blob: d08401a1e4bcec0fd08a258a54cdc3ca08fc330e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 The Kythe Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package kythe.proto.serving;
option go_package = "serving_go_proto";
option java_package = "";
import "kythe/proto/common.proto";
// A derivative of xref.NodeInfo for serving.
message Node {
string ticket = 1;
repeated kythe.proto.common.Fact fact = 2;
// This node's definition location (anchor).
ExpandedAnchor definition_location = 3;
// Full representation of a Kythe edge; useful during post-processing.
message Edge {
Node source = 1;
string kind = 2;
int32 ordinal = 5;
Node target = 3;
repeated kythe.proto.common.Fact fact = 4;
// An EdgeGroup represents a set of edges with the same kind and source.
// Note: this is a derivative of xref.EdgeSet_Group
message EdgeGroup {
message Edge {
Node target = 1;
int32 ordinal = 2;
string kind = 1;
repeated Edge edge = 2;
// PagedEdgeSets are used for efficiently storing EdgeSets, all originating from
// the same source ticket, in order to handle pagination requests.
message PagedEdgeSet {
// The source node for all the edges in the edge set.
Node source = 1;
// Each group is a collection of outbound edges from source node sharing a
// given kind.
repeated EdgeGroup group = 2;
// Total number of edges in all of the EdgePages, including this one.
int32 total_edges = 3 [deprecated = true];
// Page indices for other EdgePages, sorted by edge kind.
repeated PageIndex page_index = 4;
// PageIndex is a pointer to an EdgePage. In order to keep the PagedEdgeSet
// small, we don't store edges here. We just store a key for looking up an
// EdgePage and the type of edge.
message PageIndex {
// The kind of all edges on the referred EdgePage.
string edge_kind = 1;
// Total number of edges on the referred EdgePage.
int32 edge_count = 2;
// Key that can be used to lookup the referred EdgePage.
string page_key = 3;
// EdgePages are a group of edges for a particular edge kind and source ticket.
message EdgePage {
// Corresponding PageIndex key that can be used to lookup this page.
string page_key = 1;
string source_ticket = 2;
EdgeGroup edges_group = 3;
// FileDirectory describes a virtual directory of file nodes.
message FileDirectory {
// Each known entry in the directory.
repeated Entry entry = 3;
message Entry {
// The kind of entry.
Kind kind = 1;
// The basename of the entry within the directory.
string name = 2;
// Set of known build configurations of this FILE or all files recursively
// contained in/below this DIRECTORY.
repeated string build_config = 3;
enum Kind {
FILE = 1;
// Set of URIs for each contained sub-directory's corpus, root, and full path.
repeated string subdirectory = 1 [deprecated = true];
// Set of file node tickets contained within this directory.
repeated string file_ticket = 2 [deprecated = true];
// CorpusRoots describes all of the known corpus/root pairs that contain file
// nodes.
message CorpusRoots {
message Corpus {
string corpus = 1;
repeated string root = 2;
repeated string build_config = 3;
repeated Corpus corpus = 1;
// A File is a specialized Node structure for file nodes.
message File {
string ticket = 1;
bytes text = 2;
string encoding = 3;
// A RawAnchor is a specialized Node structure for anchor nodes.
message RawAnchor {
string ticket = 1;
int32 start_offset = 2;
int32 end_offset = 3;
int32 snippet_start = 4;
int32 snippet_end = 5;
string build_configuration = 6;
// ExpandedAnchors are constructed from an RawAnchor and its associated File.
// They contain normalized Spans based on their parent file's text as well as
// the UTF8-encoded text for both the anchor's span and its snippet span.
message ExpandedAnchor {
string ticket = 1;
string kind = 2;
reserved 3;
string text = 4;
kythe.proto.common.Span span = 5;
string snippet = 6;
kythe.proto.common.Span snippet_span = 7;
string build_configuration = 8;
// FileDecorations stores a file's contents and all contained anchor edges.
message FileDecorations {
File file = 1;
// Represents an edge from an anchor contained within the file to some target.
message Decoration {
RawAnchor anchor = 1;
string kind = 2;
string target = 5;
string target_definition = 4;
string semantic_scope = 6;
// The decorations located in the file, sorted by starting offset.
repeated Decoration decoration = 2;
// Set of nodes associated with each and
// target_override.overridden.
repeated Node target = 4;
// Set of definition locations for each and
// target_override.overridden.
repeated ExpandedAnchor target_definitions = 3;
// An overrides/extends for a defining Decoration's target.
