blob: 052e2bb68437e6b96c375bc40338ec69c690c443 [file] [log] [blame]
import kotlinx.kover.api.*
import kotlinx.kover.tasks.*
* Copyright 2016-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
apply(plugin = "kover")
val notCovered = sourceless + internal + unpublished
val expectedCoverage = mutableMapOf(
// These have lower coverage in general, it can be eventually fixed
"kotlinx-coroutines-swing" to 70, // awaitFrame is not tested
"kotlinx-coroutines-javafx" to 39, // JavaFx is not tested on TC because its graphic subsystem cannot be initialized in headless mode
// Reactor has lower coverage in general due to various fatal error handling features
"kotlinx-coroutines-reactor" to 75)
extensions.configure<KoverExtension> {
disabledProjects = notCovered
* Is explicitly enabled on TC in a separate build step.
* Examples:
* ./gradlew :p:check -- doesn't verify coverage
* ./gradlew :p:check -Pkover.enabled=true -- verifies coverage
* ./gradlew :p:koverReport -Pkover.enabled=true -- generates report
isDisabled = !(properties["kover.enabled"]?.toString()?.toBoolean() ?: false)
// TODO remove when updating Kover to version 0.5.x
subprojects {
val projectName = name
if (projectName in notCovered) return@subprojects
tasks.withType<KoverVerificationTask> {
rule {
bound {
* 85 is our baseline that we aim to raise to 90+.
* Missing coverage is typically due to bugs in the agent
* (e.g. signatures deprecated with an error are counted),
* sometimes it's various diagnostic `toString` or `catch` for OOMs/VerificationErrors,
* but some places are definitely worth visiting.
minValue = expectedCoverage[projectName] ?: 85 // COVERED_LINES_PERCENTAGE
tasks.withType<KoverHtmlReportTask> {
htmlReportDir.set(file(rootProject.buildDir.toString() + "/kover/" + + "/html"))