blob: ec5bc6106001a64a1f356f03315d7ae25ed33ef4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 The Kythe Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Package indexer implements a Kythe indexer for the Go language.
// Usage example: Indexing a Kythe CompilationUnit message.
// // Obtain a compilation from some source, e.g., an index pack.
// var pack *indexpack.Archive = ...
// var unit *apb.CompilationUnit = ...
// // Parse the sources and resolve types.
// pi, err := indexer.Resolve(unit, pack, &indexer.ResolveOptions{
// Info: indexer.AllTypeInfo(),
// })
// if err != nil {
// log.Fatal("Resolving failed: %v", err)
// }
// // Type information from is now available
// // from pi.Info, which is a *types.Info record.
package indexer
import (
apb ""
gopb ""
spb ""
// A Fetcher retrieves the contents of a file given its path and/or hex-encoded
// SHA256 digest, at least one of which must be set.
type Fetcher interface {
Fetch(path, digest string) ([]byte, error)
// PackageInfo records information about the Go packages defined by a
// compilation unit and its dependencies.
type PackageInfo struct {
Name string // The (short) name of the package
ImportPath string // The nominal import path of the package
Package *types.Package // The package for this compilation
Dependencies map[string]*types.Package // Packages imported from dependencies
VName *spb.VName // The base vname for this package
PackageVName map[*types.Package]*spb.VName // Resolved package to vname
FileSet *token.FileSet // Location info for the source files
Files []*ast.File // The parsed ASTs of the source files
SourceText map[*ast.File]string // The text of the source files
Rules map[*ast.File]metadata.Rules // Mapping metadata for each source file
Vendored map[string]string // Mapping from package to its vendor path
Info *types.Info // If non-nil, contains type-checker results
Errors []error // All errors reported by the type checker
// A lazily-initialized mapping from an object on the RHS of a selection
// (lhs.RHS) to the nearest enclosing named struct or interface type; or in
// the body of a function or method to the nearest enclosing named method.
owner map[types.Object]types.Object
// A lazily-initialized mapping from from AST nodes to their corresponding
// VNames. Only nodes that do not resolve directly to a type object are
// included in this map, e.g., function literals.
function map[ast.Node]*funcInfo
// A lazily-initialized set of standard library package import paths for
// which a node has been emitted.
standardLib stringset.Set
// A dummy function representing the undeclared package initilization
// functions, one per file in the package.
packageInit map[*ast.File]*funcInfo
// A cache of source file vnames.
fileVName map[*ast.File]*spb.VName
// A cache of type vnames.
typeVName map[types.Type]*spb.VName
// Cache storing whether a type's facts have been emitted (keyed by VName signature)
typeEmitted stringset.Set
// A cache of file location mappings. This lets us get back from the
// parser's location to the vname for the enclosing file, which is in turn
// affected by the build configuration.
fileLoc map[*token.File]*ast.File
// A cache of already-computed signatures.
sigs map[types.Object]string
// The number of package-level init declarations seen.
numInits int
// The Go-specific details from the compilation record.
details *gopb.GoDetails
type funcInfo struct {
vname *spb.VName
numAnons int // number of anonymous functions defined inside this one
// packageImporter implements the types.Importer interface by fetching files
// from the required inputs of a compilation unit.
type packageImporter struct {
deps map[string]*types.Package // packages already loaded
fileSet *token.FileSet // source location information
fileMap map[string]*apb.FileInfo // :: import path → required input location
fetcher Fetcher // access to required input contents
pkgPath string
vendored map[string]string // map of package paths to their vendor paths
// Import satisfies the types.Importer interface using the captured data from
// the compilation unit.
func (pi *packageImporter) Import(importPath string) (*types.Package, error) {
if pkg := pi.deps[importPath]; pkg != nil && pkg.Complete() {
return pkg, nil
} else if importPath == "unsafe" {
// The "unsafe" package is special, and isn't usually added by the
// resolver into the dependency map.
pi.deps[importPath] = types.Unsafe
return types.Unsafe, nil
// Fetch the required input holding the package for this import path, and
// load its export data for use by the type resolver.
