blob: 092ef6fc523cf7f945c654d983041cb81ce8b83c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2019 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
@file:Suppress("unused", "MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate")
package kotlinx.coroutines.lincheck
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel.Factory.CONFLATED
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel.Factory.RENDEZVOUS
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel.Factory.UNLIMITED
import kotlinx.coroutines.selects.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.lincheck.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.lincheck.annotations.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.lincheck.annotations.Operation
import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.lincheck.paramgen.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.lincheck.strategy.managed.modelchecking.*
class RendezvousChannelLincheckTest : ChannelLincheckTestBaseWithOnSend(
c = Channel(RENDEZVOUS),
sequentialSpecification =
class SequentialRendezvousChannel : SequentialIntChannelBase(RENDEZVOUS)
class Buffered1ChannelLincheckTest : ChannelLincheckTestBaseWithOnSend(
c = Channel(1),
sequentialSpecification =
class Buffered1BroadcastChannelLincheckTest : ChannelLincheckTestBase(
c = ChannelViaBroadcast(BroadcastChannelImpl(1)),
sequentialSpecification =,
obstructionFree = false
class SequentialBuffered1Channel : SequentialIntChannelBase(1)
class Buffered2ChannelLincheckTest : ChannelLincheckTestBaseWithOnSend(
c = Channel(2),
sequentialSpecification =
class Buffered2BroadcastChannelLincheckTest : ChannelLincheckTestBase(
c = ChannelViaBroadcast(BroadcastChannelImpl(2)),
sequentialSpecification =,
obstructionFree = false
class SequentialBuffered2Channel : SequentialIntChannelBase(2)
class UnlimitedChannelLincheckTest : ChannelLincheckTestBaseAll(
c = Channel(UNLIMITED),
sequentialSpecification =
class SequentialUnlimitedChannel : SequentialIntChannelBase(UNLIMITED)
class ConflatedChannelLincheckTest : ChannelLincheckTestBaseAll(
c = Channel(CONFLATED),
sequentialSpecification =,
obstructionFree = false
class ConflatedBroadcastChannelLincheckTest : ChannelLincheckTestBaseAll(
c = ChannelViaBroadcast(ConflatedBroadcastChannel()),
sequentialSpecification =,
obstructionFree = false
class SequentialConflatedChannel : SequentialIntChannelBase(CONFLATED)
abstract class ChannelLincheckTestBaseAll(
c: Channel<Int>,
sequentialSpecification: Class<*>,
obstructionFree: Boolean = true
) : ChannelLincheckTestBaseWithOnSend(c, sequentialSpecification, obstructionFree) {
override fun trySend(value: Int) = super.trySend(value)
override fun isClosedForReceive() = super.isClosedForReceive()
override fun isEmpty() = super.isEmpty()
abstract class ChannelLincheckTestBaseWithOnSend(
c: Channel<Int>,
sequentialSpecification: Class<*>,
obstructionFree: Boolean = true
) : ChannelLincheckTestBase(c, sequentialSpecification, obstructionFree) {
@Operation(allowExtraSuspension = true, blocking = true)
suspend fun sendViaSelect(@Param(name = "value") value: Int): Any = try {
select<Unit> { c.onSend(value) {} }
} catch (e: NumberedCancellationException) {
Param(name = "value", gen = IntGen::class, conf = "1:9"),
Param(name = "closeToken", gen = IntGen::class, conf = "1:9")
abstract class ChannelLincheckTestBase(
protected val c: Channel<Int>,
private val sequentialSpecification: Class<*>,
private val obstructionFree: Boolean = true
) : AbstractLincheckTest() {
@Operation(allowExtraSuspension = true, blocking = true)
suspend fun send(@Param(name = "value") value: Int): Any = try {
} catch (e: NumberedCancellationException) {
// @Operation TODO: `trySend()` is not linearizable as it can fail due to postponed buffer expansion
// TODO: or make a rendezvous with `tryReceive`, which violates the sequential specification.
