blob: 5e636a1aa0d200cdf717fbe712286c609040752e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Map;
* <p>Decodes (unescapes) HTML entities with the complication that these
* are received one character at a time hence must be stored temporarily.
* Also, we may receive some "junk" characters before the actual
* entity which we will discard.
* <p>This class is designed to be 100% compatible with the corresponding
* logic in the C-version of the
* {@link}, found
* in <code>htmlparser.c</code>. There are however a few intentional
* differences outlines below:
* <ul>
* <li>We accept lower and upper-case hex NCRs, the C-version
* accepts only lower-case ones.
* <li>The output on some invalid inputs may be different. This is
* currently in the process of consolidation with Filipe.
* <li>The API is a bit different, I find this one better suited
* for Java. In particular, the C method <code>processChar</code>
* returns the output {@code String} whereas in Java, we return
* a status code and then provide the {@code String} in a separate
* method <code>getEntity</code>. It is cleaner as it avoids the
* need to return empty {@code String}s during incomplete processing.
* </ul>
* <p>Valid HTML entities have one of the following three forms:
* <ul>
* <li><code>&amp;dd;</code> where dd is a number in decimal (base 10) form.
* <li><code>&amp;x|Xyy;</code> where yy is a hex-number (base 16).
* <li><code>&&lt;html-entity&gt;;</code> where
* <code>&lt;html-entity&gt;</code> is one of <code>lt</code>,
* <code>gt</code>, <code>amp</code>, <code>quot</code> or
* <code>apos</code>.
* </ul>
* <p>A <code>reset</code> method is provided to facilitate object re-use.
public class EntityResolver {
* Returned in <code>processChar</code> method.
* <p>
* <ul>
* <li><code>NOT_STARTED</code> indicates we are still processing
* trailing characters before the start of an entity.
* The caller may want to save the characters it provided us.
* <li><code>IN_PROGRESS</code> indicates we are currently processing
* characters part of an entity.
* <li><code>COMPLETED</code> indicates we have finished processing
* an entity. The caller can then invoke <code>getEntity</code>
* then re-set the object for future re-use.
* </ul>
public enum Status {
NOT_STARTED("Not Started"),
IN_PROGRESS("In Progress"),
private final String message;
private Status(String message) {
this.message = message;
* Returns a brief description of the {@code Status} for
* debugging purposes. The format of the returned {@code String}
* is not fully specified nor guaranteed to remain the same.
public String toString() {
return message;
* How many characters to store as we are processing an entity. Once we
* reach that size, we know the entity is definitely invalid. The size
* is higher than needed but keeping it as-is for compatibility with
* the C-version.
private static final int MAX_ENTITY_SIZE = 10;
* Map containing the recognized HTML entities and their decoded values.
* The trailing ';' is not included in the key but it is accounted for.
private static final Map<String, String> HTML_ENTITIES_MAP =
new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
.put("&lt", "<")
.put("&gt", ">")
.put("&amp", "&")
.put("&apos", "'")
/** Storage for received until characters until an HTML entity is complete. */
private final StringBuilder sb;
* Indicates the state we are in. see {@link EntityResolver.Status}.
private Status status;
private String entity;
* Constructs an entity resolver that is initially empty and
* with status {@code NOT_STARTED}, see {@link EntityResolver.Status}.
public EntityResolver() {
sb = new StringBuilder();
status = Status.NOT_STARTED;
entity = "";
* Constructs an entity resolver that is an exact copy of
* the one provided. In particular it has the same contents
* and status.
* @param aEntityResolver the entity resolver to copy
public EntityResolver(EntityResolver aEntityResolver) {
sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.replace(0, sb.length(),;
entity = aEntityResolver.entity;
status = aEntityResolver.status;
* Returns the object to its original state for re-use, deleting any
* stored characters that may be present.
public void reset() {
status = Status.NOT_STARTED;
entity = "";
* Returns the full state of the <code>StreamEntityResolver</code>
* in a human readable form. The format of the returned <code>String</code>
* is not specified and is subject to change.
* @return full state of this object
public String toString() {
return String.format("Status: %s; Contents (%d): %s", status.toString(),
sb.length(), sb.toString());
* Returns the decoded HTML Entity. Should only be called
* after {@code processChar} returned status {@code COMPLETED}.
* @return the decoded HTML Entity or an empty {@code String} if
* we were called with any status other than {@code COMPLETED}
public String getEntity() {
return entity;
* Processes a character from the input stream and decodes any html entities
* from that processed input stream.
* @param input the {@code char} to process
* @return the processed {@code String}. Typically returns an empty
* {@code String} while awaiting for more characters to complete
* processing of the entity.
public Status processChar(char input) {
// Developer error if the precondition fails.
Preconditions.checkState(status != Status.NOT_STARTED || sb.length() == 0);
if (status == Status.NOT_STARTED) {
if (input == '&') {
status = Status.IN_PROGRESS;
} else if (status == Status.IN_PROGRESS) {
if ((input == ';') || (HtmlUtils.isHtmlSpace(input))) {
status = Status.COMPLETED;
entity = convertEntity(input);
} else {
if (sb.length() < MAX_ENTITY_SIZE) {
} else {
status = Status.COMPLETED;
entity = uncovertedInput(input);
} else {
// Status.COMPLETED, ignore character, do nothing.
return status;
* Performs the decoding of a complete HTML entity and saves the
* result back into the buffer.
* <a href="">
* Numeric Character References</a>
* @param terminator the last character read, unused on successful
* conversions since it is the end delimiter of the entity
* @return The decoded entity or the original input if we could not decode it.
private String convertEntity(char terminator) {
// Developer error if the buffer was empty or does not start with '&'.
Preconditions.checkArgument(sb.length() > 0);
Preconditions.checkArgument(sb.charAt(0) == '&');
if (sb.length() > 1) {
if (sb.charAt(1) == '#') {
if (sb.length() <= 2) { // Error => return content as-is.
return uncovertedInput(terminator);
try {
if ((sb.charAt(2) == 'x') || (sb.charAt(2) == 'X')) { // Hex NCR
return new String(Character.toChars(
Integer.parseInt(sb.substring(3), 16)));
} else { // Decimal NCR
return new String(Character.toChars(
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return uncovertedInput(terminator);
// See if it matches any of the few recognized entities.
String key = sb.toString();
if (HTML_ENTITIES_MAP.containsKey(key)) {
return HTML_ENTITIES_MAP.get(key);
// Covers the case of a lonely '&' given or valid/invalid unknown entities.
return uncovertedInput(terminator);
private String uncovertedInput(char terminator) {
return String.format("%s%c", sb.toString(), terminator);