fi := pi.fileMap[importPath]
// Check all possible vendor/ paths for missing package file
if fi == nil {
// Starting at the current package's path, look upwards for a vendor/ root
// with the imported package.
vendorRoot := pi.pkgPath
for {
vPath := filepath.Join(vendorRoot, "vendor", importPath)
fi = pi.fileMap[vPath]
if fi != nil {
pi.vendored[importPath] = vPath
importPath = vPath
} else if vendorRoot == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("package %q not found", importPath)
vendorRoot, _ = filepath.Split(vendorRoot)
vendorRoot = strings.TrimRight(vendorRoot, "/")
data, err := pi.fetcher.Fetch(fi.Path, fi.Digest)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("fetching %q (%s): %v", fi.Path, fi.Digest, err)
r, err := gcexportdata.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(data))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("reading export data in %q (%s): %v", fi.Path, fi.Digest, err)
return gcexportdata.Read(r, pi.fileSet, pi.deps, importPath)
// ResolveOptions control the behaviour of the Resolve function. A nil options
// pointer provides default values.
type ResolveOptions struct {
// Passes a value whose non-nil map fields will be filled in by the type
// checker during resolution. The value will also be copied to the Info
// field of the PackageInfo returned by Resolve.
Info *types.Info
// If set, this function is called for each required input to check whether
// it contains metadata rules.
// Valid return are:
// rs, nil -- a valid ruleset
// nil, nil -- no ruleset found
// _, err -- an error attempting to load a ruleset
CheckRules func(ri *apb.CompilationUnit_FileInput, f Fetcher) (*Ruleset, error)
func (r *ResolveOptions) info() *types.Info {
if r != nil {
return r.Info
return nil
func (r *ResolveOptions) checkRules(ri *apb.CompilationUnit_FileInput, f Fetcher) (*Ruleset, error) {
if r == nil || r.CheckRules == nil {
return nil, nil
return r.CheckRules(ri, f)
// A Ruleset represents a collection of mapping rules applicable to a source
// file in a compilation to be indexed.
type Ruleset struct {
Path string // the file path this rule set applies to
Rules metadata.Rules // the rules that apply to the path
// Resolve resolves the package information for unit and its dependencies. On
// success the package corresponding to unit is located via ImportPath in the
// Packages map of the returned value.
func Resolve(unit *apb.CompilationUnit, f Fetcher, opts *ResolveOptions) (*PackageInfo, error) {
sourceFiles := stringset.New(unit.SourceFile...)
imap := make(map[string]*spb.VName) // import path → vname
srcs := make(map[*ast.File]string) // file → text
fmap := make(map[string]*apb.FileInfo) // import path → file info
smap := make(map[string]*ast.File) // file path → file (sources)
filev := make(map[*ast.File]*spb.VName) // file → vname
floc := make(map[*token.File]*ast.File) // file → ast
fset := token.NewFileSet() // location info for the parser
details := goDetails(unit)
var files []*ast.File // parsed sources
var rules []*Ruleset // parsed linkage rules
// Classify the required inputs as either sources, which are to be parsed,
// or dependencies, which are to be "imported" via the type-checker's
// import mechanism. If successful, this populates fset and files with the
// lexical and syntactic content of the package's own sources.
// The build context is used to check build tags.
bc := &build.Context{
GOOS: details.GetGoos(),
GOARCH: details.GetGoarch(),
BuildTags: details.GetBuildTags(),
for _, ri := range unit.RequiredInput {
if ri.Info == nil {
return nil, errors.New("required input file info missing")
// Source inputs need to be parsed, so we can give their ASTs to the
// type checker later on.
fpath := ri.Info.Path
if sourceFiles.Contains(fpath) {
data, err := f.Fetch(fpath, ri.Info.Digest)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("fetching %q (%s): %v", fpath, ri.Info.Digest, err)
if !matchesBuildTags(fpath, data, bc) {
log.Printf("Skipped source file %q because build tags do not match", fpath)
vpath := ri.VName.GetPath()
if vpath == "" {
vpath = fpath
parsed, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, vpath, data, parser.AllErrors|parser.ParseComments)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing %q: %v", fpath, err)
// Cache file VNames based on the required input.
