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* Copyright 2014 The Kythe Authors. All rights reserved.
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* limitations under the License.
// Package vnameutil provides utilities for generating consistent VNames from
// common path-like values (e.g., filenames, import paths).
package vnameutil
import (
spb ""
// A Rule associates a regular expression pattern with a VName template. A
// Rule can be applied to a string to produce a VName.
type Rule struct {
*regexp.Regexp // A pattern to match against an input string
*spb.VName // A template to populate with matches from the input
// Apply reports whether input matches the regexp associated with r. If so, it
// returns a VName whose fields have values taken from r.VName, with submatches
// populated from the input string.
// Submatch replacement is done using regexp.ExpandString, so the same syntax
// is supported for specifying replacements.
func (r Rule) Apply(input string) (*spb.VName, bool) {
m := r.FindStringSubmatchIndex(input)
if m == nil {
return nil, false
return &spb.VName{
Corpus: r.expand(m, input, r.Corpus),
Path: r.expand(m, input, r.Path),
Root: r.expand(m, input, r.Root),
Signature: r.expand(m, input, r.Signature),
}, true
func (r Rule) expand(match []int, input, template string) string {
return string(r.ExpandString(nil, template, input, match))
// Rules are an ordered set of rewriting rules. Applying a group of rules
// tries each rule in sequence, and returns the result of the first one that
// matches.
type Rules []Rule
// Apply applies each rule in to the input in sequence, returning the first
// successful match. If no rules apply, returns (nil, false).
func (r Rules) Apply(input string) (*spb.VName, bool) {
for _, rule := range r {
if v, ok := rule.Apply(input); ok {
return v, true
return nil, false
// ApplyDefault acts as r.Apply, but returns v there is no matching rule.
func (r Rules) ApplyDefault(input string, v *spb.VName) *spb.VName {
if hit, ok := r.Apply(input); ok {
return hit
return v
// rewriteRule implements JSON marshaling and unmarshaling for storing rules in
// a file.
type rewriteRule struct {
Pattern pattern `json:"pattern"`
VName struct {
Corpus string `json:"corpus,omitempty"`
Path string `json:"path,omitempty"`
Root string `json:"root,omitempty"`
Signature string `json:"signature,omitempty"`
} `json:"vname"`
// toRule converts a rewriteRule to a Rule.
func (r *rewriteRule) toRule() Rule {
return Rule{
Regexp: r.Pattern.Regexp,
VName: &spb.VName{
Corpus: fixTemplate(r.VName.Corpus),
Path: fixTemplate(r.VName.Path),
Root: fixTemplate(r.VName.Root),
Signature: fixTemplate(r.VName.Signature),
var fieldRE = regexp.MustCompile(`@(\w+)@`)
// fixTemplate rewrites @x@ markers in the template to the ${x} markers used by
// the regexp.Expand function, to simplify rewriting.
func fixTemplate(s string) string {
if s == "" {
return ""
return fieldRE.ReplaceAllStringFunc(strings.Replace(s, "$", "$$", -1),
func(s string) string {
return "${" + strings.Trim(s, "@") + "}"
type pattern struct {
// UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface, accepting a string
// value that encodes a valid RE2 regular expression.
func (p *pattern) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
var s string
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &s); err != nil {
return err
if !strings.HasPrefix(s, "^") {
s = "^" + s
if !strings.HasSuffix(s, "$") {
s += "$"
r, err := regexp.Compile(s)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid regular expression: %v", err)
p.Regexp = r
return nil
// ParseRules parses Rules from JSON-encoded data in the following format:
// [
// {
// "pattern": "re2_regex_pattern",
// "vname": {
// "corpus": "corpus_template",
// "root": "root_template",
// "path": "path_template"
// }
// }, ...
// ]
// Each pattern is an RE2 regexp pattern. Patterns are implicitly anchored at
// both ends. The template strings may contain markers of the form @n@, that
// will be replaced by the n'th regexp group on a successful input match.
func ParseRules(data []byte) (Rules, error) {
var rr []*rewriteRule
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &rr); err != nil {
return nil, err
var rules Rules
for _, r := range rr {
rules = append(rules, r.toRule())
return rules, nil