blob: ffc719da0ac28ecd7ce0bc431050cd4d2a1d7938 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 The Kythe Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <functional>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include "GraphObserver.h"
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "glog/logging.h"
#include "kythe/cxx/common/indexing/KytheGraphRecorder.h"
#include "kythe/cxx/common/kythe_metadata_file.h"
#include "kythe/cxx/extractor/language.h"
#include "kythe/cxx/indexer/cxx/IndexerASTHooks.h"
#include "kythe/cxx/indexer/cxx/KytheClaimClient.h"
#include "kythe/cxx/indexer/cxx/KytheVFS.h"
#include "kythe/proto/storage.pb.h"
namespace kythe {
class KytheGraphRecorder;
/// \brief Provides information about the provenance and claim status of a node.
/// Associates NodeIds with the root, path, and corpus VName fields.
/// As an implementation detail, also contains a flag that determines whether
/// the (file * transcript) pair it came from is statically claimed by the
/// GraphObserver.
class KytheClaimToken : public GraphObserver::ClaimToken {
std::string StampIdentity(const std::string& identity) const override {
std::string stamped = identity;
if (!vname_.corpus().empty()) {
if (!vname_.root().empty()) {
if (!vname_.path().empty()) {
return stamped;
void* GetClass() const override { return &clazz_; }
static bool classof(const ClaimToken* t) { return t->GetClass() == &clazz_; }
/// \brief Marks a VNameRef as belonging to this token.
/// This token must outlive the VNameRef.
void DecorateVName(VNameRef* target) const {
target->corpus =
absl::string_view(vname_.corpus().data(), vname_.corpus().size());
target->root =
absl::string_view(vname_.root().data(), vname_.root().size());
target->path =
absl::string_view(vname_.path().data(), vname_.path().size());
/// \brief Sets a VName that controls the corpus, root and path of claimed
/// objects.
void set_vname(const kythe::proto::VName& vname) {
const kythe::proto::VName& vname() const { return vname_; }
/// \sa rough_claimed
void set_rough_claimed(bool value) { rough_claimed_ = value; }
/// \brief If true, it is reasonable to assume that this token is
/// claimed by the current analysis. If false, more investigation
/// may be required.
bool rough_claimed() const { return rough_claimed_; }
/// \sa language_independent
void set_language_independent(bool value) { language_independent_ = value; }
/// \brief If true, this node isn't language-specific.
bool language_independent() const { return language_independent_; }
bool operator==(const ClaimToken& rhs) const override {
if (this == &rhs) {
return true;
if (const auto* kythe_rhs = clang::dyn_cast<KytheClaimToken>(&rhs)) {
return kythe_rhs->rough_claimed_ == rough_claimed_ &&
kythe_rhs->vname_.corpus() == vname_.corpus() &&
kythe_rhs->vname_.path() == vname_.path() &&
kythe_rhs->vname_.root() == vname_.root();
return false;
bool operator!=(const ClaimToken& rhs) const override {
if (const auto* kythe_rhs = clang::dyn_cast<KytheClaimToken>(&rhs)) {
return kythe_rhs->rough_claimed_ != rough_claimed_ ||
kythe_rhs->vname_.corpus() != vname_.corpus() ||
kythe_rhs->vname_.path() != vname_.path() ||
kythe_rhs->vname_.root() != vname_.root();
return true;
static void* clazz_;
/// The prototypical VName to use for claimed objects.
kythe::proto::VName vname_;
bool rough_claimed_ = true;
bool language_independent_ = false;
/// \brief Records details in the form of Kythe nodes and edges about elements
/// discovered during indexing to the provided `KytheGraphRecorder`.
