blob: 1ac5ce571031f73cf4abdb402a943f518c435cf8 [file] [log] [blame]
# When editing this file, update the following files as well:
# - META-INF/proguard/
# Most of volatile fields are updated with AFU and should not be mangled
-keepclassmembers class kotlinx.coroutines.** {
volatile <fields>;
# Same story for the standard library's SafeContinuation that also uses AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater
-keepclassmembers class kotlin.coroutines.SafeContinuation {
volatile <fields>;
# These classes are only required by kotlinx.coroutines.debug.AgentPremain, which is only loaded when
# kotlinx-coroutines-core is used as a Java agent, so these are not needed in contexts where ProGuard is used.
-dontwarn java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer
-dontwarn sun.misc.SignalHandler
-dontwarn java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation
-dontwarn sun.misc.Signal
# Only used in `kotlinx.coroutines.internal.ExceptionsConstructor`.
# The case when it is not available is hidden in a `try`-`catch`, as well as a check for Android.
-dontwarn java.lang.ClassValue
# An annotation used for build tooling, won't be directly accessed.
-dontwarn org.codehaus.mojo.animal_sniffer.IgnoreJRERequirement