blob: 7f924dba095dffa363fed5884eb4f93456c7a016 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2019 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package kotlinx.coroutines.selects
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.*
import kotlin.test.*
class SelectMemoryLeakStressTest : TestBase() {
private val nRepeat = 1_000_000 * stressTestMultiplier
fun testLeakRegisterSend() = runTest {
val leak = Channel<String>()
val data = Channel<Int>(1)
repeat(nRepeat) { value ->
val bigValue = bigValue() // new instance
select {
leak.onSend("LEAK") {
println("Capture big value into this lambda: $bigValue")
data.onReceive { received ->
assertEquals(value, received)
expect(value + 2)
finish(nRepeat + 2)
fun testLeakRegisterReceive() = runTest {
val leak = Channel<String>()
val data = Channel<Int>(1)
repeat(nRepeat) { value ->
val bigValue = bigValue() // new instance
select<Unit> {
leak.onReceive {
println("Capture big value into this lambda: $bigValue")
data.onSend(value) {
expect(value + 2)
assertEquals(value, data.receive())
finish(nRepeat + 2)
// capture big value for fast OOM in case of a bug
private fun bigValue(): ByteArray = ByteArray(4096)