blob: 8536cef65dca28b3ff5ae83de8daaa307851afab [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package kotlinx.coroutines.internal
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlin.coroutines.*
// Used when there are >= 2 active elements in the context
private class ThreadState(@JvmField val context: CoroutineContext, n: Int) {
private val values = arrayOfNulls<Any>(n)
private val elements = arrayOfNulls<ThreadContextElement<Any?>>(n)
private var i = 0
fun append(element: ThreadContextElement<*>, value: Any?) {
values[i] = value
elements[i++] = element as ThreadContextElement<Any?>
fun restore(context: CoroutineContext) {
for (i in elements.indices.reversed()) {
elements[i]!!.restoreThreadContext(context, values[i])
// Counts ThreadContextElements in the context
// Any? here is Int | ThreadContextElement (when count is one)
private val countAll =
fun (countOrElement: Any?, element: CoroutineContext.Element): Any? {
if (element is ThreadContextElement<*>) {
val inCount = countOrElement as? Int ?: 1
return if (inCount == 0) element else inCount + 1
return countOrElement
// Find one (first) ThreadContextElement in the context, it is used when we know there is exactly one
private val findOne =
fun (found: ThreadContextElement<*>?, element: CoroutineContext.Element): ThreadContextElement<*>? {
if (found != null) return found
return element as? ThreadContextElement<*>
// Updates state for ThreadContextElements in the context using the given ThreadState
private val updateState =
fun (state: ThreadState, element: CoroutineContext.Element): ThreadState {
if (element is ThreadContextElement<*>) {
state.append(element, element.updateThreadContext(state.context))
return state
internal actual fun threadContextElements(context: CoroutineContext): Any = context.fold(0, countAll)!!
// countOrElement is pre-cached in dispatched continuation
// returns NO_THREAD_ELEMENTS if the contest does not have any ThreadContextElements
internal fun updateThreadContext(context: CoroutineContext, countOrElement: Any?): Any? {
val countOrElement = countOrElement ?: threadContextElements(context)
return when {
countOrElement === 0 -> NO_THREAD_ELEMENTS // very fast path when there are no active ThreadContextElements
// ^^^ identity comparison for speed, we know zero always has the same identity
countOrElement is Int -> {
// slow path for multiple active ThreadContextElements, allocates ThreadState for multiple old values
context.fold(ThreadState(context, countOrElement), updateState)
else -> {
// fast path for one ThreadContextElement (no allocations, no additional context scan)
val element = countOrElement as ThreadContextElement<Any?>
internal fun restoreThreadContext(context: CoroutineContext, oldState: Any?) {
when {
oldState === NO_THREAD_ELEMENTS -> return // very fast path when there are no ThreadContextElements
oldState is ThreadState -> {
// slow path with multiple stored ThreadContextElements
else -> {
// fast path for one ThreadContextElement, but need to find it
val element = context.fold(null, findOne) as ThreadContextElement<Any?>
element.restoreThreadContext(context, oldState)
// top-level data class for a nicer out-of-the-box toString representation and class name
internal data class ThreadLocalKey(private val threadLocal: ThreadLocal<*>) : CoroutineContext.Key<ThreadLocalElement<*>>
internal class ThreadLocalElement<T>(
private val value: T,
private val threadLocal: ThreadLocal<T>
) : ThreadContextElement<T> {
override val key: CoroutineContext.Key<*> = ThreadLocalKey(threadLocal)
override fun updateThreadContext(context: CoroutineContext): T {
val oldState = threadLocal.get()
return oldState
override fun restoreThreadContext(context: CoroutineContext, oldState: T) {
// this method is overridden to perform value comparison (==) on key
override fun minusKey(key: CoroutineContext.Key<*>): CoroutineContext {
return if (this.key == key) EmptyCoroutineContext else this
// this method is overridden to perform value comparison (==) on key
public override operator fun <E : CoroutineContext.Element> get(key: CoroutineContext.Key<E>): E? =
if (this.key == key) this as E else null
override fun toString(): String = "ThreadLocal(value=$value, threadLocal = $threadLocal)"