blob: 74b5e324a286a164539fdedd6b86073cd6c3e215 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.facebook.ktfmt
import org.junit.Ignore
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
class FormatterKtTest {
fun `first selector stays on same line`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f() {
| ImmutableList.newBuilder()
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .build()
| // ... unless it's a function call
| ImmutableList()
| .newBuilder()
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .build()
|""".trimMargin(), 50)
fun `line breaks in function arguments`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f() {
| computeBreaks(
| javaOutput.commentsHelper,
| maxWidth,
| Doc.State(+0, 0))
| computeBreaks(
| output.commentsHelper, maxWidth, State(0))
| doc.computeBreaks(
| javaOutput.commentsHelper,
| maxWidth,
| Doc.State(+0, 0))
| doc.computeBreaks(
| output.commentsHelper, maxWidth, State(0))
|""".trimMargin(), 50)
fun `parameters and return type in function definitions`() = assertFormatted(
|fun format(
| code: String,
| maxWidth: Int =
|): String {
| val a = 0
|fun print(
| code: String,
| maxWidth: Int =
|) {
| val a = 0
|""".trimMargin(), 40)
fun `kitchen sink of tests`() {
// Don't add more tests here
val code = """
|f (
|a : Int
| , b: Double , c:String) { var result = 0
| val aVeryLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongVar = 43
| )
| foo(
| )
| )
| bar(
| ImmutableList.newBuilder().add(1).add(1).add(1).add(1).add(1).add(1).add(1).add(1).add(1).add(1).build())
| ImmutableList.newBuilder().add(1).add(1).add(1).add(1).add(1).add(1).add(1).add(1).add(1).add(1).build()
| }
val expected = """
|fun f(a: Int, b: Double, c: String) {
| var result = 0
| val aVeryLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongVar =
| 43
| foo()
| bar(
| ImmutableList.newBuilder()
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .build())
| ImmutableList.newBuilder()
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .add(1)
| .build()
// Don't add more tests here
fun `spacing around variable declarations`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f() {
| var x: Int = 4
| val y = 0
fun `class without a body nor properties`() = assertFormatted("class Foo\n")
fun `interface without a body nor properties`() = assertFormatted("interface Foo\n")
fun `preserve empty primary constructor`() = assertFormatted("class Foo()\n")
fun `class without a body, with explicit ctor params`() =
assertFormatted("class Foo(a: Int, var b: Double, val c: String)\n")
fun `class with a body and explicit ctor params`() = assertFormatted(
|class Foo(a: Int, var b: Double, val c: String) {
| val x = 2
| fun method() {}
| class Bar
fun `properties and fields with modifiers`() = assertFormatted(
|class Foo(public val p1: Int, private val p2: Int, open val p3: Int, final val p4: Int) {
| private var f1 = 0
| public var f2 = 0
| open var f3 = 0
| final var f4 = 0
fun `properties with multiple modifiers`() = assertFormatted(
|class Foo(public open inner val p1: Int) {
| public open inner var f2 = 0
fun `spaces around binary operations`() = assertFormatted(
|fun foo() {
| a = 5
| x + 1
fun `breaking long binary operations`() = assertFormatted(
|fun foo() {
| val finalWidth =
| value1 +
| value2 +
| (value3 +
| value4 +
| value5) +
| foo(v) +
| (1 + 2) +
| function(
| value7,
| value8) +
| value9
|""".trimMargin(), 20)
fun `once a binary expression is broken, split on every line`() = assertFormatted(
|fun foo() {
| val sentence =
| "The" +
| "quick" +
| ("brown" + "fox") +
| "jumps" +
| "over" +
| "the" +
| "lazy" +
| "dog"
|""".trimMargin(), 40)
fun `long binary expressions with ranges in the middle`() = assertFormatted(
|fun foo() {
| val sentence =
| "The" +
| "quick" +
| ("brown".."fox") +
| "jumps" +
| "over" +
| "the".."lazy" + "dog"
|""".trimMargin(), 40)
fun `properties with accessors`() = assertFormatted(
|class Foo {
| var x: Int
| get() = field
| var y: Boolean
| get() = x.equals(123)
| set(value) {
| field = value
| }
| var z: Boolean
| get() {
| x.equals(123)
| }
| var zz = false
| private set
fun `a property with a too long name being broken on multiple lines`() = assertFormatted(
|class Foo {
| val thisIsALongName
| : String =
| "Hello there this is long"
| get() = field
maxWidth = 20)
