blob: cec456e851490fb5abd1b310a44856f4a919eb2a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 The Kythe Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/// \file
/// \brief Defines the class kythe::GraphObserver
#include <string>
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "absl/types/span.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Specifiers.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
#include "glog/logging.h"
#include "kythe/cxx/common/indexing/KytheCachingOutput.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/APSInt.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Hashing.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
namespace kythe {
// TODO(zarko): Most of the documentation for this interface belongs here.
/// \brief A one-way hash for `InString`.
std::string CompressString(absl::string_view InString, bool Force = false);
enum class ProfilingEvent {
Enter, ///< A profiling section was entered.
Exit ///< A profiling section was left.
/// \brief A callback used to report a profiling event.
/// Profile events have labels (formatted as lowercase strings with words
/// separated by underscores) and event types.
using ProfilingCallback = std::function<void(const char*, ProfilingEvent)>;
/// \brief Ensures that Enter events are paired with Exit events.
class ProfileBlock {
/// \param Callback reporting callback; must outlive `ProfileBlock`
/// \param SectionName name for the section; must outlive `ProfileBlock`
ProfileBlock(const ProfilingCallback& Callback, const char* SectionName)
: Callback(Callback), SectionName(SectionName) {
Callback(SectionName, ProfilingEvent::Enter);
~ProfileBlock() { Callback(SectionName, ProfilingEvent::Exit); }
const ProfilingCallback& Callback;
const char* SectionName;
/// \brief An interface for processing elements discovered as part of a
/// compilation unit.
/// Before calling a member on a `GraphObserver` that accepts a `SourceLocation`
/// as an argument, the `GraphObserver`'s `SourceManager` must be set.
class GraphObserver {
/// \brief Provides additional information about an object that may be
/// used to determine responsibility for processing it.
/// ClaimTokens are owned by the `GraphObserver` and are destroyed
/// with the `GraphObserver`. The information they represent is specific
/// to each `GraphObserver` implementation and may include the claimable
/// object's representative source path, whether a claim has been successfully
/// made (thus making the token active), and so on.
class ClaimToken {
virtual ~ClaimToken(){};
/// \brief Returns a string representation of `Identity` stamped with this
/// token.
virtual std::string StampIdentity(const std::string& Identity) const = 0;
/// \brief Returns a value unique to each implementation of `ClaimToken`.
virtual void* GetClass() const = 0;
/// \brief Checks for equality.
/// `ClaimTokens` are only equal if they have the same value for `GetClass`.
virtual bool operator==(const ClaimToken& RHS) const = 0;
virtual bool operator!=(const ClaimToken& RHS) const = 0;
/// \brief Takes care of balancing calls to `Delimit` and `Undelimit`.
class Delimiter {
Delimiter(GraphObserver& Self) : S(Self) { S.Delimit(); }
~Delimiter() { S.Undelimit(); }
GraphObserver& S;
/// \brief Push another group onto the group stack, assigning
/// any observations that follow to it.
virtual void Delimit() {}
/// \brief Pop the last group from the group stack.
virtual void Undelimit() {}
/// \brief The identifier for an object in the graph being observed.
/// A node is identified uniquely in the graph by its `Token`, which
/// provides evidence of its provenance (and may be used to determine whether
/// the node should be analyzed), and its `Identity`, a string of bytes
/// determined by the `IndexerASTHooks` and `GraphObserver` override.
class NodeId {
NodeId(const ClaimToken* Token, const std::string& Identity)
: Token(Token), Identity(CompressString(Identity)) {}
NodeId(const NodeId& C) { *this = C; }
NodeId& operator=(const NodeId* C) {
Token = C->Token;
Identity = C->Identity;
return *this;
static NodeId CreateUncompressed(const ClaimToken* Token,
const std::string& Identity) {
NodeId NewId(Token, "");
NewId.Identity = Identity;
return NewId;
/// \brief Returns a string representation of this `NodeId`.
std::string ToString() const { return Identity; }
/// \brief Returns a string reference representation of this `NodeId`'s
/// Identity.
/// This `NodeId` must outlive the `StringRef`.
llvm::StringRef IdentityRef() const {
return llvm::StringRef(, Identity.size());
/// \brief Returns a string representation of this `NodeId`
/// annotated by its claim token.
std::string ToClaimedString() const {
return Token->StampIdentity(Identity);
bool operator==(const NodeId& RHS) const {
return *Token == *RHS.Token && Identity == RHS.Identity;
bool operator!=(const NodeId& RHS) const {
return *Token != *RHS.Token || Identity != RHS.Identity;
const std::string& getRawIdentity() const { return Identity; }
const ClaimToken* getToken() const { return Token; }
const ClaimToken* Token;
std::string Identity;
/// \brief A range of source text, potentially associated with a node.
/// The `GraphObserver` interface uses `clang::SourceRange` instances to
/// locate source text. It also supports associating a source range with
/// a semantic context. This is used to distinguish generated code from the
/// code that generates it. For instance, ranges specific to an implicit
/// specialization of some type may have physical ranges that overlap with
/// the primary template's, but they will be distinguished from the primary
/// template's ranges by being associated with the context of the
/// specialization.
struct Range {
enum class RangeKind {
/// This range relates to a run of bytes in a source file.
/// This range refers to source text that was synthesized by the compiler,
/// but which is not associated with any written code. For example,
/// the ranges associated with implicitly defined constructors are
/// Implicit. Ranges that are associated with implicit instantiations
/// of templates are Wraiths.
