* Handles code that explicitly exports a symbol, like:
* export {Foo} from './bar';
* Note that export can also be a modifier on a declaration, like:
* export class Foo {}
* and that case is handled as part of the ordinary declaration handling.
visitExportDeclaration(decl: ts.ExportDeclaration) {
if (decl.exportClause) {
for (const exp of decl.exportClause.elements) {
const localSym = this.getSymbolAtLocation(;
if (!localSym) {
console.error(`TODO: export ${} has no symbol`);
// TODO: import a type, not just a value.
const remoteSym = this.typeChecker.getAliasedSymbol(localSym);
const kExport = this.getSymbolName(remoteSym, TSNamespace.VALUE);
this.emitEdge(this.newAnchor(, 'ref', kExport);
if (exp.propertyName) {
// Aliased export; propertyName is the 'as <...>' bit.
this.emitEdge(this.newAnchor(exp.propertyName), 'ref', kExport);
if (decl.moduleSpecifier) {
decl.moduleSpecifier, `handle module specifier in ${decl.getText()}`);
visitVariableStatement(stmt: ts.VariableStatement) {
// A VariableStatement contains potentially multiple variable declarations,
// as in:
// var x = 3, y = 4;
// In the (common) case where there's a single variable declared, we look
// for documentation for that variable above the statement.
let vname: VName|undefined;
for (const decl of stmt.declarationList.declarations) {
vname = this.visitVariableDeclaration(decl);
if (stmt.declarationList.declarations.length === 1 && vname !== undefined) {
this.visitJSDoc(stmt, vname);
* Note: visitVariableDeclaration is also used for class properties;
* the decl parameter is the union of the attributes of the two types.
* @return the generated VName for the declaration, if any.
visitVariableDeclaration(decl: ts.Node&{
name: ts.BindingName | ts.PropertyName,
type?: ts.TypeNode,
initializer?: ts.Expression, kind: ts.SyntaxKind,
}): VName|undefined {
let vname: VName|undefined;
switch ( {
case ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier:
const sym = this.getSymbolAtLocation(;
if (!sym) {
this.todo(, `declaration ${} has no symbol`);
return undefined;
vname = this.getSymbolName(sym, TSNamespace.VALUE);
this.emitNode(vname, 'variable');
this.emitEdge(this.newAnchor(, 'defines/binding', vname);
case ts.SyntaxKind.ObjectBindingPattern:
case ts.SyntaxKind.ArrayBindingPattern:
for (const element of ( as ts.BindingPattern).elements) {
`handle variable declaration: ${ts.SyntaxKind[]}`);
if (decl.type) this.visitType(decl.type);
if (decl.initializer) this.visit(decl.initializer);
if (vname && decl.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration) {
const declNode = decl as ts.PropertyDeclaration;
if (ts.getCombinedModifierFlags(declNode) & ts.ModifierFlags.Static) {
this.emitFact(vname, 'tag/static', '');
if (vname && this.isClassOrInterface(decl.parent)) {
// Emit a "childof" edge on class/interface members.
this.emitChildOf(vname, decl.parent);
return vname;
visitFunctionLikeDeclaration(decl: ts.FunctionLikeDeclaration) {
this.visitDecorators(decl.decorators || []);
let kFunc: VName|undefined = undefined;
let context: Context|undefined = undefined;
if (ts.isGetAccessor(decl)) {
context = Context.Getter;
} else if (ts.isSetAccessor(decl)) {
context = Context.Setter;
if ( {
const sym = this.getSymbolAtLocation(;
if ( === ts.SyntaxKind.ComputedPropertyName) {
// TODO: it's not clear what to do with computed property named
// functions. They don't have a symbol.
this.visit(( as ts.ComputedPropertyName).expression);
} else {
if (!sym) {
`function declaration ${} has no symbol`);
kFunc = this.getSymbolName(sym, TSNamespace.VALUE, context);
const declAnchor = this.newAnchor(;
this.emitNode(kFunc, 'function');
this.emitEdge(declAnchor, 'defines/binding', kFunc);
// Getters/setters also emit an implicit class property entry. If a
// getter is present, it will bind this entry; otherwise a setter will.