fun `multi-character unary and binary operators such as ==`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f() {
| 3 == 4
| true && false
| a++
| a === b
fun `package names stay in one line`() {
val code = """
| package com .example. subexample
|fun f() = 1
val expected = """
|package com.example.subexample
|fun f() = 1
fun `safe dot operator expression`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f() {
| node?.name
fun `safe dot operator expression with normal`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f() {
| node?.name.hello
fun `safe dot operator expression chain in expression function`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f(number: Int) =
| Something.doStuff(number)?.size
|""".trimMargin(), 50)
fun `import list`() {
val code = """
| import com .example.common.reality. FooBar
| import com .example.common.reality. FooBar2 as foosBars
| import com .example.common.reality. *
| import // Test
| import abc.def /*
| test */
val expected = """
|import com.example.common.reality.FooBar
|import com.example.common.reality.FooBar2 as foosBars
|import com.example.common.reality.*
|import // Test
|import abc.def /*
| test */
fun `basic annotations`() = assertFormatted(
|class Foo {
| @Fancy
| fun baz(@Fancy foo: Int) {
| @Fancy val a = 1 + foo
| }
fun `function calls with multiple arguments`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f() {
| foo(1, 2, 3)
| foo(
| 123456789012345678901234567890,
| 123456789012345678901234567890,
| 123456789012345678901234567890)
fun `function calls with multiple named arguments`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f() {
| foo(1, b = 2, c = 3)
| foo(
| 123456789012345678901234567890,
| b = 23456789012345678901234567890,
| c = 3456789012345678901234567890)
fun `Arguments are blocks`() = assertFormatted(
|override fun visitProperty(property: KtProperty) {
| builder.sync(property)
| builder.block(ZERO) {
| declareOne(
| kind = DeclarationKind.FIELD,
| modifiers = property.modifierList,
| valOrVarKeyword =
| property.valOrVarKeyword.text,
| typeParameters =
| property.typeParameterList,
| receiver = property.receiverTypeReference,
| name = property.nameIdentifier?.text,
| type = property.typeReference,
| typeConstraintList =
| property.typeConstraintList,
| delegate = property.delegate,
| initializer = property.initializer)
| }
|""".trimMargin(), 50)
fun `anonymous function`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f() {
| setListener(
| fun(number: Int) {
| println(number)
| })
fun `anonymous function with receiver`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f() {
| setListener(
| fun View.() {
| println(this)
| })
fun `when() with a subject expression`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f(x: Int) {
| when (x) {
| 1 -> print(1)
| 2 -> print(2)
| else -> {
| print(3)
| }
| }
fun `when() expression with complex predicates`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f(x: Int) {
| when {
| x == 1 || x == 2 -> print(1)
| x == 3 && x != 4 -> print(2)
| else -> {
| print(3)
| }
| }
fun `when() expression with several conditions`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f(x: Int) {
| when {
| 0, 1 -> print(1)
| else -> print(0)
| }
fun `when() expression with is and in`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f(x: Int) {
| when (x) {
| is String -> print(1)
| !is String -> print(2)
| in 1..3 -> print()
| in a..b -> print()
| in a..3 -> print()
| in 1..b -> print()
| !in 1..b -> print()
| else -> print(3)
| }
fun `when() expression with enum values`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f(x: Color) {
| when (x) {
| is Color.Red -> print(1)
| is Color.Green -> print(2)
| else -> print(3)
| }
fun `when() expression with generic matcher and exhaustive`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f(x: Result) {
| when (x) {
| is Success<*> -> print(1)
| is Failure -> print(2)
| }.exhaustive
fun `line breaks inside when expressions and conditions`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f() {
| return Text.create(c)
| .onTouch {
| when (it.motionEvent.action) {
| Toast.makeText(it.view.context, "Down!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT, blablabla).show()
| ACTION_UP -> Toast.makeText(it.view.context, "Up!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
| Toast.makeText(
