blob: c920fab99825469bd46f1cf1c2fc7267d90529d5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 The Kythe Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package markedsource
import (
cpb ""
var docPath = filepath.Join(os.Getenv("RUNFILES_DIR"), "io_kythe/kythe/cxx/doc/doc")
type oracleResults struct {
SimpleIdentifier string
SimpleParams []string
// runOracle executes the C++ doc utility with ms as its input. The utility's
// output is then parsed and returned.
// Example utility output:
// RenderSimpleIdentifier: "hello world"
// RenderSimpleParams: "param"
// RenderSimpleQualifiedName-ID: ""
// RenderSimpleQualifiedName+ID: "hello world"
func runOracle(t *testing.T, ms *cpb.MarkedSource) *oracleResults {
cmd := exec.Command(docPath, "--common_signatures")
// The doc utility expects its stdin to be a single text-format MarkedSource
// proto message.
in := &bytes.Buffer{}
if err := proto.CompactText(in, ms); err != nil {
// The utility's output is a series of lines, one per
out := &bytes.Buffer{}
cmd.Stdin = in
cmd.Stdout = out
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
var res oracleResults
s := bufio.NewScanner(out)
for s.Scan() {
line := strings.TrimSpace(s.Text())
if ident := strings.TrimPrefix(line, "RenderSimpleIdentifier: "); ident != line {
res.SimpleIdentifier = strings.Trim(ident, `"`)
} else if param := strings.TrimPrefix(line, "RenderSimpleParams: "); param != line {
res.SimpleParams = append(res.SimpleParams, strings.Trim(param, `"`))
} else {
t.Logf("Skipping doc line: %q", line)
if err := s.Err(); err != nil {
return &res
// TestInteropt checks the Go MarkedSource renderer against the canonical C++
// renderer. Each test parses the C++ doc utility output and compares the
// results with the native Go implementations.
func TestInteropt(t *testing.T) {
if os.Getenv("TEST_WORKSPACE") != "io_kythe" {
// Skip test since it requires the C++ oracle program to be put inside this
// test's Bazel RUNFILES_DIR.
t.Skip("Skipping test outside of Bazel build")
tests := []*cpb.MarkedSource{{
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_IDENTIFIER,
PreText: "hello",
PostText: " world",
}, {
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_BOX,
Child: []*cpb.MarkedSource{{
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_IDENTIFIER,
PreText: "ident",
}, {
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_PARAMETER,
Child: []*cpb.MarkedSource{{
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_IDENTIFIER,
PreText: "parameter",
}, {
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_BOX,
Child: []*cpb.MarkedSource{{
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_CONTEXT,
PreText: "context",
PostText: ".",
Child: []*cpb.MarkedSource{{
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_IDENTIFIER,
PreText: "funcName",
}, {
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_PARAMETER,
Child: []*cpb.MarkedSource{{
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_IDENTIFIER,
PreText: "paramA",
}, {
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_IDENTIFIER,
PreText: "paramB",
}, {
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_BOX,
Child: []*cpb.MarkedSource{{
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_TYPE,
Child: []*cpb.MarkedSource{{
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_IDENTIFIER,
PreText: "int ",
}, {
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_CONTEXT,
PostChildText: ".",
AddFinalListToken: true,
Child: []*cpb.MarkedSource{{
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_IDENTIFIER,
PreText: "pkg",
}, {
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_IDENTIFIER,
PreText: "Files",
}, {
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_IDENTIFIER,
PreText: "CONSTANT",
}, {
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_PARAMETER,
Child: []*cpb.MarkedSource{{
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_TYPE,
PreText: "*pkg.receiver",
}, {
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_BOX,
PostChildText: ".",
Child: []*cpb.MarkedSource{{
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_BOX,
Child: []*cpb.MarkedSource{{
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_CONTEXT,
PreText: "pkg",
}, {
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_IDENTIFIER,
PreText: "param",
}, {
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_BOX,
PreText: " ",
}, {
Kind: cpb.MarkedSource_TYPE,
PreText: "string",
for _, test := range tests {
oracle := runOracle(t, test)
if ident := RenderSimpleIdentifier(test); oracle.SimpleIdentifier != ident {
t.Errorf("RenderSimpleIdentifier({%+v}): expected: %q; found %q", test, oracle.SimpleIdentifier, ident)
params := RenderSimpleParams(test)