if (ts.isGetAccessor(decl) ||
(ts.isSetAccessor(decl) &&
!sym.declarations.find(ts.isGetAccessor))) {
this.emitImplicitProperty(decl, declAnchor, kFunc);
this.visitJSDoc(decl, kFunc);
} else {
// TODO: choose VName for anonymous functions.
kFunc = this.newVName('TODO', 'TODOPath');
if (kFunc) {
this.emitEdge(this.newAnchor(decl), 'defines', kFunc);
if (kFunc && this.isClassOrInterface(decl.parent)) {
// Emit a "childof" edge on class/interface members.
this.emitChildOf(kFunc, decl.parent);
// TODO: emit an "overrides" edge if this method overrides.
// It appears the TS API doesn't make finding that information easy,
// perhaps because it mostly cares about whether types are structrually
// compatible. But I think you can start from the parent class/iface,
// then from there follow the "implements"/"extends" chain to other
// classes/ifaces, and then from there look for methods with matching
// names.
for (const [index, param] of toArray(decl.parameters.entries())) {
this.visitDecorators(param.decorators || []);
const sym = this.getSymbolAtLocation(;
if (!sym) {
this.todo(, `param ${} has no symbol`);
const kParam = this.getSymbolName(sym, TSNamespace.VALUE);
this.emitNode(kParam, 'variable');
if (kFunc) this.emitEdge(kFunc, `param.${index}`, kParam);
if (ts.isParameterPropertyDeclaration(param)) {
// Class members defined in the parameters of a constructor are children
// of the class.
this.emitChildOf(kParam, decl.parent);
} else if (ts.isConstructorDeclaration(decl)) {
// Other parameters of a constructor should be children of the
// constructor. The constructor is the value binding of the class.
this.emitChildOf(kParam, decl.parent, TSNamespace.VALUE);
} else {
// All other parameters on functions are just children of that function.
this.emitChildOf(kParam, decl, TSNamespace.VALUE);
this.emitEdge(this.newAnchor(, 'defines/binding', kParam);
if (param.type) this.visitType(param.type);
if (param.initializer) this.visit(param.initializer);
if (decl.type) {
// "type" here is the return type of the function.
if (decl.typeParameters) this.visitTypeParameters(decl.typeParameters);
if (decl.body) {
} else {
if (kFunc) this.emitFact(kFunc, 'complete', 'incomplete');
visitDecorators(decors: ReadonlyArray<ts.Decorator>) {
for (const decor of decors) {
visitClassDeclaration(decl: ts.ClassDeclaration) {
this.visitDecorators(decl.decorators || []);
if ( {
const sym = this.getSymbolAtLocation(;
if (!sym) {
this.todo(, `class ${} has no symbol`);
// A 'class' declaration declares both a type (a 'record', representing
// instances of the class) and a value (the constructor).
const kClass = this.getSymbolName(sym, TSNamespace.TYPE);
this.emitNode(kClass, 'record');
const classAnchor = this.newAnchor(;
this.emitEdge(classAnchor, 'defines/binding', kClass);
const kClassCtor = this.getSymbolName(sym, TSNamespace.VALUE);
let classCtorAnchor;
const ctor = sym.members!.get(ts.InternalSymbolName.Constructor);
if (ctor) {
const decl = ctor.declarations[0];
const span = this.getTextSpan(decl, 'constructor');
classCtorAnchor = this.newAnchor(decl, span.start, span.end);
} else {
// No constructor on the class, so just point the constructor to the
// class identifier.