| it.view.context, "Down!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT, blablabla, blablabl, blabla)
| .show()
| }
| }
| .build()
fun `function return types`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f1(): Int = 0
|fun f2(): Int {}
fun `multi line function without a block body`() = assertFormatted(
|fun longFunctionNoBlock():
| Int =
| 1234567 + 1234567
|fun shortFun(): Int =
| 1234567 + 1234567
|""".trimMargin(), 25)
fun `return type doesn't fit in one line`() = assertFormatted(
|interface X {
| fun f(
| arg1: Arg1Type, arg2: Arg2Type
| ): Map<String, Map<String, Double>>? {
| //
| }
| fun functionWithGenericReturnType(
| arg1: Arg1Type, arg2: Arg2Type
| ): Map<String, Map<String, Double>>? {
| //
| }
|""".trimMargin(), 50)
fun `list of superclasses`() = assertFormatted(
|class Derived2 : Super1, Super2 {}
|class Derived1 : Super1, Super2
|class Derived3(a: Int) : Super1(a)
|class Derived4 : Super1()
|class Derived5 : Super3<Int>()
fun `list of superclasses over multiple lines`() = assertFormatted(
|class Derived2 :
| Super1,
| Super2 {}
|class Derived1 :
| Super1, Super2
|class Derived3(
| a: Int) :
| Super1(a)
|class Derived4 :
| Super1()
|class Derived5 :
| Super3<Int>()
|""".trimMargin(), 20)
fun `annotations with parameters`() = assertFormatted(
|@AnnWithArrayValue(1, 2, 3)
|class C
fun `method modifiers`() = assertFormatted(
|override internal fun f() {}
fun `class modifiers`() = assertFormatted(
|abstract class Foo
|inner class Foo
|final class Foo
|open class Foo
fun `kdoc comments`() {
val code = """
| * foo
| */ class F {
| }
val expected = """
|/** foo */
|class F {}
fun `formatting kdoc doesn't add p HTML tags`() = assertFormatted(
| * Bla bla bla bla
| *
| * This is an inferred paragraph, and as you can see, we don't add a p tag to it, even though bla
| * bla.
| *
| * <p>On the other hand, we respect existing tags, and don't remove them.
| */
fun `formatting kdoc preserves lists`() = assertFormatted(
| * Here are some fruit I like:
| * - Banana
| * - Apple
| *
| * This is another paragraph
| */
fun `return statement with value`() = assertFormatted(
|fun random(): Int {
| return 4
fun `return statement without value`() = assertFormatted(
|fun print(b: Boolean) {
| print(b)
| return
fun `if statement without else`() = assertFormatted(
|fun maybePrint(b: Boolean) {
| if (b) {
| println(b)
| }
fun `if statement with else`() = assertFormatted(
|fun maybePrint(b: Boolean) {
| if (b) {
| println(2)
| } else {
| println(1)
| }
fun `if expression with else`() = assertFormatted(
|fun maybePrint(b: Boolean) {
| println(if (b) 1 else 2)
| println(
| if (b) {
| val a = 1 + 1
| 2 * a
| } else 2)
| return if (b) 1 else 2
fun `if expression with break before else`() = assertFormatted(
|fun compute(b: Boolean) {
| val c =
| if (a + b < 20) a + b
| else a
| return if (a + b < 20) a + b
| else c
|""".trimMargin(), 30)
fun `assignment expression on multiple lines`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f() {
| var myVariable = 5;
| myVariable =
| function1(4, 60, 8) + function2(57, 39, 20)
|""".trimMargin(), 50)
fun `A program that tickled a bug in KotlinInput`() = assertFormatted(
|val x = 2
fun `a few variations of constructors`() = assertFormatted(
|class Foo constructor(number: Int) {}
|class Foo2 private constructor(number: Int) {}
|class Foo3 @Inject constructor(number: Int) {}
|class Foo4 @Inject private constructor(number: Int) {}
|class Foo5
| @Inject
| private constructor(
| number: Int, number2: Int, number3: Int, number4: Int, number5: Int, number6: Int) {}
fun `a constructor with many arguments over breaking to next line`() = assertFormatted(
|data class Foo(
| val number: Int, val name: String, val age: Int, val title: String, val offspring2: List<Foo>)
fun `a constructor with keyword and many arguments over breaking to next line`() = assertFormatted(
|data class Foo
| constructor(
| val name: String, val age: Int, val title: String, val offspring: List<Foo>)
fun `a constructor with many arguments over multiple lines`() = assertFormatted(
|data class Foo
| constructor(
| val number: Int,
| val name: String,
| val age: Int,
| val title: String,
| val offspring: List<Foo>)
|""".trimMargin(), 50)
fun `handle secondary constructors`() = assertFormatted(
|class Foo private constructor(number: Int) {
| private constructor(n: Float) : this(1)
| private constructor(n: Double) : this(1) {