/// This range is related to some bytes, but also lives in an
/// imaginary context; for example, a declaration of a member variable
/// inside an implicit template instantiation has its source range
/// set to the declaration's range in the template being instantiated
/// and its context set to the `NodeId` of the implicit specialization.
/// \brief Constructs a physical `Range` for the given `clang::SourceRange`.
Range(const clang::SourceRange& R, const ClaimToken* T)
: Kind(RangeKind::Physical), PhysicalRange(R), Context(T, "") {
/// \brief Constructs a `Range` with some physical location, but specific to
/// the context of some semantic node.
Range(const clang::SourceRange& R, const NodeId& C)
: Kind(RangeKind::Wraith), PhysicalRange(R), Context(C) {
/// \brief Constructs a new `Range` in the context of an existing
/// `Range`, but with a different physical location.
Range(const Range& R, const clang::SourceRange& NR)
: Kind(R.Kind), PhysicalRange(NR), Context(R.Context) {
/// \brief Constructs a new implicit `Range` with a source range hint,
/// if that source location is valid, not a macro location, and is
/// in a physical file.
static Range Implicit(const NodeId& C, const clang::SourceRange& NR) {
Range new_range(C);
if (NR.getBegin().isValid() && NR.getBegin().isFileID()) {
new_range.PhysicalRange = NR;
return new_range;
/// \brief Constructs a new `Implicit` `Range` keyed on a semantic object.
explicit Range(const NodeId& C) : Kind(RangeKind::Implicit), Context(C) {}
RangeKind Kind;
clang::SourceRange PhysicalRange;
NodeId Context;
struct NameId {
/// \brief C++ distinguishes between several equivalence classes of names,
/// a selection of which we consider important to represent.
enum class NameEqClass {
None, ///< This name is not a member of a significant class.
Union, ///< This name names a union record.
Class, ///< This name names a non-union class or struct.
Macro ///< This name names a macro.
// TODO(zarko): Enums should be part of their own NameEqClass.
// We should consider whether representation type information should
// be part of enum (lookup) names--or whether this information must
// be queried separately by clients and postprocessors.
/// \brief The abstract path to this name. For most `NameEqClass`es, this
/// is the path from the translation unit root.
std::string Path;
/// \brief The `NameClass` of this name.
NameEqClass EqClass;
/// \brief Whether this name is known to be hidden.
/// Most useful names can be uttered from the global namespace.
/// Some names, like the names of local variables, cannot. When we know
/// a name is unutterable, this flag is set.
bool Hidden = false;
/// \brief Returns a string representation of this `NameId`.
std::string ToString() const;
/// \brief Determines whether an edge an opt out of claiming.
/// If claiming based on the preprocessor is not enough to determine whether
/// an edge adds unique content to the graph, that edge may be marked as
/// Unclaimable.
enum class Claimability {
Claimable, ///< This edge may be dropped by claiming.
Unclaimable ///< This edge must always be emitted.
GraphObserver() {}
/// \brief Sets the `SourceManager` that this `GraphObserver` should use.
/// Since the `SourceManager` may not exist at the time the
/// `GraphObserver` is created, it must be set after construction.
/// \param SM the context for all `SourceLocation` instances.
virtual void setSourceManager(clang::SourceManager* SM) {
SourceManager = SM;
/// \brief Loads and applies the metadata file `FE` to the given FileId.
/// \param SearchString if non-empty, is used to locate a C-style comment
/// inside `FE` that contains metadata.
virtual void applyMetadataFile(clang::FileID ID, const clang::FileEntry* FE,
const std::string& SearchString) {}
/// \param LO the language options in use.
virtual void setLangOptions(clang::LangOptions* LO) { LangOptions = LO; }
/// \param PP The `Preprocessor` to use.
virtual void setPreprocessor(clang::Preprocessor* PP) { Preprocessor = PP; }
/// \brief Returns a claim token that provides no additional information.
virtual const ClaimToken* getDefaultClaimToken() const = 0;
/// \brief Returns a claim token for namespaces declared at `Loc`.
/// \param Loc The declaration site of the namespace.
virtual const ClaimToken* getNamespaceClaimToken(
clang::SourceLocation Loc) const {
return getDefaultClaimToken();
/// \brief Returns a claim token for anonymous namespaces declared at `Loc`.
/// \param Loc The declaration site of the anonymous namespace.
virtual const ClaimToken* getAnonymousNamespaceClaimToken(
clang::SourceLocation Loc) const {
return getDefaultClaimToken();
/// \brief Returns the `NodeId` for the builtin type or type constructor named
/// by `Spelling`.
/// We invent names for type constructors, which are ordinarly spelled out
/// as operators in C++. These names are "ptr" for *, "rref" for &&,
/// "lref" for &, "const", "volatile", and "restrict".
/// \param Spelling the spelling of the builtin type (from
/// `clang::BuiltinType::getName(this->getLangOptions())` or the builtin
/// type constructor.
/// \return The `NodeId` for `Spelling`.
virtual NodeId getNodeIdForBuiltinType(
const llvm::StringRef& Spelling) const = 0;
/// \brief Returns the ID for a type node aliasing another type node.
/// \param AliasName a `NameId` for the alias name.
/// \param AliasedType a `NodeId` corresponding to the aliased type.
/// \return the `NodeId` for the type node corresponding to the alias.
virtual NodeId nodeIdForTypeAliasNode(const NameId& AliasName,
const NodeId& AliasedType) const = 0;
/// \brief Records a type alias node (eg, from a `typedef` or
/// `using Alias = ty` instance).
/// \param AliasName a `NameId` for the alias name.
/// \param AliasedType a `NodeId` corresponding to the aliased type.