if len(params) != len(oracle.SimpleParams) {
t.Errorf("RenderSimpleParams({%+v}); expected: %#v; found: %#v", test, oracle.SimpleParams, params)
} else {
for i, expected := range oracle.SimpleParams {
if expected != params[i] {
t.Errorf("RenderSimpleParams({%+v})[%d]; expected: %#v; found: %#v", test, i, expected, params[i])
func TestRender(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
in *cpb.MarkedSource
out string
{&cpb.MarkedSource{}, ""},
{&cpb.MarkedSource{PreText: "PRE", PostText: "POST"}, "PREPOST"},
{&cpb.MarkedSource{PostChildText: ","}, ""},
{&cpb.MarkedSource{PostChildText: ",", AddFinalListToken: true}, ""},
{&cpb.MarkedSource{PreText: "PRE", PostText: "POST", PostChildText: ",",
Child: []*cpb.MarkedSource{{PreText: "C1"}}}, "PREC1POST"},
{&cpb.MarkedSource{PreText: "PRE", PostText: "POST", PostChildText: ",", AddFinalListToken: true,
Child: []*cpb.MarkedSource{{PreText: "C1"}}}, "PREC1,POST"},
{&cpb.MarkedSource{PreText: "PRE", PostText: "POST", PostChildText: ",",
Child: []*cpb.MarkedSource{{PreText: "C1"}, {PreText: "C2"}}}, "PREC1,C2POST"},
{&cpb.MarkedSource{PreText: "PRE", PostText: "POST", PostChildText: ",", AddFinalListToken: true,
Child: []*cpb.MarkedSource{{PreText: "C1"}, {PreText: "C2"}}}, "PREC1,C2,POST"},
{&cpb.MarkedSource{PreText: "PRE", PostChildText: ",", AddFinalListToken: true,
Child: []*cpb.MarkedSource{{PreText: "C1"}, {PreText: "C2"}}}, "PREC1,C2,"},
for _, test := range tests {
if got := Render(; got != test.out {
t.Errorf("from %v: got %q, expected %q",, got, test.out)
func TestQName(t *testing.T) {
// Tests transliterated from
tests := []struct {
input string // text-format proto
want *cpb.SymbolInfo
{input: "child {\nkind: CONTEXT\nchild {\nkind: IDENTIFIER\npre_text: \"java\"\n} \nchild {\nkind: IDENTIFIER\npre_text: \"com\"\n} \nchild {\nkind: IDENTIFIER\npre_text: \"google\"\n} \nchild {\nkind: IDENTIFIER\npre_text: \"devtools\"\n} \nchild {\nkind: IDENTIFIER\npre_text: \"kythe\"\n} \nchild {\nkind: IDENTIFIER\npre_text: \"analyzers\"\n} \nchild {\nkind: IDENTIFIER\npre_text: \"java\"\n} \npost_child_text: \".\"\nadd_final_list_token: true\n} \nchild {\nkind: IDENTIFIER\npre_text: \"JavaEntrySets\"\n}",
want: &cpb.SymbolInfo{BaseName: "JavaEntrySets", QualifiedName: ""}},
{input: "child {\nkind: CONTEXT \npost_child_text: \".\"\nadd_final_list_token: true\n} \nchild {\nkind: IDENTIFIER\npre_text: \"JavaEntrySets\"\n}",
want: &cpb.SymbolInfo{BaseName: "JavaEntrySets"}},
{input: "child {\nchild {\nkind: IDENTIFIER\npre_text: \"JavaEntrySets\"\n}\n}",
want: &cpb.SymbolInfo{BaseName: "JavaEntrySets"}},
{input: "child {}", want: new(cpb.SymbolInfo)},
{input: "child { pre_text: \"type \" } child { child { kind: CONTEXT child { kind: IDENTIFIER pre_text: \"kythe/go/platform/kindex\" } post_child_text: \".\" add_final_list_token: true } child { kind: IDENTIFIER pre_text: \"Settings\" } } child { kind: TYPE pre_text: \" \" } child { kind: TYPE pre_text: \"struct {...}\" }",
want: &cpb.SymbolInfo{BaseName: "Settings", QualifiedName: "kythe/go/platform/kindex.Settings"}},
{input: "child: {\n pre_text: \"func \"\n}\nchild: {\n kind: PARAMETER\n pre_text: \"(\"\n child: {\n kind: TYPE\n pre_text: \"*w\"\n }\n post_text: \") \"\n}\nchild: {\n child: {\n kind: CONTEXT\n child: {\n kind: IDENTIFIER\n pre_text: \"methdecl\"\n }\n child: {\n kind: IDENTIFIER\n pre_text: \"w\"\n }\n post_child_text: \".\"\n add_final_list_token: true\n }\n child: {\n kind: IDENTIFIER\n pre_text: \"LessThan\"\n }\n}\nchild: {\n kind: PARAMETER_LOOKUP_BY_PARAM\n pre_text: \"(\"\n post_child_text: \", \"\n post_text: \")\"\n lookup_index: 1\n}\nchild: {\n pre_text: \" \"\n child: {\n pre_text: \"bool\"\n }\n}",
want: &cpb.SymbolInfo{BaseName: "LessThan", QualifiedName: "methdecl.w.LessThan"}},
// Verify that a default separator does not get injected at the end.
{input: `child { kind: CONTEXT child { kind: IDENTIFIER pre_text: "//kythe/proto" } } child { kind: IDENTIFIER pre_text: ":analysis_go_proto" }`,
want: &cpb.SymbolInfo{BaseName: ":analysis_go_proto", QualifiedName: "//kythe/proto:analysis_go_proto"}},
// Verify that the default separator is correctly used.
{input: `child { kind: CONTEXT child { kind: IDENTIFIER pre_text: "a" } child { kind: IDENTIFIER pre_text: "b" } } child { kind: IDENTIFIER pre_text: "-tail" }`,
want: &cpb.SymbolInfo{BaseName: "-tail", QualifiedName: "a.b-tail"}},
for _, test := range tests {
var ms cpb.MarkedSource
if err := proto.UnmarshalText(test.input, &ms); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Invalid test input: %v\nInput was %#q", err, test.input)
if got := RenderQualifiedName(&ms); !proto.Equal(got, test.want) {
t.Errorf("Invalid result: got %q, want %q\nInput was %#q", got, test.want, test.input)