blob: a4382cb43a9ea4c8abd1a986a4e0113f9050c963 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
* This was copied from and modified extensively to
* work for Kotlin formatting
package com.facebook.ktfmt.kdoc
import com.facebook.ktfmt.kdoc.Token.Type.BEGIN_KDOC
import com.facebook.ktfmt.kdoc.Token.Type.BLANK_LINE
import com.facebook.ktfmt.kdoc.Token.Type.CODE
import com.facebook.ktfmt.kdoc.Token.Type.CODE_BLOCK_MARKER
import com.facebook.ktfmt.kdoc.Token.Type.CODE_CLOSE_TAG
import com.facebook.ktfmt.kdoc.Token.Type.CODE_OPEN_TAG
import com.facebook.ktfmt.kdoc.Token.Type.END_KDOC
import com.facebook.ktfmt.kdoc.Token.Type.LIST_ITEM_OPEN_TAG
import com.facebook.ktfmt.kdoc.Token.Type.LITERAL
import com.facebook.ktfmt.kdoc.Token.Type.MARKDOWN_LINK
import com.facebook.ktfmt.kdoc.Token.Type.PRE_CLOSE_TAG
import com.facebook.ktfmt.kdoc.Token.Type.PRE_OPEN_TAG
import com.facebook.ktfmt.kdoc.Token.Type.TABLE_CLOSE_TAG
import com.facebook.ktfmt.kdoc.Token.Type.TABLE_OPEN_TAG
import com.facebook.ktfmt.kdoc.Token.Type.TAG
import com.facebook.ktfmt.kdoc.Token.Type.WHITESPACE
import com.intellij.psi.tree.IElementType
import java.util.regex.Pattern.compile
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.kdoc.lexer.KDocLexer
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.kdoc.lexer.KDocTokens
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.lexer.KtTokens.WHITE_SPACE
* Entry point for formatting KDoc.
* This stateless class reads tokens from the stateful lexer and translates them to "requests" and
* "writes" to the stateful writer. It also munges tokens into "standardized" forms. Finally, it
* performs postprocessing to convert the written KDoc to a one-liner if possible or to leave a
* single blank line if it's empty.
object KDocFormatter {
internal val MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 100
private val ONE_CONTENT_LINE_PATTERN = compile(" */[*][*]\n *[*] (.*)\n *[*]/")
private val NUMBERED_LIST_PATTERN = "[0-9]+\\.".toRegex()
* Formats the given Javadoc comment, which must start with ∕✱✱ and end with ✱∕. The output will
* start and end with the same characters.
fun formatKDoc(input: String, blockIndent: Int): String {
val kDocLexer = KDocLexer()
val tokens = mutableListOf<Token>()
var previousType: IElementType? = null
while (kDocLexer.tokenType != null) {
val tokenType = kDocLexer.tokenType
val tokenText =
with(kDocLexer.tokenText) {
if (previousType == KDocTokens.LEADING_ASTERISK && first() == ' ') substring(1)
else this
when (tokenType) {
KDocTokens.START -> tokens.add(Token(BEGIN_KDOC, tokenText))
KDocTokens.END -> tokens.add(Token(END_KDOC, tokenText))
KDocTokens.LEADING_ASTERISK -> Unit // Ignore, no need to output anything
KDocTokens.TAG_NAME -> tokens.add(Token(TAG, tokenText))
KDocTokens.CODE_BLOCK_TEXT -> tokens.add(Token(CODE, tokenText))
tokens.add(Token(MARKDOWN_LINK, tokenText))
KDocTokens.TEXT -> {
if (tokenText.isBlank()) {
tokens.add(Token(WHITESPACE, " "))
} else {
val words = tokenText.trim().split(" +".toRegex())
var first = true
for (word in words) {
if (first) {
if (word == "-" || word == "*" || word.matches(NUMBERED_LIST_PATTERN)) {
tokens.add(Token(LIST_ITEM_OPEN_TAG, ""))
first = false
// If the KDoc is malformed (e.g. unclosed code block) KDocLexer doesn't report an
// END_KDOC properly. We want to recover in such cases
if (word == "*/") {
tokens.add(Token(END_KDOC, word))
} else if (word == "```") {
tokens.add(Token(CODE_BLOCK_MARKER, word))
} else {
tokens.add(Token(LITERAL, word))
tokens.add(Token(WHITESPACE, " "))
if (previousType === KDocTokens.TAG_NAME || previousType === KDocTokens.MARKDOWN_LINK) {
tokens.add(Token(WHITESPACE, " "))
} else if (previousType == KDocTokens.LEADING_ASTERISK ||
tokenText.count { it == '\n' } >= 2) {
tokens.add(Token(BLANK_LINE, ""))
else -> throw RuntimeException("Unexpected: $tokenType")
previousType = tokenType
val result = render(tokens, blockIndent)
return makeSingleLineIfPossible(blockIndent, result)
private fun render(input: List<Token>, blockIndent: Int): String {
val output = KDocWriter(blockIndent)
for (token in input) {
when (token.type) {
BEGIN_KDOC -> output.writeBeginJavadoc()
return output.toString()
LIST_ITEM_OPEN_TAG -> output.writeListItemOpen(token)
PRE_OPEN_TAG -> output.writePreOpen(token)
PRE_CLOSE_TAG -> output.writePreClose(token)
CODE_OPEN_TAG -> output.writeCodeOpen(token)
CODE_CLOSE_TAG -> output.writeCodeClose(token)
TABLE_OPEN_TAG -> output.writeTableOpen(token)
TABLE_CLOSE_TAG -> output.writeTableClose(token)
TAG -> output.writeTag(token)
CODE -> output.writeCodeLine(token)
CODE_BLOCK_MARKER -> output.writeExplicitCodeBlockMarker(token)
BLANK_LINE -> output.requestBlankLine()
WHITESPACE -> output.requestWhitespace()
LITERAL -> output.writeLiteral(token)
MARKDOWN_LINK -> output.writeMarkdownLink(token)
else -> throw AssertionError(token.type)
throw AssertionError()
* Returns the given string or a one-line version of it (e.g., "∕✱✱ Tests for foos. ✱∕") if it
* fits on one line.
private fun makeSingleLineIfPossible(blockIndent: Int, input: String): String {
val oneLinerContentLength = MAX_LINE_LENGTH - "/** */".length - blockIndent
val matcher = ONE_CONTENT_LINE_PATTERN.matcher(input)
if (matcher.matches() && {
return "/** */"
} else if (matcher.matches() && <= oneLinerContentLength) {
return "/** " + + " */"
return input