/// \param RootAliasedType the non-alias at the root of the alias chain; may
/// be AliasedType
/// \param MarkedSource marked source for the alias.
/// \return the `NodeId` for the type alias node this definition defines.
NodeId recordTypeAliasNode(const NameId& AliasName, const NodeId& AliasedType,
const absl::optional<NodeId>& RootAliasedType,
const absl::optional<MarkedSource>& MarkedSource) {
return recordTypeAliasNode(nodeIdForTypeAliasNode(AliasName, AliasedType),
AliasedType, RootAliasedType, MarkedSource);
/// \brief Records a type alias node (eg, from a `typedef` or
/// `using Alias = ty` instance).
/// \param AliasName a `NodeId` for the alias.
/// \param AliasedType a `NodeId` corresponding to the aliased type.
/// \param RootAliasedType the non-alias at the root of the alias chain; may
/// be AliasedType
/// \param MarkedSource marked source for the alias.
/// \return the `NodeId` for the type alias node this definition defines.
virtual NodeId recordTypeAliasNode(
const NodeId& AliasId, const NodeId& AliasedType,
const absl::optional<NodeId>& RootAliasedType,
const absl::optional<MarkedSource>& MarkedSource) = 0;
/// \brief Returns the ID for a nominal type node (such as a struct,
/// typedef or enum).
/// \param TypeName a `NameId` corresponding to a nominal type.
/// \return the `NodeId` for the type node corresponding to `TypeName`.
virtual NodeId nodeIdForNominalTypeNode(const NameId& TypeName) const = 0;
/// \brief Records a type node for some nominal type (such as a struct,
/// typedef or enum), returning its ID.
/// \param TypeName a `NameId` corresponding to a nominal type.
/// \param MarkedSource marked source for the type node.
/// \param Parent if non-null, the parent node of this nominal type.
/// \return the `NodeId` for the type node corresponding to `TypeName`.
NodeId recordNominalTypeNode(const NameId& TypeName,
const absl::optional<MarkedSource>& MarkedSource,
const absl::optional<NodeId>& Parent) {
return recordNominalTypeNode(nodeIdForNominalTypeNode(TypeName),
MarkedSource, Parent);
/// \brief Records a type node for some nominal type (such as a struct,
/// typedef or enum), returning its ID.
/// \param TypeNode a `NodeId` corresponding to a nominal type.
/// \param MarkedSource marked source for the type node.
/// \param Parent if non-null, the parent node of this nominal type.
/// \return the `NodeId` for the type node.
virtual NodeId recordNominalTypeNode(
const NodeId& TypeNode, const absl::optional<MarkedSource>& MarkedSource,
const absl::optional<NodeId>& Parent) = 0;
/// \brief Returns a type application node ID.
/// \note This is the elimination form for the `abs` node.
/// \param TyconId The `NodeId` of the appropriate type constructor or
/// abstraction.
/// \param Params The `NodeId`s of the types to apply to the constructor or
/// abstraction.
/// \return The application's result's ID.
virtual NodeId nodeIdForTappNode(const NodeId& TyconId,
absl::Span<const NodeId> Params) const = 0;
/// \brief Records a type application node, returning its ID.
/// \note This is the elimination form for the `abs` node.
/// \param TappId The `NodeId` of the tapp to record.
/// \param TyconId The `NodeId` of the appropriate type constructor or
/// abstraction.
/// \param Params The `NodeId`s of the types to apply to the constructor or
/// abstraction.
/// \param FirstDefaultParam The first type parameter to consider
/// assigned its default value (or Params.size() otherwise).
/// \return The application's result's ID.
virtual NodeId recordTappNode(const NodeId& TappId, const NodeId& TyconId,
absl::Span<const NodeId> Params,
unsigned FirstDefaultParam) = 0;
/// \brief Records a type application node, returning its ID.
/// \note This is the elimination form for the `abs` node.
/// \param TyconId The `NodeId` of the appropriate type constructor or
/// abstraction.
/// \param Params The `NodeId`s of the types to apply to the constructor or
/// abstraction.
/// \param FirstDefaultParam The first type parameter to consider
/// assigned its default value (or Params.size() otherwise).
/// \return The application's result's ID.
NodeId recordTappNode(const NodeId& TyconId, absl::Span<const NodeId> Params,
unsigned FirstDefaultParam) {
return recordTappNode(nodeIdForTappNode(TyconId, Params), TyconId, Params,
/// \brief Records a type application node, returning its ID.
/// \note This is the elimination form for the `abs` node.
/// \param TyconId The `NodeId` of the appropriate type constructor or
/// abstraction.
/// \param Params The `NodeId`s of the types to apply to the constructor or
/// abstraction.
/// Uses Params.size() for FirstDefaultParam.
/// \return The application's result's ID.
NodeId recordTappNode(const NodeId& TyconId,
absl::Span<const NodeId> Params) {
return recordTappNode(TyconId, Params, Params.size());
/// \brief Returns the ID for a tsigma type node (e.g. a C++ parameter pack
/// substitution).
/// \param Params The `NodeId`s of the types to include.
/// \return The result's ID.
virtual NodeId nodeIdForTsigmaNode(absl::Span<const NodeId> Params) const = 0;
/// \brief Records a sigma node, returning its ID.
/// \param TsigmaId The `NodeId` to record.
/// \param Params The `NodeId`s of the types to include.
/// \return The result's ID.
virtual NodeId recordTsigmaNode(const NodeId& TsigmaId,
absl::Span<const NodeId> Params) = 0;
/// \brief Records a sigma node, returning its ID.
