blob: e890ea21469847b9fa86c1a0a4bcb6c334ee513f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package kotlinx.coroutines
import kotlin.test.*
class CoroutinesJvmTest : TestBase() {
fun testNotCancellableCodeWithExceptionCancelled() = runTest(expected = {e -> e is TestException}) {
// CoroutineStart.ATOMIC makes sure it will not get cancelled for it starts executing
val job = launch(start = CoroutineStart.ATOMIC) {
Thread.sleep(100) // cannot be cancelled
throwTestException() // will throw
fun testCancelManyCompletedAttachedChildren() = runTest {
val parent = launch { /* do nothing */ }
val n = 10_000 * stressTestMultiplier
repeat(n) {
// create a child that already completed
val child = launch(start = CoroutineStart.UNDISPATCHED) { /* do nothing */ }
// attach it manually via internal API
parent.attachChild(child as ChildJob)
parent.cancelAndJoin() // cancel parent, make sure no stack overflow
private fun throwTestException(): Unit = throw TestException()