blob: 8b7d8e7998c05b6d25999c4154e6c8fe2252ee01 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package kotlinx.coroutines.debug.internal
import kotlinx.atomicfu.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.debug.*
import net.bytebuddy.*
import net.bytebuddy.agent.*
import net.bytebuddy.dynamic.loading.*
import java.text.*
import java.util.*
import java.util.concurrent.*
import java.util.concurrent.locks.*
import kotlin.collections.ArrayList
import kotlin.concurrent.*
import kotlin.coroutines.*
import kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.internal.artificialFrame as createArtificialFrame // IDEA bug workaround
* Mirror of [DebugProbes] with actual implementation.
* [DebugProbes] are implemented with pimpl to simplify user-facing class and make it look simple and
* documented.
internal object DebugProbesImpl {
private const val ARTIFICIAL_FRAME_MESSAGE = "Coroutine creation stacktrace"
private val dateFormat = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")
private val capturedCoroutines = Collections.newSetFromMap(ConcurrentHashMap<CoroutineOwner<*>, Boolean>())
private var installations = 0
internal val isInstalled: Boolean get() = installations > 0
// To sort coroutines by creation order, used as unique id
private val sequenceNumber = atomic(0L)
* RW-lock that guards all debug probes state changes.
* All individual coroutine state transitions are guarded by read-lock
* and do not interfere with each other.
* All state reads are guarded by the write lock to guarantee a strongly-consistent
* snapshot of the system.
private val coroutineStateLock = ReentrantReadWriteLock()
* This is an optimization in the face of KT-29997:
* Consider suspending call stack a()->b()->c() and c() completes its execution and every call is
* "almost" in tail position.
* Then at least three RUNNING -> RUNNING transitions will occur consecutively and complexity of each is O(depth).
* To avoid that quadratic complexity, we are caching lookup result for such chains in this map and update it incrementally.
private val callerInfoCache = ConcurrentHashMap<CoroutineStackFrame, CoroutineInfo>()
public fun install(): Unit = coroutineStateLock.write {
if (++installations > 1) return
val cl = Class.forName("kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.DebugProbesKt")
val cl2 = Class.forName("kotlinx.coroutines.debug.DebugProbesKt")
.load(cl.classLoader, ClassReloadingStrategy.fromInstalledAgent())
public fun uninstall(): Unit = coroutineStateLock.write {
check(isInstalled) { "Agent was not installed" }
if (--installations != 0) return
val cl = Class.forName("kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.DebugProbesKt")
val cl2 = Class.forName("kotlinx.coroutines.debug.internal.NoOpProbesKt")
.load(cl.classLoader, ClassReloadingStrategy.fromInstalledAgent())
public fun hierarchyToString(job: Job): String = coroutineStateLock.write {
check(isInstalled) { "Debug probes are not installed" }
val jobToStack = capturedCoroutines
.filter { it.delegate.context[Job] != null }
.associateBy({ it.delegate.context[Job]!! }, { })
return buildString {, this, "")
private fun Map<Job, CoroutineInfo>, builder: StringBuilder, indent: String) {
val info = map[this]
val newIndent: String
if (info == null) { // Append coroutine without stacktrace
// Do not print scoped coroutines and do not increase indentation level
if (this !is kotlinx.coroutines.internal.ScopeCoroutine<*>) {
newIndent = indent + "\t"
} else {
newIndent = indent
} else {
// Append coroutine with its last stacktrace element
val element = info.lastObservedStackTrace().firstOrNull()
val state = info.state
builder.append("$indent$debugString, continuation is $state at line $element\n")
newIndent = indent + "\t"
// Append children with new indent
for (child in children) {, builder, newIndent)
@Suppress("DEPRECATION_ERROR") // JobSupport
private val Job.debugString: String get() = if (this is JobSupport) toDebugString() else toString()
public fun dumpCoroutinesInfo(): List<CoroutineInfo> = coroutineStateLock.write {
check(isInstalled) { "Debug probes are not installed" }
return capturedCoroutines.asSequence()
.map { } // Copy as CoroutineInfo can be mutated concurrently by DebugProbes
.sortedBy { it.sequenceNumber }
public fun dumpCoroutines(out: PrintStream): Unit = synchronized(out) {
* This method synchronizes both on `out` and `this` for a reason:
* 1) Taking a write lock is required to have a consistent snapshot of coroutines.
* 2) Synchronization on `out` is not required, but prohibits interleaving with any other
* (asynchronous) attempt to write to this `out` (System.out by default).