classCtorAnchor = classAnchor;
this.emitNode(kClassCtor, 'function');
this.emitFact(kClassCtor, 'subkind', 'constructor');
this.emitEdge(classCtorAnchor, 'defines/binding', kClassCtor);
this.visitJSDoc(decl, kClass);
if (decl.typeParameters) this.visitTypeParameters(decl.typeParameters);
if (decl.heritageClauses) this.visitHeritage(decl.heritageClauses);
for (const member of decl.members) {
visitEnumDeclaration(decl: ts.EnumDeclaration) {
const sym = this.getSymbolAtLocation(;
if (!sym) return;
const kType = this.getSymbolName(sym, TSNamespace.TYPE);
this.emitNode(kType, 'record');
const kValue = this.getSymbolName(sym, TSNamespace.VALUE);
this.emitNode(kValue, 'constant');
const anchor = this.newAnchor(;
this.emitEdge(anchor, 'defines/binding', kType);
this.emitEdge(anchor, 'defines/binding', kValue);
for (const member of decl.members) {
visitEnumMember(decl: ts.EnumMember) {
const sym = this.getSymbolAtLocation(;
if (!sym) return;
const kMember = this.getSymbolName(sym, TSNamespace.VALUE);
this.emitNode(kMember, 'constant');
this.emitEdge(this.newAnchor(, 'defines/binding', kMember);
visitExpressionMember(node: ts.Node) {
const sym = this.getSymbolAtLocation(node);
if (!sym) {
// E.g. a field of an "any".
if (!sym.declarations || sym.declarations.length === 0) {
// An undeclared symbol, e.g. "undefined".
const name = this.getSymbolName(sym, TSNamespace.VALUE);
this.emitEdge(this.newAnchor(node), 'ref', name);
* visitJSDoc attempts to attach a 'doc' node to a given target, by looking
* for JSDoc comments.
visitJSDoc(node: ts.Node, target: VName) {
const text = node.getFullText();
const comments = ts.getLeadingCommentRanges(text, 0);
if (!comments) return;
let jsdoc: string|undefined;
for (const commentRange of comments) {
if (commentRange.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia) continue;
const comment =
text.substring(commentRange.pos + 2, commentRange.end - 2);
if (!comment.startsWith('*')) {
// Not a JSDoc comment.
// Strip the ' * ' bits that start lines within the comment.
jsdoc = comment.replace(/^[ \t]*\* ?/mg, '');
if (jsdoc === undefined) return;
// Strip leading and trailing whitespace.
jsdoc = jsdoc.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '');
const doc = this.newVName(target.signature + '#doc', target.path);
this.emitNode(doc, 'doc');
this.emitEdge(doc, 'documents', target);
this.emitFact(doc, 'text', jsdoc);
/** visit is the main dispatch for visiting AST nodes. */
visit(node: ts.Node): void {
switch (node.kind) {
case ts.SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration:
return this.visitImportDeclaration(node as ts.ImportDeclaration);
case ts.SyntaxKind.ExportAssignment:
return this.visitExportAssignment(node as ts.ExportAssignment);
case ts.SyntaxKind.ExportDeclaration:
return this.visitExportDeclaration(node as ts.ExportDeclaration);
case ts.SyntaxKind.VariableStatement:
return this.visitVariableStatement(node as ts.VariableStatement);
case ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyAssignment: // property in object literal
case ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.PropertySignature:
const vname =
this.visitVariableDeclaration(node as ts.PropertyDeclaration);
if (vname) this.visitJSDoc(node, vname);
case ts.SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction:
case ts.SyntaxKind.Constructor:
case ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration:
case ts.SyntaxKind.MethodSignature:
case ts.SyntaxKind.GetAccessor:
case ts.SyntaxKind.SetAccessor:
return this.visitFunctionLikeDeclaration(
node as ts.FunctionLikeDeclaration);
case ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration:
return this.visitClassDeclaration(node as ts.ClassDeclaration);
case ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration:
return this.visitInterfaceDeclaration(node as ts.InterfaceDeclaration);
case ts.SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration:
return this.visitTypeAliasDeclaration(node as ts.TypeAliasDeclaration);
case ts.SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration:
return this.visitEnumDeclaration(node as ts.EnumDeclaration);
case ts.SyntaxKind.EnumMember:
return this.visitEnumMember(node as ts.EnumMember);
case ts.SyntaxKind.TypeReference:
return this.visitType(node as ts.TypeNode);
case ts.SyntaxKind.BindingElement:
this.visitVariableDeclaration(node as ts.BindingElement);
case ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier:
// Assume that this identifer is occurring as part of an
// expression; we handle identifiers that occur in other
// circumstances (e.g. in a type) separately in visitType.
