blob: 769a436c3268de35e917f2feaadf3ad2731d878b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Map;
* Represents a hierarchical data set of primitives.
* This is the JSilver equivalent to ClearSilver's HDF object.
public interface Data {
// ******************* Node data *******************
* Returns the name of this HDF node. The root node has no name, so calling this on the root node
* will return null.
String getName();
* Returns the value of this HDF node, or null if this node has no value. Every node in the tree
* can have a value, a child, and a next peer.
String getValue();
* Returns the integer value of this HDF node, or 0 if this node has no value.
* Note: The fact that this method returns a primitive type, rather than an Integer means that its
* value cannot be used to determine whether the data node exists or not. Note also that, when
* implementing a Data object that caches these values, care must be taken to ensure that a node
* with an integer value of '0' is not mistaken for a non-existent node.
int getIntValue();
* Returns the boolean value of this HDF node, or false if this node has no value.
* Note: The fact that this method returns a primitive type, rather than a Boolean means that its
* value cannot be used to determine whether the data node exists or not. Note also that, when
* implementing a Data object that caches these values, care must be taken to ensure that a node
* with a boolean value of 'false' is not mistaken for a non-existent node.
boolean getBooleanValue();
* Set the value of this node. Any symlink that may have been set for this node will be replaced.
void setValue(String value);
* Returns the full path to this node via its parent links.
String getFullPath();
// ******************* Attributes *******************
* Sets an attribute key and value on the current node, replacing any existing value.
* @param key the name of the attribute to add/modify.
* @param value the value to assign it. Value of {@code null} will clear the attribute.
void setAttribute(String key, String value);
* Returns the value of the node attribute with the given name, or {@code null} if there is no
* value.
String getAttribute(String key);
* Returns {@code true} if the node contains an attribute with the given name, {@code false}
* otherwise.
boolean hasAttribute(String key);
* Returns the number of attributes on this node.
int getAttributeCount();
* Returns an iterable collection of attribute name/value pairs.
* @return an object that can be iterated over to get all the attribute name/value pairs. Should
* return empty iterator if there are no attributes.
Iterable<Map.Entry<String, String>> getAttributes();
// ******************* Children *******************
* Return the root of the tree where the current node lies. If the current node is the root,
* return this.
Data getRoot();
* Get the parent node.
Data getParent();
* Is this the first of its siblings?
boolean isFirstSibling();
* Is this the last of its siblings?
boolean isLastSibling();
* Retrieves the node representing the next sibling of this Data node, if any.
* @return the next sibling Data object or {@code null} if this is the last sibling.
Data getNextSibling();
* Returns number of child nodes.
int getChildCount();
* Returns children of this node.
Iterable<? extends Data> getChildren();
* Retrieves the object that is the root of the subtree at hdfpath, returning null if the subtree
* doesn't exist
Data getChild(String path);
* Retrieves the HDF object that is the root of the subtree at hdfpath, create the subtree if it
* doesn't exist
Data createChild(String path);
* Remove the specified subtree.
void removeTree(String path);
// ******************* Symbolic links *******************
* Set the source node to be a symbolic link to the destination.
void setSymlink(String sourcePath, String destinationPath);
* Set the source node to be a symbolic link to the destination.
void setSymlink(String sourcePath, Data destination);
* Set this node to be a symbolic link to another node.
void setSymlink(Data symLink);
* Retrieve the symbolic link this node points to. Will return reference to self if not a symlink.
Data getSymlink();
// **************************** Copy **************************
* Does a deep copy of the attributes and values from one node to another.
* @param toPath destination path for the deep copy.
* @param from Data object that should be copied over.
void copy(String toPath, Data from);
* Does a deep copy the attributes and values from one node to another
* @param from Data object whose value should be copied over.
void copy(Data from);
// ******************* Convenience methods *******************
* Retrieves the value at the specified path in this HDF node's subtree.
String getValue(String path, String defaultValue);
* Retrieves the integer value at the specified path in this HDF node's subtree. If the value does
* not exist, or cannot be converted to an integer, default_value will be returned.
int getIntValue(String path, int defaultValue);
* Retrieves the value at the specified path in this HDF node's subtree. If not found, returns
* null.
String getValue(String path);
* Retrieves the value at the specified path in this HDF node's subtree. If not found or invalid,
* returns 0.
int getIntValue(String path);
* Retrieves the value at the specified path in this HDF node's subtree. If not found or invalid,
* returns false.
boolean getBooleanValue(String path);
* Sets the value at the specified path in this HDF node's subtree.
void setValue(String path, String value);
// ******************* String representation *******************
String toString();
void toString(StringBuilder out, int indent);
* Write out the String representation of this HDF node.
void write(Appendable out, int indent) throws IOException;
* Optimizes the Data structure for performance. This is a somewhat expensive operation that
* should improve CPU and/or memory usage for long-lived Data objects. For example, it may
* internalize all Strings to reduce redundant copies.
void optimize();
* Indicates the escaping, if any that was applied to this HDF node.
* @return EscapeMode that was applied to this node's value. {@code EscapeMode.ESCAPE_NONE} if the
* value is not escaped. {@code EscapeMode.ESCAPE_IS_CONSTANT} if value is a string or
* numeric literal.
* @see #setEscapeMode
* @see EscapeMode
EscapeMode getEscapeMode();
* Set the escaping that was applied to this HDF node. This method may be called by the template
* renderer, for instance, when a "set" command sets the node to a constant string. It may also be
* explicitly called if populating the HDF with pre-escaped or trusted values.
* @see #getEscapeMode
void setEscapeMode(EscapeMode mode);