/// \param Params The `NodeId`s of the types to include.
/// \return The result's ID.
NodeId recordTsigmaNode(absl::Span<const NodeId> Params) {
return recordTsigmaNode(nodeIdForTsigmaNode(Params), Params);
enum class RecordKind { Struct, Class, Union, Category };
/// \brief Describes how autological a given declaration is.
enum class Completeness {
/// This declaration is a definition (`class C {};`) and hence is
/// necessarily also complete.
/// This declaration is complete (in the sense of [basic.types]),
/// but it may not be a definition (`enum class E : short;`) [dcl.enum]
/// This declaration is incomplete (`class C;`)
/// \brief Selects from among different flavors of variable.
enum class VariableSubkind {
/// This variable has no specific subkind.
/// This is a field.
enum class FunctionSubkind {
/// This function has no specific subkind.
/// This is a constructor.
/// This is a destructor.
/// This is a synthesized initializer.
enum class Variance { Covariant, Contravariant, Invariant };
/// \brief Records a node representing an interface type (such as a protocol
/// in Objective-C).
/// \param Node The NodeId of the record.
/// \param MarkedSource marked source for this interface.
virtual void recordInterfaceNode(
const NodeId& Node, const absl::optional<MarkedSource>& MarkedSource) {}
/// \brief Records a node representing a record type (such as a class or
/// struct).
/// \param Node The NodeId of the record.
/// \param Kind Whether this record is a struct, class, or union.
/// \param RecordCompleteness Whether the record is complete.
/// \param MarkedSource marked source for this record.
virtual void recordRecordNode(
const NodeId& Node, RecordKind Kind, Completeness RecordCompleteness,
const absl::optional<MarkedSource>& MarkedSource) {}
/// \brief Records a node representing a function.
/// \param Node The NodeId of the function.
/// \param FunctionCompleteness Whether the function is complete.
/// \param Subkind The subkind of the function.
/// \param MarkedSource marked source for this function.
virtual void recordFunctionNode(
const NodeId& Node, Completeness FunctionCompleteness,
FunctionSubkind Subkind,
const absl::optional<MarkedSource>& MarkedSource) {}
/// \brief Assigns a USR to node.
/// \param Node The target node.
/// \param Usr The raw USR.
/// \param ByteSize Number of significant bytes to use.
virtual void assignUsr(const NodeId& Node, llvm::StringRef Usr,
int ByteSize) {}
/// \brief Describes whether an enum is scoped (`enum class`).
enum class EnumKind {
Scoped, ///< This enum is scoped (an `enum class`).
Unscoped ///< This enum is unscoped (a plain `enum`).
/// \brief Records a node representing a dependent type abstraction, like
/// a template.
/// Abstraction nodes are used to represent the binding sites of compile-time
/// variables. Consider the following class template definition:
/// ~~~
/// template <typename T> class C { T m; };
/// ~~~
/// Here, the `GraphObserver` will be notified of a single abstraction
/// node. This node will have a single parameter, recorded with
/// `recordAbsVarNode`. The abstraction node will have a child record
/// node, which in turn will have a field `m` with a type that depends on
/// the abstraction variable parameter.
/// \param Node The NodeId of the abstraction.
/// \sa recordAbsVarNode
virtual void recordAbsNode(const NodeId& Node) {}
/// \brief Explicitly record marked source for some `Node`.
virtual void recordMarkedSource(
const NodeId& Node, const absl::optional<MarkedSource>& MarkedSource) {}
/// \brief Records a node representing a variable in a dependent type
/// abstraction.
/// \param Node The `NodeId` of the variable.
/// \param MarkedSource marked source for this variable.
/// \sa recordAbsNode
virtual void recordAbsVarNode(
const NodeId& Node, const absl::optional<MarkedSource>& MarkedSource) {}
/// \brief Records a node representing a deferred lookup.
/// \param Node The `NodeId` of the lookup.
/// \param Name The `Name` for which resolution has been deferred
virtual void recordLookupNode(const NodeId& Node,
const llvm::StringRef& Name) {}
/// \brief Records a parameter relationship.
/// \param `ParamOfNode` The node this `ParamNode` is the parameter of.
/// \param `Ordinal` The ordinal for the parameter (0 is the first).
/// \param `ParamNode` The `NodeId` for the parameter.
virtual void recordParamEdge(const NodeId& ParamOfNode, uint32_t Ordinal,
const NodeId& ParamNode) {}
/// \brief Records a node representing an enumerated type.
/// \param Compl Whether the enum is complete.
/// \param EnumKind Whether the enum is scoped.
virtual void recordEnumNode(const NodeId& Node, Completeness Compl,
EnumKind Kind) {}
/// \brief Records a node representing a constant with a value representable
/// with an integer.
/// Note that the type of the language-level object this node represents may
/// not be integral. For example, `recordIntegerConstantNode` is used to
/// record information about the implicitly or explicitly assigned values
/// for enumerators.
virtual void recordIntegerConstantNode(const NodeId& Node,
const llvm::APSInt& Value) {}
// TODO(zarko): Handle other values. How should we represent class
// constants?
/// \brief Records that a variable (either local or global) has been
/// declared.
/// \param DeclNode The identifier for this particular element.
/// \param Compl The completeness of this variable declaration.
/// \param Subkind Which kind of variable declaration this is.
/// \param MarkedSource marked source for this variable.
// TODO(zarko): We should make note of the storage-class-specifier (
// of the variable, which is a property the variable itself and not of its
// type.
virtual void recordVariableNode(
const NodeId& DeclNode, Completeness Compl, VariableSubkind Subkind,
const absl::optional<MarkedSource>& MarkedSource) {}
/// \brief Records that a namespace has been declared.
