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* Copyright 2015 The Kythe Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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* limitations under the License.
// Package pager implements a generic SetPager that splits a stream of Groups
// into a single Set and one-or-more associated Pages. Useful for constructing
// paged serving data.
package pager
import (
// A Head signals the start of a new Set.
type Head interface{}
// A Group is part of a Set.
type Group interface{}
// A Set is a set of Groups.
type Set interface{}
// SetPager constructs a set of Sets and Pages from a sequence of Heads and
// Groups. For each set of Groups with the same Head, a call to StartSet must
// precede. All Groups for the same Head are then assumed to be given
// sequentially to AddGroup. Flush must be called after the final call to
// AddGroup.
type SetPager struct {
// MaxPageSize is the maximum size of a Set or Page, as calculated by the
// given Size function.
MaxPageSize int
// SkipEmpty determines whether empty Sets/Pages will be emitted.
SkipEmpty bool
// OutputSet should output the given Set and Groups not previously emitted by
// OutputPage. The total size of all Groups is given.
OutputSet func(context.Context, int, Set, []Group) error
// OutputPage should output the given Group as an individual Page. The Set
// currently being built is given for any necessary mutations.
OutputPage func(context.Context, Set, Group) error
// NewSet returns a new Set for the given Head.
NewSet func(Head) Set
// Combine possibly merges two Groups with the Head together. If not
// possible, nil should be returned.
// Constraints (if g != nil):
// Combine(l, r) == Split(Size(l), g)
Combine func(l, r Group) (g Group)
// Split splits the given Group into a Group of the given size and a Group
// with any leftovers.
// Constraints:
// Size(l) == total
// Size(r) == Size(g) - total
// g == Combine(l, r)
Split func(total int, g Group) (l, r Group)
// Size returns the size of the given Group.
// Constraints:
// Size(l) + Size(r) == Size(Combine(l, r))
Size func(Group) int
curSet Set
curGrp Group
groups *sortutil.ByLesser // heap sorted by Size
resident, total int
// StartSet begins a new Set for the given Head, possibly emitting a previous
// Set. Each following call to AddGroup adds the group to this new Set until
// another call to StartSet is made.
func (p *SetPager) StartSet(ctx context.Context, hd Head) error {
if p.curSet != nil {
if err := p.Flush(ctx); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error flushing previous set: %v", err)
p.curSet = p.NewSet(hd)
p.groups = &sortutil.ByLesser{
Lesser: sortutil.LesserFunc(func(a, b interface{}) bool {
// Sort larger Groups first.
return p.Size(a) > p.Size(b)
return nil
// AddGroup adds a Group to current Set being built, possibly emitting a new Set
// and/or Page. StartSet must be called before any calls to this method. See
// SetPager's documentation for the assumed order of the groups and this
// method's relation to StartSet.
func (p *SetPager) AddGroup(ctx context.Context, g Group) error {
if p.curSet == nil {
return errors.New("no Set currently being built")
// Setup p.curGrp; ensuring it is non-nil
sz := p.Size(g)
if p.SkipEmpty && sz == 0 {
return nil
} else if p.curGrp == nil {
p.curGrp = g
} else if c := p.Combine(p.curGrp, g); c != nil {
p.curGrp = c
} else {
// We can't combine the current group with g. Push the current group onto
// the heap and make g the new current group.
heap.Push(p.groups, p.curGrp)
p.curGrp = g
// Update group size counters
p.resident += sz += sz
// Handle creation of pages when # of resident elements passes config value
for p.MaxPageSize > 0 && p.resident > p.MaxPageSize {
var eviction Group
// p.curGrp can be nil if we evicted it in a previous loop iteration
if p.curGrp != nil {
if p.Size(p.curGrp) > p.MaxPageSize {
// Split the large page; evict page exactly sized b.MaxPageSize
eviction, p.curGrp = p.Split(p.MaxPageSize, p.curGrp)
} else if p.groups.Len() == 0 || p.Size(p.curGrp) > p.Size(p.groups.Peek()) {
// Evict p.curGrp, it's larger than any other group we have
eviction, p.curGrp = p.curGrp, nil
if eviction == nil {
// Evict the largest group we have
eviction = heap.Pop(p.groups)
p.resident -= p.Size(eviction)
if err := p.OutputPage(ctx, p.curSet, eviction); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Flush signals the end of the current Set being built, flushing it, and its
// Groups to the output function. This should be called after the final call to
// AddGroup. Manually calling Flush at any other time is unnecessary.
func (p *SetPager) Flush(ctx context.Context) error {
if p == nil || p.curSet == nil {
return nil
} else if p.curGrp != nil {
p.groups.Push(p.curGrp) // the order of this last group doesn't matter
// grps := p.groups.Slice.([]Group)
grps := make([]Group, len(p.groups.Slice))
for i, g := range p.groups.Slice {
grps[i] = g
var err error
if !p.SkipEmpty || > 0 {
err = p.OutputSet(ctx,, p.curSet, grps)
p.curSet, p.curGrp, p.groups, p.resident, = nil, nil, nil, 0, 0
return err