| println("built")
| }
fun `a secondary constructor with many arguments over multiple lines`() = assertFormatted(
|data class Foo {
| constructor(
| val number: Int,
| val name: String,
| val age: Int,
| val title: String,
| val offspring: List<Foo>)
|""".trimMargin(), 50)
fun `a secondary constructor with many arguments passed to delegate`() = assertFormatted(
|data class Foo {
| constructor(
| val number: Int,
| val name: String,
| val age: Int,
| val title: String,
| val offspring: List<Foo>) :
| this(
| number,
| name,
| age,
| title,
| offspring,
| offspring)
|""".trimMargin(), 50)
fun `handle calling super constructor in secondary constructor`() = assertFormatted(
|class Foo : Bar {
| internal constructor(number: Int) : super(number) {}
fun `handle objects`() = assertFormatted(
|object Foo(n: Int) {}
fun `handle object expression`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f(): Any {
| return object : Adapter() {}
fun `handle object expression in parenthesis`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f(): Any {
| return (object : Adapter() {})
fun `handle array indexing operator`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f(a: Magic) {
| a[3]
| b[3, 4]
fun `handle destructuring declaration`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f() {
| val (a, b: Int) = listOf(1, 2)
fun `handle ? for nullalble types`() = assertFormatted(
|fun doItWithNullReturns(a: String, b: String): Int? {
| return 5
|fun doItWithNulls(a: String, b: String?) {}
fun `nullable function type`() = assertFormatted(
|var listener: ((Boolean) -> Unit)? = null
fun `redundant parenthesis in function types`() = assertFormatted(
|val a: (Int) = 7
|var listener: ((Boolean) -> Unit) = foo
fun `handle string literals`() = assertFormatted(
|fun doIt(world: String) {
| println("Hello world!")
| println("Hello! ${'$'}world")
| println("Hello! ${'$'}{"wor" + "ld"}")
fun `when there is an expression in a template string it gets formatted accordingly`() {
val code = """
|fun doIt() {
| println("Hello! ${'$'}{"wor"+"ld"}")
val expected = """
|fun doIt() {
| println("Hello! ${'$'}{"wor" + "ld"}")
fun `handle multiline string literals`() = assertFormatted(
|fun doIt(world: String) {
| println(${"\"".repeat(3)}Hello
| world!${"\"".repeat(3)})
fun `handle some basic generics scenarios`() = assertFormatted(
|fun <T> doIt(a: List<T>): List<Int>? {
| val b: List<Int> = convert<Int>(listOf(5, 4))
| return b
|class Foo<T>
fun `handle for loops`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f(a: List<Int>) {
| for (i in a.indices) {
| println(i)
| }
fun `Qualified type`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f() {
| var plusFour: Indent.Const
| var x: Map.Entry<String, Integer>
| var x: List<String>.Iterator
fun `handle destructuring declaration in for loop`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f(a: List<Pair<Int, Int>>) {
| for ((x, y: Int) in a) {}
fun `handle scope operator`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f(a: List<Int>) {
| a.forEach(::println)
fun `handle escaped identifier`() = assertFormatted(
|import foo as `foo foo`
|import org.mockito.Mockito.`when` as `yay yay`
|fun `spaces in functions`() {
| val `when` = NEVER
| val (`do not`, `ever write`) = SERIOUSLY
| val `a a`: Int
|class `more spaces`
fun `handle annotations with arguments`() = assertFormatted(
|@Px fun f(): Int = 5
|@Dimenstion(unit = DP)
|fun g(): Int = 5
|class Test
fun `annotations on functions types parameters`() = assertFormatted(
|val callback: (List<@JvmSuppressWildcards String>) -> Unit = foo
fun `Unary expressions`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f() {
| !a
| -4
| val x = -foo()
| +4
| ++a
| --a
fun `handle wildcard generics`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f() {
| val l: List<*>
| val p: Pair<*, *>
fun `handle covariant and contravariant type arguments`() = assertFormatted(
|val p: Pair<in T, out S>
fun `handle covariant and contravariant type parameters`() = assertFormatted(
|class Foo<in T, out S>
fun `handle bounds for type parameters`() = assertFormatted(
|class Foo<in T : List<*>, out S : Any?>
fun `handle compound generic bounds on classes`() = assertFormatted(
|class Foo<T>(n: Int) where T : Bar, T : FooBar {}
fun `handle compound generic bounds on functions`() = assertFormatted(
