blob: 12e6b593c5850f1ce1b162273a5ccfdc15955829 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 The Kythe Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// This file uses the Clang style conventions.
#include "GoogleFlagsLibrarySupport.h"
#include "IndexerASTHooks.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
namespace kythe {
/// \return true if `SpellingLoc` exists in the scratch space, is in a macro,
/// or is invalid.
static bool SpellingLocIsImaginary(const clang::SourceManager& SM,
clang::SourceLocation SpellingLoc) {
if (!SpellingLoc.isValid() || !SpellingLoc.isFileID()) {
return true;
auto PLoc = SM.getPresumedLoc(SpellingLoc);
// There doesn't appear to be a way to get at Preprocessor's ScratchBuf,
// but we do know that it always allocates files with this special name.
return !(PLoc.isInvalid() || strcmp(PLoc.getFilename(), "<scratch space>"));
/// \brief If `Decl` is a googleflags flag, returns the range covering the flag
/// name in the DECLARE_ or DEFINE_ macro that declared it; otherwise returns an
/// invalid range.
/// This function is used in two contexts: first, if you have a variable
/// declaration statement, it will tell you whether that declaration came from a
/// googleflags macro. Second, if you have a reference to a variable at some
/// location in the source text (e.g., a DeclRefExpr), it will tell you
/// whether the VarDecl came from a googleflags macro _and_ whether the location
/// at which the reference expression was made was internal to googleflags.
/// These internal references are googleflags implementation details and are
/// uninteresting to index as high-level references to flag nodes.
/// \param LO The LangOptions used to check the input AST.
/// \param Decl The VarDecl that may belong to a flag.
/// \param RefLoc If valid, the location of the reference made to Decl.
static clang::SourceRange GetVarDeclFlagDeclLoc(
const clang::LangOptions& LO, const clang::VarDecl* Decl,
clang::SourceLocation RefLoc = clang::SourceLocation()) {
// Quickly bail out if this isn't "FLAGS_foo":
if (!Decl->getName().startswith("FLAGS_")) {
return clang::SourceLocation();
clang::SourceLocation Loc = Decl->getLocation();
// Look for an identifier that's a token paste (so it lives inside the
// scratch buffer).
if (!Loc.isMacroID() || !Loc.isValid()) {
return clang::SourceLocation();
const auto& Context = Decl->getASTContext();
const auto& SM = Context.getSourceManager();
// Reject references that come from imaginary places (like token pastes in
// flags headers).
if (RefLoc.isValid() && RefLoc.isMacroID() &&
SpellingLocIsImaginary(SM, SM.getSpellingLoc(RefLoc))) {
return clang::SourceLocation();
auto SpellingLoc = SM.getSpellingLoc(Loc);
if (!SpellingLocIsImaginary(SM, SpellingLoc)) {
return clang::SourceLocation();
// Now check to see where the token paste came from. As it turns out, the
// spelling location of the VarDecl's spelling source range will point into
// the gflags headers:
auto IsDefinedInGflagsHeader = [&SM](clang::SourceLocation SRBegin) {
if (!SRBegin.isValid()) {
return false;
auto SRSpellingLoc = SM.getSpellingLoc(SRBegin);
// Did this come from a googleflags header file?
auto MaybeFlagsFileId = SM.getFileID(SRSpellingLoc);
if (MaybeFlagsFileId.isInvalid()) {
return false;
const auto* MaybeFlagsFileEntry = SM.getFileEntryForID(MaybeFlagsFileId);
if (!MaybeFlagsFileEntry) {
return false;
llvm::StringRef MaybeFlagsFilename(MaybeFlagsFileEntry->getName());
return MaybeFlagsFilename.endswith("gflags.h") ||
auto SRBegin = Decl->getSourceRange().getBegin();
if (!SRBegin.isValid() ||
(!IsDefinedInGflagsHeader(SRBegin) &&
SM.getImmediateExpansionRange(SRBegin).getBegin()))) {
return clang::SourceLocation();
// This VarDecl's name (which starts with FLAGS_) came from a token paste
// that was the result of a macro that was written down in a googleflags
// include file. The last thing we'll check is that the macro that we
// originally expanded was one of the DEFINE_ or DECLARE_ gflags macros.
bool WasInvalid = false;
auto FileLoc = SM.getFileLoc(Loc);
auto FileIdOffset = SM.getDecomposedLoc(FileLoc);
auto FileBuf = SM.getBufferData(FileIdOffset.first, &WasInvalid);
if (WasInvalid) {
return clang::SourceLocation();
auto DefTokenEnd = clang::Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(FileLoc, 0, SM, LO);
if (DefTokenEnd.isInvalid()) {
return clang::SourceLocation();
auto FileIdEndOffset = SM.getDecomposedLoc(DefTokenEnd);
if (FileIdEndOffset.first != FileIdOffset.first) {
// These aren't in the same file somehow?
