blob: cdb669c0b3d5e046d8991fe4980c07f4420b9904 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package kotlinx.coroutines.test
import kotlinx.atomicfu.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel.Factory.CONFLATED
import kotlinx.coroutines.internal.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.selects.*
import kotlin.coroutines.*
import kotlin.jvm.*
import kotlin.time.*
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.milliseconds
* This is a scheduler for coroutines used in tests, providing the delay-skipping behavior.
* [Test dispatchers][TestDispatcher] are parameterized with a scheduler. Several dispatchers can share the
* same scheduler, in which case their knowledge about the virtual time will be synchronized. When the dispatchers
* require scheduling an event at a later point in time, they notify the scheduler, which will establish the order of
* the tasks.
* The scheduler can be queried to advance the time (via [advanceTimeBy]), run all the scheduled tasks advancing the
* virtual time as needed (via [advanceUntilIdle]), or run the tasks that are scheduled to run as soon as possible but
* haven't yet been dispatched (via [runCurrent]).
public class TestCoroutineScheduler : AbstractCoroutineContextElement(TestCoroutineScheduler),
CoroutineContext.Element {
/** @suppress */
public companion object Key : CoroutineContext.Key<TestCoroutineScheduler>
/** This heap stores the knowledge about which dispatchers are interested in which moments of virtual time. */
// TODO: all the synchronization is done via a separate lock, so a non-thread-safe priority queue can be used.
private val events = ThreadSafeHeap<TestDispatchEvent<Any>>()
/** Establishes that [currentTime] can't exceed the time of the earliest event in [events]. */
private val lock = SynchronizedObject()
/** This counter establishes some order on the events that happen at the same virtual time. */
private val count = atomic(0L)
/** The current virtual time in milliseconds. */
public var currentTime: Long = 0
get() = synchronized(lock) { field }
private set
/** A channel for notifying about the fact that a foreground work dispatch recently happened. */
private val dispatchEventsForeground: Channel<Unit> = Channel(CONFLATED)
/** A channel for notifying about the fact that a dispatch recently happened. */
private val dispatchEvents: Channel<Unit> = Channel(CONFLATED)
* Registers a request for the scheduler to notify [dispatcher] at a virtual moment [timeDeltaMillis] milliseconds
* later via [TestDispatcher.processEvent], which will be called with the provided [marker] object.
* Returns the handler which can be used to cancel the registration.
internal fun <T : Any> registerEvent(
dispatcher: TestDispatcher,
timeDeltaMillis: Long,
marker: T,
context: CoroutineContext,
isCancelled: (T) -> Boolean
): DisposableHandle {
require(timeDeltaMillis >= 0) { "Attempted scheduling an event earlier in time (with the time delta $timeDeltaMillis)" }
checkSchedulerInContext(this, context)
val count = count.getAndIncrement()
val isForeground = context[BackgroundWork] === null
return synchronized(lock) {
val time = addClamping(currentTime, timeDeltaMillis)
val event = TestDispatchEvent(dispatcher, count, time, marker as Any, isForeground) { isCancelled(marker) }
/** can't be moved above: otherwise, [onDispatchEventForeground] or [onDispatchEvent] could consume the
* token sent here before there's actually anything in the event queue. */
DisposableHandle {
synchronized(lock) {
* Runs the next enqueued task, advancing the virtual time to the time of its scheduled awakening,
* unless [condition] holds.
internal fun tryRunNextTaskUnless(condition: () -> Boolean): Boolean {
val event = synchronized(lock) {
if (condition()) return false
val event = events.removeFirstOrNull() ?: return false
if (currentTime > event.time)
currentTime = event.time
return true
* Runs the enqueued tasks in the specified order, advancing the virtual time as needed until there are no more
* tasks associated with the dispatchers linked to this scheduler.
* A breaking change from [TestCoroutineDispatcher.advanceTimeBy] is that it no longer returns the total number of
* milliseconds by which the execution of this method has advanced the virtual time. If you want to recreate that
* functionality, query [currentTime] before and after the execution to achieve the same result.
public fun advanceUntilIdle(): Unit = advanceUntilIdleOr { events.none(TestDispatchEvent<*>::isForeground) }
* [condition]: guaranteed to be invoked under the lock.
internal fun advanceUntilIdleOr(condition: () -> Boolean) {
while (true) {
if (!tryRunNextTaskUnless(condition))
* Runs the tasks that are scheduled to execute at this moment of virtual time.
public fun runCurrent() {
val timeMark = synchronized(lock) { currentTime }
while (true) {
val event = synchronized(lock) {
events.removeFirstIf { it.time <= timeMark } ?: return
* Moves the virtual clock of this dispatcher forward by [the specified amount][delayTimeMillis], running the
* scheduled tasks in the meantime.
