blob: a15b0ab2980c22d79318b026ca3fe3382a1c2c6e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 The Kythe Authors. All rights reserved.
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* limitations under the License.
// Package html is a set of utilities for manipulating html Nodes.
package html
import (
// Decoration is a template for an HTML node that should span some textual
// offsets.
type Decoration struct {
// 0-based character offsets for the span of the decoration.
Start, End int
// Template to use as the HTML decoration Node.
Node *html.Node
// Decorate will apply the given slice of Decorations to the HTML tree starting
// at root.
func Decorate(root *html.Node, decor []Decoration) {
offsets := textualOffsets(root)
for _, d := range decor {
nodes := nodeRange(root, offsets, d.Start, d.End)
decorNode := copyNode(d.Node)
parent := nodes[0].Parent
parent.InsertBefore(decorNode, nodes[0])
for _, n := range nodes {
offsets.update(decorNode, d.Start)
// nodeOffsets is a structure storing the 0-based character offsets at the
// beginning and ending of html.Nodes.
type nodeOffsets struct {
starts map[*html.Node]int
ends map[*html.Node]int
// Bounds returns the starting and ending offset of n.
func (o *nodeOffsets) Bounds(n *html.Node) (int, int) {
return o.starts[n], o.ends[n]
// textualOffsets returns nodeOffsets for every html.Node in the tree starting
// at root.
func textualOffsets(root *html.Node) *nodeOffsets {
offsets := &nodeOffsets{make(map[*html.Node]int), make(map[*html.Node]int)}
offsets.update(root, 0)
return offsets
// update updates the nodeOffsets for every html.Node starting at root, assuming
// offset is the starting offset for the root html.Node.
func (o *nodeOffsets) update(root *html.Node, offset int) int {
o.starts[root] = offset
if root.Type == html.TextNode {
offset += len(root.Data)
} else {
for n := root.FirstChild; n != nil; n = n.NextSibling {
offset = o.update(n, offset)
o.ends[root] = offset
return offset
// nodeRange returns an ordered slice of sibling html.Nodes that span exactly
// the range between the given start and end offsets. If necessary, nodeRange
// will split html.Nodes so that the returned range is precise.
func nodeRange(root *html.Node, offsets *nodeOffsets, start, end int) []*html.Node {
if rootStart, rootEnd := offsets.Bounds(root); rootStart > start || rootEnd < end {
log.Fatalf("nodeRange: root %d%q Node (%d → %d) does not contain range %d → %d",
root.Type, root.Data, rootStart, rootEnd, start, end)
var nodes []*html.Node
for n := root.FirstChild; n != nil; n = n.NextSibling {
nStart, nEnd := offsets.Bounds(n)
if nStart < end && nEnd >= start {
nodes = append(nodes, n)
} else if nStart > end {
if len(nodes) == 1 && nodes[0] != root {
return nodeRange(nodes[0], offsets, start, end)
} else if len(nodes) == 0 {
nodes = []*html.Node{root}
// Slice end nodes, if necessary
if rangeStart, _ := offsets.Bounds(nodes[0]); start != rangeStart {
_, m := sliceNode(offsets, nodes[0], start)
nodes = append([]*html.Node{m}, nodes[1:]...)
if rangeEnd, _ := offsets.Bounds(nodes[len(nodes)-1]); end != rangeEnd {
n, _ := sliceNode(offsets, nodes[len(nodes)-1], end)
nodes = append(nodes[:len(nodes)-1], n)
return nodes
// sliceNode returns the two halves of the HTML tree starting at node after
// splitting it at the given textual offset.
func sliceNode(offsets *nodeOffsets, node *html.Node, offset int) (*html.Node, *html.Node) {
origStart, origEnd := offsets.Bounds(node)
if origStart > offset || origEnd < offset {
log.Fatalf("sliceNode: offset %d out of node's span (%d → %d)", offset, origStart, origEnd)
n, m := copyNode(node), copyNode(node)
parent := node.Parent
if parent != nil {
parent.InsertBefore(n, node)
parent.InsertBefore(m, node)
switch node.Type {
log.Fatalf("Unhandled node kind: %d", node.Type)
case html.ElementNode:
child := node.FirstChild
for child != nil {
next := child.NextSibling
if _, end := offsets.Bounds(child); end <= offset {
} else if start, _ := offsets.Bounds(child); start > offset {
} else {
left, right := sliceNode(offsets, child, offset)
child = next
case html.TextNode:
mark := offset - origStart
n.Data = node.Data[:mark]
m.Data = node.Data[mark:]
if split := offsets.update(n, origStart); split != offset {
log.Fatalf("split %d ≠ %d", split, offset)
if newEnd := offsets.update(m, offset); newEnd != origEnd {
log.Fatalf("end %d ≠ %d", newEnd, origEnd)
return n, m
// PlainText returns the concatenation of the textual contents for the given
// html Nodes.
func PlainText(nodes ...*html.Node) string {
var text bytes.Buffer
for _, n := range nodes {
switch n.Type {
log.Fatalf("PlainText: unhandled node kind: %d", n.Type)
case html.DocumentNode, html.ElementNode:
for child := n.FirstChild; child != nil; child = child.NextSibling {
fmt.Fprint(&text, PlainText(child))
case html.TextNode:
fmt.Fprintf(&text, n.Data)
return text.String()
// copyNode returns a shallow copy of n excluding sibling/parent/child pointers.
func copyNode(n *html.Node) *html.Node {
return &html.Node{
Type: n.Type,
Data: n.Data,
DataAtom: n.DataAtom,
Namespace: n.Namespace,
Attr: n.Attr,
// Zip returns the Node at the end of the specified path where path contains
// only the following characters:
// 'u' Parent
// 'f' FirstChild
// 'l' LastChild
// 'n' NextSibling
// 'p' PrevSibling
func Zip(n *html.Node, path string) (*html.Node, error) {
for i, step := range path {
if n == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Ran into nil Node after %d steps: %q", i, path)
switch step {
case 'f':
n = n.FirstChild
case 'l':
n = n.LastChild
case 'n':
n = n.NextSibling
case 'p':
n = n.PrevSibling
case 'u':
n = n.Parent
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid zip path (%q) rune: %q", path, step)
return n, nil
// MustZip delegates to Zip and panics on any error.
func MustZip(n *html.Node, path string) *html.Node {
res, err := Zip(n, path)
if err != nil {
return res