files = append(files, parsed)
vname := proto.Clone(ri.VName).(*spb.VName)
if vname == nil {
vname = proto.Clone(unit.VName).(*spb.VName)
vname.Signature = ""
vname.Language = ""
vname.Path = vpath
filev[parsed] = vname
srcs[parsed] = string(data)
smap[fpath] = parsed
// Check for mapping metadata.
if rs, err := opts.checkRules(ri, f); err != nil {
log.Printf("Error checking rules in %q: %v", fpath, err)
} else if rs != nil {
log.Printf("Found %d metadata rules for path %q", len(rs.Rules), rs.Path)
rules = append(rules, rs)
// Files may be source or compiled archives with type information for
// other packages, or may be other ancillary files like C headers to
// support cgo. Use the vname to determine which import path for each
// and save that mapping for use by the importer.
if ri.VName == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing vname for %q", fpath)
var ipath string
if info := goPackageInfo(ri.Details); info != nil {
ipath = info.ImportPath
} else {
ipath = govname.ImportPath(ri.VName, details.GetGoroot())
imap[ipath] = ri.VName
fmap[ipath] = ri.Info
if len(files) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("no source files in package")
// Populate the location mapping. This relies on the fact that Iterate
// reports its files in the order they were added to the set, which in turn
// is their order in the files list.
i := 0
fset.Iterate(func(f *token.File) bool {
floc[f] = files[i]
return true
pi := &PackageInfo{
Name: files[0].Name.Name,
FileSet: fset,
Files: files,
SourceText: srcs,
PackageVName: make(map[*types.Package]*spb.VName),
Dependencies: make(map[string]*types.Package), // :: import path → package
Vendored: make(map[string]string),
function: make(map[ast.Node]*funcInfo),
sigs: make(map[types.Object]string),
packageInit: make(map[*ast.File]*funcInfo),
fileVName: filev,
typeVName: make(map[types.Type]*spb.VName),
typeEmitted: stringset.New(),
fileLoc: floc,
details: details,
if info := goPackageInfo(unit.Details); info != nil {
pi.ImportPath = info.ImportPath
} else {
pi.ImportPath = govname.ImportPath(unit.VName, details.GetGoroot())
// If mapping rules were found, populate the corresponding field.
if len(rules) != 0 {
pi.Rules = make(map[*ast.File]metadata.Rules)
for _, rs := range rules {
f, ok := smap[rs.Path]
if ok {
pi.Rules[f] = rs.Rules
// Run the type-checker and collect any errors it generates. Errors in the
// type checker are not returned directly; the caller can read them from
// the Errors field.
c := &types.Config{
FakeImportC: true, // so we can handle cgo
DisableUnusedImportCheck: true, // this is not fatal to type-checking
Importer: &packageImporter{
deps: pi.Dependencies,
fileSet: pi.FileSet,
fileMap: fmap,
fetcher: f,
pkgPath: pi.ImportPath,
vendored: pi.Vendored,
Error: func(err error) { pi.Errors = append(pi.Errors, err) },
pi.Package, _ = c.Check(pi.Name, pi.FileSet, pi.Files, pi.Info)
pi.PackageVName[pi.Package] = unit.VName
// Fill in the mapping from packages to vnames.
for ip, vname := range imap {
if pkg := pi.Dependencies[ip]; pkg != nil {
pi.PackageVName[pkg] = proto.Clone(vname).(*spb.VName)
pi.PackageVName[pkg].Signature = "package"
pi.PackageVName[pkg].Language = govname.Language
if _, ok := pi.Dependencies["unsafe"]; ok {
pi.PackageVName[types.Unsafe] = govname.ForStandardLibrary("unsafe")
// Set this package's own vname.
pi.VName = proto.Clone(unit.VName).(*spb.VName)
pi.VName.Language = govname.Language
pi.VName.Signature = "package"
return pi, nil
// String renders a human-readable synopsis of the package information.
