blob: fe6b1a9679f1b5dd9d28ec8f649c16c00d8be3ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Package comment contains comments.
package comment
//- Pkg.node/kind package
//- Pkg.doc/uri ""
//- PkgDoc.node/kind doc
//- PkgDoc documents Pkg
//- PkgDoc.text "Package comment contains comments."
//- @+3"foo" defines/binding Foo
/* foo comment */
var foo int
//- Foo.node/kind variable
//- FooDoc.node/kind doc
//- FooDoc.text "foo comment"
//- FooDoc documents Foo
// General constants.
const (
//- @+2"bar" defines/binding Bar
bar = 5
//- @+3"baz" defines/binding Baz
// baz comment
baz = "quux"
// Names without their own comments inherit the block comment, if present.
// This may result in duplicating the comment text to different nodes.
//- Bar.node/kind constant
//- BarComment.node/kind doc
//- BarComment.text "General constants."
//- BarComment documents Bar
// Names with their own comments prefer them.
//- Baz.node/kind constant
//- BazComment.node/kind doc
//- BazComment.text "baz comment"
//- BazComment documents Baz
//- @+3"alpha" defines/binding Alpha
// alpha is a function.
func alpha() {}
//- Alpha.node/kind function
//- AlphaDoc.node/kind doc
//- AlphaDoc.text "alpha is a function."
//- AlphaDoc documents Alpha
//- @+3"widget" defines/binding Widget
// widget comment
type widget struct {
//- Lawyer.node/kind variable
//- LawyerDoc documents Lawyer
//- LawyerDoc.text "Lawyer takes the bar."
//- @+3"Lawyer" defines/binding Lawyer
// Lawyer takes the bar.
Lawyer bool
//- ErrField.node/kind variable
//- ErrDoc documents ErrField
//- ErrDoc.text "What went wrong."
//- @+3"error" defines/binding ErrField
// What went wrong.
//- Widget.node/kind record
//- WidgetComment.node/kind doc
//- WidgetComment.text "widget comment"
//- WidgetComment documents Widget