blob: c955812f313c93bcd1c3ea44c704b50b93d90b62 [file] [log] [blame]
package kotlinx.coroutines.channels
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlin.jvm.*
* Adds [element] to this channel, **blocking** the caller while this channel is full,
* and returning either [successful][ChannelResult.isSuccess] result when the element was added, or
* failed result representing closed channel with a corresponding exception.
* This is a way to call [Channel.send] method in a safe manner inside a blocking code using [runBlocking] and catching,
* so this function should not be used from coroutine.
* Example of usage:
* ```
* // From callback API
* channel.trySendBlocking(element)
* .onSuccess { /* request next element or debug log */ }
* .onFailure { t: Throwable? -> /* throw or log */ }
* ```
* For this operation it is guaranteed that [failure][ChannelResult.failed] always contains an exception in it.
* @throws `InterruptedException` on JVM if the current thread is interrupted during the blocking send operation.
public fun <E> SendChannel<E>.trySendBlocking(element: E): ChannelResult<Unit> {
* Sent successfully -- bail out.
* But failure may indicate either that the channel is full or that
* it is close. Go to slow path on failure to simplify the successful path and
* to materialize default exception.
trySend(element).onSuccess { return ChannelResult.success(Unit) }
return runBlocking {
val r = runCatching { send(element) }
if (r.isSuccess) ChannelResult.success(Unit)
else ChannelResult.closed(r.exceptionOrNull())
/** @suppress */
level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR,
message = "Deprecated in the favour of 'trySendBlocking'. " +
"Consider handling the result of 'trySendBlocking' explicitly and rethrow exception if necessary",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("trySendBlocking(element)")
) // WARNING in 1.5.0, ERROR in 1.6.0, HIDDEN in 1.7.0
public fun <E> SendChannel<E>.sendBlocking(element: E) {
// fast path
if (trySend(element).isSuccess)
// slow path
runBlocking {