open fun trySend(@Param(name = "value") value: Int): Any = c.trySend(value)
.onSuccess { return true }
.onFailure {
return if (it is NumberedCancellationException) it.testResult
else false
@Operation(allowExtraSuspension = true, blocking = true)
suspend fun receive(): Any = try {
} catch (e: NumberedCancellationException) {
@Operation(allowExtraSuspension = true, blocking = true)
suspend fun receiveCatching(): Any = c.receiveCatching()
.onSuccess { return it }
.onClosed { e -> return (e as NumberedCancellationException).testResult }
@Operation(blocking = true)
fun tryReceive(): Any? =
.onSuccess { return it }
.onFailure { return if (it is NumberedCancellationException) it.testResult else null }
@Operation(allowExtraSuspension = true, blocking = true)
suspend fun receiveViaSelect(): Any = try {
select<Int> { c.onReceive { it } }
} catch (e: NumberedCancellationException) {
@Operation(causesBlocking = true, blocking = true)
fun close(@Param(name = "closeToken") token: Int): Boolean = c.close(NumberedCancellationException(token))
@Operation(causesBlocking = true, blocking = true)
fun cancel(@Param(name = "closeToken") token: Int) = c.cancel(NumberedCancellationException(token))
// @Operation TODO non-linearizable in BufferedChannel
open fun isClosedForReceive() = c.isClosedForReceive
@Operation(blocking = true)
fun isClosedForSend() = c.isClosedForSend
// @Operation TODO non-linearizable in BufferedChannel
open fun isEmpty() = c.isEmpty
fun state() = (c as? BufferedChannel<*>)?.toStringDebug() ?: c.toString()
fun validate() {
(c as? BufferedChannel<*>)?.checkSegmentStructureInvariants()
override fun <O : Options<O, *>> O.customize(isStressTest: Boolean) =
override fun ModelCheckingOptions.customize(isStressTest: Boolean) =
private class NumberedCancellationException(number: Int) : CancellationException() {
val testResult = "Closed($number)"
abstract class SequentialIntChannelBase(private val capacity: Int) {
private val senders = ArrayList<Pair<CancellableContinuation<Any>, Int>>()
private val receivers = ArrayList<CancellableContinuation<Any>>()
private val buffer = ArrayList<Int>()
private var closedMessage: String? = null
suspend fun send(x: Int): Any = when (val offerRes = trySend(x)) {
true -> Unit
false -> suspendCancellableCoroutine { cont ->
senders.add(cont to x)
else -> offerRes
fun trySend(element: Int): Any {
if (closedMessage !== null) return closedMessage!!
if (capacity == CONFLATED) {
if (resumeFirstReceiver(element)) return true
return true
if (resumeFirstReceiver(element)) return true
if (buffer.size < capacity) {
return true
return false
private fun resumeFirstReceiver(element: Int): Boolean {
while (receivers.isNotEmpty()) {
val r = receivers.removeAt(0)
if (r.resume(element)) return true
return false
suspend fun receive(): Any = tryReceive() ?: suspendCancellableCoroutine { cont ->
suspend fun receiveCatching() = receive()
fun tryReceive(): Any? {
if (buffer.isNotEmpty()) {
val el = buffer.removeAt(0)
resumeFirstSender().also {
if (it !== null) buffer.add(it)
return el
resumeFirstSender()?.also { return it }
if (closedMessage !== null) return closedMessage
return null
private fun resumeFirstSender(): Int? {
while (senders.isNotEmpty()) {
val (s, el) = senders.removeAt(0)
if (s.resume(Unit)) return el
return null
suspend fun sendViaSelect(element: Int) = send(element)
suspend fun receiveViaSelect() = receive()
fun close(token: Int): Boolean {
if (closedMessage !== null) return false
closedMessage = "Closed($token)"
for (r in receivers) r.resume(closedMessage!!)
return true
fun cancel(token: Int) {
for ((s, _) in senders) s.resume(closedMessage!!)
fun isClosedForSend(): Boolean = closedMessage !== null
fun isClosedForReceive(): Boolean = isClosedForSend() && buffer.isEmpty() && senders.isEmpty()
fun isEmpty(): Boolean {
if (closedMessage !== null) return false
return buffer.isEmpty() && senders.isEmpty()
private fun <T> CancellableContinuation<T>.resume(res: T): Boolean {
val token = tryResume(res) ?: return false
return true