blob: f814b152b29713525c7eb78e9cd3c9b78a71c4f8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package kotlinx.coroutines.intrinsics
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.internal.*
import kotlin.coroutines.*
import kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics.*
* Use this function to start coroutine in a cancellable way, so that it can be cancelled
* while waiting to be dispatched.
public fun <T> (suspend () -> T).startCoroutineCancellable(completion: Continuation<T>): Unit = runSafely(completion) {
* Use this function to start coroutine in a cancellable way, so that it can be cancelled
* while waiting to be dispatched.
internal fun <R, T> (suspend (R) -> T).startCoroutineCancellable(
receiver: R, completion: Continuation<T>,
onCancellation: ((cause: Throwable) -> Unit)? = null
) =
runSafely(completion) {
createCoroutineUnintercepted(receiver, completion).intercepted().resumeCancellableWith(Result.success(Unit), onCancellation)
* Similar to [startCoroutineCancellable], but for already created coroutine.
* [fatalCompletion] is used only when interception machinery throws an exception
internal fun Continuation<Unit>.startCoroutineCancellable(fatalCompletion: Continuation<*>) =
runSafely(fatalCompletion) {
* Runs given block and completes completion with its exception if it occurs.
* Rationale: [startCoroutineCancellable] is invoked when we are about to run coroutine asynchronously in its own dispatcher.
* Thus if dispatcher throws an exception during coroutine start, coroutine never completes, so we should treat dispatcher exception
* as its cause and resume completion.
private inline fun runSafely(completion: Continuation<*>, block: () -> Unit) {
try {
} catch (e: Throwable) {