/// \param DeclNode The identifier for this particular element.
/// \param MarkedSource marked source for this namespace.
virtual void recordNamespaceNode(
const NodeId& DeclNode,
const absl::optional<MarkedSource>& MarkedSource) {}
// TODO(zarko): recordExpandedTypeEdge -- records that a type was seen
// to have some canonical type during a compilation. (This is a 'canonical'
// type for a given compilation, but may differ between compilations.)
/// \brief Records that a particular `Range` contains the declaration
/// of the node called `DeclId` (with possible full definition `DefnId`).
/// The provided `Range` should cover the full syntactic definition of the
/// identified node.
virtual void recordFullDefinitionRange(
const Range& SourceRange, const NodeId& DeclId,
const absl::optional<NodeId>& DefnId = absl::nullopt) {}
/// \brief Records that a particular `Range` contains the declaration
/// of the node called `DeclId` (with possible full definition `DefnId`).
/// Generally the `BindingRange` provided will be small and limited only to
/// the part of the declaration that binds a name. For example, in `class C`,
/// we would `recordDefinitionBindingRange` on the range for `C`.
virtual void recordDefinitionBindingRange(
const Range& BindingRange, const NodeId& DeclId,
const absl::optional<NodeId>& DefnId = absl::nullopt) {}
/// \brief Records that a particular `Range` contains the declaration
/// of the node called `DeclId` (with possible full definition `DefnId`).
/// Generally the `BindingRange` provided will be small and limited only to
/// the part of the declaration that binds a name. For example, in `class C`,
/// we would `recordDefinitionRangeWithBinding` on the range for `C`.
/// The `SourceRange` should cover the full syntactic definition of the
/// identified node.
virtual void recordDefinitionRangeWithBinding(
const Range& SourceRange, const Range& BindingRange, const NodeId& DeclId,
const absl::optional<NodeId>& DefnId = absl::nullopt) {}
/// \brief Records that a particular string contains documentation for
/// the node called `DocId`, possibly containing inner links to other nodes.
virtual void recordDocumentationText(const NodeId& DocId,
const std::string& DocText,
const std::vector<NodeId>& DocLinks) {}
/// \brief Records that a particular `Range` contains some documentation
/// for the node called `DocId`.
virtual void recordDocumentationRange(const Range& SourceRange,
const NodeId& DocId) {}
/// \brief Determines whether a feature is explicit or implicit.
enum class Implicit {
/// This feature is explicit (e.g., it's written down in source).
/// This feature is implicit (e.g., it's the result of macro expansion
/// or template instantiation).
/// \brief Records a use site for a decl inside some documentation.
virtual void recordDeclUseLocationInDocumentation(const Range& SourceRange,
const NodeId& DeclId) {}
/// \brief Describes how specific a completion relationship is.
enum class Specificity {
/// This relationship is the only possible relationship given its context.
/// For example, a class definition uniquely completes a forward declaration
/// in the same source file.
/// This relationship is one of many possible relationships. For example, a
/// forward declaration in a header file may be completed by definitions in
/// many different source files.
/// \brief Describes how much of a guess an edge is.
enum class Confidence {
/// This relationship definitely exists.
/// There is not enough information to determine whether this relationship
/// actually exists.
/// \brief Records that a particular `Range` contains a completion
/// for the node named `DefnId`.
/// \param SourceRange The source range containing the completion.
/// \param DefnId The `NodeId` for the node being completed.
/// \param Spec the specificity of the relationship beween the `Range`
/// and the `DefnId`.
/// \param CompletingNode The node completing DefnId. This refers to, for
/// example, the function definition that completes a declaration. In the case
/// where there are multiple possible nodes, like when the function is
/// actually a function template, pass the ID for the outer (abs) node.
virtual void recordCompletionRange(const Range& SourceRange,
const NodeId& DefnId, Specificity Spec,
const NodeId& CompletingNode) {}
/// \brief Records the type of a node as an edge in the graph.
/// \param TermNodeId The identifier for the node to be given a type.
/// \param TypeNodeId The identifier for the node representing the type.
virtual void recordTypeEdge(const NodeId& TermNodeId,
const NodeId& TypeNodeId) {}
/// \brief Records an upper bound for the type of a node as an edge in the
/// graph.
/// \param TypeNodeId The identifier for the node to given a bounded type.
/// \param TypeNodeId The identifier for the node representing the type that
/// is the bound.
virtual void recordUpperBoundEdge(const NodeId& TypeNodeId,
const NodeId& TypeBoundNodeId) {}
/// \brief Record the variance for this Type Node. This is useful for
/// Objective-C where the user can explicitly set the variance for a type
/// parameter.
/// Objective C type param decls may declare their variance, which affects the
/// subtyping of the parent type. See the test cases for examples and text
/// explaining the typing relationship.
/// In short, given A<__covaraint T : U*>, the type parameter bound (T : U*)
/// describes how the type parameter can be assigned. The co/contra qualifier
/// describes the type relationship between A<X*> and A<Y*> if X and Y are
/// both subtypes of U.
virtual void recordVariance(const NodeId& TypeNodeId, const Variance V) {}
/// \brief Records that some term specializes some abstraction.
/// \param TermNodeId The identifier for the node specializing the
/// abstraction.
/// \param TypeNodeId The identifier for the node representing the specialized
/// abstraction.
