blob: fd3b6d3b012647ffa8881092c5c4c00b8dde9b8b [file] [log] [blame]
package com.github.shyiko.ktlint.core
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.CLIConfigurationKeys
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.messages.MessageCollector
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.jvm.compiler.EnvironmentConfigFiles
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.jvm.compiler.KotlinCoreEnvironment
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.CompilerConfiguration
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.KotlinLanguage
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtFile
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.prevLeaf
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.startOffset
import sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory
import java.util.ArrayList
import java.util.HashSet
import as DiagnosticLogger
object KtLint {
private val psiFileFactory: PsiFileFactory
private val nullSuppression = { _: Int, _: String -> false }
init {
// do not print anything to the stderr when lexer is unable to match input
class LoggerFactory : DiagnosticLogger.Factory {
override fun getLoggerInstance(p: String): DiagnosticLogger = object : DefaultLogger(null) {
override fun warn(message: String?, t: Throwable?) {}
override fun error(message: String?, vararg details: String?) {}
val compilerConfiguration = CompilerConfiguration()
compilerConfiguration.put(CLIConfigurationKeys.MESSAGE_COLLECTOR_KEY, MessageCollector.NONE)
val project = KotlinCoreEnvironment.createForProduction(Disposable {},
compilerConfiguration, EnvironmentConfigFiles.JVM_CONFIG_FILES).project
// everything below (up to PsiFileFactory.getInstance(...)) is to get AST mutations (`ktlint -F ...`) working
// otherwise it's not needed
val pomModel: PomModel = object : UserDataHolderBase(), PomModel {
override fun runTransaction(transaction: PomTransaction) {
(transaction as PomTransactionBase).run()
override fun <T : PomModelAspect> getModelAspect(aspect: Class<T>): T? {
if (aspect == {
// using approach described in due to the magical bytecode of TreeAspect
// (check constructor signature and compare it to the source)
// (org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-compiler-embeddable:1.0.3)
val constructor = ReflectionFactory.getReflectionFactory().newConstructorForSerialization(
return constructor.newInstance(*emptyArray()) as T
return null
val extensionPoint = ""
val extensionClassName =!!
for (area in arrayOf(getArea(project), getArea(null))) {
if (!area.hasExtensionPoint(extensionPoint)) {
area.registerExtensionPoint(extensionPoint, extensionClassName, ExtensionPoint.Kind.INTERFACE)
project as MockProject
project.registerService(, pomModel)
psiFileFactory = PsiFileFactory.getInstance(project)
* Check source for lint errors.
* @param text source
* @param ruleSets a collection of "RuleSet"s used to validate source
* @param cb callback that is going to be executed for every lint error
* @throws ParseException if text is not a valid Kotlin code
* @throws RuleExecutionException in case of internal failure caused by a bug in rule implementation
fun lint(text: String, ruleSets: Iterable<RuleSet>, cb: (e: LintError) -> Unit) {
lint(text, ruleSets, emptyMap(), cb, script = false)
fun lint(text: String, ruleSets: Iterable<RuleSet>, userData: Map<String, String>, cb: (e: LintError) -> Unit) {
lint(text, ruleSets, userData, cb, script = false)
* Check source for lint errors.
