blob: 01691a2d77d70f102ff247e9a04d90a1a0b23548 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package benchmarks.scheduler.actors
import benchmarks.*
import benchmarks.akka.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.*
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.*
import java.util.concurrent.*
* kotlinx-based counterpart of [StatefulActorAkkaBenchmark]
* Benchmark (dispatcher) Mode Cnt Score Error Units
* StatefulActorBenchmark.multipleComputationsMultipleRequestors fjp avgt 10 81.649 ± 9.671 ms/op
* StatefulActorBenchmark.multipleComputationsMultipleRequestors ftp_1 avgt 10 160.590 ± 50.342 ms/op
* StatefulActorBenchmark.multipleComputationsMultipleRequestors ftp_8 avgt 10 275.798 ± 32.795 ms/op
* StatefulActorBenchmark.multipleComputationsSingleRequestor fjp avgt 10 67.206 ± 4.023 ms/op
* StatefulActorBenchmark.multipleComputationsSingleRequestor ftp_1 avgt 10 17.883 ± 1.314 ms/op
* StatefulActorBenchmark.multipleComputationsSingleRequestor ftp_8 avgt 10 77.052 ± 10.132 ms/op
* StatefulActorBenchmark.singleComputationMultipleRequestors fjp avgt 10 488.003 ± 53.014 ms/op
* StatefulActorBenchmark.singleComputationMultipleRequestors ftp_1 avgt 10 120.445 ± 24.659 ms/op
* StatefulActorBenchmark.singleComputationMultipleRequestors ftp_8 avgt 10 527.118 ± 51.139 ms/op
* StatefulActorBenchmark.singleComputationSingleRequestor fjp avgt 10 95.030 ± 23.850 ms/op
* StatefulActorBenchmark.singleComputationSingleRequestor ftp_1 avgt 10 16.005 ± 0.629 ms/op
* StatefulActorBenchmark.singleComputationSingleRequestor ftp_8 avgt 10 76.435 ± 5.076 ms/op
@Warmup(iterations = 5, time = 1, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
@Measurement(iterations = 5, time = 1, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
@Fork(value = 1)
open class StatefulActorBenchmark : ParametrizedDispatcherBase() {
data class Letter(val message: Any, val sender: SendChannel<Letter>)
@Param("fjp", "ftp_1", "ftp_8", "scheduler")
override var dispatcher: String = "fjp"
fun singleComputationSingleRequestor() = runBlocking {
run(1, 1)
fun singleComputationMultipleRequestors() = runBlocking {
fun multipleComputationsSingleRequestor() = runBlocking {
fun multipleComputationsMultipleRequestors() = runBlocking {
private suspend fun run(computationActorsCount: Int, requestorActorsCount: Int) {
val resultChannel: Channel<Unit> = Channel(requestorActorsCount)
val computations = (0 until computationActorsCount).map { computationActor() }
val requestors = (0 until requestorActorsCount).map { requestorActor(computations, resultChannel) }
for (requestor in requestors) {
requestor.send(Letter(1L, Channel()))
repeat(requestorActorsCount) {
private fun CoroutineScope.requestorActor(computations: List<SendChannel<Letter>>, stopChannel: Channel<Unit>) =
actor<Letter>(capacity = 1024) {
var received = 0
for (letter in channel) with(letter) {
when (message) {
is Long -> {
if (++received >= ROUNDS) {
} else {
computations[ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(0, computations.size)]
.send(Letter(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong(), channel))
else -> error("Cannot happen: $letter")
fun CoroutineScope.computationActor(stateSize: Int = STATE_SIZE) =
actor<StatefulActorBenchmark.Letter>(capacity = 1024) {
val coefficients = LongArray(stateSize) { ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong(0, 100) }
for (letter in channel) with(letter) {
when (message) {
is Long -> {
var result = 0L
for (coefficient in coefficients) {
result += message * coefficient
sender.send(StatefulActorBenchmark.Letter(result, channel))
is Stop -> return@actor
else -> error("Cannot happen: $letter")