|fun <T> foo(n: Int) where T : Bar, T : FooBar {}
fun `handle compound generic bounds on properties`() = assertFormatted(
|val <T> List<T>.twiceSum: Int where T : Int
| get() {
| return 2 * sum()
| }
fun `explicit type on property getter`() = assertFormatted(
|class Foo {
| val silly: Int
| get(): Int = 1
fun `handle method calls with lambda arg only`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f() {
| val a = g { 1 + 1 }
fun `handle method calls value args and a lambda arg`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f() {
| val a = g(1, 2) { 1 + 1 }
fun `handle top level constants`() = assertFormatted(
|val a = 5
|const val b = 6
fun `handle lambda arg with named arguments`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f() {
| val b = { x: Int, y: Int -> x + y }
fun `handle labeled this pointer`() = assertFormatted(
|class Foo {
| fun f() {
| g { println(this@Foo) }
| }
fun `handle extension and operator functions`() = assertFormatted(
|operator fun Point.component1() = x
fun `handle extension properties`() = assertFormatted(
|val Int.isPrime: Boolean
| get() = runMillerRabinPrimality(this)
fun `generic extension property`() = assertFormatted(
|val <T> List<T>.twiceSize = 2 * size()
fun `handle file annotations`() = assertFormatted(
|package com.somecompany.example
|import com.somecompany.example2
|class Foo {}
fun `handle init block`() = assertFormatted(
|class Foo {
| init {
| println("Init!")
| }
fun `handle interface delegation`() = assertFormatted(
|class MyList(impl: List<Int>) : Collection<Int> by impl
fun `handle property delegation`() = assertFormatted(
|val a by lazy { 1 + 1 }
fun `handle lambda types`() = assertFormatted(
|val listener1: (Boolean) -> Unit = { b -> !b }
|val listener2: () -> Unit = {}
|val listener3: (Int, Double) -> Int = { a, b -> a }
|val listener4: Int.(Int, Boolean) -> Unit
fun `handle unicode in string literals`() = assertFormatted(
|val a = "\uD83D\uDC4D"
fun `handle casting`() = assertFormatted(
|fun castIt(o: Object) {
| println(o is Double)
| println(o !is Double)
| doIt(o as Int)
| doIt(o as? Int)
fun `handle colleciton literals in annotations`() = assertFormatted(
|@Foo(a = [1, 2])
|fun doIt(o: Object) {}
fun `handle try, catch and finally`() = assertFormatted(
|fun foo() {
| try {
| bar()
| } catch (e: Exception) {
| throw e
| } finally {
| println("finally")
| }
fun `handle infix methods`() = assertFormatted(
|fun numbers() {
| (0 until 100).size
fun `handle while loops`() = assertFormatted(
|fun numbers() {
| while (1 < 2) {
| println("Everything is okay")
| }
fun `handle do while loops`() = assertFormatted(
|fun numbers() {
| do {
| println("Everything is okay")
| } while (1 < 2)
fun `handle break and continue`() = assertFormatted(
|fun numbers() {
| while (1 < 2) {
| if (true) {
| break
| }
| if (false) {
| continue
| }
| }
fun `handle all kinds of labels and jumps`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f(a: List<Int>) {
| {
| myloop@ for (i in a) {
| if (true) {
| break@myloop
| } else if (false) {
| continue@myloop
| } else {
| `inner map`@{
| return@`inner map`
| }
| }
| }
| return@map 2 * it
| }
@Ignore("This requires being able to reliably ignore tokens")
fun `when imports or package have semicolons remove them`() {
val code = """
val expected = """
fun `handle optional semicolons until we can reliably remove them`() = assertFormatted(
|import com.example.Foo;
|typealias Int2 = Int;
|fun f() {
| val a = 5;
| a = 7;
| println(1);
| return 4;
@Ignore("This requires being able to reliably ignore tokens")
fun `remove unnecessary semicolons`() {
val code = """
|val a = 5;
|fun foo() {
| println(1);
| println(2); println(3)
val expected = """
|val a = 5
|fun foo() {
| println(1)
| println(2)
| println(3)
@Ignore("This requires being able to reliably ignore tokens")
fun `remove unnecessary parenthesis in lambda calls`() {
val code = """
|fun f() {
| a() {
| println("a")
| }
val expected = """
|fun f() {
| a {
| println("a")
| }
fun `handle no parenthesis in lambda calls`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f() {
| a { println("a") }
fun `handle multi statement lambdas`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f() {
| a {
| println("a")
| println("b")
| }
fun `handle multi line one statement lambda`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f() {
| a {
| println(
| }