* Yet this prevents the progress of coroutines until they are fully dumped to the out which we find acceptable compromise.
private fun dumpCoroutinesSynchronized(out: PrintStream): Unit = coroutineStateLock.write {
check(isInstalled) { "Debug probes are not installed" }
out.print("Coroutines dump ${dateFormat.format(System.currentTimeMillis())}")
.sortedBy { }
.forEach { owner ->
val info =
val observedStackTrace = info.lastObservedStackTrace()
val enhancedStackTrace = enhanceStackTraceWithThreadDump(info, observedStackTrace)
val state = if (info.state == State.RUNNING && enhancedStackTrace === observedStackTrace)
"${info.state} (Last suspension stacktrace, not an actual stacktrace)"
out.print("\n\nCoroutine ${owner.delegate}, state: $state")
if (observedStackTrace.isEmpty()) {
out.print("\n\tat ${createArtificialFrame(ARTIFICIAL_FRAME_MESSAGE)}")
printStackTrace(out, info.creationStackTrace)
} else {
printStackTrace(out, enhancedStackTrace)
private fun printStackTrace(out: PrintStream, frames: List<StackTraceElement>) {
frames.forEach { frame ->
out.print("\n\tat $frame")
* Tries to enhance [coroutineTrace] (obtained by call to [CoroutineInfo.lastObservedStackTrace]) with
* thread dump of [CoroutineInfo.lastObservedThread].
* Returns [coroutineTrace] if enhancement was unsuccessful or the enhancement result.
private fun enhanceStackTraceWithThreadDump(
info: CoroutineInfo,
coroutineTrace: List<StackTraceElement>
): List<StackTraceElement> {
val thread = info.lastObservedThread
if (info.state != State.RUNNING || thread == null) return coroutineTrace
// Avoid security manager issues
val actualTrace = runCatching { thread.stackTrace }.getOrNull()
?: return coroutineTrace
* Here goes heuristic that tries to merge two stacktraces: real one
* (that has at least one but usually not so many suspend function frames)
* and coroutine one that has only suspend function frames.
* Heuristic:
* 1) Dump lastObservedThread
* 2) Find the next frame after BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith (continuation machinery).
* Invariant: this method is called under the lock, so such method **should** be present
* in continuation stacktrace.
* 3) Find target method in continuation stacktrace (metadata-based)
* 4) Prepend dumped stacktrace (trimmed by target frame) to continuation stacktrace
* Heuristic may fail on recursion and overloads, but it will be automatically improved
* with KT-29997.
val indexOfResumeWith = actualTrace.indexOfFirst {
it.className == "kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl" &&
it.methodName == "resumeWith" &&
it.fileName == "ContinuationImpl.kt"
val (continuationStartFrame, frameSkipped) = findContinuationStartIndex(
if (continuationStartFrame == -1) return coroutineTrace
val delta = if (frameSkipped) 1 else 0
val expectedSize = indexOfResumeWith + coroutineTrace.size - continuationStartFrame - 1 - delta
val result = ArrayList<StackTraceElement>(expectedSize)
for (index in 0 until indexOfResumeWith - delta) {
result += actualTrace[index]
for (index in continuationStartFrame + 1 until coroutineTrace.size) {
result += coroutineTrace[index]
return result
* Tries to find the lowest meaningful frame above `resumeWith` in the real stacktrace and
* its match in a coroutines stacktrace (steps 2-3 in heuristic).
* This method does more than just matching `realTrace.indexOf(resumeWith) - 1`:
* If method above `resumeWith` has no line number (thus it is `stateMachine.invokeSuspend`),
* it's skipped and attempt to match next one is made because state machine could have been missing in the original coroutine stacktrace.
* Returns index of such frame (or -1) and flag indicating whether frame with state machine was skipped
private fun findContinuationStartIndex(
indexOfResumeWith: Int,
actualTrace: Array<StackTraceElement>,
coroutineTrace: List<StackTraceElement>
): Pair<Int, Boolean> {
val result = findIndexOfFrame(indexOfResumeWith - 1, actualTrace, coroutineTrace)
if (result == -1) return findIndexOfFrame(indexOfResumeWith - 2, actualTrace, coroutineTrace) to true
return result to false
private fun findIndexOfFrame(
frameIndex: Int,
actualTrace: Array<StackTraceElement>,
coroutineTrace: List<StackTraceElement>
): Int {
val continuationFrame = actualTrace.getOrNull(frameIndex)
?: return -1
return coroutineTrace.indexOfFirst {
it.fileName == continuationFrame.fileName &&
it.className == continuationFrame.className &&
it.methodName == continuationFrame.methodName
internal fun probeCoroutineResumed(frame: Continuation<*>) = updateState(frame, State.RUNNING)
internal fun probeCoroutineSuspended(frame: Continuation<*>) = updateState(frame, State.SUSPENDED)
private fun updateState(frame: Continuation<*>, state: State) {
// KT-29997 is here only since 1.3.30
if (state == State.RUNNING && KotlinVersion.CURRENT.isAtLeast(1, 3, 30)) {
val stackFrame = frame as? CoroutineStackFrame ?: return
updateRunningState(stackFrame, state)
// Find ArtificialStackFrame of the coroutine
val owner = frame.owner() ?: return
updateState(owner, frame, state)