class KytheGraphObserver : public GraphObserver {
explicit KytheGraphObserver(KytheGraphRecorder* recorder,
KytheClaimClient* client,
const MetadataSupports* meta_supports,
const llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<IndexVFS>& vfs,
ProfilingCallback ReportProfileEventCallback,
std::string build_config = "")
: recorder_(CHECK_NOTNULL(recorder)),
build_config_(std::move(build_config)) {
ReportProfileEvent = std::move(ReportProfileEventCallback);
NodeId getNodeIdForBuiltinType(
const llvm::StringRef& spelling) const override;
const KytheClaimToken* getDefaultClaimToken() const override {
return &default_token_;
void applyMetadataFile(clang::FileID ID, const clang::FileEntry* file,
const std::string& search_string) override;
void StopDeferringNodes() { deferring_nodes_ = false; }
void DropRedundantWraiths() { drop_redundant_wraiths_ = true; }
void Delimit() override { recorder_->PushEntryGroup(); }
void Undelimit() override { recorder_->PopEntryGroup(); }
NodeId nodeIdForTappNode(const NodeId& tycon_id,
absl::Span<const NodeId> params) const override;
NodeId recordTappNode(const NodeId& tapp_id, const NodeId& tycon_id,
absl::Span<const NodeId> params,
unsigned first_default_param) override;
NodeId nodeIdForTsigmaNode(absl::Span<const NodeId> params) const override;
NodeId recordTsigmaNode(const NodeId& tsigma_id,
absl::Span<const NodeId> params) override;
NodeId nodeIdForTypeAliasNode(const NameId& alias_name,
const NodeId& aliased_type) const override;
NodeId recordTypeAliasNode(
const NodeId& type_id, const NodeId& aliased_type,
const absl::optional<NodeId>& root_aliased_type,
const absl::optional<MarkedSource>& marked_source) override;
void recordFunctionNode(
const NodeId& node, Completeness function_completeness,
FunctionSubkind subkind,
const absl::optional<MarkedSource>& marked_source) override;
void assignUsr(const NodeId& node, llvm::StringRef usr,
int byte_size) override;
void recordAbsVarNode(
const NodeId& node,
const absl::optional<MarkedSource>& marked_source) override;
void recordAbsNode(const NodeId& node) override;
void recordMarkedSource(
const NodeId& node,
const absl::optional<MarkedSource>& marked_source) override;
void recordLookupNode(const NodeId& node,
const llvm::StringRef& text) override;
void recordParamEdge(const NodeId& param_of_id, uint32_t ordinal,
const NodeId& param_id) override;
void recordInterfaceNode(
const NodeId& node,
const absl::optional<MarkedSource>& marked_source) override;
void recordRecordNode(
const NodeId& node, RecordKind Kind, Completeness record_completeness,
const absl::optional<MarkedSource>& marked_source) override;
void recordEnumNode(const NodeId& node, Completeness completeness,
EnumKind kind) override;
void recordIntegerConstantNode(const NodeId& node,
const llvm::APSInt& value) override;
NodeId nodeIdForNominalTypeNode(const NameId& name_id) const override;
NodeId recordNominalTypeNode(
const NodeId& name_id, const absl::optional<MarkedSource>& marked_source,
const absl::optional<NodeId>& parent) override;
void recordCategoryExtendsEdge(const NodeId& from, const NodeId& to) override;
void recordExtendsEdge(const NodeId& from, const NodeId& to, bool is_virtual,
clang::AccessSpecifier access_specifier) override;
void recordDeclUseLocation(const Range& source_range, const NodeId& node,
GraphObserver::Claimability cl,
GraphObserver::Implicit i) override;
void recordInitLocation(const Range& source_range, const NodeId& node,
GraphObserver::Claimability cl,
GraphObserver::Implicit i) override;
void recordVariableNode(
const NodeId& decl_node, Completeness var_completeness,
VariableSubkind subkind,
const absl::optional<MarkedSource>& marked_source) override;
void recordNamespaceNode(
const NodeId& decl_node,
const absl::optional<MarkedSource>& marked_source) override;
void recordUserDefinedNode(const NodeId& node,
const llvm::StringRef& node_kind,
Completeness completeness) override;
void recordFullDefinitionRange(
const Range& source_range, const NodeId& node_decl,
const absl::optional<NodeId>& node_def) override;
void recordDefinitionBindingRange(
const Range& binding_range, const NodeId& node_decl,
const absl::optional<NodeId>& node_def) override;
void recordDefinitionRangeWithBinding(
const Range& source_range, const Range& binding_range,
const NodeId& node_decl, const absl::optional<NodeId>& node_def) override;
void recordDocumentationRange(const Range& source_range,
const NodeId& node) override;
void recordDocumentationText(const NodeId& node, const std::string& doc_text,
const std::vector<NodeId>& doc_links) override;
void recordDeclUseLocationInDocumentation(const Range& source_range,