return clang::SourceLocation();
auto DefTokText = llvm::StringRef(FileBuf.substr(
FileIdOffset.second, FileIdEndOffset.second - FileIdOffset.second));
bool IsFlagDef = DefTokText.startswith("DEFINE_");
if (!IsFlagDef && !DefTokText.startswith("DECLARE_")) {
return clang::SourceLocation();
if (IsFlagDef && (Decl->getDefinition() != Decl)) {
// Reject internal declarataions.
return clang::SourceLocation();
// Note that we still get FLAGS_foo, FLAGS_nofoo, FLAGS_nonofoo. We'll lex the
// `(` and `id` from `DEFINE_ttt(id` and compare with the identifier name.
// Only when they match will we return successfully.
clang::Token MaybeParen;
bool LexBad = clang::Lexer::getRawToken(DefTokenEnd, MaybeParen, SM, LO,
/* IgnoreWhitespace */ true);
if (LexBad || ! {
return clang::SourceLocation();
clang::Token MaybeFlagId;
LexBad = clang::Lexer::getRawToken(MaybeParen.getEndLoc(), MaybeFlagId, SM,
LO, /* IgnoreWhitespace */ true);
if (LexBad || ! {
return clang::SourceLocation();
auto MaybeFlagName = MaybeFlagId.getRawIdentifier();
if (MaybeFlagName == Decl->getName().drop_front(6 /* FLAGS_ */)) {
// Use this negative offset in case we skipped whitespace before the
// raw_identifier token.
return clang::SourceRange(
return clang::SourceLocation();
/// \brief Given the NodeId of the primary variable defn or decl of a flag,
/// returns a NodeId for the flag itself.
/// \param VarId the NodeId for the flag's primary variable (not a _no or _nono)
static GraphObserver::NodeId NodeIdForFlag(const GraphObserver::NodeId& VarId) {
return GraphObserver::NodeId(VarId.getToken(),
"google/gflag#" + VarId.getRawIdentity());
void GoogleFlagsLibrarySupport::InspectVariable(
IndexerASTVisitor& V, GraphObserver::NodeId& NodeId,
GraphObserver::NodeId& DeclBodyNodeId, const clang::VarDecl* Decl,
GraphObserver::Completeness Compl, const std::vector<Completion>& Compls) {
if (NodeId != DeclBodyNodeId) {
// Google flags aren't variable templates, so abort early.
GraphObserver& GO = V.getGraphObserver();
auto Range = GetVarDeclFlagDeclLoc(*GO.getLangOptions(), Decl);
if (Range.isValid()) {
auto FlagName = clang::Lexer::getSourceText(
Decl->getASTContext().getSourceManager(), *GO.getLangOptions());
GraphObserver::NameId FlagNameId;
// NB: Flags are always global.
FlagNameId.Path = FlagName.str();
FlagNameId.EqClass = GraphObserver::NameId::NameEqClass::None;
GraphObserver::NodeId FlagNodeId = NodeIdForFlag(NodeId);
GO.recordUserDefinedNode(FlagNodeId, "google/gflag", Compl);
if (auto RCC = V.ExplicitRangeInCurrentContext(Range)) {
GO.recordDefinitionBindingRange(*RCC, FlagNodeId);
clang::FileID DeclFile =
// If there are any Completions, this must be a definition.
for (const auto& C : Compls) {
if (const auto* NextDecl = llvm::dyn_cast<clang::VarDecl>(C.Decl)) {
auto NextDeclRange =
GetVarDeclFlagDeclLoc(*GO.getLangOptions(), NextDecl);
if (NextDeclRange.isValid()) {
clang::FileID NextDeclFile =
*RCC, NodeIdForFlag(C.DeclId),
NextDeclFile == DeclFile
? GraphObserver::Specificity::UniquelyCompletes
: GraphObserver::Specificity::Completes,
void GoogleFlagsLibrarySupport::InspectDeclRef(
IndexerASTVisitor& V, clang::SourceLocation DeclRefLocation,
const GraphObserver::Range& Ref, GraphObserver::NodeId& RefId,
const clang::NamedDecl* TargetDecl) {
GraphObserver& GO = V.getGraphObserver();
const auto* VD = llvm::dyn_cast<const clang::VarDecl>(TargetDecl);
if (!VD) {
// We only care about VarDecls.
auto Range = GetVarDeclFlagDeclLoc(*GO.getLangOptions(), VD, DeclRefLocation);
if (Range.isValid()) {
GO.recordDeclUseLocation(Ref, NodeIdForFlag(RefId),
} // namespace kythe