blob: c6173afc26578301bbe5955481a63179f9992aa6 [file] [log] [blame]
package kotlinx.coroutines
* Thrown by cancellable suspending functions if the [Job] of the coroutine is cancelled while it is suspending.
* It indicates _normal_ cancellation of a coroutine.
* **It is not printed to console/log by default uncaught exception handler**.
* (see [CoroutineExceptionHandler]).
public actual typealias CancellationException = kotlin.coroutines.cancellation.CancellationException
public actual fun CancellationException(message: String?, cause: Throwable?): CancellationException =
CancellationException(message, cause)
* Thrown by cancellable suspending functions if the [Job] of the coroutine is cancelled or completed
* without cause, or with a cause or exception that is not [CancellationException]
* (see [Job.getCancellationException]).
internal actual class JobCancellationException public actual constructor(
message: String,
cause: Throwable?,
internal actual val job: Job
) : CancellationException(message, cause) {
override fun toString(): String = "${super.toString()}; job=$job"
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
other === this ||
other is JobCancellationException && other.message == message && other.job == job && other.cause == cause
override fun hashCode(): Int =
(message!!.hashCode() * 31 + job.hashCode()) * 31 + (cause?.hashCode() ?: 0)
// For use in tests
internal actual val RECOVER_STACK_TRACES: Boolean = false