blob: bccd87f1a4e89917035e1a0c0cdcb2366499504c [file] [log] [blame]
load("@bazel_skylib//:lib.bzl", "shell")
_toolchain_type = "//tools/build_rules/external_tools:external_tools_toolchain_type"
def _asciidoc_impl(ctx):
# Locate the asciidoc binary from the toolchain and construct its args.
# Because an asciidoc run produces an unknown number of files from the
# execution of filters, the output is staged to a temporary directory
# and packaged into a .zip file.
asciidoc = ctx.toolchains[_toolchain_type].asciidoc
args = ["--backend", "html", "--no-header-footer"]
for key, value in ctx.attr.attrs.items():
if value:
args += ["--attribute=%s=%s" % (key, value)]
args += ["--attribute=%s!" % (key,)]
if ctx.attr.example_script:
args += ["--attribute=example_script=" + ctx.file.example_script.path]
args += ["--conf-file=%s" % c.path for c in ctx.files.confs]
args += ["-o", "out/" + + ".html"]
args += [ctx.file.src.path]
# Get the path where all our necessary tools are located so it can be set
# to PATH in our run_shell command.
tool_path = ctx.toolchains[_toolchain_type].path
# Declare the logfile as an output so that it can be read if something goes
# awry (otherwise Bazel will clean it up).
logfile = ctx.actions.declare_file( + ".logfile")
# Resolve data targets to get input files and runfiles manifests.
data, _, manifests = ctx.resolve_command(tools =
# Run asciidoc and capture stderr to logfile. If it succeeds, look in the
# captured log for error messages and fail if we find any.
inputs = ([ctx.file.src] +
ctx.files.confs +
([ctx.file.example_script] if ctx.file.example_script else []) +
input_manifests = manifests,
outputs = [ctx.outputs.out, logfile],
command = "\n".join([
# so we can locate the binaries asciidoc needs
'export PATH="$PATH:' + tool_path + '"',
# Create the temporary staging directory.
"mkdir out",
# Run asciidoc itself, and fail if it returns nonzero.
"%s %s 2> %s" % (
" ".join([shell.quote(arg) for arg in args]),
"if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then",
"exit 1",
# The tool succeeded, but now check for error diagnostics.
"cat %s" % (shell.quote(logfile.path)),
'grep -q -e "filter non-zero exit code" -e "no output from filter" %s' % (
"if [[ $? -ne 1 ]]; then",
"exit 1",
# Move any generated images to the out directory.
"find . -name '*.svg' -maxdepth 1 -exec mv '{}' out/ \;",
# Package up the outputs into the zip file.
"(cd out; zip -9qr ../%s *)" % ctx.outputs.out.path,
mnemonic = "RunAsciidoc",
asciidoc = rule(
implementation = _asciidoc_impl,
toolchains = ["//tools/build_rules/external_tools:external_tools_toolchain_type"],
attrs = {
"src": attr.label(
doc = "asciidoc file to process",
allow_single_file = True,
"attrs": attr.string_dict(
doc = "Dict of attributes to pass to asciidoc as --attribute=KEY=VALUE",
"confs": attr.label_list(
doc = "`conf-file`s to pass to asciidoc",
allow_files = True,
"data": attr.label_list(
doc = "Files/targets used during asciidoc generation. Only needed for tools used in example_script.",
allow_files = True,
"example_script": attr.label(
doc = "Script to pass to asciidoc as --attribute=example_script=VALUE.",
allow_single_file = True,
doc = "Generate asciidoc",
outputs = {
"out": "%{name}.zip",