const NodeId& node) override;
void recordCompletionRange(const Range& source_range, const NodeId& node,
Specificity spec,
const NodeId& completing_node) override;
void recordTypeSpellingLocation(const Range& source_range,
const NodeId& type_id,
Claimability claimability,
Implicit i) override;
void recordChildOfEdge(const NodeId& child_id,
const NodeId& parent_id) override;
void recordTypeEdge(const NodeId& term_id, const NodeId& type_id) override;
void recordUpperBoundEdge(const NodeId& TypeNodeId,
const NodeId& TypeBoundNodeId) override;
void recordVariance(const NodeId& TypeNodeId,
const Variance variance) override;
void recordSpecEdge(const NodeId& term_id, const NodeId& type_id,
Confidence conf) override;
void recordInstEdge(const NodeId& term_id, const NodeId& type_id,
Confidence conf) override;
void recordOverridesEdge(const NodeId& overrider,
const NodeId& base_object) override;
void recordOverridesRootEdge(const NodeId& overrider,
const NodeId& root_object) override;
void recordCallEdge(const Range& source_range, const NodeId& caller_id,
const NodeId& callee_id, Implicit i) override;
absl::optional<NodeId> recordFileInitializer(const Range& range) override;
void recordMacroNode(const NodeId& macro_id) override;
void recordExpandsRange(const Range& source_range,
const NodeId& macro_id) override;
void recordIndirectlyExpandsRange(const Range& source_range,
const NodeId& macro_id) override;
void recordUndefinesRange(const Range& source_range,
const NodeId& macro_id) override;
void recordIncludesRange(const Range& source_range,
const clang::FileEntry* file) override;
void recordBoundQueryRange(const Range& source_range,
const NodeId& macro_id) override;
void recordStaticVariable(const NodeId& VarNodeId) override;
void recordDeprecated(const NodeId& NodeId,
const llvm::StringRef& advice) override;
void pushFile(clang::SourceLocation blame_location,
clang::SourceLocation location) override;
void popFile() override;
bool isMainSourceFileRelatedLocation(
clang::SourceLocation location) const override;
void AppendMainSourceFileIdentifierToStream(
llvm::raw_ostream& ostream) override;
/// \brief Configures the claimant that will be used to make claims.
void set_claimant(const kythe::proto::VName& vname) { claimant_ = vname; }
bool claimNode(const NodeId& node_id) override {
if (const auto* token =
clang::dyn_cast<KytheClaimToken>(node_id.getToken())) {
return token->rough_claimed();
return true;
bool claimRange(const GraphObserver::Range& range) override;
bool claimLocation(clang::SourceLocation source_location) override;
/// A representation of the state of the preprocessor.
using PreprocessorContext = std::string;
/// \brief Adds a fact about preprocessor contexts.
/// \param path The (Clang-specific) lookup path for the file.
/// \param context The source context.
/// \param offset The offset into the source file.
/// \param dest_context The context we'll transition into.
void AddContextInformation(const std::string& path,
const PreprocessorContext& context,
unsigned offset,
const PreprocessorContext& dest_context);
/// \brief Configures the starting context.
/// \param context Context to use when the main source file is entered.
void set_starting_context(const PreprocessorContext& context) {
starting_context_ = context;
const KytheClaimToken* getClaimTokenForLocation(
const clang::SourceLocation source_location) const override;
const KytheClaimToken* getClaimTokenForRange(
const clang::SourceRange& source_range) const override;
const KytheClaimToken* getNamespaceClaimToken(
clang::SourceLocation loc) const override;
const KytheClaimToken* getAnonymousNamespaceClaimToken(
clang::SourceLocation loc) const override;
/// \brief Appends a representation of `Range` to `Ostream`.
void AppendRangeToStream(llvm::raw_ostream& ostream,
const Range& range) override;
bool claimImplicitNode(const std::string& identifier) override;
void finishImplicitNode(const std::string& identifier) override;
bool claimBatch(std::vector<std::pair<std::string, bool>>* pairs) override;
void iterateOverClaimedFiles(
std::function<bool(clang::FileID, const NodeId&)> iter) const override;
absl::string_view getBuildConfig() const override { return build_config_; }
void AddMarkedSource(const VNameRef& vname,
const absl::optional<MarkedSource>& signature) {
if (signature) {
recorder_->AddMarkedSource(vname, *signature);
void RecordSourceLocation(const VNameRef& vname,
clang::SourceLocation source_location,
PropertyID offset_id);
/// \brief Called by `AppendRangeToStream` to recur down a `SourceLocation`.
/// A `SourceLocation` may have additional structure due to macro expansions.