* @param text script source
* @param ruleSets a collection of "RuleSet"s used to validate source
* @param cb callback that is going to be executed for every lint error
* @throws ParseException if text is not a valid Kotlin code
* @throws RuleExecutionException in case of internal failure caused by a bug in rule implementation
fun lintScript(text: String, ruleSets: Iterable<RuleSet>, cb: (e: LintError) -> Unit) {
lint(text, ruleSets, emptyMap(), cb, script = true)
fun lintScript(text: String, ruleSets: Iterable<RuleSet>, userData: Map<String, String>, cb: (e: LintError) -> Unit) {
lint(text, ruleSets, userData, cb, script = true)
private fun lint(
text: String,
ruleSets: Iterable<RuleSet>,
userData: Map<String, String>,
cb: (e: LintError) -> Unit,
script: Boolean
) {
val positionByOffset = calculateLineColByOffset(text).let {
val offsetDueToLineBreakNormalization = calculateLineBreakOffset(text)
return@let { offset: Int -> it(offset + offsetDueToLineBreakNormalization(offset)) }
val normalizedText = text.replace("\r\n", "\n").replace("\r", "\n")
val fileName = if (script) "file.kts" else "file.kt"
val psiFile = psiFileFactory.createFileFromText(fileName, KotlinLanguage.INSTANCE, normalizedText) as KtFile
val errorElement = psiFile.findErrorElement()
if (errorElement != null) {
val (line, col) = positionByOffset(errorElement.textOffset)
throw ParseException(line, col, errorElement.errorDescription)
val rootNode = psiFile.node
rootNode.putUserData(EDITOR_CONFIG_USER_DATA_KEY, EditorConfig.fromMap(userData - "android" - "file_path"))
rootNode.putUserData(ANDROID_USER_DATA_KEY, userData["android"]?.toBoolean() ?: false)
rootNode.putUserData(FILE_PATH_USER_DATA_KEY, userData["file_path"])
val isSuppressed = calculateSuppressedRegions(rootNode)
visitor(rootNode, ruleSets).invoke { node, rule, fqRuleId ->
// fixme: enforcing suppression based on node.startOffset is wrong
// (not just because not all nodes are leaves but because rules are free to emit (and fix!) errors at any position)
if (!isSuppressed(node.startOffset, fqRuleId) || node === rootNode) {
try {
rule.visit(node, false) { offset, errorMessage, _ ->
val (line, col) = positionByOffset(offset)
cb(LintError(line, col, fqRuleId, errorMessage))
} catch (e: Exception) {
val (line, col) = positionByOffset(node.startOffset)
throw RuleExecutionException(line, col, fqRuleId, e)
private fun visitor(
rootNode: ASTNode,
ruleSets: Iterable<RuleSet>,
concurrent: Boolean = true,
filter: (fqRuleId: String) -> Boolean = { true }
): ((node: ASTNode, rule: Rule, fqRuleId: String) -> Unit) -> Unit {
val fqrsRestrictedToRoot = mutableListOf<Pair<String, Rule>>()
val fqrs = mutableListOf<Pair<String, Rule>>()
val fqrsExpectedToBeExecutedLastOnRoot = mutableListOf<Pair<String, Rule>>()
val fqrsExpectedToBeExecutedLast = mutableListOf<Pair<String, Rule>>()
for (ruleSet in ruleSets) {
val prefix = if ( === "standard") "" else "${}:"
for (rule in ruleSet) {
val fqRuleId = "$prefix${}"
if (!filter(fqRuleId)) {
val fqr = fqRuleId to rule
when {
rule is Rule.Modifier.Last -> fqrsExpectedToBeExecutedLast.add(fqr)
rule is Rule.Modifier.RestrictToRootLast -> fqrsExpectedToBeExecutedLastOnRoot.add(fqr)
rule is Rule.Modifier.RestrictToRoot -> fqrsRestrictedToRoot.add(fqr)
else -> fqrs.add(fqr)
return { visit ->
for ((fqRuleId, rule) in fqrsRestrictedToRoot) {
visit(rootNode, rule, fqRuleId)
if (concurrent) {
rootNode.visit { node ->
for ((fqRuleId, rule) in fqrs) {
visit(node, rule, fqRuleId)
} else {
for ((fqRuleId, rule) in fqrs) {
rootNode.visit { node ->
visit(node, rule, fqRuleId)
for ((fqRuleId, rule) in fqrsExpectedToBeExecutedLastOnRoot) {
visit(rootNode, rule, fqRuleId)
if (!fqrsExpectedToBeExecutedLast.isEmpty()) {
if (concurrent) {
rootNode.visit { node ->
for ((fqRuleId, rule) in fqrsExpectedToBeExecutedLast) {
visit(node, rule, fqRuleId)
} else {
for ((fqRuleId, rule) in fqrsExpectedToBeExecutedLast) {
rootNode.visit { node ->
visit(node, rule, fqRuleId)
private fun calculateLineColByOffset(text: String): (offset: Int) -> Pair<Int, Int> {
var i = -1
val e = text.length
val arr = ArrayList<Int>()
do {
arr.add(i + 1)
i = text.indexOf('\n', i + 1)
} while (i != -1)
arr.add(e + if (arr.last() == e) 1 else 0)
val segmentTree = SegmentTree(arr.toTypedArray())
return { offset ->
val line = segmentTree.indexOf(offset)
if (line != -1) {
val col = offset - segmentTree.get(line).left
line + 1 to col + 1
} else {
1 to 1
private fun calculateSuppressedRegions(rootNode: ASTNode) =
SuppressionHint.collect(rootNode).let { listOfHints ->
if (listOfHints.isEmpty()) nullSuppression else { offset, ruleId ->
listOfHints.any { (range, disabledRules) ->
(disabledRules.isEmpty() || disabledRules.contains(ruleId)) && range.contains(offset) }
* Fix style violations.