/// \param Conf Whether we're sure that this relationship exists.
virtual void recordSpecEdge(const NodeId& TermNodeId, const NodeId& AbsNodeId,
Confidence Conf) {}
/// \brief Records that some term instantiates some abstraction.
/// \param TermNodeId The identifier for the node instantiating the type.
/// \param TypeNodeId The identifier for the node representing the
/// instantiated abstraction.
/// \param Conf Whether we're sure that this relationship exists.
virtual void recordInstEdge(const NodeId& TermNodeId, const NodeId& AbsNodeId,
Confidence Conf) {}
/// \brief Records that some overrider overrides a base object.
/// \param Overrider the object doing the overriding
/// \param BaseObject the object being overridden
virtual void recordOverridesEdge(const NodeId& Overrider,
const NodeId& BaseObject) {}
/// \brief Records that some overrider overrides a root base object.
/// \param Overrider the object doing the overriding
/// \param RootBaseObject the root of the override chain; may be BaseObject
virtual void recordOverridesRootEdge(const NodeId& Overrider,
const NodeId& RootBaseObject) {}
/// \brief Records that a node is called at a particular location.
/// \param CallLoc The `Range` responsible for making the call.
/// \param CallerId The scope to be held responsible for making the call;
/// for example, a function.
/// \param CalleeId The node being called.
/// \param I Whether this call is implicit.
virtual void recordCallEdge(const Range& SourceRange, const NodeId& CallerId,
const NodeId& CalleeId, Implicit I) {}
/// \brief Creates a node to represent a file-level initialization routine
/// that can be blamed for a call at `CallSite`.
/// \param CallSite The call site that needs a routine to blame.
/// \return The `NodeId` for the routine to blame.
virtual absl::optional<NodeId> recordFileInitializer(const Range& CallSite) {
return absl::nullopt;
/// \brief Records a child-to-parent relationship as an edge in the graph.
/// \param ChildNodeId The identifier for the child node.
/// \param ParentNodeId The identifier for the parent node.
virtual void recordChildOfEdge(const NodeId& ChildNodeId,
const NodeId& ParentNodeId) {}
/// \brief Records that a record adds functionality to another record. In the
/// case of Objective-C this occurs in a category where additional methods
/// are added to a preexisting class.
/// \param InheritingNodeId The record type providing additional
/// functionality. In Objective-C, this would be the category.
/// \param InheritedTypeId The record type being extended (the base class).
virtual void recordCategoryExtendsEdge(const NodeId& InheritingNodeId,
const NodeId& InheritedTypeId) {}
/// \brief Records that a record directly inherits from another record.
/// \param InheritingNodeId The inheriting record type (the derived class).
/// \param InheritedTypeId The record type being inherited (the base class).
/// \param IsVirtual True if the inheritance is virtual.
/// \param AS The access specifier for this inheritance.
virtual void recordExtendsEdge(const NodeId& InheritingNodeId,
const NodeId& InheritedTypeId, bool IsVirtual,
clang::AccessSpecifier AS) {}
/// \brief Records a node with a provided kind.
/// \param Id The ID of the node to record.
/// \param NodeKind The kind of the node ("google/protobuf")
/// \param Compl Whether this node is complete.
virtual void recordUserDefinedNode(const NodeId& Id,
const llvm::StringRef& NodeKind,
Completeness Compl) {}
/// \brief Records a use site for some decl.
virtual void recordDeclUseLocation(const Range& SourceRange,
const NodeId& DeclId, Claimability Cl,
Implicit I) {}
/// \brief Records an init site for some decl.
virtual void recordInitLocation(const Range& SourceRange,
const NodeId& DeclId, Claimability Cl,
Implicit I) {}
/// \brief Records that a type was spelled out at a particular location.
/// \param SourceRange The source range covering the type spelling.
/// \param TypeNode The identifier for the type being spelled out.
/// \param Cr Whether this information can be dropped by claiming.
virtual void recordTypeSpellingLocation(const Range& SourceRange,
const NodeId& TypeId, Claimability Cl,
Implicit I) {}
/// \brief Records that a macro was defined.
virtual void recordMacroNode(const NodeId& MacroNode) {}
/// \brief Records that a macro was expanded at some location.
/// This function is called when a macro with some (potentially empty)
/// definition is substituted for that definition. This is distinct from
/// the `recordBoundQueryRange` and `recordUnboundQueryRange` events, which
/// happen when a macro's binding state (whether it has or has no definition
/// at all, respectively) is tested. Testing a macro for definedness does
/// not expand it.
/// \param SourceRange The `Range` covering the text causing the expansion.
/// \param MacroId The `NodeId` of the macro being expanded.
/// \sa recordBoundQueryRange, recordUnboundQueryRange
/// \sa recordIndirectlyExpandsRange
virtual void recordExpandsRange(const Range& SourceRange,
const NodeId& MacroId) {}
/// \brief Records that a macro was expanded indirectly at some location.
/// This function is called when a macro with some (potentially empty)
/// definition is substituted for that definition because an initial
/// macro substitution was made at the provided source location.
/// \param SourceRange The `Range` covering the original text causing the
/// (first) expansion.
/// \param MacroId The `NodeId` of the macro being expanded.
/// \sa recordBoundQueryRange, recordUnboundQueryRange, recordExpandsRange
virtual void recordIndirectlyExpandsRange(const Range& SourceRange,
const NodeId& MacroId) {}
/// \brief Records that a macro was undefined at some location.
/// \param SourceRange The `Range` covering the text causing the undefinition.
/// \param MacroId The `NodeId` of the macro being undefined.
virtual void recordUndefinesRange(const Range& SourceRange,
const NodeId& MacroId) {}
/// \brief Records that a defined macro was queried at some location.