|""".trimMargin(), 25)
fun `statements are wrapped in blocks`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f() {
| builder.block {
| getArgumentName().accept
| return
| }
fun `properly break fully qualified nested user types`() = assertFormatted(
|val complicated
| : com.example.interesting.SomeType<
| com.example.interesting.SomeType<Int, Nothing>,
| com.example.interesting.SomeType<
| com.example.interesting.SomeType<
| Int,
| Nothing>,
| Nothing>> =
|""".trimMargin(), 53)
fun `handle multi-line lambdas within lambdas and calling chains`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f() {
| builder.block(ZERO) {
| builder.token("when")
| expression1.let { subjectExp ->
| builder.token(")")
| return
| }
| }
| builder.block(ZERO) {
| expression2.subjectExpression
| .let { subjectExp ->
| builder.token(")")
| return
| }
| }
fun `handle multi line lambdas with explicit args`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f() {
| a { (x, y) ->
| x + y
| }
|""".trimMargin(), 20)
fun `handle parenthesis in lambda calls for now`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f() {
| a() { println("a") }
fun `handle chaining of calls with lambdas`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f() {
| { x -> x * x }
| .map { x -> x * x }
| ?.map { x ->
| val y = x * x
| y
| }
| .sum
fun `handle reified types`() = assertFormatted(
|inline fun <reified T> foo(t: T) {
| println(t)
|inline fun <reified in T> foo2(t: T) {
| println(t)
fun `handle simple enum classes`() = assertFormatted(
|enum class BetterBoolean {
fun `handle enum class with functions`() = assertFormatted(
|enum class BetterBoolean {
| fun isGood(): Boolean {
| return true
| }
fun `handle enum with annotations`() = assertFormatted(
|enum class BetterBoolean {
| @True TRUE,
| @False @WhatIsTruth FALSE,
fun `handle enum constructor calls`() = assertFormatted(
|enum class BetterBoolean(val name: String, val value: Boolean = true) {
| TRUE("true"),
| FALSE("false", false),
fun `handle enum entries with body`() = assertFormatted(
|enum class Animal(canWalk: Boolean = true) {
| DOG {
| fun speak() = "woof"
| },
| FISH(false) {},
fun `handle empty enum`() = assertFormatted(
|enum class YTho {
fun `enum without trailing comma`() = assertFormatted(
|enum class Highlander {
fun `enum comma and semicolon`() = assertFormatted(
|enum class Highlander {
| ONE,;
fun `handle varargs and spread operator`() = assertFormatted(
|fun foo(vararg args: String) {
| foo2(*args)
| foo3(options = *args)
fun `handle typealias`() = assertFormatted(
|private typealias TextChangedListener =
| (string: String) -> Unit
|typealias PairPair<X, Y> = Pair<Pair<X, Y>, X>
|class Foo
|""".trimMargin(), 50)
fun `handle class expression with generics`() = assertFormatted(
|fun f() {
| println(Array<String>
fun `FormattingError contains correct line and column numbers`() {
val code = """
|// Foo
|fun good() {
| //
|fn () { }
try {
} catch (e: FormattingError) {
fun `fail() reports line+column number`() {
val code = """
|// Foo
|fun good() {
| return@ 5
try {
} catch (e: FormattingError) {
fun `handle annotations with use-site targets`() = assertFormatted(
|class FooTest {
| @get:Rule val exceptionRule: ExpectedException = ExpectedException.none()
| @set:Magic(name = "Jane")
| var field: String
fun `handle annotations mixed with keywords since we cannot reorder them for now`() = assertFormatted(
|public @Magic final class Foo
|public @Magic(1) final class Foo
|public final class Foo
fun `handle annotations more`() = assertFormatted(
|@Anno2(param = Param1::class)
|@Anno4(param = Param2::class)
|class MyClass {}
fun `handle one line KDoc`() = assertFormatted(
|/** Hi, I am a one line kdoc */
|class MyClass {}
fun `handle KDoc with Link`() = assertFormatted(
|/** This links to [AnotherClass] */
|class MyClass {}
fun `handle KDoc with paragraphs`() = assertFormatted(
| * Hi, I am a two paragraphs kdoc
| *
| * There's a space line to preserve between them
| */
|class MyClass {}
fun `handle KDoc with blocks`() = assertFormatted(
| * Hi, I am a two paragraphs kdoc
| *
| * @param param1 this is param1
| * @param[param2] this is param2
| */
|class MyClass {}
fun `handle KDoc with code examples`() = assertFormatted(
| * This is how you write a simple hello world in Kotlin:
| *
| * ```
| * fun main(args: Array<String>) {
| * println("Hello World!")