* @param text source
* @param ruleSets a collection of "RuleSet"s used to validate source
* @param cb callback that is going to be executed for every lint error
* @throws ParseException if text is not a valid Kotlin code
* @throws RuleExecutionException in case of internal failure caused by a bug in rule implementation
fun format(text: String, ruleSets: Iterable<RuleSet>, cb: (e: LintError, corrected: Boolean) -> Unit): String =
format(text, ruleSets, emptyMap<String, String>(), cb, script = false)
fun format(
text: String,
ruleSets: Iterable<RuleSet>,
userData: Map<String, String>,
cb: (e: LintError, corrected: Boolean) -> Unit
): String = format(text, ruleSets, userData, cb, script = false)
* Fix style violations.
* @param text script source
* @param ruleSets a collection of "RuleSet"s used to validate source
* @param cb callback that is going to be executed for every lint error
* @throws ParseException if text is not a valid Kotlin code
* @throws RuleExecutionException in case of internal failure caused by a bug in rule implementation
fun formatScript(text: String, ruleSets: Iterable<RuleSet>, cb: (e: LintError, corrected: Boolean) -> Unit): String =
format(text, ruleSets, emptyMap(), cb, script = true)
fun formatScript(
text: String,
ruleSets: Iterable<RuleSet>,
userData: Map<String, String>,
cb: (e: LintError, corrected: Boolean) -> Unit
): String = format(text, ruleSets, userData, cb, script = true)
private fun format(
text: String,
ruleSets: Iterable<RuleSet>,
userData: Map<String, String>,
cb: (e: LintError, corrected: Boolean) -> Unit,
script: Boolean
): String {
val positionByOffset = calculateLineColByOffset(text).let {
val offsetDueToLineBreakNormalization = calculateLineBreakOffset(text)
return@let { offset: Int -> it(offset + offsetDueToLineBreakNormalization(offset)) }
val normalizedText = text.replace("\r\n", "\n").replace("\r", "\n")
val fileName = if (script) "file.kts" else "file.kt"
val psiFile = psiFileFactory.createFileFromText(fileName, KotlinLanguage.INSTANCE, normalizedText) as KtFile
val errorElement = psiFile.findErrorElement()
if (errorElement != null) {
val (line, col) = positionByOffset(errorElement.textOffset)
throw ParseException(line, col, errorElement.errorDescription)
val rootNode = psiFile.node
rootNode.putUserData(EDITOR_CONFIG_USER_DATA_KEY, EditorConfig.fromMap(userData - "android" - "file_path"))
rootNode.putUserData(ANDROID_USER_DATA_KEY, userData["android"]?.toBoolean() ?: false)
rootNode.putUserData(FILE_PATH_USER_DATA_KEY, userData["file_path"])
var isSuppressed = calculateSuppressedRegions(rootNode)
var tripped = false
var mutated = false
visitor(rootNode, ruleSets, concurrent = false)
.invoke { node, rule, fqRuleId ->
// fixme: enforcing suppression based on node.startOffset is wrong
// (not just because not all nodes are leaves but because rules are free to emit (and fix!) errors at any position)
if (!isSuppressed(node.startOffset, fqRuleId) || node === rootNode) {
try {
rule.visit(node, true) { _, _, canBeAutoCorrected ->
tripped = true
if (canBeAutoCorrected) {
mutated = true
if (isSuppressed !== nullSuppression) {
isSuppressed = calculateSuppressedRegions(rootNode)
} catch (e: Exception) {
// line/col cannot be reliably mapped as exception might originate from a node not present
// in the original AST
throw RuleExecutionException(0, 0, fqRuleId, e)
if (tripped) {
visitor(rootNode, ruleSets).invoke { node, rule, fqRuleId ->
// fixme: enforcing suppression based on node.startOffset is wrong
// (not just because not all nodes are leaves but because rules are free to emit (and fix!) errors at any position)
if (!isSuppressed(node.startOffset, fqRuleId) || node === rootNode) {
try {
rule.visit(node, false) { offset, errorMessage, _ ->
val (line, col) = positionByOffset(offset)
cb(LintError(line, col, fqRuleId, errorMessage), false)