// Example:
// overriding: "kythe:#java.lang.String"
// kind: EXTENDS
// overridden: "kythe:#java.lang.Object"
message Override {
// What kind of override this is.
enum Kind {
// Ticket of overriding node (i.e. a Decoration target for a definition)
string overriding = 1;
// Ticket of node that is being overridden/extended.
string overridden = 2;
string overridden_definition = 5;
Kind kind = 3;
// MarkedSource for the node being overridden/extended (i.e. node whose
// ticket is overridden).
kythe.proto.common.MarkedSource marked_source = 4;
// List of overrides for target semantic nodes.
repeated Override target_override = 5;
// List of file diagnostics.
repeated kythe.proto.common.Diagnostic diagnostic = 6;
// PagedCrossReferences are used for efficiently storing pre-cached data for
// CrossReferencesReply.{definition,reference,caller} anchors and related
// nodes.
message PagedCrossReferences {
reserved 10;
// Nodes with cross-references that should be merged into this node's set of
// cross-references. These are highly related nodes that share a definition.
repeated string merge_with = 7;
// Node which is related to the source_ticket node. The relation kind is
// stored in each Group. See: kythe.proto.CrossReferencesReply.RelatedNode.
message RelatedNode {
Node node = 1;
int32 ordinal = 2;
// Caller of the source node with all associated callsites within the caller.
message Caller {
// The anchor covering the caller.
ExpandedAnchor caller = 1;
// The relevant semantic ticket for the caller.
string semantic_caller = 2;
// MarkedSource for the caller.
kythe.proto.common.MarkedSource marked_source = 3;
// Specific locations within the caller that caused the relationship to
// exist.
repeated ExpandedAnchor callsite = 4;
message Group {
string kind = 1;
// Build configuration for all anchors contained within the group.
string build_config = 5;
// A group is composed entirely of anchors, related nodes, or callers.
repeated ExpandedAnchor anchor = 2;
repeated RelatedNode related_node = 3;
repeated Caller caller = 4;
message Page {
string page_key = 1;
string source_ticket = 2;
Group group = 3;
// A PageIndex is a reference to a Page.
message PageIndex {
string kind = 1;
int32 count = 2;
string page_key = 3;
string build_config = 4;
string source_ticket = 1;
Node source_node = 8;
repeated Group group = 2;
repeated PageIndex page_index = 3;
int32 total_references = 4 [deprecated = true];
// Whether the source node is incomplete. This changes whether
// /kythe/edge/defines edges are considered declarations or definitions.
// /kythe/edge/completes edges are always grouped as definitions.
bool incomplete = 5;
// The source node's MarkedSource.
kythe.proto.common.MarkedSource marked_source = 6;
// A single node's documentation for the xrefs Documentation API.
message Document {
string ticket = 1;
// The node's MarkedSource.
kythe.proto.common.MarkedSource marked_source = 2;
// Raw text that can be displayed to the user (but may also contain markup
// that can be interpreted, like Doxygen comments). Links are marked using [].
// \ is an escape character (where possible escape sequences are \[, \], and
// \\).
string raw_text = 3;
// Annotations for spans in raw_text. The ith Link corresponds to the span
// starting at the ith [.
repeated kythe.proto.common.Link link = 4;
// Tickets for this document node's immediate children.
repeated string child_ticket = 5;
// Nodes referenced by documentation Links.
repeated Node node = 6;
// If non-empty, this is the ticket of a node whose documentation should
// subsume this node's documentation.
string documented_by = 7;
// A single identifier's information for the Identifier API
message IdentifierMatch {
message Node {
// Kythe ticket for the matched node.
string ticket = 1;
// Kind of the node being referenced.
string node_kind = 2;
// Subkind of the node being referenced.
string node_subkind = 3;
// The fully qualified identifier for the node.
string qualified_name = 1;
// The local identifier for the node.
string base_name = 2;
repeated Node node = 3;
// Relatives stores the nodes connected to a reference node via childOf edges:
// "parents" (nodes that the reference node is a childOf)
// or "children" (nodes that are each a childOf of the reference node).
// Used by ExploreService for the Parents and Children APIs.
message Relatives {
enum Type {
UNKNOWN = 0; // never a valid value
PARENTS = 1; // the reference node is a childOf each element of 'tickets'
CHILDREN = 2; // each element of 'tickets' is a childOf the reference node
// Nodes connected to a reference node via childOf edges.
repeated string tickets = 1;
Type type = 2;
// Callgraph stores the tickets for semantic nodes of functions that call, or
// are called by, a reference function semantic node.
// Used by ExploreService for the Caller and Callee APIs.
message Callgraph {
enum Type {
UNKNOWN = 0; // never a valid value
CALLER = 1; // each element of 'tickets' is a caller of the reference node
CALLEE = 2; // each element of 'tickets' is called by the reference node
// Nodes connected to a reference node via the call relationship.
repeated string tickets = 1;
Type type = 2;