/// Testing a macro for definedness does not expand it.
/// \param SourceRange The `Range` covering the text causing the query.
/// \param MacroId The `NodeId` of the macro being queried.
virtual void recordBoundQueryRange(const Range& SourceRange,
const NodeId& MacroId) {}
/// \brief Records that another resource was included at some location.
/// \param SourceRange The `Range` covering the text causing the inclusion.
/// \param File The resource being included.
virtual void recordIncludesRange(const Range& SourceRange,
const clang::FileEntry* File) {}
/// \brief Records that the specified variable is static.
/// \param VarNodeId The `NodeId` of the static variable.
virtual void recordStaticVariable(const NodeId& VarNodeId) {}
/// \brief Records that the specified node is deprecated.
/// \param NodeId The `NodeId` of the deprecated node.
/// \param Advice A user-readable message about the deprecation (or empty).
virtual void recordDeprecated(const NodeId& NodeId,
const llvm::StringRef& Advice) {}
/// \brief Called when a new input file is entered.
/// The file entered in the first `pushFile` is the compilation unit being
/// indexed.
/// \param BlameLocation If valid, the `SourceLocation` that caused the file
/// to be pushed, e.g., an include directive.
/// \param Loc A `SourceLocation` in the file being entered.
/// \sa popFile
virtual void pushFile(clang::SourceLocation BlameLocation,
clang::SourceLocation Location) {}
/// \brief Called when the previous input file to be entered is left.
/// \sa pushFile
virtual void popFile() {}
/// \brief Returns true if the given source location is part of the
/// main source file (e.g., it was written in the main source file or
/// a textual include, but not a header include or a textual include from
/// a header include).
/// \pre Preprocessing is complete.
virtual bool isMainSourceFileRelatedLocation(
clang::SourceLocation Location) const {
// Conservatively return true.
return true;
/// \brief Append a string representation of the identifier of the main
/// source file to the given stream.
/// \pre Preprocessing is complete.
virtual void AppendMainSourceFileIdentifierToStream(
llvm::raw_ostream& Ostream) {}
/// \brief Checks whether this `GraphObserver` should emit data for some
/// `NodeId` and its descendants.
/// \param NodeId The node to claim.
/// It is always safe to return `true` here (as this will result in
/// redundant output instead of dropped output).
virtual bool claimNode(const NodeId& NodeId) { return true; }
/// \brief Checks whether this `GraphObserver` should emit data for
/// an implicitly defined node which may not have a claim token.
/// It is always safe to return `true` here. If this function returns
/// `true`, the caller should follow up with a call to `finishImplicitNode`.
virtual bool claimImplicitNode(const std::string& Identifier) { return true; }
/// \brief Notifies the `GraphObserver` that data that was emitted because
/// a call to `claimImplicitNode` returned true.
virtual void finishImplicitNode(const std::string& Identifier) {}
/// \brief Claim a batch of identifying tokens for an anonymous claimant.
/// \param tokens A vector of pairs of `(token, claimed)`. `claimed` should
/// initially be set to `true`.
/// \return true if, after claiming, any of the `claimed` values is set to
/// `true`.
/// Calls to `claimBatch` are not idempotent; claiming the same token more
/// than once may fail even if the first claim succeeds. Implementations
/// should ensure that failure is permanent.
virtual bool claimBatch(std::vector<std::pair<std::string, bool>>* pairs) {
bool claimed = false;
for (auto& pair : *pairs) {
if (claimImplicitNode(pair.first)) {
claimed = true;
pair.second = true;
return claimed;
/// \brief Checks whether this `GraphObserver` should emit data for
/// nodes at some `SourceLocation`.
/// \param Loc The location to claim.
/// It is always safe to return `true` here (as this will result in
/// redundant output instead of dropped output).
virtual bool claimLocation(clang::SourceLocation Loc) { return true; }
/// \brief Checks whether this `GraphObserver` should emit data for
/// nodes contained by some `Range`.
/// \param Range The range to claim.
/// It is always safe to return `true` here (as this will result in
/// redundant output instead of dropped output).
virtual bool claimRange(const Range& R) { return true; }
/// \brief Returns a `ClaimToken` for intrinsics.
/// By default, this will return the default claim token. This does not
/// associate the builtin with any particular location and ensures that
/// information for the builtin will be emitted when it is used in some
/// relationship.
virtual const ClaimToken* getClaimTokenForBuiltin() const {
return getDefaultClaimToken();
/// \brief Returns a `ClaimToken` covering a given source location.
/// NB: FileIds represent each *inclusion* of a file. This allows us to
/// map from the FileId inside a SourceLocation to a (file, transcript)
/// pair.
virtual const ClaimToken* getClaimTokenForLocation(
const clang::SourceLocation L) const {
return getDefaultClaimToken();
/// \brief Returns a `ClaimToken` covering a given source range.
virtual const ClaimToken* getClaimTokenForRange(
const clang::SourceRange& SR) const {
return getDefaultClaimToken();
/// \brief Append a string representation of `Range` to `Ostream`.
virtual void AppendRangeToStream(llvm::raw_ostream& Ostream,
const Range& Range) {
Range.PhysicalRange.getBegin().print(Ostream, *SourceManager);
Ostream << "@";
Range.PhysicalRange.getEnd().print(Ostream, *SourceManager);
if (Range.Kind == Range::RangeKind::Wraith) {
Ostream << "@";
Ostream << Range.Context.ToClaimedString();
virtual ~GraphObserver() = 0;
clang::SourceManager* getSourceManager() const { return SourceManager; }
clang::LangOptions* getLangOptions() const { return LangOptions; }
clang::Preprocessor* getPreprocessor() const { return Preprocessor; }
const ProfilingCallback& getProfilingCallback() const {
return ReportProfileEvent;
/// \brief Calls `iter` for each claimed FileID.