} catch (e: Exception) {
val (line, col) = positionByOffset(node.startOffset)
throw RuleExecutionException(line, col, fqRuleId, e)
return if (mutated) rootNode.text.replace("\n", determineLineSeparator(text)) else text
private fun calculateLineBreakOffset(fileContent: String): (offset: Int) -> Int {
val arr = ArrayList<Int>()
var i = 0
do {
i = fileContent.indexOf("\r\n", i + 1)
} while (i != -1)
return if (arr.size != 2)
SegmentTree(arr.toTypedArray()).let { return { offset -> it.indexOf(offset) } } else { _ -> 0 }
private fun determineLineSeparator(fileContent: String): String {
val i = fileContent.lastIndexOf('\n')
if (i == -1) {
return if (fileContent.lastIndexOf('\r') == -1) System.getProperty("line.separator") else "\r"
return if (i != 0 && fileContent[i] == '\r') "\r\n" else "\n"
* @param range zero-based range of lines where lint errors should be suppressed
* @param disabledRules empty set means "all"
private data class SuppressionHint(val range: IntRange, val disabledRules: Set<String> = emptySet()) {
companion object {
fun collect(rootNode: ASTNode): List<SuppressionHint> {
val result = ArrayList<SuppressionHint>()
val open = ArrayList<SuppressionHint>()
rootNode.visit { node ->
if (node is PsiComment) {
val text = node.getText()
if (text.startsWith("//")) {
val commentText = text.removePrefix("//").trim()
parseHintArgs(commentText, "ktlint-disable")?.let { args ->
val lineStart = (node.prevLeaf { it is PsiWhiteSpace && it.textContains('\n') } as
PsiWhiteSpace?)?.let { it.startOffset + it.text.lastIndexOf('\n') + 1 } ?: 0
result.add(SuppressionHint(IntRange(lineStart, node.startOffset), HashSet(args)))
} else {
val commentText = text.removePrefix("/*").removeSuffix("*/").trim()
parseHintArgs(commentText, "ktlint-disable")?.apply {
open.add(SuppressionHint(IntRange(node.startOffset, node.startOffset), HashSet(this)))
?: parseHintArgs(commentText, "ktlint-enable")?.apply {
// match open hint
val disabledRules = HashSet(this)
val openHintIndex = open.indexOfLast { it.disabledRules == disabledRules }
if (openHintIndex != -1) {
val openingHint = open.removeAt(openHintIndex)
result.add(SuppressionHint(IntRange(openingHint.range.start, node.startOffset),
result.addAll( {
SuppressionHint(IntRange(it.range.first, rootNode.textLength), it.disabledRules)
return result
private fun parseHintArgs(commentText: String, key: String): List<String>? {
if (commentText.startsWith(key)) {
val parsedComment = splitCommentBySpace(commentText)
// assert exact match
if (parsedComment[0] == key) {
return parsedComment.tail()
return null
private fun splitCommentBySpace(comment: String) =
comment.replace(Regex("\\s"), " ").replace(" {2,}", " ").split(" ")
private fun <T> List<T>.tail() = this.subList(1, this.size)
private class SegmentTree {
private val segments: List<Segment>
constructor(sortedArray: Array<Int>) {
require(sortedArray.size > 1) { "At least two data points are required" }
sortedArray.reduce { r, v -> require(r <= v) { "Data points are not sorted (ASC)" }; v }
segments = sortedArray.take(sortedArray.size - 1)
.mapIndexed { i: Int, v: Int -> Segment(v, sortedArray[i + 1] - 1) }
fun get(i: Int): Segment = segments[i]
fun indexOf(v: Int): Int = binarySearch(v, 0, this.segments.size - 1)
private fun binarySearch(v: Int, l: Int, r: Int): Int = when {
l > r -> -1
else -> {
val i = l + (r - l) / 2
val s = segments[i]
if (v < s.left) binarySearch(v, l, i - 1) else (if (s.right < v) binarySearch(v, i + 1, r) else i)
private data class Segment(val left: Int, val right: Int)
private fun PsiElement.findErrorElement(): PsiErrorElement? {
if (this is PsiErrorElement) {
return this
this.children.forEach { child ->
val errorElement = child.findErrorElement()
if (errorElement != null) {
return errorElement
return null
private fun ASTNode.visit(cb: (node: ASTNode) -> Unit) {
this.getChildren(null).forEach { it.visit(cb) }