blob: c39338e561263e9e45b047c6de91a664a4f171e8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package kotlin
* This annotation is present on any class file produced by the Kotlin compiler and is read by the compiler and reflection.
* Parameters have very short JVM names on purpose: these names appear in all generated class files, and we'd like to reduce their size.
public annotation class Metadata(
* A kind of the metadata this annotation encodes. Kotlin compiler recognizes the following kinds (see KotlinClassHeader.Kind):
* 1 Class
* 2 File
* 3 Synthetic class
* 4 Multi-file class facade
* 5 Multi-file class part
* The class file with a kind not listed here is treated as a non-Kotlin file.
val kind: Int = 1,
* The version of the metadata provided in the arguments of this annotation.
val metadataVersion: IntArray = [],
* The version of the bytecode interface (naming conventions, signatures) of the class file annotated with this annotation.
val bytecodeVersion: IntArray = [],
* Metadata in a custom format. The format may be different (or even absent) for different kinds.
val data1: Array<String> = [],
* An addition to [data1]: array of strings which occur in metadata, written in plain text so that strings already present
* in the constant pool are reused. These strings may be then indexed in the metadata by an integer index in this array.
val data2: Array<String> = [],
* An extra string. For a multi-file part class, internal name of the facade class.
val extraString: String = "",
* Fully qualified name of the package this class is located in, from Kotlin's point of view, or empty string if this name
* does not differ from the JVM's package FQ name. These names can be different in case the [JvmPackageName] annotation is used.
* Note that this information is also stored in the corresponding module's `.kotlin_module` file.
val packageName: String = "",
* An extra int. Bits of this number represent the following flags:
* * 0 - this is a multi-file class facade or part, compiled with `-Xmultifile-parts-inherit`.
* * 1 - this class file is compiled by a pre-release version of Kotlin and is not visible to release versions.
* * 2 - this class file is a compiled Kotlin script source file (.kts).
* * 3 - the metadata of this class file is not supposed to be read by the compiler, whose major.minor version is less than
* the major.minor version of this metadata ([metadataVersion]).
* * 4 - this class file is compiled with the new Kotlin compiler backend introduced in Kotlin 1.4.
* * 5 - if the class file is compiled with the new Kotlin compiler backend, the metadata has been verified by the author and
* no metadata incompatibility diagnostic should be reported at the call site.
val extraInt: Int = 0