/// This function is used to generate a full serialization of this structure.
void AppendFullLocationToStream(std::vector<clang::FileID>* posted_fileids,
clang::SourceLocation loc,
llvm::raw_ostream& Ostream);
/// \brief Append a stable representation of `loc` to `Ostream`, even if
/// `loc` is in a temporary buffer.
void AppendFileBufferSliceHashToStream(clang::SourceLocation loc,
llvm::raw_ostream& Ostream);
VNameRef VNameRefFromNodeId(const GraphObserver::NodeId& node_id) const;
kythe::proto::VName VNameFromFileEntry(const clang::FileEntry* file_entry);
kythe::proto::VName ClaimableVNameFromFileID(const clang::FileID& file_id);
kythe::proto::VName VNameFromRange(const GraphObserver::Range& range);
kythe::proto::VName StampedVNameFromRange(const GraphObserver::Range& range,
const GraphObserver::NodeId& stamp);
/// Checks whether the edge from the anchor with `anchor_vname` covering
/// `source_range` to `primary_anchored_to_decl` with kind `anchor_edge_kind`
/// is interesting to any metadata provider.
void ApplyMetadataRules(
const GraphObserver::Range& source_range,
const GraphObserver::NodeId& primary_anchored_to_decl,
const absl::optional<GraphObserver::NodeId>& primary_anchored_to_def,
EdgeKindID anchor_edge_kind, const kythe::proto::VName& anchor_name);
void RecordStampedAnchor(
const GraphObserver::Range& source_range,
const GraphObserver::NodeId& primary_anchored_to_decl,
const absl::optional<GraphObserver::NodeId>& primary_anchored_to_def,
EdgeKindID anchor_edge_kind, const GraphObserver::NodeId& stamp);
void RecordAnchor(const GraphObserver::Range& source_range,
const GraphObserver::NodeId& primary_anchored_to,
EdgeKindID anchor_edge_kind, Claimability claimability);
void RecordAnchor(const GraphObserver::Range& source_range,
const kythe::proto::VName& primary_anchored_to,
EdgeKindID anchor_edge_kind, Claimability claimability);
/// Records a Range.
void RecordRange(const proto::VName& anchor_name,
const GraphObserver::Range& range);
void UnconditionalRecordRange(const proto::VName& anchor_name,
const GraphObserver::Range& range);
/// Execute metadata actions for `defines` edges.
void MetaHookDefines(const MetadataFile& meta, const VNameRef& anchor,
unsigned range_begin, unsigned range_end,
const VNameRef& decl);
struct RangeHash {
size_t operator()(const GraphObserver::Range& range) const {
return std::hash<unsigned>()(
range.PhysicalRange.getBegin().getRawEncoding()) ^
<< 1) ^
(std::hash<std::string>()(range.Context.getRawIdentity())) ^
(range.Kind == Range::RangeKind::Physical
? 0
: (range.Kind == Range::RangeKind::Wraith ? 1 : 2));
struct StampedRangeHash {
size_t operator()(const std::pair<Range, GraphObserver::NodeId>& p) const {
return (std::hash<std::string>()(p.second.getRawIdentity())) << 1 ^
struct RangeEdge {
clang::SourceRange PhysicalRange;
EdgeKindID EdgeKind;
GraphObserver::NodeId EdgeTarget;
size_t Hash;
bool operator==(const RangeEdge& range) const {
return std::tie(Hash, PhysicalRange, EdgeKind, EdgeTarget) ==
std::tie(range.Hash, range.PhysicalRange, range.EdgeKind,
static size_t ComputeHash(const clang::SourceRange& PhysicalRange,
EdgeKindID EdgeKind,
const GraphObserver::NodeId& EdgeTarget) {
return std::hash<unsigned>()(PhysicalRange.getBegin().getRawEncoding()) ^
<< 1) ^
(std::hash<unsigned>()(static_cast<unsigned>(EdgeKind))) ^
struct ContextFreeRangeEdgeHash {
size_t operator()(const RangeEdge& range) const { return range.Hash; }
/// A file we have entered but not left.
struct FileState {
PreprocessorContext context; ///< The context for this file.
kythe::proto::VName vname; ///< The file's VName.
kythe::proto::VName base_vname; ///< The file's VName without context.
llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID uid; ///< The ID Clang uses for this file.
bool claimed; ///< Whether we have claimed this file.
/// The files we have entered but not left.
std::vector<FileState> file_stack_;
/// A map from FileIDs to associated metadata.
std::multimap<clang::FileID, std::shared_ptr<MetadataFile>> meta_;
/// All files that were ever reached through a header file, including header
/// files themselves.
std::set<llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID> transitively_reached_through_header_;
/// A location in the main source file.
clang::SourceLocation main_source_file_loc_;
/// A claim token in the main source file.