func (pi *PackageInfo) String() string {
if pi == nil {
return "#<package-info nil>"
return fmt.Sprintf("#<package-info %q ip=%q pkg=%p #deps=%d #src=%d #errs=%d>",
pi.Name, pi.ImportPath, pi.Package, len(pi.Dependencies), len(pi.Files), len(pi.Errors))
// Signature returns a signature for obj, suitable for use in a vname.
func (pi *PackageInfo) Signature(obj types.Object) string {
if obj == nil {
return ""
} else if pi.owner == nil {
pi.owner = make(map[types.Object]types.Object)
for _, pkg := range pi.Dependencies {
if sig, ok := pi.sigs[obj]; ok {
return sig
tag, base := pi.newSignature(obj)
sig := base
if tag != "" {
sig = tag + " " + base
pi.sigs[obj] = sig
return sig
// ObjectVName returns a VName for obj relative to that of its package.
func (pi *PackageInfo) ObjectVName(obj types.Object) *spb.VName {
if pkg, ok := obj.(*types.PkgName); ok {
return pi.PackageVName[pkg.Imported()]
sig := pi.Signature(obj)
pkg := obj.Pkg()
var vname *spb.VName
if base := pi.PackageVName[pkg]; base != nil {
vname = proto.Clone(base).(*spb.VName)
} else if pkg == nil {
return govname.ForBuiltin(sig)
} else {
// This is an indirect import, that is, a name imported but not
// mentioned explicitly by the package being indexed.
// TODO(#2383): This is a workaround, and may not be correct in all
// cases; work out a more comprehensive solution (possibly during
// extraction).
vname = proto.Clone(pi.VName).(*spb.VName)
vname.Path = strings.TrimPrefix(pkg.Path(), vname.Corpus+"/")
vname.Signature = sig
return vname
// FileVName returns a VName for path relative to the package base.
func (pi *PackageInfo) FileVName(file *ast.File) *spb.VName {
if v := pi.fileVName[file]; v != nil {
return v
v := proto.Clone(pi.VName).(*spb.VName)
v.Language = ""
v.Signature = ""
v.Path = pi.FileSet.Position(file.Pos()).Filename
return v
// AnchorVName returns a VName for the given file and offsets.
func (pi *PackageInfo) AnchorVName(file *ast.File, start, end int) *spb.VName {
vname := proto.Clone(pi.FileVName(file)).(*spb.VName)
vname.Signature = "#" + strconv.Itoa(start) + ":" + strconv.Itoa(end)
vname.Language = govname.Language
return vname
// Span returns the containing file and 0-based offset range of the given AST
// node. The range is half-open, including the start position but excluding
// the end.
// If node == nil or lacks a valid start position, Span returns nil -1, -1. If
// the end position of node is invalid, start == end.
func (pi *PackageInfo) Span(node ast.Node) (file *ast.File, start, end int) {
if node == nil {
return nil, -1, -1
pos := node.Pos()
if pos == token.NoPos {
return nil, -1, -1
sp := pi.FileSet.Position(pos)
file = pi.fileLoc[pi.FileSet.File(pos)]
start = sp.Offset
end = start
if pos := node.End(); pos != token.NoPos {
end = pi.FileSet.Position(pos).Offset
const (
isBuiltin = "builtin-"
tagConst = "const"
tagField = "field"
tagFunc = "func"
tagLabel = "label"
tagMethod = "method"
tagParam = "param"
tagType = "type"
tagVar = "var"
// newSignature constructs and returns a tag and base signature for obj. The
// tag represents the "kind" of signature, to disambiguate built-in types from
// user-defined names, fields from methods, and so on. The base is a unique
// name for obj within its package, modulo the tag.