| * }
| * ```
| *
| * Amazing ah?
| */
|class MyClass {}
fun `handle KDoc with link reference`() = assertFormatted(
|/** Doc line with a reference to [AnotherClass] in the middle of a sentence */
|class MyClass {}
fun `handle KDoc with links one after another`() = assertFormatted(
|/** Here are some links [AnotherClass] [AnotherClass2] */
|class MyClass {}
fun `add spaces after links in Kdoc`() {
val code = """
|/** Here are some links [AnotherClass][AnotherClass2]hello */
|class MyClass {}
val expected = """
|/** Here are some links [AnotherClass] [AnotherClass2] hello */
|class MyClass {}
fun `handle KDoc with multiple separated param tags, breaking and merging lines and missing asterisk`() {
val code = """
| * Trims leading whitespace characters followed by [marginPrefix] from every line of a source string and removes
| * the first and the last lines if they are blank (notice difference blank vs empty).
| * Doesn't affect a line if it doesn't contain [marginPrefix] except the first and the last blank lines.
| *
| * Doesn't preserve the original line endings.
| *
| * @param marginPrefix non-blank string, which is used as a margin delimiter. Default is `|` (pipe character).
| *
| * @sample samples.text.Strings.trimMargin
| * @see trimIndent
| * @see kotlin.text.isWhitespace
| */
|class ThisWasCopiedFromTheTrimMarginMethod {}
val expected = """
| * Trims leading whitespace characters followed by [marginPrefix] from every line of a source string
| * and removes the first and the last lines if they are blank (notice difference blank vs empty).
| *
| * Doesn't affect a line if it doesn't contain [marginPrefix] except the first and the last blank
| * lines.
| *
| * Doesn't preserve the original line endings.
| *
| * @param marginPrefix non-blank string, which is used as a margin delimiter. Default is `|` (pipe
| * character).
| *
| * @sample samples.text.Strings.trimMargin
| * @see trimIndent
| * @see kotlin.text.isWhitespace
| */
|class ThisWasCopiedFromTheTrimMarginMethod {}
/** Verifies the given code passes through formatting, and stays the same at the end */
private fun assertFormatted(code: String, maxWidth: Int = DEFAULT_MAX_WIDTH) {
assertThatFormatting(code, maxWidth).isEqualTo(code)
fun assertThatFormatting(code: String, maxWidth: Int = DEFAULT_MAX_WIDTH): FormattedCodeSubject {
fun codes(): Subject.Factory<FormattedCodeSubject, String> {
return Subject.Factory { metadata, subject -> FormattedCodeSubject(metadata, subject, maxWidth) }
return assertAbout(codes()).that(code)
class FormattedCodeSubject(
metadata: FailureMetadata,
subject: String?,
val maxWidth: Int
) :
Subject<FormattedCodeSubject, String>(metadata, subject) {
fun isEqualTo(expectedFormatting: String) {
val code = actual()
if (expectedFormatting.lines().any { it.endsWith(" ") }) {
throw RuntimeException(
"Expected code contains trailing whitespace, which the formatter will never output:\n" +
expectedFormatting.lines().map { if (it.endsWith(" ")) "[$it]" else it }.joinToString("\n"))
val actualFormatting: String
try {
actualFormatting = format(code, maxWidth)
if (actualFormatting != expectedFormatting) {
println("# Output: ")
} catch (e: Error) {
throw e
private fun reportError(code: String) {
val file = Parser.parse(code)
println("# Parse tree of input: ")
println("# Input: ")