* Breaking changes from [TestCoroutineDispatcher.advanceTimeBy]:
* * Intentionally doesn't return a `Long` value, as its use cases are unclear. We may restore it in the future;
* please describe your use cases at [the issue tracker](
* For now, it's possible to query [currentTime] before and after execution of this method, to the same effect.
* * It doesn't run the tasks that are scheduled at exactly [currentTime] + [delayTimeMillis]. For example,
* advancing the time by one millisecond used to run the tasks at the current millisecond *and* the next
* millisecond, but now will stop just before executing any task starting at the next millisecond.
* * Overflowing the target time used to lead to nothing being done, but will now run the tasks scheduled at up to
* (but not including) [Long.MAX_VALUE].
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if passed a negative [delay][delayTimeMillis].
public fun advanceTimeBy(delayTimeMillis: Long): Unit = advanceTimeBy(delayTimeMillis.milliseconds)
* Moves the virtual clock of this dispatcher forward by [the specified amount][delayTime], running the
* scheduled tasks in the meantime.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if passed a negative [delay][delayTime].
public fun advanceTimeBy(delayTime: Duration) {
require(!delayTime.isNegative()) { "Can not advance time by a negative delay: $delayTime" }
val startingTime = currentTime
val targetTime = addClamping(startingTime, delayTime.inWholeMilliseconds)
while (true) {
val event = synchronized(lock) {
val timeMark = currentTime
val event = events.removeFirstIf { targetTime > it.time }
when {
event == null -> {
currentTime = targetTime
timeMark > event.time -> currentTimeAheadOfEvents()
else -> {
currentTime = event.time
* Checks that the only tasks remaining in the scheduler are cancelled.
internal fun isIdle(strict: Boolean = true): Boolean =
synchronized(lock) {
if (strict) events.isEmpty else events.none { !it.isCancelled() }
* Notifies this scheduler about a dispatch event.
* [context] is the context in which the task will be dispatched.
internal fun sendDispatchEvent(context: CoroutineContext) {
if (context[BackgroundWork] !== BackgroundWork)
* Waits for a notification about a dispatch event.
internal suspend fun receiveDispatchEvent() = dispatchEvents.receive()
* Consumes the knowledge that a dispatch event happened recently.
internal val onDispatchEvent: SelectClause1<Unit> get() = dispatchEvents.onReceive
* Consumes the knowledge that a foreground work dispatch event happened recently.
internal val onDispatchEventForeground: SelectClause1<Unit> get() = dispatchEventsForeground.onReceive
* Returns the [TimeSource] representation of the virtual time of this scheduler.
public val timeSource: TimeSource = object : AbstractLongTimeSource(DurationUnit.MILLISECONDS) {
override fun read(): Long = currentTime
// Some error-throwing functions for pretty stack traces
private fun currentTimeAheadOfEvents(): Nothing = invalidSchedulerState()
private fun invalidSchedulerState(): Nothing =
throw IllegalStateException("The test scheduler entered an invalid state. Please report this at")
/** [ThreadSafeHeap] node representing a scheduled task, ordered by the planned execution time. */
private class TestDispatchEvent<T>(
@JvmField val dispatcher: TestDispatcher,
private val count: Long,
@JvmField val time: Long,
@JvmField val marker: T,
@JvmField val isForeground: Boolean,
// TODO: remove once the deprecated API is gone
@JvmField val isCancelled: () -> Boolean
) : Comparable<TestDispatchEvent<*>>, ThreadSafeHeapNode {
override var heap: ThreadSafeHeap<*>? = null
override var index: Int = 0
override fun compareTo(other: TestDispatchEvent<*>) =
compareValuesBy(this, other, TestDispatchEvent<*>::time, TestDispatchEvent<*>::count)
override fun toString() = "TestDispatchEvent(time=$time, dispatcher=$dispatcher${if (isForeground) "" else ", background"})"
// works with positive `a`, `b`
private fun addClamping(a: Long, b: Long): Long = (a + b).let { if (it >= 0) it else Long.MAX_VALUE }
internal fun checkSchedulerInContext(scheduler: TestCoroutineScheduler, context: CoroutineContext) {
context[TestCoroutineScheduler]?.let {
check(it === scheduler) {
"Detected use of different schedulers. If you need to use several test coroutine dispatchers, " +
"create one `TestCoroutineScheduler` and pass it to each of them."
* A coroutine context key denoting that the work is to be executed in the background.
* @see [TestScope.backgroundScope]
internal object BackgroundWork : CoroutineContext.Key<BackgroundWork>, CoroutineContext.Element {
override val key: CoroutineContext.Key<*>
get() = this
override fun toString(): String = "BackgroundWork"
private fun<T> ThreadSafeHeap<T>.none(predicate: (T) -> Boolean) where T: ThreadSafeHeapNode, T: Comparable<T> =
find(predicate) == null