func (pi *PackageInfo) newSignature(obj types.Object) (tag, base string) {
if obj.Name() == "" {
return tagVar, "_"
topLevelTag := tagVar
switch t := obj.(type) {
case *types.Builtin:
return isBuiltin + tagFunc, t.Name()
case *types.Nil:
return isBuiltin + tagConst, "nil"
case *types.PkgName:
return "", "package" // the vname corpus and path carry the package name
case *types.Const:
topLevelTag = tagConst
if t.Pkg() == nil {
return isBuiltin + tagConst, t.Name()
case *types.Var:
if t.IsField() {
if owner, ok := pi.owner[t]; ok {
_, base := pi.newSignature(owner)
return tagField, base + "." + t.Name()
return tagField, fmt.Sprintf("[%p].%s", t, t.Name())
} else if owner, ok := pi.owner[t]; ok {
_, base := pi.newSignature(owner)
return tagParam, base + ":" + t.Name()
case *types.Func:
topLevelTag = tagFunc
if recv := t.Type().(*types.Signature).Recv(); recv != nil { // method
if owner, ok := pi.owner[t]; ok {
_, base := pi.newSignature(owner)
return tagMethod, base + "." + t.Name()
// If the receiver is defined in this package, fully qualify the
// name so references from elsewhere will work. Strictly speaking
// this is only necessary for exported methods, but it's simpler to
// do it for everything.
return tagMethod, fmt.Sprintf("(%s).%s", types.TypeString(recv.Type(), func(pkg *types.Package) string {
return pkg.Name()
}), t.Name())
case *types.TypeName:
topLevelTag = tagType
if t.Pkg() == nil {
return isBuiltin + tagType, t.Name()
case *types.Label:
return tagLabel, fmt.Sprintf("[%p].%s", t, t.Name())
log.Panicf("Unexpected object kind: %T", obj)
// At this point, we have eliminated built-in objects; everything else must
// be defined in a package.
if obj.Pkg() == nil {
log.Panic("Object without a package: ", obj)
// Objects at package scope (i.e., parent scope is package scope).
if obj.Parent() == obj.Pkg().Scope() {
return topLevelTag, obj.Name()
// Objects in interior (local) scopes, i.e., everything else.
return topLevelTag, fmt.Sprintf("[%p].%s", obj, obj.Name())
// addOwners updates pi.owner from the types in pkg, adding mapping from fields
// of package-level named struct types to the owning named struct type; from
// methods of package-level named interface types to the owning named interface
// type; and from parameters of package-level named function or method types to
// the owning named function or method.
// This relation is used to construct signatures for these fields/methods,
// since they may be referenced from another package and thus need
// deterministic names. An object does not expose its "owner"; indeed it may
// have several.
// Caveats:
// (1) This mapping is deterministic but not necessarily the best one according
// to the original syntax, to which, in general, we do not have access. In
// these two examples, the type checker considers field X as belonging equally
// to types T and U, even though according the syntax, it belongs primarily to
// T in the first example and U in the second:
// type T struct {X int}
// type U T
// type T U
// type U struct {X int}
// Similarly:
// type U struct {X int}
// type V struct {U}
// TODO(adonovan): sameer@ points out a useful heuristic: in a case of struct
// or interface embedding, if one struct/interface has fewer fields/methods,
// then it must be the primary one.
// (2) This pass is not exhaustive: there remain objects that may be referenced
// from outside the package but for which we can't easily come up with good
// names. Here are some examples:
// // package p
// var V1, V2 struct {X int} = ...
// func F() struct{X int} {...}
// type T struct {
// Y struct { X int }
// }
// // main
// p.V2.X = 1
// print(p.F().X)
// new(p.T).Y[0].X
// Also note that there may be arbitrary pointer, struct, chan, map, array, and
// slice type constructors between the type of the exported package member (V2,
// F or T) and the type of its X subelement. For now, we simply ignore such
// names. They should be rare in readable code.
func (pi *PackageInfo) addOwners(pkg *types.Package) {
scope := pkg.Scope()
addFunc := func(obj *types.Func) {
// Inspect the receiver, parameters, and result values.
fsig := obj.Type().(*types.Signature)
if recv := fsig.Recv(); recv != nil {
pi.owner[recv] = obj
if params := fsig.Params(); params != nil {
for i := 0; i < params.Len(); i++ {
pi.owner[params.At(i)] = obj
if res := fsig.Results(); res != nil {
for i := 0; i < res.Len(); i++ {
pi.owner[res.At(i)] = obj
addMethods := func(obj types.Object, n int, method func(i int) *types.Func) {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if m := method(i); m.Pkg() == pkg {
if _, ok := pi.owner[m]; !ok {
pi.owner[m] = obj
for _, name := range scope.Names() {
switch obj := scope.Lookup(name).(type) {
case *types.TypeName:
// TODO(schroederc): support for type aliases. For now, skip these so we
// don't wind up emitting redundant declaration sites for the aliased
// type.
