blob: edbd4668aafa6b8790bbb63124b8fa3ede54828f [file] [log] [blame]
load("//kythe/docs:asciidoc.bzl", "asciidoc")
def asciidoc_with_verifier(name, src, tags = None):
"""Invoke the asciidoc tool on the specified source file, filtering examples to
be passed to the verifier. If the verifier does not succeed, the build will fail.
name = name,
src = src,
confs = ["kythe-filter.conf"],
example_script = ":example_sh",
data = [
tags = tags,
def build_example_sh():
"""This rule must be executed once to set up the genrule used to plug in tool
paths to the verifier scripts.
tools = {
"CXX_INDEXER_BIN": "//kythe/cxx/indexer/cxx:indexer",
"GO_INDEXER_BIN": "//kythe/go/indexer/cmd/go_example:go_example",
"JAVA_INDEXER_BIN": "//kythe/java/com/google/devtools/kythe/analyzers/java:indexer",
"KINDEX_TOOL_BIN": "//kythe/cxx/tools:kindex_tool",
"SHASUM_TOOL": "//kythe/go/platform/tools/shasum_tool:shasum_tool",
"VERIFIER_BIN": "//kythe/cxx/verifier",
fixes = [
"-e '/^export %s=/{i\\\n_p=($(locations %s))\ns#$$#\"$$ROOT/$${_p[0]}\"#\n}'" % (key, target)
for (key, target) in tools.items()
name = "example_sh",
srcs = [""] + tools.values(),
outs = [""],
cmd = " ".join(["sed"] + fixes + ["$(location", ">$@"]),