/// If `iter` returns false, terminates iteration.
virtual void iterateOverClaimedFiles(
std::function<bool(clang::FileID, const NodeId&)> iter) const {}
/// Name of the platform or build configuration to emit on anchors.
virtual absl::string_view getBuildConfig() const { return ""; }
clang::SourceManager* SourceManager = nullptr;
clang::LangOptions* LangOptions = nullptr;
clang::Preprocessor* Preprocessor = nullptr;
ProfilingCallback ReportProfileEvent = [](const char*, ProfilingEvent) {};
inline GraphObserver::~GraphObserver() {}
/// \brief A GraphObserver that does nothing.
class NullGraphObserver : public GraphObserver {
/// \brief A ClaimToken that provides no information or evidence.
class NullClaimToken : public ClaimToken {
std::string StampIdentity(const std::string& Identity) const override {
return Identity;
void* GetClass() const override { return &NullClaimTokenClass; }
bool operator==(const ClaimToken& RHS) const override {
return RHS.GetClass() == GetClass();
bool operator!=(const ClaimToken& RHS) const override {
return RHS.GetClass() != GetClass();
static void* NullClaimTokenClass;
NodeId getNodeIdForBuiltinType(
const llvm::StringRef& Spelling) const override {
return NodeId(getDefaultClaimToken(), "");
NodeId nodeIdForTypeAliasNode(const NameId& AliasName,
const NodeId& AliasedType) const override {
return NodeId(getDefaultClaimToken(), "");
NodeId recordTypeAliasNode(
const NodeId& AliasId, const NodeId& AliasedType,
const absl::optional<NodeId>& RootAliasedType,
const absl::optional<MarkedSource>& MarkedSource) override {
return NodeId(getDefaultClaimToken(), "");
NodeId nodeIdForNominalTypeNode(const NameId& type_name) const override {
return NodeId(getDefaultClaimToken(), "");
NodeId recordNominalTypeNode(const NodeId& TypeNode,
const absl::optional<MarkedSource>& MarkedSource,
const absl::optional<NodeId>& Parent) override {
return NodeId(getDefaultClaimToken(), "");
NodeId nodeIdForTsigmaNode(absl::Span<const NodeId> Params) const override {
return NodeId(getDefaultClaimToken(), "");
NodeId recordTsigmaNode(const NodeId& TsigmaId,
absl::Span<const NodeId> Params) override {
return TsigmaId;
NodeId nodeIdForTappNode(const NodeId& TyconId,
absl::Span<const NodeId> Params) const override {
return NodeId(getDefaultClaimToken(), "");
NodeId recordTappNode(const NodeId& TappId, const NodeId& TyconId,
absl::Span<const NodeId> Params,
unsigned FirstDefaultParam) override {
return NodeId(getDefaultClaimToken(), "");
const ClaimToken* getDefaultClaimToken() const override {
return &DefaultToken;
~NullGraphObserver() {}
NullClaimToken DefaultToken;
/// \brief Emits a stringified representation of the given `NameId`,
/// including its `NameEqClass`, to the given stream.
inline llvm::raw_ostream& operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream& OS,
const GraphObserver::NameId& N) {
OS << N.Path << "#";
switch (N.EqClass) {
case GraphObserver::NameId::NameEqClass::None:
OS << "n";
case GraphObserver::NameId::NameEqClass::Class:
OS << "c";
case GraphObserver::NameId::NameEqClass::Union:
OS << "u";
case GraphObserver::NameId::NameEqClass::Macro:
OS << "m";
return OS;
/// \brief Emits a stringified representation of the given `NodeId`.
inline llvm::raw_ostream& operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream& OS,
const GraphObserver::NodeId& N) {
return OS << N.ToClaimedString();
inline std::string GraphObserver::NameId::ToString() const {
std::string Rep;
llvm::raw_string_ostream Ostream(Rep);
Ostream << *this;
return Ostream.str();
inline bool operator==(const GraphObserver::Range& L,
const GraphObserver::Range& R) {
return L.Kind == R.Kind && L.PhysicalRange == R.PhysicalRange &&
(L.Kind == GraphObserver::Range::RangeKind::Physical ||
L.Context == R.Context);
inline bool operator!=(const GraphObserver::Range& L,
const GraphObserver::Range& R) {
return !(L == R);
// 64 characters that can appear in identifiers (plus $ from Java).
static constexpr char kSafeEncodingCharacters[] =
static constexpr size_t kBitsPerCharacter = 6;
static_assert((1 << kBitsPerCharacter) == sizeof(kSafeEncodingCharacters) - 1,
"The alphabet is big enough");
/// Returns a compact string representation of the `Hash`.
static inline std::string HashToString(size_t Hash) {
if (!Hash) {
return "";
int SetBit = sizeof(Hash) * CHAR_BIT - llvm::countLeadingZeros(Hash);
size_t Pos = (SetBit + kBitsPerCharacter - 1) / kBitsPerCharacter;
std::string HashOut(Pos, kSafeEncodingCharacters[0]);
while (Hash) {
HashOut[--Pos] =
kSafeEncodingCharacters[Hash & ((1 << kBitsPerCharacter) - 1)];
Hash >>= kBitsPerCharacter;
return HashOut;
} // namespace kythe