// See comment to callerInfoCache
private fun updateRunningState(frame: CoroutineStackFrame, state: State): Unit = {
if (!isInstalled) return
// Lookup coroutine info in cache or by traversing stack frame
val info: CoroutineInfo
val cached = callerInfoCache.remove(frame)
if (cached != null) {
info = cached
} else {
info = frame.owner()?.info ?: return
// Guard against improper implementations of CoroutineStackFrame and bugs in the compiler
val realCaller = info.lastObservedFrame?.realCaller()
if (realCaller != null) callerInfoCache.remove(realCaller)
info.updateState(state, frame as Continuation<*>)
// Do not cache it for proxy-classes such as ScopeCoroutines
val caller = frame.realCaller() ?: return
callerInfoCache[caller] = info
private tailrec fun CoroutineStackFrame.realCaller(): CoroutineStackFrame? {
val caller = callerFrame ?: return null
return if (caller.getStackTraceElement() != null) caller else caller.realCaller()
private fun updateState(owner: CoroutineOwner<*>, frame: Continuation<*>, state: State) = {
if (!isInstalled) return, frame)
private fun Continuation<*>.owner(): CoroutineOwner<*>? = (this as? CoroutineStackFrame)?.owner()
private tailrec fun CoroutineStackFrame.owner(): CoroutineOwner<*>? =
if (this is CoroutineOwner<*>) this else callerFrame?.owner()
// Not guarded by the lock at all, does not really affect consistency
internal fun <T> probeCoroutineCreated(completion: Continuation<T>): Continuation<T> {
if (!isInstalled) return completion
* If completion already has an owner, it means that we are in scoped coroutine (coroutineScope, withContext etc.),
* then piggyback on its already existing owner and do not replace completion
val owner = completion.owner()
if (owner != null) return completion
* Here we replace completion with a sequence of CoroutineStackFrame objects
* which represents creation stacktrace, thus making stacktrace recovery mechanism
* even more verbose (it will attach coroutine creation stacktrace to all exceptions),
* and then using CoroutineOwner completion as unique identifier of coroutineSuspended/resumed calls.
val frame = if (DebugProbes.enableCreationStackTraces) {
val stacktrace = sanitizeStackTrace(Exception())
stacktrace.foldRight<StackTraceElement, CoroutineStackFrame?>(null) { frame, acc ->
object : CoroutineStackFrame {
override val callerFrame: CoroutineStackFrame? = acc
override fun getStackTraceElement(): StackTraceElement = frame
} else {
return createOwner(completion, frame)
private fun <T> createOwner(completion: Continuation<T>, frame: CoroutineStackFrame?): Continuation<T> {
if (!isInstalled) return completion
val info = CoroutineInfo(completion.context, frame, sequenceNumber.incrementAndGet())
val owner = CoroutineOwner(completion, info, frame)
capturedCoroutines += owner
if (!isInstalled) capturedCoroutines.clear()
return owner
// Not guarded by the lock at all, does not really affect consistency
private fun probeCoroutineCompleted(owner: CoroutineOwner<*>) {
* This removal is a guard against improperly implemented CoroutineStackFrame
* and bugs in the compiler.
val caller = ?: return
* This class is injected as completion of all continuations in [probeCoroutineCompleted].
* It is owning the coroutine info and responsible for managing all its external info related to debug agent.
private class CoroutineOwner<T>(
@JvmField val delegate: Continuation<T>,
@JvmField val info: CoroutineInfo,
private val frame: CoroutineStackFrame?
) : Continuation<T> by delegate, CoroutineStackFrame {
override val callerFrame: CoroutineStackFrame?
get() = frame?.callerFrame
override fun getStackTraceElement(): StackTraceElement? = frame?.getStackTraceElement()
override fun resumeWith(result: Result<T>) {
override fun toString(): String = delegate.toString()
private fun <T : Throwable> sanitizeStackTrace(throwable: T): List<StackTraceElement> {
val stackTrace = throwable.stackTrace
val size = stackTrace.size
val probeIndex = stackTrace.indexOfLast { it.className == "kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.DebugProbesKt" }
if (!DebugProbes.sanitizeStackTraces) {
return List(size - probeIndex) {
if (it == 0) createArtificialFrame(ARTIFICIAL_FRAME_MESSAGE) else stackTrace[it + probeIndex]
* Trim intervals of internal methods from the stacktrace (bounds are excluded from trimming)
* E.g. for sequence [e, i1, i2, i3, e, i4, e, i5, i6, e7]
* output will be [e, i1, i3, e, i4, e, i5, i7]
val result = ArrayList<StackTraceElement>(size - probeIndex + 1)
result += createArtificialFrame(ARTIFICIAL_FRAME_MESSAGE)
var includeInternalFrame = true
for (i in (probeIndex + 1) until size - 1) {
val element = stackTrace[i]
if (!element.isInternalMethod) {
includeInternalFrame = true
result += element
if (includeInternalFrame) {
result += element
includeInternalFrame = false
} else if (stackTrace[i + 1].isInternalMethod) {
} else {
result += element
includeInternalFrame = true
result += stackTrace[size - 1]
return result
private val StackTraceElement.isInternalMethod: Boolean get() = className.startsWith("kotlinx.coroutines")