named, ok := obj.Type().(*types.Named)
if !ok {
switch t := named.Underlying().(type) {
case *types.Struct:
// Inspect the fields of a struct.
for i := 0; i < t.NumFields(); i++ {
f := t.Field(i)
if f.Pkg() != pkg {
continue // wrong package
if _, ok := pi.owner[f]; !ok {
pi.owner[f] = obj
addMethods(obj, named.NumMethods(), named.Method)
case *types.Interface:
// Inspect the declared methods of an interface.
addMethods(obj, t.NumExplicitMethods(), t.ExplicitMethod)
// Inspect declared methods of other named types.
addMethods(obj, named.NumMethods(), named.Method)
case *types.Func:
// findFieldName tries to resolve the identifier that names an embedded
// anonymous field declaration at expr, and reports whether successful.
func (pi *PackageInfo) findFieldName(expr ast.Expr) (id *ast.Ident, ok bool) {
// There are three cases we care about here:
// A bare identifier (foo), which refers to a type defined in
// this package, or a builtin type,
// A selector expression (pkg.Foo) referring to an exported
// type defined in another package, or
// A pointer to either of these.
switch t := expr.(type) {
case *ast.StarExpr: // *T
return pi.findFieldName(t.X)
case *ast.Ident: // T declared locally
return t, true
case *ast.SelectorExpr: // pkg.T declared elsewhere
return t.Sel, true
// No idea what this is; possibly malformed code.
return nil, false
// importPath returns the import path of pkg.
func (pi *PackageInfo) importPath(pkg *types.Package) string {
if v := pi.PackageVName[pkg]; v != nil {
return govname.ImportPath(v, pi.details.GetGoroot())
return pkg.Name()
// isPackageInit reports whether fi belongs to a package-level init function.
func (pi *PackageInfo) isPackageInit(fi *funcInfo) bool {
for _, v := range pi.packageInit {
if fi == v {
return true
return false
// goDetails returns the GoDetails message attached to unit, if there is one;
// otherwise it returns nil.
func goDetails(unit *apb.CompilationUnit) *gopb.GoDetails {
for _, msg := range unit.Details {
var dets gopb.GoDetails
if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(msg, &dets); err == nil {
return &dets
return nil
// goPackageInfo returns the GoPackageInfo message within the given slice, if
// there is one; otherwise it returns nil.
func goPackageInfo(details []*ptypes.Any) *gopb.GoPackageInfo {
for _, msg := range details {
var info gopb.GoPackageInfo
if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(msg, &info); err == nil {
return &info
return nil
// matchesBuildTags reports whether the file at fpath, whose content is in
// data, would be matched by the settings in bc.
func matchesBuildTags(fpath string, data []byte, bc *build.Context) bool {
dir, name := filepath.Split(fpath)
bc.OpenFile = func(path string) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
if path != fpath {
return nil, errors.New("file not found")
return ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(data)), nil
match, err := bc.MatchFile(dir, name)
return err == nil && match
// AllTypeInfo creates a new types.Info value with empty maps for each of the
// fields that can be filled in by the type-checker.
func AllTypeInfo() *types.Info {
return &types.Info{
Types: make(map[ast.Expr]types.TypeAndValue),
Defs: make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Object),
Uses: make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Object),
Implicits: make(map[ast.Node]types.Object),
Selections: make(map[*ast.SelectorExpr]*types.Selection),
Scopes: make(map[ast.Node]*types.Scope),
// XRefTypeInfo creates a new types.Info value with empty maps for each of the
// fields needed for cross-reference indexing.
func XRefTypeInfo() *types.Info {
return &types.Info{
Types: make(map[ast.Expr]types.TypeAndValue),
Defs: make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Object),
Uses: make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Object),
Implicits: make(map[ast.Node]types.Object),