// Use default recursive processing.
return ts.forEachChild(node, n => this.visit(n));
/** index is the main entry point, starting the recursive visit. */
index() {
this.emitFact(this.kFile, 'node/kind', 'file');
this.emitFact(this.kFile, 'text', this.file.text);
ts.forEachChild(this.file, n => this.visit(n));
* index indexes a TypeScript program, producing Kythe JSON objects for the
* source files in the specified paths.
* (A ts.Program is a configured collection of parsed source files, but
* the caller must specify the source files within the program that they want
* Kythe output for, because e.g. the standard library is contained within
* the Program and we only want to process it once.)
* @param compilationUnit A VName for the entire compilation, containing e.g.
* corpus name.
* @param pathVNames A map of file path to path-specific VName.
* @param emit If provided, a function that receives objects as they are
* emitted; otherwise, they are printed to stdout.
* @param plugins If provided, a list of plugin indexers to run after the
* TypeScript program has been indexed.
* @param readFile If provided, a function that reads a file as bytes to a
* Node Buffer. It'd be nice to just reuse program.getSourceFile but
* unfortunately that returns a (Unicode) string and we need to get at
* each file's raw bytes for UTF-8<->UTF-16 conversions.
export function index(
vname: VName, pathVNames: Map<string, VName>, paths: string[],
program: ts.Program, emit?: (obj: {}) => void, plugins?: Plugin[],
readFile: (path: string) => Buffer = fs.readFileSync) {
// Note: we only call getPreEmitDiagnostics (which causes type checking to
// happen) on the input paths as provided in paths. This means we don't
// e.g. type-check the standard library unless we were explicitly told to.
const diags = new Set<ts.Diagnostic>();
for (const path of paths) {
for (const diag of ts.getPreEmitDiagnostics(
program, program.getSourceFile(path))) {
if (diags.size > 0) {
const message = ts.formatDiagnostics(Array.from(diags), {
getCurrentDirectory() {
return program.getCompilerOptions().rootDir!;
getCanonicalFileName(fileName: string) {
return fileName;
getNewLine() {
return '\n';
throw new Error(message);
const offsetTables = new Map<string, utf8.OffsetTable>();
function getOffsetTable(path: string): utf8.OffsetTable {
let table = offsetTables.get(path);
if (!table) {
const buf = readFile(path);
table = new utf8.OffsetTable(buf);
offsetTables.set(path, table);
return table;
for (const path of paths) {
const sourceFile = program.getSourceFile(path);
if (!sourceFile) {
throw new Error(`requested indexing ${path} not found in program`);
const visitor =
new Visitor(vname, pathVNames, program, sourceFile, getOffsetTable);
if (emit != null) {
visitor.emit = emit;
if (plugins) {
for (const plugin of plugins) {
try {
(path: string) => getFileVName(path, pathVNames, vname), paths,
program, emit);
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Plugin ${} errored: ${err}`);
* loadTsConfig loads a tsconfig.json from a path, throwing on any errors
* like "file not found" or parse errors.
export function loadTsConfig(
tsconfigPath: string, projectPath: string,
host: ts.ParseConfigHost = ts.sys): ts.ParsedCommandLine {
projectPath = path.resolve(projectPath);
const {config: json, error} = ts.readConfigFile(tsconfigPath, host.readFile);
if (error) {
throw new Error(ts.formatDiagnostics([error], ts.createCompilerHost({})));
const config = ts.parseJsonConfigFileContent(json, host, projectPath);
if (config.errors.length > 0) {
throw new Error(
ts.formatDiagnostics(config.errors, ts.createCompilerHost({})));
return config;
function main(argv: string[]) {
if (argv.length < 1) {
console.error('usage: indexer path/to/tsconfig.json [PATH...]');
return 1;
const config = loadTsConfig(argv[0], path.dirname(argv[0]));
let inPaths = argv.slice(1);
if (inPaths.length === 0) {
inPaths = config.fileNames;
// This program merely demonstrates the API, so use a fake corpus/root/etc.
const compilationUnit: VName = {
corpus: 'corpus',
root: '',
path: '',
signature: '',
language: '',
const program = ts.createProgram(inPaths, config.options);
index(compilationUnit, new Map(), inPaths, program);
return 0;
if (require.main === module) {
// Note: do not use process.exit(), because that does not ensure that
// process.stdout has been flushed(!).
process.exitCode = main(process.argv.slice(2));