KytheClaimToken* main_source_file_token_ = nullptr;
/// Files we have previously inspected for claiming. When they refer to
/// FileEntries, a FileID represents a specific file being included from a
/// given include position. There will therefore be many FileIDs that map to
/// one context + header pair; then, many context + header pairs may
/// map to a single file's VName.
std::map<clang::FileID, KytheClaimToken> claim_checked_files_;
/// Tokens for files (independent of language) that we've claimed.
std::map<clang::FileID, KytheClaimToken> claimed_file_specific_tokens_;
/// Maps from claim tokens to claim tokens with path and root dropped.
/// Used from logically const member funtions.
mutable std::map<const KytheClaimToken*, KytheClaimToken> namespace_tokens_;
/// The `KytheGraphRecorder` used to record graph data. Must not be null.
KytheGraphRecorder* recorder_;
/// A VName representing this `GraphObserver`'s claiming authority.
kythe::proto::VName claimant_;
/// The starting preprocessor context.
PreprocessorContext starting_context_;
/// Maps from #include locations to the resulting preprocessor context.
using IncludeToContext = std::map<unsigned, PreprocessorContext>;
/// Maps from preprocessor contexts to context-specific records.
using ContextToIncludes = std::map<PreprocessorContext, IncludeToContext>;
/// Maps from file UID to its various context incarnations.
std::map<llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID, ContextToIncludes> path_to_context_data_;
/// The `KytheClaimClient` used to reduce output redundancy. Not null.
KytheClaimClient* client_;
/// Contains the `FileEntry`s for files we have already recorded.
/// These pointers are not owned by the `KytheGraphObserver`.
std::unordered_set<const clang::FileEntry*> recorded_files_;
/// The set of anchor nodes with locations that have not yet been recorded.
/// This allows the `GraphObserver` to limit the amount of redundant range
/// information it emits should an anchor be the source of multiple edges.
std::unordered_set<Range, RangeHash> deferred_anchors_;
/// A set of (source range, edge kind, target node) tuples, used if
/// drop_redundant_wraiths_ is asserted.
std::unordered_set<RangeEdge, ContextFreeRangeEdgeHash> range_edges_;
/// Used to eliminate redundant stamped ranges.
std::unordered_set<std::pair<Range, GraphObserver::NodeId>, StampedRangeHash>
/// Used to eliminate redundant file-level initializers.
std::unordered_set<const KytheClaimToken*> recorded_inits_;
/// If true, anchors and edges from a given physical source location will
/// be dropped if they were previously emitted from the same location
/// with the same edge kind to the same target.
bool drop_redundant_wraiths_ = false;
/// Favor extra memory use during indexing over storing potentially redundant
/// facts for certain frequently-used node kinds. Since these node kinds
/// are defined to have structure equivalent to their names (modulo
/// non-primary types in case of aliases, which may still be stored
/// redundantly), this will not obscure conflicting-fact errors.
/// The set of doc nodes we've emitted so far (identified by
/// `NodeId::ToString()`).
std::unordered_set<std::string> written_docs_;
/// The set of type nodes we've emitted so far (identified by
/// `NodeId::ToString()`).
std::unordered_set<std::string> written_types_;
/// The set of namespace nodes we've emitted so far (identified by
/// `NodeId::ToString()`).
std::unordered_set<std::string> written_namespaces_;
/// Whether to try and locally deduplicate nodes.
bool deferring_nodes_ = true;
/// \brief Enabled metadata import support.
const MetadataSupports* const meta_supports_;
/// The virtual filesystem in use.
llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<IndexVFS> vfs_;
/// A neutral claim token.
KytheClaimToken default_token_;
/// The claim token to use for structural types.
KytheClaimToken type_token_;
/// Name of the platform or build configuration to emit on anchors.
const std::string build_config_;
/// Information about builtin nodes.
struct Builtin {
/// This Builtin's NodeId.
NodeId node_id;
/// Marked source for this Builtin.
MarkedSource marked_source;
/// Whether this Builtin has been emitted.
bool emitted;
/// Add known Builtins to builtins_.
void RegisterBuiltins();
/// Emit a particular Builtin.
void EmitBuiltin(Builtin* builtin) const;
/// Emit entries for C++ meta nodes.
void EmitMetaNodes();
/// Registered builtins.
/// Modified lazily in const member functions.
mutable std::map<std::string, Builtin> builtins_;
} // namespace kythe