blob: b4d33a48789894f324ac9ebabc83aa1d4e935a95 [file] [log] [blame]
package kotlinx.atomicfu.test
import kotlinx.atomicfu.*
import kotlin.native.concurrent.*
import kotlin.native.concurrent.AtomicInt
import kotlin.test.*
private const val iterations = 100
private const val nWorkers = 4
private const val increments = 500
private const val nLocks = 5
class SynchronizedTest {
fun stressCounterTest() {
repeat(iterations) {
val workers = Array(nWorkers) { Worker.start() }
val counter = AtomicInt(0).freeze()
val so = SynchronizedObject().freeze()
workers.forEach { worker ->
worker.execute(TransferMode.SAFE, {
counter to so
}) { (count, lock) ->
repeat(increments) {
val nestedLocks = (1..3).random()
repeat(nestedLocks) { lock.lock() }
val oldValue = count.value
count.value = oldValue + 1
repeat(nestedLocks) { lock.unlock() }
workers.forEach {
assertEquals(nWorkers * increments, counter.value)
fun manyLocksTest() {
repeat(iterations) {
val workers = Array(nWorkers) { Worker.start() }
val counters = Array(nLocks) { AtomicInt(0) }.freeze()
val locks = Array(nLocks) { SynchronizedObject() }.freeze()
workers.forEach { worker ->
worker.execute(TransferMode.SAFE, {
counters to locks
}) { (counters, locks) ->
locks.forEachIndexed { i, lock ->
repeat(increments) {
synchronized(lock) {
val oldValue = counters[i].value
counters[i].value = oldValue + 1
workers.forEach {
assertEquals(nWorkers * nLocks * increments, counters.sumBy { it.value })